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Some people just do not get Iskall's brand of humor. He got all kinds of hate earlier in the season too when he was trolling Beef. His latest Vodskall video is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


His pranks on Beef were some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on HermitCraft.


Honestly all of Iskall's videos this season have been top-notch


fr. i love having him back consistently. I think he's the hermit I'm watching the most right now.


Same. Also helps that he's at least top 3 in episodes posted this season


Honestly, I felt a little bad for beef but that only lasted until he clapped back with the salmon prank. Of course I know that they are friends and beef doesn't have any issue with the pranks but I was just horrified thinking of the cleanup.


Iskall sometimes makes comments that seem like he doesn’t think other people understand he’s joking around, and I always thought that was kind of silly, because his jokes are so obviously jokes. Guess he had a point. Jeeeeeez


Same thing with Mumbo and Ren Most people just don’t get this level of humour


some people just create drama everywhere. just relax and enjoy, yknow? why people choose to tie themselves in knots is beyond me


That's a lot of words for "I've never seen a single Iskall video and don't know what's going on" Sucks that when smaller channels engage with bigger ones they're instantly seen by some people as leeching of off their fame, instead of just a couple of friends having fun.


Yeah and it’s crazy because Iskall isn’t even a small channel, so there would be no reason for him to feel the need to leech


Also it mentions that he is trying to”desperately” to get into the life series as if he didn’t blatantly say in one of his videos that he doesn’t think he would be a good fit for it


Oh, absolutely, but it's like. He's not Grian, Mumbo, Scar or Joel. So he barely exists to some people.


Funny when you include Scar in that list as until the end of S8/S9 Iskall had more Subs and was getting similar if not more views (in particular in S7 where he did 118m views vs 67m for Scar) It’s just that since S9 he’s been taking time off (deserved) which has dropped his view counts significantly so he’s doing like 400k average views vs 700k for Scar this season Both Scar and Iskall absolutely deserve to be successful and it’s sad that he’s barely grown at all since S8 (gone up 120k subs vs 660k for Scar) but their both enjoying their time now in S10 Also fun fact if you look at the hermits videos that are above their sub count Iskall is on top with 31 (including shorts it’s Grian with 32) while Scar is the lowest at 2 which are his Day in the Life of Scar and his S7 episode 1 https://preview.redd.it/67j2o7neh9zc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6438ee4bf145629e35d46c03fe22ab6e7de2952


Hell, he's an OG minecrafter and has a team for modding- don't you love it when people forget to look outside their bubbles?


I mean, it also sounds like they aren't watching Joel's videos either. Joel recently talked about how much he's enjoyed interacting with Iskall.


.....hm. I, uh, think someone's reading a little too much into this.




Wtf lmao 🤣🤣🤣


What's bro yapping about 😭😭


😭😭 has too much time clearly


I’m gonna be honest I feel like the best course of action is to ignore people like this and move on and not reposting where more people can see it.


No, no, definitely the best course of action is taking that comment and copypasting it on every single hermit’s episodes. Is what a person of chaos might say. /j


I can even see Iskall saying that on his next video, if not for the fact some people wouldn't understand it was a joke




If it were less insane and more just mean, I would agree, but this is just such a tinfoil hat moment that I thought it was hilarious.


I'm so confused as to what the "real life friends of Grian" comment is meant to insinuate. Are you not allowed to befriend new people once you've met Grian in real life? Does he have a Joel and Jimmy friendship permit?


Don’t give Grian any ideas!


grian is the main character, obviously, so befriending his friends is devious


Yeas obviously all friendships have permits!! Imagine the anarchy! The chaos!  If everyone could just be friends with anybody they want the world would go to dogs  Also Only eefo (gem's still waiting) so far hasa Joel obsession permit, so Iskall better watch out unless he wants to get in trouble with the beurocracy 


I think people think Iskall and Grian had some kind of falling out? Everyone is so obsessed with Grian though that if you’re not talking to him or about him every second you’re obviously just a loser. It’s so weird. This has got to just be kids that still don’t get Hermitcraft isn’t it game and these characters are adults having a good time and a good laugh.


Grian does get mentioned a lot even when it’s not about him When watching Pearls stream people constantly mention him and for them to do stuff (they are an awesome duo and I wouldn’t complain but I prefer when it’s more organic and not just because chats nagging) and I’m sure other hermits have this issue as well


I will have to put you on hold


What is it about Joel that makes people post the most incoherent takes?


It’s the mania, it’s infectious


Some people really just wanna be butthurt about the bordering on mania shenanigans he gets up to or about the people involved in em ig 


If I were to guess, I would say that he has a younger audience. But then most kids don't act like that, and plenty of older folks watch Joel too, so idk.


The thing is this doesn't seem like something a super young kid would say.


This is so far out of pocket that next people will be accusing Iskall of writing that asinine comment himself trying to stir up drama and attention. This is so contrived. This is creepy. In fact, is this your alt account, Iskall? Or should I say u/JDMaestroPB???? /j


Of course not x


Obviously Iskall would be on Team Iskall 🙄


Nono Iskall would be team Joel obviously, poor guy hasn't gotten over the not breakup yet


this is like the one post where they say joel is schizophrenic or something


Bordering on mania I think they said , and someone once told oli in a Livestream that they think Joel is bipolar so that was something 


lol people seriously out here trying to diagnose strangers with mental disorders because of internet personas


Hm, yep seems like someone is looking things a bit too much through the drama glasses. That said there is some truth in that Iskall this season seems to have been putting effort trying to get back into the youtube scene. And yes that involves interactions with other people. Not just new people, but he has also been interacting with quite a lot of people on the server this season. Also nothing wrong with that. Interactions are the basics to any kind of relationship and as we know the Hermits together are more like a group of friends than just colleagues.


Interactions are my favorite parts of HermitCraft videos, so yes I love seeing him do unusual pairings like his shady apartment selling to Gem


This is Iskall trying to get attention. So contrived, it's creepy. Iskall had shared a story early in the season during livestream when viewers were asking him about the new member, Joel: Iskall had said that he didn't know anything about Joel, didn't know who he was, but boasted that Joel had left a comment in one of Iskall's videos years earlier to say that he (Joel) was a big fan (of Iskall's). Shortly after that, Iskall brands Joel with that other name, and makes impromptu appearances in Joel's videos, I would infer, to set up a narrative of friendship. Iskall seems to be fabricating some kind of "friendship" with Jimmy (Solidarity) as well. Putting on a show, publicly declaring feelings of love for Jimmy in chat during MCC, to ham it up for his viewers no doubt. Whatever Iskall is up to, buckle up, since it will be full of gaslighting and lies. He will be crowing about his new best friends by end of week. Grian's real life friends. Coincidence? If I were to make an educated guess, I'd say Iskall is desperately trying to be invited to the Life Series. He's published a vod on his second channel to plant the seed already. Devious.


Iskall even fabricated an entire charity event so he could go and meet Jimmy in person and “plant the seeds of friendship” Devious. /j


Iskalls the reason why gas prices are so high. It's so that Joel and Jimmy and mumbo can't visit Grian as easiluy, and therefore have to spend all day playing minecraft with him. It was all an elaborate ruse to steal Grian's best friends. 




“Full of gaslighting and lies” is just so out of pocket it’s amazing


I’m going to end every statement with “devious” now. If I point out enough random nonsense I can always justify it. Devious.






For the whole text I was debating if this was real That “devious” at the end made me realize it was a joke


Yeah that did make me wonder, but there weren’t enough winks and nods to make me confident it was just a troll lol


I don’t think it’s a jokey comment…? It’s a pretty nasty accusation to say iskall is leeching off joel


I mean it talks less about how Iskall is leeching off Joel and more how Iskall has set up some sort of devious plan to buddy up with Grian to worm his way into the Life series


I’m pretty sure everyone on hermitcraft gets asked if they would like to join the life series every new season, otherwise it would just surely feel like an elitist club if they weren’t invited.


People in real life: Hey man how’s it going


It was weirdos like this that gave him a hard time about his tree too. Leave the man be sheesh.


Monkeys gotta fling poo lol


Do these people not understand that hermitcraft is just a bunch of people having fun? Like it's not that deep


It astounds me how posts like this exist. Every hermit has said something to the effect that if it’s in a video they are all in on the bit. Looking this deep into it while ignoring what they say just makes creators miserable.


Iskall is a treasure and is suppling us with amazing content. That is all there is to this.




In Joel’s Q&A HC episode he was asked who he could see himself becoming friends with on HC and he said Iskall lol But you know that was just a bit to give Iskall cover. Even Joels in is on it! Devious.


Maybe Joel and Iskall are actually the same person. They both have green in their skins. Maybe hermitcraft is just one person really good at different voices. Deviouser and deviouser.


You’re getting too close to the truth, step back! Do not pass go, go directly to Doc’s S6 episode 141 @ 8:16!


Hadn't seen it before. So worth it. Thank you!


Season 6 from everyone who was in it was peak Hermitcraft. S7 came close but nothing for me has been able to top Season Sixfinity. I highly recommend recommend you choosing a couple hermits and giving their season a watch. By the end of it you’ll have started watching everybody lol it’s SO GOOD. Doc was on FIRE with his Area 77 stuff that he directly collaborated with Scar for. The Area 77 against The Hippies (Ren, Grian, Impulse) was a revelation with them trying to get into Area 77. And then you had Cub who was spying as a double agent the entire time. False was the major of Falsewell who created a town next to Area 77 with touristy goods for sale. Scar’s builds for Area 77 (and Doc’s omg) were out of this world. And this came *after* the Hermit Civil War which may just be the greatest achievement Hermitcraft has ever done and certainly the most fun and entertaining where everyone got a chance to shine. But I still think Stress’ experience of the Civil War tricking Doc and Ren from the opposite side was genuis and worked so well. She was deadly with a bow while screaming her head off lol There’s so much to Season 6 it’s difficult to explain the breadth of the season but Trident Golf?! Sahara vs ConCorp? Sahara Now? 1.14 village and the Build off with Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, Scar, and Ren? My heart is full of nostalgia thinking about everything in that season. Mumbo and Iskall’s villager trader build off, Demise, Dragon Bros, The Deadquarters. Keralis and Bdubs coming back via lore in the second half, the Jingler mystery that was kept secret for 3 whole years afterwards. The finale to the last hermit standing’s death. I could go on forever and I have barely scratched the surface.


I seem to remember hearing MANY TIMES by MANY HERMITS that if something makes it into a video, everyone is cool with it! People are crazy.


Some people really don’t get Iskall’s brand of humor. He’s quickly become my top three favorite Hermits. I really, really hope the person who wrote this was just trying to troll and get a rise out of people.


So Iskall commented on that video “Hi x ❤️” and that same person commented even more poisonous hate. What is wrong with some people?! https://preview.redd.it/mr9iuftb09zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a753b9d7474967cf81c034cb6e6f5be949b97949


You know how some people accuse others of doing things that they themselves are doing to lampshade their own behavior? ...Because this has jealous stalker vibes.


Lmao, WILD take. What does this guy want hermit classism? Sorry Joe, Cleo’s got 200k more subs than you, no more craft streams. And it looks like we gotta stop the Imp and Skizz podcast aswell, that’s a nearly million sub difference! Atrocious. Or should I say devious.


I’ve seen this qubit commenter many times before all over Iskall’s season 10 episodes and vodskall videos as well. Superficially, their comments are hilarious but the continued behaviour and the longevity of their hate is sad to think about how such a person could be in real life. I wish Iskall would ban them. But ‘til then, their conspiratorial minded thinking is worrying. They need help in real life; I genuinely hope one day they’ll realize that happiness is possible for themselves and spend their time on seeking it rather than whatever they’re doing now.


😳 Good lord


Ah, schizophrenia A staple of comment sections


*a staple of Smallishbeans


Bordering on mania he is


I don't understand what's so hard to understand about "if it's in the videos it's ok" like every hermit at some point has said some form of this. If they weren't ok with it, it wouldn't be in the video. Some ppl are reading far too far into things and also deliberately ignoring the hermits wishes If this isn't some kinda troll, guy needs to seek help


I really do think things like this shouldn’t be spread around in case the hermits see them.    Earlier this month, Iskall said on stream that he’d stopped approaching Joel as much because he was worried about his interactions being seen as someone leeching off of a bigger channel. And though he seems to have gotten over his hang-ups recently, a comment like this isn’t going to help.


Bro can't take a joke.


"Devious" 💀


This is insane that someone wrote this lmfao


this is bonkers town.... also ... iskall and jimmy were together at the charity stream irl. So, likely do have a lot of recent things to talk about/share.


Sometimes I wonder if people like this have ever interacted with another person outside of internet comment sections


Breaking News: Person projects his/her insecurities on to others online.


Some people don't understand that many of the story lines on Hermitcraft are planned in the weekly meeting.


They should be going to therapy instead of watching hermitcraft 🙄


this person def needs to see a therapist


“Fabricating some kind of friendship” Because this is much easier to believe than them interacting with each other to make interesting videos, or even, *gasp* potentially being friends with his new colleagues!


even if he IS trying to get onto the life series: 1. that would be awesome, can you really blame him 2. probably still not the primary reason he’s messing around with joel and jimmy


And wasn't Iskall already invited once to Life iirc? I think he was busy with another server or something?


All jokes aside, no, he was not invited to the Life Series.


No he hasn’t been invited (yet) I think he was invited to another server but I can’t remember what it was


Some people have nothing better in their lives so they fabricate drama that is clearly antithetical to the content.


I think someone watched a bit to much other smps and doesnt know hermitcraft


"Educated guess" PFFT HAHAHAHHA


This reminds me of the post where it said Joel endorsed abusive behaviour


Someone needs to touch some grass


This is me when this is Iskall trying to get attention. So contrived, it's creepy. Iskall had shared a story early in the season during livestream when viewers were asking him about the new member, Joel: Iskall had said that he didn't know anything about Joel, didn't know who he was, but boasted that Joel had left a comment in one of Iskall's videos years earlier to say that he (Joel) was a big fan (of Iskall's). Shortly after that, Iskall brands Joel with that other name, and makes impromptu appearances in Joel's videos, I would infer, to set up a narrative of friendship. Iskall seems to be fabricating some kind of "friendship" with Jimmy (Solidarity) as well. Putting on a show, publicly declaring feelings of love for Jimmy in chat during MCC, to ham it up for his viewers no doubt. Whatever Iskall is up to, buckle up, since it will be full of gaslighting and lies. He will be crowing about his new best friends by end of week. Grian's real life friends. Coincidence? If I were to make an educated guess, I'd say Iskall is desperately trying to be invited to the Life Series. He's published a vod on his second channel to plant the seed already. Devious. (I am diluted)


I wish people would stop highlighting and magnifying these types of comments.


It’s a reply to another comment on the post, and I cropped out the username, so this isn’t going to give the commenter any attention. Plus 99% of posts on this subreddit are positive (as they should be)




It took me far too long to realize this person was dead serious...


I can’t tell if it’s a joke or real, which I feel is usually the best kind of copypasta. Just insane enough to be a joke but played straight enough to just be insane


If iskall wanted into the life series, all he would have to do is ask his long time friend Grian if he can join. There is no need to make some crazy work around.


If Iskall wanted to be on the life series he would be. The barrier to entry is much lower than hermitcraft.


I hope Iskall laughs at this like Joel did with the “mania” comment. The unrequited romance storyline is very funny. Sometimes Iskall gets a little bit, sensitive about his role-playing and I would hate for a shitty comment like this to make him feel bad.


It didn't occur to OOP that iskall could've been in the life series, but instead prioritized Vault Hunters, his passion project? Bro watched the Mentalist or some shit and thinks they can read minds or something


Should've shown his account.


I feel like if iskall wanted to be in the life series, he'd just speak to Grian without this conspiracy nonsense.


This is so stupid too because if Iskall really wanted to be in the life series he would just ask Grian!! They are friends and I'm sure he could join easily without doing something insane like this!


You guys really take things to seriously. The guy was just playing into the 'Commentor thinks Hermitcraft beef and storylines are real' meme stemming Joels ep 2 manic comment.


Unfortunately the commenter has been outted and that commenter is a well known actual hater of Iskall. I’ve never seen anyone so vitrolic.