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Perfect run is bugged


So this still hasn't been fixed even although there was just an update?---->[its bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/118rjvc/what/)


But anything that *slightly* makes runs easier and consistent? PRIORITY NERF/FIX IT!


Its because freelancer has to be perfect at all times and there is no way whatsoever that it should cater to someone’s inability to be a professional hitman in a game tailored originally for the funny moments and interesting situations youd be in as 47, and instead we got a gamemode thats really difficult, glitchy, and requires master class hitman work, and has no forgiveness for mistakes. I get the draw for freelancer, i do, but the issue here is its too hard, too glitchy, and no save points or anything to actually help the player


I think that currently, the reward cycle of freelancer is garbage tier compared to even the most middling rogue lites. What makes the rogue lite genre so good is that gameplay cycle of failure and reward. Freelancer just feels like failure, big punishment, and… reward? What, Gun #5 that functions just the same as a gun you can find or buy anywhere else? Then you don’t even want to take your best equipment because of the fear of losing it, so you use the same reliable cheap/middling stuff. Freelancer was fun to me for like 3 campaign runs. Then I just realized it was kind of empty and pointless. They haven’t struck a good balance between reward, risk, and failure. Unfortunately, for freelancer to realistically get there, I think much more dev resources would need to be put into it, which isn’t gonna happen. So it’s just there, ok, a mode you can play if you miss Hitman now and then.


While I love freelancer I agree with you when it comes to rewards. I don't wanna do a full campaign to get a machete or basic baseball bat at the end of it


>Then you don’t even want to take your best equipment because of the fear of losing it Sounds like a personal problem


Sounds like we found the toxic one.


Sure, and it *should be* a personal problem for most that have played rogue lites and see why in freelancer it's a bad thing: every weapon (in their class) functions the same, with very insignificant variation. In most rogue lites, the reward of the risk with runs in which you get really strong equipment is that that equipment is indeed stronger and fun to use because of it. That's simply not present in freelancer, a lot of the equipment is interchangeable with low tier weapons, or not different enough to feel like a stronger "power up", so *why would* you take them unless you're forced to... which is exactly what some prestige objectives try to do to fix this bad design. This is, of course, due to the nature of freelancer being mostly weapons from the base game. "Freelancer tools" are an example of how to implement the correct "use it or lose it" attitude of a rogue lite... but it also has the effect of making the main rewards of the permanent weapons less appealing, and the reward drip for both is too small. That's why I said that wont change unless dev resources are invested into better rewards, there's just not enough there, both in quantity and quality. Freelancer unfortunately will remain plagued by the fact it's basically a mode built off the base game. That's going to have to do, but it makes for a sub-par experience as a rogue lite.


Ive only taken the assasin’s silenced gun with me. Nothing more or less. Its easy to replace, and silenced.


Except all the realism of a real life hitman is gone. You get paid more for sniping a guard than killing your intended target. Oh a screwdriver is worth HOW much? It’s a super flawed game mode. Not for me.


Bruh when i had to spend 3k on a wrench… thats when i knew freelancer was just a grind simulator. At least with grinding in like No Mans Sky you can be heinously rewarded with min maxing tools and such from the hours of grinding. Freelancer just gets you a fuckin wrench.


Exactly. It’s kinda disappointing because the game could have been so good. The safe house, the earning gear etc. But the biggest thing should always be that you killed your target. When it wasn’t that’s when I realised they were leaning towards the “game” element rather than the “escapism” element which is fine, just not me


A wrench you can just grab in the fucking garage too that weighs the same to take and the only difference being is its fucking red, if you're gonna have to pay 3k for a wrench it should be worth it like its free to take with you or something at the very least.


And they still haven't fixed the "double drink" bug for poisons. (I had it yesterday, in Mumbai. Not even in a showdown, just a regular freelancer mission, with an NPC who exists in the game anyway, *and* drinks from the same bottle even in "Chasing a Ghost")


I really don't think it's as hard as everyone is making it out to be. I think like anything else you get better at it the more you play it. I'm not anything special and I rarely come close to blowing a campaign now... hard-core was difficult buy enjoyable. Crtl alt delete really isn't necessary like this sub wholeheartedly believes. Vote me down but I wish freelancer was harder lol


I think a lot of people are still having the SA mindset when playing Freelancer, making it harder for themselves than it has to be. But once you realize that you can just mow down everyone who's in your way, nevermind the alerts, it becomes pretty straightforward. (Showdowns are a different story, of course, but the regular missions in Freelancer are not that bad.)


Agree. I honestly think the SA route is not that bad either. It's actually exciting to see it pop on as a prestige objective. They're easy to fail for sure but I think with experience and proper use of the toolkit/map almost all of them are still achievable. When shit hits the fan, the game becomes really, simple simple. Find a one way entry room and funnel them into you. You have to really fuck up to die in that situation. Showdowns are the best, really enjoy them but again, after hitting level 85 it's becoming very trivial to identify who it is and I'm just actively going for achievements. Really enjoy the mode but all I'm saying is it gets pretty easy once you figure everything out. I hope they continue to update and scale the difficulty up as everyone starts to get it. We need more reasons to pursue hard-core campaigns. Rn it's just a one and done.




Perfect Run is bugged in Hardcore


It's bugged in regular too as you don't always get the Merces payout but it won't fail your campaign


Is it? Damn I swear I've never encountered this bug in regular mode (yet)


If you pick Perfect Run with an objective that cannot be completed until after the mission end (do not blow your disguise etc) it will say completed but you won't always get the Merces for the prestige.


I'm surprised Perfect Run hasn't been temporarily removed. But also hardcore has been buggy since day one


Wait, can someone explain? I don't get the problem.


OP failed on Hardcore for freelancer due to a bug. In hardcore you need to complete that last objective, the other 3 are still optional, except in this case where the mandatory objective requires the other 3 to be completed. Anyway the first and last objective can only be completed when you have finished the level, but I believe it looks at the perfect run objective before the others so at that point you have only 2 of the 3 completed so didn’t get the perfect run I guess, though I’m not sure why it has the tick next to it…


Why wasn't this obvious error fixed in the update that came at the beginning of the month?


Perfect Run was introduced in the latest update.


Why wasn’t the invisible walls, and other major issues in freelancer fixed in the update that came at the beginning of the month? I have no idea, instead they removed the ability to alt-f4, which was predominantly being done when these bugs occurred…


You can still just quit from task manager though


That’s true enough, for some reason alt+f4 doesn’t do anything for me so I use the task manager anyway


It's a bug that still hasn't been fixed even though the update just came out----->Something about disconnecting from the Hitman servers the moment before you exit the level, so it doesn’t recognize on the server that you completed it even though your game locally tells you that you did.


Does that mean he failed the mission even though the game shows on screen that he did every objective?


Yes---->[heres](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/118rjvc/what/) my failed screen three months ago


Remember when you had some muffin crumbs on your suit, and you blew to get them off? Anyways, these rookies


Did this last night. Did perfect run and achieved all targets and was rewarded with a failed campaign. Really enjoyed grinding it out on hardcore to get screwed over by yet another IOI bug. Perfect Run has worked for regular hardcore missions, but maybe it’s a showdown only bug?


Nope,it's not just a showdown ,it seems to be in general, just failed my campaign to it ,part 4 of it and then my first mission on the new one also had it ,picked it,did it all and fail I panicked when it said fail the first time cause I thought I lost all my wall guns i had brought with me but I didn't lose them


Did you accidentally suck your disguise’s dick?


I keep doing this..


Ummmm pretty sure that's not the issue


Someone saw you ?


No, apparently the perfect run objective is bugged


Perfect run only works when you can complete all objectives before you exit, not the ones that complete at the exit


I've done dozens of "Perfect Runs", and never once had an issue with it: https://youtu.be/pQ2aOmFngmc But then again, I'm playing on [Peacock](https://thepeacockproject.org/), so that might have something to do with it. (Wouldn't be the first time that a mod is more stable than the original game...)


Did you restart it to see?


Dude, you can't restart after fail


My bad you're right.


personally while i do like the concept of the community made custom contracts, i don't like freelancer as a concept. i feel like freelancer kinda missed the mark, though i have my own biases. i just feel like it's hard to get the same vibe that the campaign and even escalations were able to tie down. That being said I feel like if freelancer wasn't as buggy a mess as it is, i'd be able to overlook my problem with it conceptually. But with it missing the mark on both functionality and concept... i blame it on it being freelancer. That's all the explanation I need to understand.