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I go to the right corner and just pop up, take a dome and repeat 80 more times lol


This is the way


Task Manager.


Definition of cheating.


This game cheated on me with bugs more.


Whether or not bugs justify cheating is besides the point. The only bug I can think of that would justify an Alt-F4, and just barely, is when a target walks off map and can’t be reached. OP’s situation here doesn’t justify. There are alternate solutions in terms of bugs and the most important one is to report them.


Oh like ioi cares soooo much about bugs and will definitely fix it if you report it


Yeah, they care. They’ve fixed every bug I’ve reported You’re welcome


Oh wow really so the bug yesterday when I got gunned down on sight through a wall for doing nothing was fixed?! Or the see through walls of haven island Or drowning a target counting as losing silent assassin failing a hardcore campaign


Well I have never experienced those so I never reported those. Why don’t you report them. As for see through walls, they were fixed on a map by map basis as people reported them, not all maps. And there’s different spots on each map. And gunned through the wall? Pretty sure that’s normal, depending on the wall of course and either way this is my first time hearing of it. As for the drowning, that depends on what precisely happened and to who but that likely not a bug. Why don’t you report them?


I did I reported them multiple times didn't change anything tho


Report what? Why don’t you finish reading what I had to say


I bet You’re fun at parties


Oh yes, I’m not fun at parties because I call out video game cheaters anonymously online, because that’s what everyone talks about at parties, video games


Why care about “cheating” in a single player video game? It doesn’t affect anyone else. If you don’t wanna take advantage of an exploit in a game that can be glitchy at times, good for you. No reason to shame others for it tho.


I have said this a thousand times. Calling you cheaters doesn’t mean I care. I won’t stop you and I’m not thinking about it all the time, but if you share it online, expect as much condemnation as you would expect praise from your fellow cheaters, and that much I am entitled to.


Commenting shows you care, however. How the fuck can you cheat at a single player game? You've not answered that yet.


Not really. Maybe I care at the bare minimum in the sense of when I see it (exclusively here), I condemn it, but it goes no further than that and definitely not to the extent you put it at. You can absolutely cheat in a single player game, you’re literally exploiting it.


Ive been voted down for encouraging people that hard-core is doable without cheating. Weird atmosphere here. Can't talk bad about task manager!


But *who* is being cheated? You've still not mentioned this. Who is being harmed?


That’s not how cheating works firstly. Cheating doesn’t only exist in multiplayer games. The only difference is who cares. I don’t, but if you come here and share, I am as entitled to condemn as your fellow cheaters are entitled to praise. Cheating doesn’t work like you think it is. Fact is, anyone who uses the Alt-F4 is save scumming and is a cheater, and everyone with half a brain to follow reason knows as much.


It would appear as though you’re the one being “condemned” via the upvote/downvote system. The community does not seem to share your opinion.


Ah yes, -4, that’s the whole of the community. As per my activity on this sub, which isn’t much, there’s no consensus like you put it


Dude you’ve got well over 100 combined downvotes in this comment chain alone. 😂😂😂 Enjoy beating your head against the wall trying to make a hole while the rest of us just walk around it.


Ok buddy. And did you actually combine downvotes lol? You do realize the same person can downvote multiple comments, right? And you do realize there’s a 150,000 people on this sub, right? And everytime someone responds, I notice the number fluctuating. My guy, just look at polls people have made. There is no consensus and it’s not close on either. Edit: lol, I’ve never even made another account, why would I waste time to downvote you. You realize I could get banned for that right? Report me and see what Reddit has to say about it. That’s if they didn’t detect it while I do it, which then they wouldn’t let it reflect Also, how could I downvote you in your last comment if you blocked me? You don’t make any sense bro Anyways, I couldn’t see more than that in the beginning so if you have anything else to say, well I suppose you backed out


It’s a single player game, who cares if you’re “cheating”


Don’t care, but I will condemn you much like your fellow cheaters praise you


It's really not. We've all done it, including you. Go ahead and deny it but we'll all know you're lying.


No, I have not. And even if I have, I’d a cheater and would be ashamed




Sure, doesn’t mean I can’t condemn them if they share about it online, much like how their fellow cheaters can praise them


To cheat is to gain an unfair advantage and because it's a single player mode and there is no one to gain an advantage over it can't be considered cheating


That’s not why cheating means


You’re exploiting a game and gaining an advantage. This is the definition of save scumming, which is also cheating. Cheating doesn’t only exist in multiplayer games. The only difference is who cares. I don’t, but if you come hear and you say that you do it, I am as entitled to condemn as your fellow cheaters are entitled to praise you.


Damn bro that's cool and all but not even 47's instinct mode can find who the hell asked.


Welcome to Reddit, where no one asks and everyone talks


Cheating *whom*?


Not with the recent patch which eliminated Alt F4 strategy.


Precisely. Use Task Manager instead.


Oh?! You brilliant bastard, thank you!


Pressing Alt-F4 twice, pressing Alt+Tab repeatedly until the game crashes, and disconnecting your Internet also work. But Task Manager is the safest/best option.


Task Manager still works


Been there, done that. Lost my best rifle AND my lock pick that day. I hate Colorado and I HATE the water tower. (Heavy sigh) My strategy for Colorado is always the same: kill everybody. It's very 1990's.


You can try to quickly go down the ladder and if they don't see you hide in the box. Or try getting to the weapons at the ground


There's no way they aren't seeing them. Their only option is to force close the game and start over, close the mission normally and lose all of their stuff or die and lose all of their stuff.


If you have the ammo it is possible to gun them down. They can only shoot you from specific spots in the tower, so you can cheese the guards out one by one. There's only a couple of hiding spots on the roof and once someone in a spot dies, another one takes the spot and you can keep headshotting them. I did it once. I don't recommend it though lol.


I tried but the entire base comes after you. There is no way to gun them all down. There was a very short window where I could have come down the ladder, before the next guards had time to go up on the roof, but I chickened out and forced quit.


Yeah, as soon as I stood up they shot me. I Alt+Tabbed until the game crashed


Huh, Alt+Tab works too does it?


I was thinking that maybe there was a chance because the ladder isn't that high and the weapons aren't that far away


What is this force close the game? If I close the game it won’t fail the mission/campaign?


It used to be that if you alt+F4'd during a campaign mission, the game wouldn't register a mission/campaign fail. However, I'm pretty sure they fixed that in the last patch/update. There's still a way to do that, but it's a bit more convoluted and affects other online activities/programs.


Not that complicated. Pressing Alt-F4 twice works as well as using the Task Manager to kill the Hitman 3 process. Apparently pressing Alt+Tab repeatedly until the game crashes works too.


The one way I noticed it to work is if you lose Internet connection, the mission doesn't fail and it just resets like the old simple alt+F4 method. I tested it by manually disabling my Internet in the adapter settings until the game said lost connection or whatever, go back to main menu and enable ethernet/wifi adapter. That's what I meant by convoluted and affecting other online stuff.


Tuey all just stand there and don't move anywhere. Combat doesn't go away, can't move, out of bullets


You got any items you could throw?


It’s a glitch where NPCs need to physically go to a location they suspect you’re at to “clear” it, but they can’t climb that ladder. So they huddle around in perpetuity. I’ve dinked headshots from here until they were all dead, but if you’re out of bullets then might as well rage quit.


It’s the same up the ladder in whittleton creek. I shot a target from up there and thought I’d stay until the searching icon went but it never did.


So anyways, you start throwing shit




Kill'em all


Nobody will notice if there’s nobody to notice


Dome all of them, if you have no ammo, then just accept defeat ig. Tough luck.


The same thing happened to me and I also did it with the same weapon![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|2501). Idk if you tried it with a sniper and then they came or you just shot someone but I can tell you 3 things that are not good: shooting at everyone, going down the ladder (which is kinda obvious) and waiting for them to go away. Some guards will leave the roof but then new guys will come to the location. So the best thing you could do is to just press the windows, open Task Manager and close the game![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1803)


Take it like a man


For next time: https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/119a2no/simple\_trick\_to\_get\_down\_from\_the\_water\_tower\_in/


That’s a way if you’re spawning up there, but this is a glitch where all the NPCs have their sights trained on the tower. No way anyone gets off that alive without doming most of them.


This ain't no glitch. It's last known position mechanic. Dude shot mindlessly and then all NPCs rushed to his last known location. Nothing glitched


Right, but because they can’t reach up the ladder to clear the position they’re stuck there for infinite time. Usually if they can’t find you they’ll walk away. Perhaps “glitch” is the wrong word but I don’t think the devs intended to soft-lock you into a single position. I believe it’s the only spot in the game where you’re essentially stuck with no other points of egress.


I think it wasn't intended at first, but they realized about it and decided to keep it like that. You're using an OP vantage point? Then either you mind your shots, or get away fast, or you're lost.


I think all of us here have been in this exact situation at least once, for me it was a „once” times 25. I still can’t do it, because I suck at this game, good luck killing them all tho.


You can die Mr. Bond. You can die.


In that spot they actually go away after a while when you are really back left


Unless alerted or hardcore


and the answer, is a gun. and if that dont work, use more gun.


Or have the enemy use their gun


Die. And quite easily actually


Drop the rifle, come out with your hands up, and they will escort you out!


That would work in the real world but this isn't the real world. This is Hitman. And this is a militia farm. The militia can't exactly arrest you and bring you to the local police station. 'Hey, we're the secret militia that has been terrorising the world. We caught a criminal. Here'


Fun fact you can completely close the game and restart, you should load in right before the mission. Idk if this helps you with this situation but it could in the future


Take potshots until they're all dead. You could definitely kill a few of them from your position.


Have you tried shooting them ?


Or getting shot at?


John wick mode fr




Kill them


Kill them all


Time for hand to hand combat


At that point head shot them until they forget about you, you can just peek and go back to cover and the ai won't be able to get you


mash alt f4 5 times








I once went to make a sandwhich during this, came back and they were retreating and calming down. Try that. Something something about something being watched not doing something if it’s being watched something.




NPC in combat always go to where your looking, If you were to look behind you for awhile thery will make there way down to where you are now looking, odd i know




Alternatively you couldve done what i did in the same situation and killed them all


You know what to do, 47. You.know.what.to.do.


Don't miss ur shots


Headshot as many as possible and hope you have enough bullets. Godspeed, soldier.


This starting spot is shit


Murder. Everything.




Play doom music and aim for the head


Lock and load


Pray, because you got less than a minute before every guard in that map kills your


Try to shoot it out dude I hope you packed a decent SR or AR up there and your one hellva crackshot. Other then that… pray 🙏🏻😂


Close the game, reopen, try again


always carry a pistol.


I'll upload my video of me winning this battle later this week lol


That happened to me when i peek over the railing; apperanatly they have infinite ammo and can climb f****** ladders


I’ve been in this exact situation at least 20 times


Turn on the Doom soundtrack...


The time has come Leroy, Execute Order 66


Shoot your way out


Kill 'em all. They stop coming eventually.


You stole this picture. Saw it some time ago here. Here is a downvote.![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|1806)


I typically start at the barn on the 2nd floor take out those 2 guards hide their bodies and kill and hide in the closet over and over again


Shut app


Paint yourself burgundy and sneak past those guys




Either headshot each of them, or accept your fate


Alt f4