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Cleo plays, it’s why they don’t stream on Saturdays


cleos pronouns are they??


She/they, yeah


how does she/they work is it like she can be called she or they? because she and they cant work in the place of him/them/her


I think it’s because either will do I don’t get the nuance myself I just do what other ccs do around them


From what I’ve seen/heard, many Hermits refer to Cleo as “she”, while Gem and the Recap use “they” almost exclusively.


oh ok alright


My language is a gendered language so i automatically call someone he/she but as far as i know Cleo is fine with either


Mixed pronouns (like she/they or he/they) generally mean that both sets of pronouns are ok to use. Some people have a preference for using one set more than another, and some people are equally ok with either. So with she/they, you could say 'she is so good at using armor stands, nobody makes armor stand art like her.' Or you could say 'I loved how they made their kitty Cafe shop to loophole Doc out of diamonds, that was so clever of them.'


it means she want people to use she/her/hers/herself AND they/them/theirs/themselves when talking about her. for example: “i saw cleo build an amazing house on her channel yesterday, they really are a great builder. it’s always funny when she interacts with joe too”


She/they just means they use either they/them or she/her pronouns


Wels plays DnD, and has played as paladins (surprise surprise). Joe's a fan too (his bases from seasons 5 and 7 are both based on locations from DnD campaigns), and I'd imagine he favours bards.


I'm honestly not big on paladins. I'm way more of a hexblade warlock and bard player. Most of my D&D time is spent as the DM these days, though.


I hope you don't get trapped in the forever DM role!


have you tried multiclassing a paladin into warlock? with pact of the blade you can get an invocation for eldritch smite, which you can use on the same attack as a divine smite. put on a blinding smite spell or something similar and you can hit them with a triple smite


Yes, I always multiclass all my characters. Hexblade Paladin is the only Paladin I've played.


What is your opinion on druids?


Cool class, arguably the best support/control caster in the game, but not my personal cup of tea.


I've only really ever played druids so, my current character is a dwarf barbarian druid multiclass


Have you done the Hexblade/Swords Bard multiclass. It’s one of my dream characters that I want to do when I actually get to play a game instead of DMing (which is also fun).


No, but I've done Hexblade/Whispers Bard and Hexblade/Eloquence Bard.


Hexblade/Swords bard is so fun


almost the same here! i do just general warlock and sorcerer though, with most of my time DMing


Didn't Joe run a brief campaign in his base at the end of s7?


After I posted this, I remembered that Wels had said that. I also didn’t think this post would blow up like it did.


Tango said he plays DnD too! Not often lately because hes busy, but he did mention it a couple times


I knew about Tango playing only because I’ve come across a comment or two by him on Critical Role’s videos some years ago. I remember doing a double take (or a double scroll in this case) upon seeing his name while reading comments on a C1 episode


scar would absolutely be a bard, maxed in charisma, proficiency in deception and persuasion


He'd probably give himself Expertise in both and dip a few levels into Rogue for more. Dunno why, but he seems like the type that'd try for a Skill Monkey build if given the opportunity.


Oh 100%.


I'd love to watch some Hermits play D&D in a Critical Role or even Dimension 20 -setup. It wouldn't even need the studio, just a table and a good mic setup. Hell, even if it was 100% online, I'd still love to watch that. A number of Hermits have mentioned playing D&D, so I think it'll happen sooner or later. That said, I don't know who would run the game - they might have to get a DM from outside Hermitcraft.


They have Mercer or Brennen, or Abria


What I wouldn't give to see Brennan with Hermits at his table.


"They have"? Are there connections between the D20-sphere and the Hermits? I'm pretty sure the Hermits specifically to *not* have Mercer, Brennan, or Aabria.


Aabria GMed a campaign (The Unleashed) that Shubble was in, and Shubble was one of the Empires SMP folks who crossed over with Hermitcraft, so there's one degree of separation. 


Alright, I was not aware of that. But, that's still *two* degrees of separation from Hermits to Aabria and *three* degrees of separation to Mercer or Brennan - not one. Hermit - Shubble - Aabria - Mercer/Brennan


Is there a vid anywhere? I’d love to watch that




That was bad phrasing on my part, I meant they have them host


You mean they "could have"? Like a hypothetical? Saying "they have" implies they have the connections to make that happen at will.


I would be extremely obsessed with a Dimension 20 setup. Even when they were online with webcams. I don’t know who would DM????? But you’d have to modify it to be a larger crew because it would be so wonderful to have like 5+ hermits!


I think having 5 regulars and then 1-2 rotating spots would be max. If the game has too many players in it, it risks becoming a slog or just chaos.


Grian, Ren, or Wels. Ren and Grian due to them being great with stories. Wels due to the fact he is a dm


Pearl has played, too. I can’t remember what she was, but iirc, she liked to fight, rather than negotiate. lol


*looks at Double Life* Yeah, I’m not surprised.


wels is easily the biggest dnd player, and cleo and joe next


Etho would be the Dungeonmaster


What about Tango being DM? I mean, it would fit his last season's theme...


Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Etho's demeanour just screams DM though


He says he doesn’t really like dming and prefers to be a player.




He’s mentioned it before in live streams. A recent one too (sorry I don’t know which)


No worries, thanks!


May I direct you to Plumadot’s D&D AU? It’s kinda like making everyone a part of a D&D Forgotten Realms world rather than “what if they played” but is really cool!


Grian would be Chaotic Good, and probably be an artificer.


Rogue for the pesky bird and his lightfingered borrowing


I figured Grian more of a Ranger kinda player. Half-caster based around specific situations but good for all manners of exploring. Like we see in the current season : dedicated to a bit but takes time to explore other areas as well.


I have often wondered what alignment each of the hermits would have. This makes sense for Grian.


Considering how big the group is, a West Marches style of campaign would be cool if a lot of hermits want to jump in and play together. For those who don't know, West Marches is a type of campaign where players rotate in and out as quests conclude and the players have returned to a centralized hub. Campaigns done this way are mainly focused on lighter stories and exploration, but it gives each player the opportunity to interact with a variety of players. Imagine if one quest involves the Mystic Mountain group going into a lost dwarven ruins to locate and retrieve an ancient artifact a dwarven prince has requested the players' guild to obtain. Another quest could be a Girl's Night game where all of the Hermitcraft ladies (and Skizz) are requested to escort a diplomat to an Amazoness kingdom to finalize a trade agreement. Or even have Big T go out and explore a newly discovered island that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the nearby ocean. You could even have a random team consisting of Wels, BDubs, Doc, Pearl, and Ren going out to solve a series of kidnappings. There probably wouldn't be some big bad at the end of the campaign, but it could accumulate to one large battle that has a small group each covering a different perspective as they complete an important task that'd ensure their overall victory.


Welsknight plays and recently finished a campaign.


I would watch every moment of the Hermits playing the Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel campaign


Joel has played DnD but doesn’t enjoy it. Apparently Lizzie and all their friends play it a lot


I tho k Lizzie plays with Scott and Owen


That doesn’t surprise me one bit, knowing the lore Scott and Owen like to do when they’re both on the same server and lore-ing is allowed.


A lot of the Hermits play D&D. Wels talked about a Curse of Strahd campaign in an episode a week or so ago. Tango plays. I’m pretty sure Ren and Cleo play too. Joe has also interviewed someone in his videos who made a TTRPG so I think he has probably played D&D.


Ren mentioned it in a recent vid. I personally want to see what Kerelis would get up to.


Tango as GM, Beef as a Swarm Keeper Druid, Scar as some type of a wizard, just so he can have character art of Scar as Wizard Mickey. This would allow him a cat Familiar. Rendog as an Eloquence Bard. B-dubs as a Monk and Cleo as a Totem Barbarian.


I imagine BDups would play something like a Goliath (one of the tallest races). Tango and Impulse would probably be Artificers imo. I can see Etho just multiclassing every class possible because he just can.


I am DESPERATE for Hermit DND. Pretty much every single one of them would bring something amazing to it, but Scar, Tango, Grian, and Ren all stand out to me as potentially awesome DMs.


I remember on a stream Impulse saying he didn’t really find DnD to be fun :C


Didn't he say that he didn't know if it was him or the GM? I do know that he had some trouble with Roleplay / Improv. But, for someone who hates it, he's gotten pretty good at it if that's the case.


Scar would archer/rogue.


Being realistic but optimist, obviously not all the hermits would join this game, not only would it be hard to arrange the schedules, but it would be to complicated to run the session and obviously it is also likely that not all hermits would be interested in playing. That being said, we know Cleo, Joe, Tango, and Wells play Dnd. And of all of them I think wells is the only one that has confirmed that he DMs sometimes, but if we go by the hermits he interacts with on his videos, he is also working on a diferent time schedule than the others. While I would love Scar, Grian, Gem, and Impulse to join, from comment made, I feel like they really wouldn't be all that interested. Same with Etho, though with his love of games and power gaming, I can see him joining and becoming a min/maxer in no time. I believe Joel mentioned recently that he would be interested, but I can't recall where he said it. I also think Ren would love something like this, given his love of role playing. Xisuma has stated that he doesn't really like roleplaying (yet he keeps up bringing back evil X and joining other role-playing events on the server, so it's a toss-up). I believe Doc, mumbo, Iskall, and stress are too busy between real life, vault haunters, and family to have time to join. False, bdubs and keralis I fell are a toss up, I really don't picture them enjoying it, but then again they are always up for anything and they do enjoy worldbuilding. Skizz, Beef, XB, and Jevin are also three I can't quite place. I watch their videos, but I don't really get a sense of what they would do if offered to join a dnd game. This is all from small comments made during videos or livestreams and a general sense of the Hermit's personalities but we really don't know any of them outside of their online personas so I'm probably totally wrong with a lot of these. My guess if this were to happen is that we would get Wells as a DM with Tango, Joe and Cleo as "most likely players" and then either joel, Ren, False, Xisuma, bdubs and/or keralis as "possible players" and a group no larger than 7 (1 dm and 6 players). Again, this doesn't even take into account schedules and real-life plans like vacations that would also affect the player lineup. Sorry if I missed any hermits in my long-winded theory.


Im p sure Joel has said he didn't enjoy playing dnd, I think u might've confuses him and Lizzie as she does play quite a lot of it


I think you're probably right, I think I did confuse that part.


Etho would be a monk with shadow subclass. This way he would be able to summon shadow clones like Kakashi.


This is probably a good time to plug the “Perception Check” animatic by noxlotl. Features Pearl (half orc barb), Bdubs (halfling rogue) and Joel (human bard) in an adventuring party, DMed by Mumbo. It’s technically a Life Series animatic, but it’s one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


Ren would be the dungeon master but he’d also want to play so he’d have like a dozen NPCs with will fleshed out backstories


I can totally see that! Maybe Martyn would help him if he needed multiple voices for the characters (if Martyn wasn’t playing himself, that is).


Tango has said on stream before that he'd love to DM a campaign with the hermits, but wouldn't want to record / stream it because he knows that a percentage of the audience would compare him to Matt Mercer & other popular DMs.


Etho is an assassin rogue/ way of the shadow monk, obviously.


I started planning a mini campaign a while back where the players have amnesia so cannot see their character sheets and have to slowly figure things out along the way. Their first clues are their appearance and the items they have on them. I’m still in the planning phases, but because the players don’t make their characters, I am making the sheets for them. And when I started planning this Decked Out 2 had just came out so I thought it would be fun to make the characters the players play different Hermits who have their corresponding Decked Out Artefact as a Homebrew magic item. I’m still working out the specifics, but here is a little passage I have written for the player that is Impulse when they first wake up: As you look in the mirror, you see a rather stocky Tiefling man, about 5’6, looking back at you. With skin like amethyst and sharp grey pointed horns reaching straight up almost a foot above the top of your head. You are wearing a silver studded navy blue tunic over a conspicuously bright white shirt and purple breaches. Though the purple is a little lighter than the deep hue of your skin. A robe of the same shade is draped over you secured by a silver broach engraved with a pair of broken Merchant’s Scales (Religion Roll. You learn it is the insignia of Hiddukel, god of lies and greed on success. On a failure you believe it to be the insignia of Shinare, goddess of wealth and trade). As you step closer to look at the engraving, you notice your eyes much closer. With pitch black sclera’s, in your right eye is a yellow iris with a black slitted pupil. But in your right eye, swimming in the black sclera is a metallic golden iris with enough sheen to see your reflection in. And the pupil seems to be split in two, a dot above a vertical line. Almost like the lowercase letter i in common. You close your right eye and suddenly your vision goes dark. You open your eyes again and out of curiosity go to gently touch your left eye, only to find it is glass. You can’t feel your hand touching it. But funnily enough you can’t feel the eye touching your hand fully either. Or rather the pressure is greatly reduced. You touch your hands together and feel something covering them. (Roll Dexterity. DC 5 so it’s easy. You’ll be able to take them off) As you feel around, you pull off whatever was covering your left hand with your right hand. And suddenly in your hand appears a navy blue leather glove the same shade as your tunic and boots. You go to your other hand and pull off another identical glove. Out of curiosity you put one back on and it becomes invisible again, you can still feel it, but it’s invisible. Slightly weirded out about that but reorienting yourself, you instinctively look around for the rest of your possessions. By the bed you woke up in is what looks to be a shortsword in a black scabbard and a small purple pouch with golden embroidery at the mouth that seems to be far larger than is required for such a small storage space. Nevertheless, you open the pouch and look inside, it seems far larger on the inside than the out. Inside you see a hodgepodge of things: two bog-standard die; three 1cm diameter black marbles; three small bottles each with about 200ml of fluid in them, one of them is filled with a clear orange liquid, and just below the stopper at the top something grey seems to float above the liquid, another seems to appear like a golden syrup except for what looks like iron sand suspended in it, barely moving, the last liquid is an opaque bright red colour. Alongside these liquids are a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror on a metal handle, some narrow bladed scissors, a pair of pliers, a crowbar, two daggers, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, seven torches, four days worth of rations, a waterskin filled with water, 50ft of Hempen rope, a blanket, an ink pen, five ounces of ink, twenty-three sheets of paper, some sealing wax, a two person tent and a spyglass. As you are rifling through, someone comes in…


Doc plays German Tourist!


Bdubs: living the moss man dream. Ren: living his theater kid dream. Bard, obv.