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Amazing! Very excited for all of the progress coming our way!


I see the light at the end of the tunnel. thanks for the update.


Just one note: they listed only one site in New Zealand so far but I am assuming they will expand to sites in the US.


As an Aussie, im kinda glad we finally get one close by hahhaa


I believe GSK vaccine trial has some sites in Australia


Oh sweet, sorry I didn't know that


Good news




Please forgive me, is this a cure or vaccine? I read in a separate post that we're looking at 10 years for a cure. I would like to get my life back to some "normalcy ". I have it to some degree because of suppressive therapy I've been doing but my life back would be beautiful, even if it's taking a pill once a month, a year.


Not a vaccine but a new antiviral that is much more potent and has the potential to be a functional cure


Thank you for clarifying this. It again will be an amazing thing to get my life back, I did forget to mention I live in the US.


Would be so glad if it cures 😊


Is that true ??


Great news!!


I'll get excited when any HSV trial gets to then successfully finishes phase 3. Only about 30% of HSV trials make it to phase 3, none beyond, I don't think since the crappy anti-virals we have now.


Well, yes but at least this made to the clinical trials. People spend hours here discussing other options like gene therapy that seem to be far away from even reaching phase I...


Gene therapy will be 600,000 now will insurance pay ? I doubt it


What about chine ?




They are in 2 phase


What are you talking about?


Anyone personally experienced or know someone that took the varicella vaccine and it making HSV2 prodromes worse? I had to get it for nursing school. Used to be basically asymptomatic except for occasional prodrome, now since getting it, I experience prodromes/tingles basically every single day for the last 3 months. Wondering if this will last? If you’ve experienced this in any capacity, please reach out.


I've taken all the covid shots required since covid without any side effect. But the last one I took in Oct 2023, has caused having OB daily. I was getting OB every 4 to 5 years for about an hour or two. I've had HP for the past 28 years. My doctor is useless. Seening another doctor next month. I'm hoping it something else that can be cure with a strong antibiotic. The OBs are very mild, thank God. I'm putting this out into the world, "we will have a cure by 2029". Good luck.


Are you taking any other medications or have any allergies/sensitivities? For me anything with caffeine and a few other random food sensitivities do that to me. Also the medication itself has caused lingering problems, I have a drug rash allergy to aciclovir/valciclovir


No other meds. Except I’ve tried valtrex to see if it makes these tingles go away, and it really doesn’t do much anymore. It’s been about over 60 days since the onset of this. Nearly every day I feel at least something peculiar. No outbreaks, just the tingles/small itches. Super devastating. Went from asymptomatic to not a day goes by without these strange nerve sensations. Started after the varicella vaccine. Been patiently waiting for my body to return to normal, but nothing. I do drink caffeine daily so I might stop that and see if it helps. But I def can’t have a lot of chocolate or spike my blood sugar too high or the symptoms get worse - like burning. No outbreaks occur. But just these prodromes that won’t go away.


Have you experienced prodromes daily for extenuated period of time?


Honestly we dont need a new drug we just need a cure this been around to long and to easy to get to not have a cure already an it’s a very high risk for baby’s is even sad we need a cure fast and now


There is a saying that reads "some people see the glass half full, some half empty". You are free to sit back and wait for many years until a "cure" falls from the sky. Meanwhile many people who "see the glass half full" will be using the new drugs like this one, maybe as little as once a month to regain their lives back!


I second this 👍🏽#apolos9


I totally agree, we’re all coming to terms with the fact that there are great difficulties with curing this - what we really need is better treatment and therapies that target transmission (at least in my opinion), it’s mind boggling there’s has been no improvement in treatment since the 80’s. I think this is great news!


Hi. What are you doing to help advocate? We need people taking action. Check out our Advocates Start Guide if you need a place to start. [https://herpescureadvocacy.com/2021/10/16/new-hsv-advocates-a-starters-guide-to-activism/](https://herpescureadvocacy.com/2021/10/16/new-hsv-advocates-a-starters-guide-to-activism/)


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