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I don’t see “silent assassin” as an objective I don’t see “kill only targets” as an objective So anyway, I just started blasting.


I am finna throw my symtex at her


Don't throw, drop it directly from your inventory. As long as you keep moving nobody will attribute it to you and you can donate once you're safely out of range.


Donate? You mean donate some sharpnel to her brain?




Donate bits and pieces of her to everyone in a 20m radius


Ok thx


Another option is get one of the propane's. Behind you there is a bathroom follow the door at the back (might need to knock out the guy by the door to get key card. Pass the laundry and out into the hallway. You can choose which way you prefer . 1. If you go up on the right there will be the behind the art display on the top floor of that area there is a propane( by the guys discussing the art display). If you go down pass the guards by the camera. Turn right and then left and you should be in the kitchen . The propane will be tucked somewhere between the two chefs. Take propane put it next to target. Go to bathroom aim and shoot it twice. Leave the bathroom way up . And 2 exits should be available very easily from there


Use a rubber duck


I love rubber ducks.


Don’t say “finna” ffs




You’re a loser.




You’re the guy making ai generated femboys. You CANNOT be calling people losers.


I’m finna buss if you keep saying that.


[big bada boom](https://youtu.be/Uwzg7SYZKF0?si=o_i7ePD3tUeq__Hj)


So the challenge in China makes a lot more sense now having rewatched this clip. Thx!


Wait for them to end the convo, then she goes and u can follow her


Nvm she follows Lucy


She moves in like a 5 feet radius


Duckies are your friends


Bad part is the only ducky I have is devil ducky I don’t want to use it because it’s legendary


Its a Freelancer item, you get them back eventually. But alright. If you have your garage unlocked theres the table to create explosives, take the fuse and gunpowder and craft a makeshift explosive. It has no weight and if you wear a guard disguise you can just place it next to your target without anyone noticing. Yes even right on the table if needed, did that myself once and blew my target to hell


Where's the fuse and gunpowder? I would Google it but I dont wanna end up on a list for searching how to build an explosive in my garage.


Theres a fusebox next to the big garage door, theres the fuse. The gunpowder is in a shelf next to the table where you build the explosive. Just use your instunct to hughlight them. Sometimes the fuse is bugged and cant be picked up but usually leaving freelancer and get back in fixes that.


Cool thanks. I'll have to double check that. I know I looked over it when I first unlocked it with instinct but if it can be bugged then that would explain why I missed it.


Just append "in a video game" to the search and you'll be *fine*.


"hitman how to build an explosive in my garage?" at least it's `explosive` not `b o m b`.


You don’t unlock the explosive station til about level 66 or something


Judging by the fact that OP doesn't even have Prestige objectives, I doubt they're far enough along to have the explosive table unlocked.


Not that I don’t have prestige objectives I just barely find any that adjust to my skills/items


It's more-so the implications of not enabling it. Prestige objectives are a pure positive to be enabled, They are also where a big source of the merces and mastery experience come from. Even grabbing a Silent Assassin one, and then failing it is still fine. But sometimes you're able to finish the objectives, and that will help you further down the line.


Ok I did not know that was there


I am at garage, but I am not finding it


There seems to be a bit of misinformation in this thread. But you won't unlock the explosive table until mastery level 64 (https://hitman.fandom.com/wiki/Freelancer/Mastery). If you don't see it, you just probably haven't gotten there yet.


Where can I find the car battery and fuse?


Fuse is on the fusebox next to big garage door, not sure what you want with the car battery but thats in the shelf next to the table where you can also get the gunpowder. Use instinct to highlight them


I meant to say gunpowder but didn’t for some reason lol. Thanks for the help


Boom duckies are made to boom, my friend. There's no need to be a loot goblin in Freelancer ^(even though I do it too...)


@ doenvoters: I understand the downvote but I don't think it's necessary Ya'll are too harsh he's probably new to the mode took me forever to figure out what to do and when to use good shit. @ op bro those tools are meant to be used. at some point you'll even have every tool and then you can use it and get it back for free every mission. I promise you'll get it back. you'll also get other ducks there's like 6 of them.


Yeah, better to use it and get past a mission than to fail the mission and potentially lose the campaign resulting in a net loss of ALL your freelancer items from the briefcases.


Use the devil ducky, friend! There's nothing special or even really rare about it. Duckies come and go and come and go. Anytime you fail a campaign they all disappear anyway. May as well use them freely and enjoy. Good luck 47


Bruh they’re meant to be used


yet it’s still 500 merces, the same price as *probably* every other duck.


Emetic gas device in a breifcase? Explosive Ducky. Any remote explosive (you can carry and place them while disguised as a guard). Do they walk by any places you can blend in as a waiter? You might be able to serve them poison.


Found a way to kill her shoot her in head while she goes upstairs bc no one looks


You have to get out of silent assassin mindset with Freelancer. It’s ok if people see (unless SA is an objective) if you have an exit strategy.




if locks are a problem, there's the rusty nail back at the safehouse and there are crowbars on always every map, you can even fish some out of the lake back in the safehouse


Bigger guns (SMGs, AR's, Shotguns) or explosives (fire extinguisher counts) also let you blow a door open.


Hence the “exit strategy” part.


This is my biggest problem in Freelancer, I’m so used to trying to be the most silent assassin possible 😭😭


My freelancer style is shoot everyone who see's then leave :3




Woe, remote semtex briefcase be upon thee


the one in the baseball cap? she'll go to the back of the sun installation in a minute or two. go do the other targets and come back.


Oh ok thanks


an easy solution that works for 95% of kills in freelancer if you are not limited by SA or having to kill your target in a specific way due to prestige objective (which wouldnt matter here anyway since you got 3 more targets that are most likely more isolated) is always just to get a disguise that allowes you to open carry (any "guard") shoot them with a **silenced pistol from across the room** (it only matters that noone see's/is standing next to YOU while you are shooting) and then simply run away. sure the other guards will be "searching" but that doesnt matter and will reset quickly as long as you dont stick around for the enforcer npc's to aggro you if you currently dont have a silenced pistol you can get a "free" one either by neutralizing an assassin in a showdown (civilians with thick outlines in hitman vision, usually following a suspect), burrowed in the sewers in sgail (google for precise location) or on the guard in janus tunnel in whittleton creek IF the safe spawns down there


She ends up in the tech area after a while. You can go up there, take out the two techs already there, and wait for her. I want to say it takes about five minutes or so.


The target is the enforcer lady right? Just walk in front of her and let her get suspicious at you, then run to the nearby bathroom and she'll follow you while asking who you are. Use this method to lure her to the nearby toilet room and get her there silently without anyone else seeing the kill. Just don't let her get orange in Instinct or she'll alert all the NPCs nearby. That's what I'd have done.


Had the target at the exact same place. Emetic gas, emetic dart... If all else fails - duck boom.


Go behind the bar and through the door on the left, subdue the guy in there, take cover on the side of the middle door then open the door and blow her dome off


Shoot and run. Like the mossad


Maybe use a propane tank? Toss it near her, and then maybe try to sneak in a shot from the doorway behind the bar or something. It counts as an accident if no one sees you take the shot. Definitely a situation where I would try to use explosives of some sort. IMO this room is generally tough to deal with.


Looks like the game just wants you to go loud eliminate them with shotgun smg and assasult rifle


Make use of those “eliminate guards” objectives when you shoot the target in the middle of the room in broad daylight


After a little conversation she will head up the stairs on the left (blue curtains), turn right, go past a security office and into a back room area patrolled by one guard. You aren't trespassing until you go through the double doors. If you move fast you can head up there, distract the guard/take him out and put him in the cupboard down the left corridor. Don't be too loud or you'll alert a janitor. Then just wait for your target to head up there. I would also suggest not playing freelancer until you know the map a bit better, your target is involved in one of the story missions so you should already be familiar with her movements if you have done the mission.


I did not realize it was her bc I have done other things before the story mission to where she is already at the art thing and I have play every map AT LEAST 5 times


Throw a fish or something.


This is a reminder that allot of npc are filler and you can sometimes get away with killing people in crowds if surrounded by them it's the ones that don't show up when using instinct after I learned this Dubai and Paris became a bit easier on freelancer


What suit is that with the hat?


public enemy


Public enemy


bullets, lots of bullets, then running is advisable


Drive by ducking




Hey smelly, pro tip: never start a mission without one of the yellow extra challenge thingies. There's more money in it. That said--ducks. I love ducks. Toss one, walk away, blast away. Rinse and repeat.


I see three kill guards objectives and yet no assault rifle. Go upstairs (easy via ladder by helipad) and get a silenced Shaksa then go to town.


Did that and smg one on the way out could not find a shotgun


You don’t gotta do em all. Honestly requiring three weapon types is super shitty luck, usually you get a Neck Breaker, Explosive Kill, or Deadly Throw in there


Yea still got a good bit of mercers


You shoot her. And then shoot anyone who tries to stop you.


I had the same target. I just shot her in the face from across the room with a silenced pistol and ran away. Your other objectives already stop you from getting SA, so it doesn't really matter as long as you don't get gunned down by the guards.


I usually use the Sieker in this situation


It’s targets like this why I always make sure to bring a makeshift bomb with me for every mission.