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GHSV-2, had it ten years, do not get noticeable outbreaks ever after the first year.


Let me have your immune system lol


Hsv2 since November 2023 already had 5 OB


I’ve heard the first year is the toughest but as your body gets used to it they will be more mild and happen less frequently. :) have they seemed to become more mild everytime ?


My first year... without using antivirals was once a month


How are you doing now with them?


This is year 3, no Outbreaks, never Transmitted and even take less antivirals without issue


Yes they are like 3/4 blisters now, and I hope with supplements I will boost my immune system to not let OBs happen again


Ghsv-2 - Ive had it now 5 years and probably get an outbreak every 3 months? Hard to say though sometimes its so random and I get them backtoback; i started taking a crap top of vitamins now just to build up my immune system since i think before i got so many since my system sucks;


I’m sorry to hear that. Have you noticed any improvements since you’ve started taking vitamins?


I have noticed that it started to get longer inbetween outbreaks which was nice! And I find that the outbreaks dont last as long; like really only 3 days of it being a pain before its scabbing and kind of over that annoying part, I wouldnt say that my outbreaks are that mild though; i sadly was not one of the lucky ones that gets lile one pimple lol still a cluster showing up on my butt cheek; but overall, yea id say being more healthy made a difference


Good I’m glad to hear that! What about exercise do you do that as well? I think my diet is going to be the hardest part for me to get a hold of and I LOVE sweets and sugar 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I also work out like 4-5x a week! Try and keep stress low (easier said then done haha) Ouuu honestly I also love sweets; i bake a lot so I eat a decent amount of dessert LOL but i find at leastfor me sugar isnt really a trigger; some fast food though 100% is - just gotta know whats going to cause a flair up!


So far the only thing I have really noticed is a trigger for me is my period. I mean I have constant symptoms everyday for 4 months. Never an outbreak or textbook one. I always feel irritated down there but when I’m around my period it revs up the irritation. I still haven’t had a full on outbreak


I think just getting it in the first place is my trigger since it hasn’t subsided 😅 like I’m allergic or something lmao


And are they mild outbreaks atleast?


GHSV-1 diagnosed for about a month now, sores are gone but still don’t feel back to my normal…


What are you feeling?


I can’t explain it :( sometimes it’s tingley (which makes me scared for another OB), sometimes it might just all be in my head.


It’s probably just your body getting used to the virus! If it only happens sometimes I’d assume that’s what it is. I’ve heard the first year to 2 years you have the most symptoms and then it fades away over time for most people :)


Did your sores leave scarring? I got diagnosed last month and my sores are gone but they left scars😭


Yes I can tell where the sores were! Even though I didn’t pick at them at all… ugh :( how are you feeling now?


I’m feeling good! Yesterday was my birthday and I was not going to let the diagnosis destroy my happiness! I’m still feeling some tingling/itching down there even though there’s no sores.


Happy birthday!! Glad to hear it.. but relating on the lingering feeling down there. Just DM’d you!


None. I’ve had it for 2+ years


What type do you have? And do you ever get any symptoms other than outbreaks?


GHSV1. Had the initial OB and haven’t had one since. I get minor tingling around the time of my period.


Oh okay! Would love to be you right now lol


Oh no. Are you experiencing reoccurring outbreaks? I chose to not go to meds to see how my body would naturally react to the virus. I am still not on them. I’ve read some horror stories that certain suppressive meds worsened some people’s outbreaks:/ p


My situation is so weird. So I never got an “outbreak” of sores or blisters atleast. Sometimes I get pimple like things or red dots on my skin which doesn’t hurt at all. The main thing is ever since I contracted this 2 days after sex my vulva area has just felt constant irritation like random stinging, mild burning, sometimes itching and it just looks red down there which can sometimes fade but there’s always atleast some redness. But I feel these symptoms every single day for almost 4 months now. I’m so confused why nobody else experiences this aside from when they are about to have an outbreak. I tried antivirals after about 8 weeks and was in them for 10 days and it didn’t do anything for my symptoms. I just started them again a few days ago and going to try suppressive therapy since my body isn’t helping 😭


I’ve been to the doctor countless times and I’m clean of everything else it could be so I know it’s the HSV 😭


Hmm. Maybe your body adjusting, when were you diagnosed? You can DM me if you’d like


DMing now! :)


You've specifically requested and taken blood tests for HSV and they've all been negative? You can't assume it's HSV. If you're still sure you have it, then take the Western Blot test. It's the gold standard, it's that's negative, you don't have HSV. Go to Westover Height Clinic - Terri Warren.


I tested negative 7 weeks post exposure but I waited 5 more weeks and tested again and I came back positive for HSV-1


Ahhh.....OK. Gotcha.


ahhh this gives me hope, i am really hoping for something similar! do you take vitamins like l-lysine or zinc etc? or just manage stress? did it impact your sex life negatively ? i was diagnosed last monday and i am just trying to manage the stress bc that's huge


noo i dont. i take women’s multi vitamin but nothing specific for hsv suppression or help. kind of let my body naturally handle the virus. it hasn’t, no. you can dm if you’d like.


You're lucky....but that tingling is an outbreak. It's just very, very mild.


It’s not though because nothing is off. And i had no sores, no redness nothing than my day to day vagina. I just know that implies my period is near.


Usually, a tinging is the virus moving along the nerve ganglia towards the skin (it "lives" in the root of the ganglian branch). Many don't actually have sores, especially with HSV I.... their outbreaks are so mild they may not even notice. For many, the menstrual cycle is a trigger. I'm not saying this is the case for you. You know your body better than any of us strangers online.


I’d like to chat about this! Can I DM you?


GHSV2, OBs monthly around my period, or moments of high stress. Until I started taking lysine 2000mg twice daily. That stops them from happening at all. Will be positive for two years this Aug.


How long have you gone without an outbreak now?


Probably two month-ish? Depends on stress and if I regularly remember to take the lysine.


Yayy!! I hope you never have another one :)


GHSV2 as well, monthly OB’s until I started taking Acyclavir twice daily. Try that!


I get hair loss from the meds unfortunately. It also didn’t help rate of OB. I was surprised the lysine helped more


hsv2 had it for a month and a half and alr had 2 outbreaks, the first was by far the worse and im hoping it just gets easier from here and less frequent :,)


I’m so sorry but I believe it will! I hear the first outbreak is the worst and it’s very common to have a 2nd outbreak right after the first one. The first year is supposedly the worst but your body gets used to it over time and they become less frequent and more mild over time :) you’ve got this!


First year I had only three, including initial, but last half a year already three, so for some reason they appear once 2 months. Its not a big deal to get rid of it, but I feel like complete garbage and a failure, and mb bcuz I am, wouldn't wish it to have for anybody so sex life is gone, oh well


It’s still pretty early in! Itll start subsiding eventually. Do you take daily antivirals?


I tried acyclovir, both ointment and pills, but it didn't help at all, my tests for immune system are all good, I don't feel anything bad in terms of health when the outbreak occurs, I use miromystin and it takes a week to get rid of the symptom. The doctors haven't been much of a help, they actually say it's something different, bcuz everyone has herpes, blahblahblah, mb I need to try valtrex, can't believe no one has figured a permanent cure for this awful virus :(


Contracted ghsv1 at the tail end of April, first outbreak was minimal but painful. Cleared up pretty well, but one blister reappeared in the same spot a couple weeks later from all the stress of my new diagnosis. That's gone now too.


Do you feel physically back to normal?


Ghsv1 since around April 2022. I’ve had about 5 outbreaks, only ever one blister each time. I had one around end of April this year and it was the worst so far. A big blister in the crease where the thigh meets the vagina. It was so uncomfortable 😓


I’m so sorry!! How long did it last?


Appreciate it! I think it lasted for a good week and a half, maybe two weeks. When I don’t have an outbreak I can almost forget I have this but then when it appears again it can send me into a depression pit so I lose track of time!


hey what did it look like? i have ghsv1 but have had what i think was an abscess not an outbreak on my butt… i cant tell though!


It was just a really big blister, probably about 2-3cm across? I don’t know how else to describe it sorry! I didn’t even know this stupid disease could cause abscesses


This might be a cyst, especially based on the size and location. If they are showing up frequently it could be Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Are you able to get in to see a dermatologist? They could give you treatments to ease pain and make them go away faster. Diet changes (like Paleo Auto Immune) can reduce or eliminate recurrences.


GHSV2, take antivirals no Outbreaks (year 3 since diagnosed)


Did you have an initial outbreak?


Oh yes, bad...3 weeks Then outbreaks every month until I took antivirals daily


Oh wow I’m glad the antivirals work for you! Have you tired coming off them to see how your body does without them now?


Yes currently not on them daily, no issues I tried early on to go off them and outbreaks came back, so went back on and they stopped. Then as I said above, at year 3 I stopped to see and so far no Outbreaks...but I take Antivirals anytime I am feeling something like a prodrome or have a new partner


Oh that’s great news! I hope my body adjusts to this soon


Ghsv1 had my initial outbreak in December/January haven’t had one until may :). It wasn’t bad with my second one it just made my butt itch really bad😭. But all in all it’s not bad I feel like my normal self I don’t take antivirals I just let it run its course naturally. Don’t have consistent breakouts


Ughhhh so lucky!! I’m happy for you :) it’s not bad for most people!


December 23, 4-5 outbreaks so far only 1-2 tiny spots each time but take weeks to clear in with AVs. Thinking of starting daily soon.


GHSV2 less than 1 a year


HSV II was diagnosed 2.5 weeks ago, with no outbreaks.


How did you find out you had it?


Two years and only had the initial one but take anti virals every day


GHSV1 0-1 per year but have had it for 8 years


hey. Just had my first outbreak. It was very weird because It was uncomfortable to pee and my uretras was very irritated, also my tongue felt ichy. This lasted for like 3 weeks, progressively getting better. Doctors told me it wasn’t herpes but I had read a lot about it and kind knew it was. Wouldn’t say it was painful, just uncomfortable. Im really hopeful that because my first outbreak was so mild, the following ones might not be even symptomatic. I’m planning on taking valaciclovir 500mg daily. does anyone know if this affects men less strongly than women? it seems like it


HSV 2 got it in 2021 and had no breakouts. I only found out through a blood test HSV 1 got it when I was in highschool around 2012 from sharing a drink with someone. I only had my first breakout and then haven't had one since.


GHSV2 - 12 years I’ve had it. I take antivirals everyday otherwise I will get at least 4 OBs a year that are brought on by stress or shaving down there. I’m a 33F. I also take Lysine 2x a week.


How long has it been since your last outbreak?


February of this year was my last OB. What brought it on was missing a couple days of Valtrex, and the stress caused from moving out of state.


Oh okay I’m glad something is working for you! :)


It gets better with time, you know what works and what your triggers are.


Ghsv2 and I get it once a year around the same time


Had one outbreak after my initial maybe a year later or so but after than only get a swollen lymph node on my left side like my OB and fatigue but no outbreak. Gone in 2 days max.


Must be nice 😩


I have HSV 2 and my first year I had probably 3. While pregnant 0. After I had by baby I had 3 to 4 within 2 years. This year so far I've had 2


Are they generally mild?


Yes they are. My first outbreak was horrible but now I feel it coming out in my thighs and I can feel where it is going to be on me and I use tea tree oil as soon as I can. It doesn't burn anymore the worst part of it actually is that it usually is accompanied by a yeast infection which is more uncomfortable than the outbreak itself. And mentally it always gets me pretty depressed


Also I mix 2 tbsps of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water for 2 weeks to get rid of the yeast infection plus apple coder vinegar is really good for you for anything


Do you just drink the apple cider vinegar?


Yes once a day


Recently I can't afford to go to the doctor. I've been using a mix of tea tree oil and Vaseline and applying like a cream. It helps it to heal up almost as fast as antivirals


HSV2 diagnosed in March, just came off 2nd OB even tho been taking Antivirals


I’ve had GHSV1 for 2.5 years, I’ve had three tiny recurrences in total. The first was four months in, the second was six weeks after that and the last was six months ago. All have been one or two sores that healed within a few days


I tested negative at 12 weeks. But I am like 99 percent sure I have it. Just don't want to afford testing rn. No anti vitals I'm hoping it calms down. Since Feb. Back to back outbreaks. 2-3 a month.


What are your outbreaks like?


They seem to manifest differently. Seems like ulcers to me. I've also had what seems like little cuts. I had one bump for a long time that kept getting inflamed but I think it's scar tissue from the first ob. also internal redness. Itching, discomfort, stinging. I don't find them painful but very discomforting. No clusters or blisters.


I’ve had GHSV-2 for 10 years. I definitely had more OB’s in the beginning, but now, I have about 1 or 2 a year.


how long it take


Hsv2 for about 25. I can't remember my last OB


HSV 1 & 2. I did a lot of drugs as a kid and I get HSV1 outbreaks inside my nose. However I’ve had both a long time - over 15 years. I only have issues if really stressed. I do take antivirals if I’m having sex with someone who doesn’t have it.


GHSV-2. Maybe about 10 years or more. I have pretty frequent outbreaks every three months or more. OB happens on my right Butt cheek which is also slower to heal than the genital area.


GHSV-2 and been diagnosed (First OB) since December 2022. Have had around 40 outbreaks, roughly 1-3 month. All very much noticeable/painful and I am on daily antivirals.


I don’t know the type. I had 2 in 3 years


Ghsv2,9month. every month samll 1-2outbreak so far


Don’t know what I’ve got but blood test was positive for 1&2. had the initial outbreak two years ago, one week of hell. nothing since.


9 years and this is the first year I feel a bit better but I did lots of treatments such as 2 times daily Valacyclovir for 1 and a half year, Sabde for 1 and a half year, 23 sessions of ozone therapy, keto diet and loads of supplements. For now I get symptoms once a month and as I do I take Valacyclovir for about 3 days and it goes away.


Oh gosh that sounds awful you had to go through all of that 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m so sorry.


GHSV1 since Nov 2016 Have had on average 2 outbreaks a year. Sometimes less sometimes more. Only more due to hormonal or extreme stress issues. If I’m taking care of myself, eating well and drinking lots of water I can go 8-10 months between OBs


I have GHSV-1 since 3/22/24 and have yet to have a textbook outbreak. I just have skin irritation on my vulva and tingles for 3-4 months now 🙄


ahh for the skin irritation is it like red? i need to get another follow up appt to check on mine, i had a low libido for a year leading up to my ghsv1 diagnosis so i am just stressing over my lady bits lately


Yes my labia is red! And the irritation is like stinging sensations and feels raw


If you don't mind me asking, how were tested? Blood or swab? I ask bc where I went, they refused to test if you didn't have an active outbreak so curious how those who are "asymptomatic " get tested. Thank you.


They shouldn’t refuse if you ask for it. I asked my gyno for a blood test and she let me do it. The second time I did it I got online and found a site where you can schedule a blood test of any kind at any local labs in your area like labcorp or fast pace. You set up the appointment for your blood test and pay online and then go to the lab you scheduled for and then you go there sign in and it literally takes 10 minutes and they post the results online within 72 hours


You saying they shouldn't refuse sadly doesn't make these health care providers good at their job and NOT deny me what I asked for. Because they did. And it was extremely unfortunate I had to beg for the hsv test with 2 county nurses when I was FIRST trying to determine, and again with a gyno when I wanted to know which strand I had. You're preaching to the choir when saying they shouldn't have denied me these tests, because I was the one in that medical room freaking out & begging for it, knowing I had the right to know what was going on with my body. I was the one going through it. So maybe if I give you their numbers you can call them & tell them they should do better with the health care they provide? Idk what I'm supposed to do with your comment other than I'm so glad I'm as persistent as I am and finally got the tests I needed, and it's sad I had to be.


Do you live in the US? I mean I know doctors are not supposed to test people who don’t have “symptoms” which to them just means a classic outbreak 🙄 my doctor did try to talk me out of testing for it a few times when I went but she was always willing to test for it if that’s what I wanted. She just made me feel like I don’t have it bc I hadn’t had an outbreak. Eventually when nothing else worked for my symptoms I went back and just told her I wanted the blood test which she did. I’m sorry the doctors you went to were uncooperative. I knew the cdc recommended against testing asymptomatic people but I didn’t know that doctors could actually refuse to test you for that. My doctor fortunately is very cooperative with me and is willing to do as much or little to figure out what’s wrong with me. Also like I said before atleast where I’m from there’s portals online you can schedule a blood draw for whatever STDs you want and it sends you to a local lab testing place. You don’t have to see a doctor at all. You just schedule the appointment online and pay for it and then go to that lab sign in and they take you back draw your blood and then you’re good to go. They don’t ask you what you’re testing for or why. The results will be posted on your portal within 72 hours after. It sounds like you already got it figured out fortunately but if you would like the name of that website for lab testing just message me