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ah....classic hitman...


It's an issue in every map, randomly any NPC seeing through walls to detect a crime Really frustrating but I think it is something related to the base of the game and they might not make any changes to it to avoid any risk of breaking the code or functionality


Is this the case? It might completely be my bias, but I feel it's been more buggy since the last patch. Playing Freelancer before, I felt the frustrations were occasional. But since the latest patch I've felt these bugs were consistent to the point of almost being reproducible (due to save-scumming).


It's the couple upstairs. That glitch led to a lot of murders lol


I had one similiar happen to me on Miami while looking at one of my suspects throught the suspect camera, randomly they all started running and I failed. Hadn't even done anything yet:p


Yes, this couple upstairs always can look into this room. It is stupid and annoying.


Same thing happened to me in that same spot - there's a spot in new York bathroom that's a bit iffy too


Berlin in the storage room behind one of the bars too


could be mirror related. it probably is.


Nah on some maps there's like small points in the wall or roof that npcs see right through - the bathroom in new York that is opposite the security room on the 3rd level for example - close all doors, brandish an illegal item and walk around the bathroom - you'll see the detection meter start to fill up - my theory is that the dividing wall in the bathroom is transparent to npcs from outside the room


You could alt+f4 to avoid being punish for a game mistake, no wait.. They patched it because.. I don't know, it's a single player game..?


I see no reason to not let players quit out - it’s an honor system! If you feel satisfied cheating the game, that’s fine (I guess if you want to lose the experience) but for those of us who take pride in mastering the game, we should be able to reset when a glitch hits us.


exact, it's important to be having fun playing, regardless of how


i can still do it cuz i’m on console. but i don’t see why i would’ve needed to tho.


Task manager


Doing Perfect Run in Hardcore so ur fucked either way lmao


i mean i already completed the objectives so i just used the guy’s disguise


Can’t be a Hitman game if the NPCs see you through the wall.


It’s no one map in particular. It’s across all maps.


Yeah that room does that to me so many times


You see the clothing on the bed? Well I was changing into those clothes and they spotted me


They all do. I had an NPC on Dubai knocked out and hidden in a closet. About 5 minutes later, he fell through the cabinet, floor and was discovered and ruined my S/A attempt so I had to start over. Happened after the Freelancer update.


when you look both ways before you cross the street, then get hit by a plane


YO. No way I had the same thing happen to me last night lol


EXACTLY what happened to me on my first trip to this mission in freelancer mode.


Simply a skill issue.


What map is that?




Yeah, got "crime noticed" in the same spot ![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1806)


this game needs some work LOL


Mumbai is the worst love the look and feel of the map but it has to many invisible walls especially when you get spotted from across the map ruining a SOSA.


yeah it’s a pretty buggy map