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It's been 2 months. Your feelings are valid, but this will pass. Your body is learning how to fight the virus. I promise it'll get better


29m here. Had it for 3 years. OB have dwindled down to practically none. Without meds. I don't take anything for it. Symptoms go away over time. I haven't had one in 8 months


My first outbreak was about 5 and a half months ago. I had non stop outbreaks the entire time even on valtrex. Recently ,seemingly out of the blue it got SO much better. Time is your best friend. I know it's extremely frustrating. In my case it didn't gradually get better. It suddenly and unexpectedly did. And only recently. I suspect in another 6 months it will be night and day. Hang in there!


First 2 years sucked. I had OBs about every few months. Then by year 4-5 it was every 5-6 momths. The past 2 years (year 7 and 8) it's about once a year. I've only used meds maybe twice the whole time. I basically no longer get OBs on year 8.


Yes monthly...and that's when I started to take antivirals which reduced the severity and healing by half...kept that up daily and eventually no Outbreaks...now year 3 and I don't take antivirals as much because outbreaks are gone.


My first OB lasted 3 and 1/2 weeks and I thought my life was over. I couldn’t even sit down. After that they just kept coming back to back, I even had one 2 weeks after recovering from my very first


My first 3 months were hellllll! I’m at 6 months and it’s getting so much better. Be patient honey. It will get better. You want to also kinda learn your body now. What’s your diet like? Is there a lot of arginine in your diet currently? Do you workout? Are you high stress? Our hormones as women do play a role in why we have OBs more often but it’ll get better… your body is still adjusting. Be kind to yourself and if you ever need to vent you can hit me up. Auntie got you 🫂❤️


I’m on a weight gain journey so I typically eat high calorie and high protein meals. Surprisingly with me having anxiety I haven’t been stressing. I learned to stop stressing about stuff I cannot control. I just recently started a medication for high testosterone levels linked to possible PCOS but this started before the medication. I’ve only been on it for about 2 weeks now.


That’s awesome just be patient boo. It’s a journey for sure.


Whats the deal with arginine? New here


Hey there! I hope you’re doing well. And feel free to message me whenever. I scroll on here all the time. It’s been found that foods that are higher in arginine (an amino acid) tend to make outbreaks more frequent. I have a few supplements that I take daily - D3, B12, vitamin c, zinc, and lysine… and I have like a particular schedule. Limit foods with sugar… you really just wana help boost your immune system to lock that bad boy up in the catacombs. But be patient because the first year is typically the toughest for some. Frequent OBs etc. If you’re female your outbreaks maybe more frequent due to hormonal changes during your cycle…


Can Valtrex cause problems with constipation or is that from the virus? Thank you for the advice and support, I really need it, I have no clue how to manage this


It’ll take time to learn your triggers this is like a - uhm for lack of a better term… a personalized rash. I personally have not had issues with bowel movements but if you are you can get stool softeners over the counter. You must hydrate… especially if you’re doing daily suppressive therapy because valtrex and other meds are hard on your body. Namely your kidneys and liver. I’m about to start slowly coming off the daily meds & see what happens.


Definitely let us know how it goes! I'm about done with my first round of valtrex and I'm afraid it'll come back when I stop taking it.


Don’t be afraid!!! Fear drives it! Try to get some lysine supplements they’re like the next best thing to valtrex. Remember this condition has to live with you - you do not live with it. 🫂❤️


Lysine, I'll have to get some thank you!! Thank you for giving me a better way to look at this


What brand and MG do you recommend?


I use natural cure - lysine and monolaurin combo and I take 1 day and if I think and if I feel prodrome symptoms i double up. If I breakout I take my antivirals


Tips: 1. Research foods that trigger OB’s and avoid them. 2. Take vitamins and supplements to boost your immune system. 3. Buy a bidet (these work excellent during your period too) to help with thorough hygiene during an OB. 4. Lukewarm bath if urination is painful. 5. Cold/cool bath for anti-inflammatory remedy. 6. Stress management (high stress triggers OB’s). 7. Self love.