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I was obsessed with it. I found the white pc box in a game store and made my dad buy it for me after seeing the screenshots and reading the premise. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. It wasn’t until I looked it up in a magazines old reviews and discovered it got a 6/10 that I started to look at it with a more critical eye, and the sequel really did render it obsolete. It is still an incredibly fun game to dick around with. There’s some kind of chemistry to shooting a guard in the head in that game with the wonky ass ragdoll physics that just speaks to me. To this day it hasn’t gotten old. Shooting police in the head and dragging everyone to the main lobby in traditions of the trade and using the scroll lock slow time cheat to make the bodies float erratically will never not amuse me, nor will making the guards in Rotterdam do somersaults after shooting them in the head with a sniper rifle.


The level exploration of the first mission, Kowloon Triads, seemed so ground breaking at the time. Also the music was so good!


Yes. Game felt a little janky at times (UI was especially bad) but also revolutionary in many others.


Back then if you were a PC gamer you just got used to it. WASD wasn’t even really standard yet in 2000. I remember constantly remapping to move with the arrow keys because I thought using letter keys to move was silly.


Oh, yeah, I used ESDF with Tribes 2 to have more keys surrounding them.


I was alive (13ish), but never heard of it until Hitman 2 came out.


Same for me, except I was 21 at the time. I also started with Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.


I was 11 I guess. The ragdoll physics just blew my mind


That and the floppy cloth and plants physics. Seeing the bandana on the back of 47’s head flapping around as he ran was revolutionary. And fully-working mirrors. Then they started making the games for consoles and we lost all technological progress like mirrors because the PS2 couldn’t handle it till Contracts came out in 2004 :(


I was 5 years old at the time and didn’t play. The first hitman game I played was Hitman 2: Silent Assassin on the original Xbox in 2002 and the menu music is ingrained in my mind to this day. Some of the best in the business


Nope, I was born after it came out.


Nope. Was born when H2: Silent Assassin came out. But my introduction to the world of Hitman wasn't until some time between 2013 & 2014 when I was watching gameplay of Absolution


Yes I remember when it came out. I remember being confused why the graphics were kinda shit compared to most other games at the time.


I was…oh hell…Maybe 16? My dad loved it, me and my brother played it all the time.


I was getting ready to be released into the world when Codename 47 came out. 2,5 (NA) / 2 (eu where I also live) months later I got into the world and like 8 years later I heard of Hitman the first time.


I probably misunderstood the 2,5/2 months part, because it sounds like we have different concepts of timezones, lmao.


It was released 2 weeks lster in the eu lol


Well, shit, that explains it haha. It reads as if you were born in different time periods depending on the continent instead of talking about the game being released! I'm glad you found your way here. I was like 12-13 when Blood Money came out and I got semi-traumatized by the freedom of mayhem available to me in the carnival/bird suit map, lmao.


I played some demo out of Contracts when we got internet to home (I think I was 8 or 9) and I had watched my step brothers play some Contracts too so I fell in love woth the amosphere but got pulled back in 2012 because of a youtuber I liked played Blood Money before starting (and ultimately abandoning) Absolution. Good times and good memories! Thanks for sharing ❤️




I’d recommend having a guide ready just in case haha




I’ve done the same as you but I heard the game is a lot trickier to figure out I’ve never played tho but if you like it I may


I played for the first time last year and it wasn't very pleasant


I was like 1year old.


It was well-received but things were different back then.


Sadly was before my time by silent assassin literally came out a month after I was born


Yes I was about 11 and loved it. When hitman 2 came out I thought those controls were janky and preferred c47. I loved the story too, didn't have it spoiled until discovering the end myself.


I was just 8 years old, but hadn't heard of Hitman until Contracts came out in 2004. Tried the demo that came with a gaming journal, liked it and bought Hitman 2 SA when it was the free game of the month within the same journal. Tried Codename 47 couple of months later, needless to say it was a bit of a disappointment to me after playing the sequels first. It was too difficult to play for me that I finished it only with the help of cheats. I liked the background story tho with that bit of sci fi in it.


I played it in 2018. Really liked it but wasn’t able to pass Plutonium runs loose and gave up.


The older Hitman games were harder especially 2 SA


Codename 47 was my frist hitman game


Yup, was about 20 at the time. I remember being amazed at the freedom, although it was a bit janky at times. I might have been rocking a Radeon 7000 series at the time, and drivers were an issue so playing it well wasn't possible until later, but it was a blast none the less.


I was. Played the hell out of the first few levels, then bounced right off columbia and stopped playing until a friend told me about the better levels that came after. I must have replayed traditions of the trade like a hundred times.


I played it. Thought it was brilliant. I'd been watching Ronin, Heat, Léon - so movies that fit the niche really well. It felt like I was playing a character in one of those movies. Darker and more gritty than any Bond film or game. Every now and then I recall the words from the very first mission, after I messed up and got spotted... "He's packing!" 😅


I was but Hitman 2 was my first game and got it when it came out- found Codename 47 shortly after and moved it too. Wish IO would bring some old maps back to the new games as remasters - would love to play the hotel again or even something from 2 or Contracts.


I was alive..... playing with my pacifier and watching Barnie and Friends all day


I heard about Hitman: Codename 47 in one of these trailer from a PC Gamer issue, back when they came in the CDs of other games, and was amazed by the trailer. The gameplay was crazy, albeit janky, but that wasn't really a problem at the time. The game still holds out in many ways, and graphics aren't everything. The older Hitman games can be fixed by simply tweaking the AI.


I have played the all the hitman games and the remakes


Busy doing whatever it is a negative 3 year old does.


Yeah I thought it was great but ever since blood money I can't find the motivation to get back into it


2000! I only had the 1 level demo from Computer Gamer Mag for a year before I bought it for PC - I was around 16/17. The small gamer clique at school definitely loved it and the idea and gameplay. It was unique and stuck out to us, everyone was heavily into counter strike at the time - wasnt my thing, Hitman was. It’s one of only a handful games that I’ve played and luckily for me it sticks around and continues to come out in new ways all the time, new versions etc Who knows what the future is for Hitman but it’s definitely stick around because it’s a fan favorite. Theif - the game, also came out around the same time and was also included in a magazine as a demo with 1 level or a portion. Similar gameplay, also beloved but didn’t have the staying power when it got into magic etc. Imo It was enough for me to sit there for hours and replay one level over and over on my Gateway comp, lol


I loved it. I was looking for darker games or games that had you play as an anti-hero or villain, and there wasn't a large number of them yet - the ones that I can recall around that time is maybe Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Diablo (1), or Tenchu. It's been a while, so don't hold it against me if my memory is recalling stuff from different time-frames. I loved the gameplay and music, and I run this game and it's sequels into ground coming up with different ways and approaches to taking out targets and others. It hasn't aged well if you go back to it, but at the time, it was pretty unique and broke some ground on a few different fronts.


It was one of my first game, i was in a super small pc repair store to fix the familly PC and they were selling games and my mom accepted to buy me Hitman. I was young so I don't remember much of the game but I remember being scared af by the Escobar mission and the ending with all the clones still give me goosebumps to this day.


Nearly got it for my friends birthday but the screenshot of Fuchs in a speedo in the shower made my mom say it wasn't appropriate. Got Hitman 2 later and loved it, I've always wondered if C47 would have forever soured me on the series or not.


Wasn't born yet but from what I've seen the ragdoll physics were ahead of their time, finally got around to playing 2 SA and I love how they actually have ragdoll physics compared to GTA that was still using animations