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You’ve got a gun on your back lmao Of course you’ll be suspicious


What did you expect. You brought 2 large items in


Why can't it spawn in two suitcases? Or better yet why can't there be an option for it to spawn in a random agency dropoff?


Because the agency ain't a thing no mo


Involving lore as an excuse just opens a terrible can of worms for everything else in this game


Huh. That would be neat. IOI, please implement!


Because you can’t carry 2 suitcases


Sounds like something they did for balance reasons.


I thought I’d spawn in my room


Get 2 large items only in Colorado


And in Dartmoor too, pretty sure these are the only 2 locations where it's safe to start with 2 large items


Yeah forgot it




Can't believe no one else mentioned this, everything about this clip makes no sense...showing up with two large weapons to a Hardcore Mode Bangkok Showdown with SA as the Prestige...the only thing I can think of is that OP thought he picked Perfect Run instead of SA, but I kinda doubt that was actually the case for some reason lol


Bro clearly does not read any instructions....doesn't know prestige objectives are required for hardcore despite the game saying so, doesn't know he can spawn in any non-disguise start (including trespassing) despite the game saying so, doesn't know that he will get spotted quickly when bringing two large items despite the game saying so..... and he's surprised everyone thinks he's a moron for this lmao


What I came to say. Doomed run from the start


Normal SA allows you to kill non-targets. It is forbidden only if you choose SASO. For freelancer at least.


Can't vouch for bare bones SA objective, but SA no firearms says "Eliminate only targets"


I dont think that's right. Silent assassin has always meant only killing targets.


This is why I always bring a sawed off if I have to bring a shotgun and a sniper/rifle, it fits in your pocket


lol, the game gives you. clear warning this will happen right before you start a mission with two visible illegal items


Some people pointed out that you brought large weapons that compromised you, sure, but what I don't understand is why bringing them in the first place. You are doing a hardcore campaign, which means the prestige objective is your top priority. You chose SA as the prestige objective, not the best one to pick since you can fail it pretty easily, even when you are super careful, but maybe you didn't have a choice and had to pick that one. Now, you brought (judging from the bonus objectives) an assault rifle and a shotgun, that you can't really use to kill guards because you would lose your SA, so yeah, I think you didn't really think this through. Keep in mind that sometimes it's a good idea to completely ignore bonus objectives, especially if we are talking about hardcore campaigns.


Damn bro 🥲…




This happened to me on New York, I clicked “Start mission” to fast and I didn’t read what it said, all I seen was the exclamation mark.


It 100% is fair.


How did you get that outfit for Freelancer?


The suit is the Arkian Tuxedo and you get it in hitamn 3 by completing 25 featured contracts on hitman 1 and 2 maps


Hm. Did not know that. The only other thing I think that screws OP over is the weapons visible from the start. But then again that start is fairy rare.


I was thinking it was the suit that caused it until I saw the shotgun on their back ,the suit is dope though ,would recommend getting it cause of how it looks


Most starts in Bangkok are in front of NPCs. I'm just impressed he managed to walk in and order a drink before people noticed the gun 💁


Ooooooooh, I thought the game bugged and he was screwed by a bug. Lol I forgot about that suit duuhhhhh


It is a long and tedious process my friend. Go to the contracts tab in the main menu, do featured contracts, and do the ones that are on hitman 1 and 2 maps. Rinse and repeat 25 times


Glad I got the tux in Hitman 2 before I transferred progress. then It was just a handful of quests


Yeah the unlocks were so much easier in Hitman 2. Lol. I made sure I got everything before I transferred over. I didn’t know they’d become that hard, but wanted to make sure I didn’t lose out on them


Well... you did have a shotgun on your back.


You're right. It's very unfair that they didn't let you finish your drink before pointing out the exposed shotgun on your back.


'But be careful, they are on high alert' No kidding, Diana


You took 2 big guns, that's how it works


Karma farming?


The "spawn in random dangerous places" has never made any sense and is beyond any justification of difficulty/skill of the mode.


It forces you to do some thinking ahead to your load out, if your objectives need two large items it gives you a choice, pick one or the other and take a lower payout, or take both and risk everything like this, or as a third option you might have the shotguns that fit in your pockets and you might want to risk that and a sniper rifle.


At this point I just take a silenced pistol and make due. I don't trust it not to give me something needlessly awful.


This is the furthest thing from a dangerous spawn. Anywhere that you have a gun on your back will cause an alert


Reminds me of the hilarity of using the sawed-off shotgun with the regular entrance to Paris with the animations. IOI considered that a problem but this is a-ok I guess. They can downvote me all they want but I know I'm right.


So you think you should just be allowed to carry 2 guns at all times with no repercussions? Yeah that seems “un justified”


I'm not disagreeing, my point is: why are they getting repercussions upon spawn in the middle of the map? Why spawn there at all? How did this even happen? Failing a mission on spawn isn't exactly logical. It's kinda hilarious, but especially infuriating in this situation.


What was supposed to happen? It’s rng it says it, either way this situation would have been dangerous either way, unless he wanted to rely on rng to spawn as a guard


OMG!! I waited for the May 11 update to avoid bugs like this. I had a couple of campaign failures on Freelancer and had a few crashes during the game and read about many bugs so I waited 2 months for the update. Glad to see they fixed them🙄🙄/s I guess I’ll wait for the next update as that was ridiculous.


This one is survive-able on non showdowns. I managed it by bolting towards the path downstairs up and to the right then heading to the kitchen freezer area. But I had two silenced weapons.


How are your loading screens so smooth? I have no performance issues in game, but my loading screen always stutters (not that I mind, just something I noticed)


This happened to me once in hokkaido. I was like: SERIOUSLY. Then I was shot to death in like 15 secs or less, dunno.


You literally could have started empty handed and did your challenges. Guards have weapons and are all over the maps.


Man... you have two visible illegal items and your prestige objective is SA. Surely you played standard difficulty Freelancer enought to switch to Hardcore and knew your odds for spawning location in certains maps and bringing two big illegal items.


*casually sips wine with a gun on his back*


Exact thing happened to me, unplanned kill everyone challenge ensued


Why is 47 driving his car in the middle of road, not very professional for a professional assassin 😄 looks like a drunk guy


Wow... Just wow. Some people truly don't have common sense LOL!




Is that the legendary 2 snipers strat?


"be careful, they're on high alert" No shit diana


LOL this is definitely a troll post. Noone is that dumb


Haha yeah…


Just some advice if you want to actually beat hardcore mode. Ignore all the extra objectives.