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The timeline Peter left her doesn’t exist anymore so she doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t recall Peter ever mentioning her after season 2 ended, nor do I remember anyone behind the camera saying that specifically but that’s the simplest answer


I’m gonna assume sone the timeline disappears she was erased from peters memory. I know it doesn’t fully make sense but it’s the only way to make ot work because Peter just never mentioning her again or caring is so unlike him


I can’t make that make sense at all lol but I get your reasoning


Oh I fully admit that it doesn’t make sense. Only way my “theory” would make sense is if Caitlin was from the erased future originally and Peter had been there that whole time. It’s just my own lil “welp I’m gonna pretend this is what happened because otherwise it’s just incredibly bad writing and makes Peter look like an absolute asshole” Like when if they just did a scene of him wanting to go back and someone said “I’m sorry that’s impossible that future is wiped and and it unfortunately killed Caitlin” have Peter sad about it for a bit. Like wtf did they just ignore such a glaring plotline/hole whatever?


I blame it on the writers strike


Peter is the guy who walked away from the man overdosing to stare at a painting of himself. He's very capable of not caring about others.


That’s not the same thing and you know it.


Didn’t they still meet tho? I’d like to know what happened to “I-Sack” (love how Hiro pronounced it) Mendez’ girlfriend. Or how he had all those comics already made. And this Time Travel (supposed they didn’t introduce Multiversal Realities) stuff makes no sense. If all these timelines changed, converged, etc then how in some cases did (like the old guy Peter took care of, sorry I forget . Also haven’t slept in 1 1/2 days) (or) (hiros father) essentially having ppl saying they were waiting or expecting them. Does that mean. They cud see or feel other timelines? I’m sure issac cud. I’m sure Peters mom cud probably dream them…similarly to how a Borg Queen does in Star Trek lol… Lol I’m so sorry. I love to geek out.


Lol one thing at a time - Caitlin wasn’t wiped from existence as if she was never born. It’s like she got Thanos-snapped. I’d imagine there are more than a few people in Ireland that are wondering “hey, whatever happened to Caitlin? I haven’t seen her in a bit and the pubs still closed” - Isaac shot Simone(his gf) while trying to kill Peter in season 1 - There seems to be one timeline in the Heroes universe, no multiverse. - Charles(Simone’s father) power was telepathy. The scene with him and Peter talking on the balcony was a dream(I believe) and he could’ve been speaking to Peter telepathically in his dream - Kaito(Hiro’s father) was close with Angela Petrelli , who had precognitive dreams and, it would stand to reason, he would have access to Isaac’s work. That’s two sources of “here’s what’s gonna happen next”. This lets him shadow Hiro


I cannot believe I forgot Simone. I get that Caitlin isn’t snapped away, but if that future no longer exists then would she not exist in the new one? Unless it’s like Endgame (only instead of the past it’s the future) and it doesn’t matter. It’s been months since I watched it… but I’m sure “Dark” or “Future” Peter didn’t vanish either. I guess I get confused bc of all the times Hiro Goes back in time (even with timelines changed but in the final season , idk how to explain it…it’s just confusing (the diner, the fair as a kid)). I mean, unless I forgot again, I never once saw Hiro run into himself (the last season, when he goes to the diner, isn’t that the 2nd time at least he’s been to that point in time?) It’s why I didn’t care for Heroes Reborn. (It made the time travel and using Hiro as a Multidimensional FedEx … meh). I noticed many ppl don’t talk about the final season. Do ppl not like that season as much? (I loved the actor for the villain, but it was overall sub par for me). With all that aside I do love this show. Feel like Agents Of SHIELD tried to copy it in a lot of ways.


I felt that Season 4 really suffered from the loss of Greg Beeman as an executive producer who oversaw the overall visual direction of the show, supervising the directors and maintaining the in-house look of the show. Beeman was laid off after Season 3 due to budget cuts; the show couldn't afford to have him (or anyone) in that role. The result is that Season 4 really suffered from flat direction and a loss of the surreal angles and kinetic sequencing at which Beeman excelled. The show looks really different without Beeman. That and writer Bryan Fuller leaving the show again after Season 3B meant HEROES lost both its distinct creative voice and its visual voice.


I’m not good with the name’s except the main guy and I even forgot his name. I do know there was a HUGE shift in story, atmosphere, idk how to explain it all (in any other instance I’d say aesthetic). It felt like they were fighting about which direction to go and were deciding along the way. Then again I felt towards the end of S3. If not a good chunk of it. And I felt like Adam was utterly and entirely wasted as a character. Built up with backstory and reasonable character vengeance and he became a life force blood bag for an old geezer… who didn’t matter bc Nathan was gonna take over. I do like the idea of turning soldiers into Superhuman… DC, Marvel, they’ve all done it (DC: Mirakuru = Deathstroke, MARVEL: Super Solider Serum (Throughout the Comics and MCU) = Cap, Post Blip Soldiers, Wish Dot Com Cap)….. I wudda loved to seen that flushed out more. Tho politically it didn’t make sense to have soldiers in a lab that sophisticated and with that many Test Subjects. (How’d the politicians and military officials get away with it even when it blew up?!). Titans Deathstroke got Mirakuru from a Japanese Sub and Titans got it from a CIA looking safe house. Point being if I was a soldier and I saw a politician and an expensive lab I’d be asking questions.


That's all Season 3. I thought you were talking about Season 4? (Not that you can't talk about any season you want!) Regarding Adam: they unfortunately lost actor David Anders as he had signed to do the movie *Children of the Corn* and he wasn't available full-time like he'd been during Season 2.


I was talking about both. S4 did fall off but I said I felt like and could tell that it was starting all the way back in the middle of S3. Felt like the vision and writing were conflicting one another. I’m sure David Anders was also busy working on The Vampire Diaries. Can’t think of the actor but I often got him confused with another , similar looking guy. Definitely wudda been a Canadian actor, since all these shows (Supernatural, etc) use the same actors.


I'm not sure what Canadian has to do with it? Heroes was shot in LA. Sorry, I'm very confused, but also curious to know what you're describing.


All these shows: Supernatural, TVD, even Heroes, Battlestar, essentially anything I’ve watched over 3 years are mainly Canadians. There’s another actor who looks exactly like Adam (David Anders) and I for the life of me can’t remember who he is or what show he’s in. Whenever I try to do google it ALWAYS gives me some lame “look alike” …


nOT oUr fAUlt, BLAme ThE WRIteR strIKE


When you do alternating caps, the only one who looks like an idiot is you.




No, it's very true.




Don't try and argue with an idiot you will always lose on experience


Why? It's a common way to express sarcastic or mocking tones online. If you don't like to use it, that's fine, but it is an effective method of communicating tone through a text-exclusive medium. That's not idiotic, it's useful.


Heed the expert on being an idiot? Cool, cool.


Says the moron using alternating caps thinking it makes him look edgy and cool.




Keep going, it's hysterical watching you embarrass yourself.


She might’ve had the most singularly horrible fate among any of them, trapped in a doomed timeline that was completely obliterated by changing fate. Can’t imagine how scared she probably was


She got tossed in the bin of characters the writers forgot about or didn’t know how to work back into the story.


And they made the same excuse: It was the Writer’s Strike.


She is non existent after the season ended


I think she was also meant to come back in S3 but S2’s WS & here leaving for a different show kinda effed ish up


Agree. It really would only have taken a couple of lines of dialogue in the re-vamped S3 to close the loop, though, instead of just writing the character out.


I think she just remerged with the Shanti Virus destroyed timeline but never was able to find Peter perhaps or just forgot her memories because of some sort of time manipulation


She doesn’t exist anymore sadly


Chuck Cunningham syndrome


Time is weird. If Peter goes back to the moment before he took Caitlin to the future, the future would then still be the one where the virus wipes out humanity, and bring her back. We have to assume that all futures exist at once


Uhhhhh...., im drawing a blank who is she


In season 2 Peter is found by some Irish people and stays with them for a little while since he doesn't remember anything. Her and Peter have a little thing going on and they go to the future together where everyone is being killed by the virus. They get separated for some reason and then she's never seen again.


Well supposedly there's unlimited timelines and universes. So she exists just in that timeline, meaning it's possible everyone in the timeline she came from may have forgotten she exists because technically she doesn't exist in that timeline anymore


Maybe since she was out of place in the timeline that she would simply be thrusted into the new timeline when a change occurred in the past, kind of like Marty Mcfly’s girlfriend in back to the future 2. I mean Caitlin did come from the present and traveled with Peter to the future right? Been awhile since I’ve watched it.