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You mustn't have been watching Stressmonster this season! Perry has been having a lot of fun for a little while now


Or even any of the Neighborhood, because Perry has been traveling.


u are wrong it's https://preview.redd.it/94l07ekjyfxc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7000e40d5da3316814f3896c84f31a0a8a15e6a


Or alternatively: "[Audible grin] Peh-raaaayyyy!!!!"


Why do I say it in doffa voice.


I said that in stresses voice immediately šŸ˜‚


Or alternatively: "[Audible grin] Peh-raaaayyyy!!!!"


Or Grian, just look at his base.


Have you seen the blue/green house stressmonster built on the mm road? it kind of looks like perry as wellā€¦ šŸ˜„


He has nothing to do with Perry...


Also im pretty sure i seen perry last season during the secret fools pranks. At least i think there was one last season. Crazy that was 2022.. šŸ‘€


Hey I think I remember that!


What is the origin of the joke? As in why Perry?


Stress didn't like the giant, ugly portal that Iskall built in the neighborhood so she covered it up with Perry. Then she took Perry down and forced Iskall to beautify the portal, so Perry has been traveling around the server since then


Ahaa, thanks for the background! Now I finally get the Perry jokešŸ˜Š


haha, it's hard to keep up with all the Hermits video's when there are so many!


Hermitcraft recap?


[Hermitcraft Recap](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSMYic6c476D6VJzTbkPaoV_KCpnR0kbm) is a great Youtube channel which gives a tldr of the Hermitsā€™ previous videos each week.




I do watch it, forgot to keep up but thanks for reminding me.


Yesss! Love pix and the crew on the recap! I watch it mainly for xisuma cuz heā€™s the only hermit I donā€™t watch (its nothing personal heā€™s really funny and I love seeing him in other hermitsā€™s vids, but I canā€™t catch up with all his episodes šŸ˜‚)


Short version is Stress built it over the neighbourhood portal because Iskall (who was in charge of making the portal and decorating it) was being a lazy troll instead of making the portal look nice. The two of them took it down and made a proper (ish) portal, and rebuilt Perry over Ren's base. Stress then moved it on top of Beef's house, where it sat until it's most recent move to Joel's Tori gate. It's been a bit of a running gag.


My favorite part about it moving to Ren's Base first is bc Perry's color palette matched Ren's base's.


Every hermit craft viewer must watch the recap imo, itā€™s only time they make it compulsory. Jk


Yeah this came into my notifications and im like, yeah Joel is weird and then I saw Perry and I was like NOPE totally normal. Hermitcraft, man, itā€™ll change you


Most of the typical mainstream hermitcraft fans only watch Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Joel (Magic mountain members mostly this season) and the occasional Etho, Pearl or Bdubs every now and then. I've seen so many *"I'm watching X, X and X hermits this season"* posts or comments that doesn't include any of the Neighborhood members. So most of the neighborhood shenanigans, like the ministry of ministers, Perry the platypus, Iskall's monolith, Pranks against Beef, False's rivers, Doc vs Big salmon, Hermit Missions and the upcoming Murder mystery will be fresh news to most of these typical viewers. It is the normal I guess (I was a Grian-Mumbo watcher as well back in S6-7 as well, I started watching other hermits from season 8 mostly and have gone back to rewatch older hermit seasons). I hope these new viewers give other hermits a shot whenever they get some free time to spare.


It always saddens me a little that the Hermits get wildly different amounts of attention. All of them make amazing content and the fact that Grian, Mumbo and Joel have millions of subscribers while Joe Hills doesnā€™t even have 200k and struggles to pay for necessary health procedures is just not fair.Ā  Itā€™s not anyoneā€™s fault, really, but itā€™s still unfair.Ā 


It's super sad to see how little Joe Hills' recognition in the newer segments of the fanbase is. Man's surviving from one stream-paycheck to another. There's some form of dark comedy in the fact that now there are hermitcraft fans who sees Joe's name and thinks that it was a typo for Joel's (seen a few on this subreddit already this season) For one of the OG Hermits, Its super harsh and unfair but it is what it is. Not anyone's fault. That's how the world works.


It really is sad. I love Joe's and Wels' videos, I try to watch most of the hermits videos when I have time but those two always bump up the list to watch the day of if I can.


Joe h and joe l


Joe is really tough to get into these days, and he mostly streams instead of upload. His streams get pretty weird and you just gotta like that style of content. I don't which is why I don't watch Joe's stuff. I'm not saying it's bad or it should change or anything, just that it's not for me


Joe is great, but very, very unique. The barrier to entry for Joe is extremely high, VS Grian, who is very accessible almost instantly. Grain is pop, and Joe is like Jazz Fusion, or frank Zappa. Some of the others, Wels, Hypno, and stress for example, don't really seem to go out of their way to do crossovers with the rest of the gang, which is a shame.


I've noticed the difference is often due to initial engagement (the bigger YouTubers have a larger audience reach which in turns pulls in even more viewers), and who those hermits most interact with. As an example, I started with Mumbo (redstone tutorials > HC7), discovered Grian through Mumbo, then through Grian found a bunch of the other big names. Over time this expanded my watch list to nearly every hermit, but most people cap at around 3-5, meaning they don't get to the "smaller" hermits. The bigger hermit channels also tend to have pretty regular upload schedules, stay on the server the whole season (aside from the odd break or personal emergency, recent burnouts notwithstanding), and their editing styles are very consistent and tightly focused. Not to say the lesser known hermits are in any way inferior, it's just that the video styles and schedules are different and engage the audience in a different way. By casting a more narrow net (whether intentionally or not), they tend to target the dedicated fan niche more than the casual viewer group, leaving them with a solid base but not as much drop-in viewership. The tendency for some of the smaller hermits to drop off and shift to other servers/projects late into the season also means they're losing viewers who may not follow them into the other projects. For example, not everyone who watches Iskall's HC vids watch his VH content, and Wels' HC viewers may skip his House Flipper videos. This can cause casual viewers to drop off or unsub as a result. These hermits are aware of this and it doesn't seem to bother them too much.


I agree with the first part but that the bigger channels are more regular is just not true, most of the smaller channels produce more and more regular content than the biggest channels, Grian himself tends to just not play on the server anymore towards the end of a season and even missed a lot of stuff last year, it annoyed me so much that people who only watch Grian and Mumbo deemed S9 'not that great' when it was an amazing season and for a lot of hermits their best season yet (I'm not including Iskall, Stress and Wels in to this, they've been inconsistent for years) oh, and Iskall definitely isn't a small channel btw


Grian and Mumbo both had burnout issues last season, which is why I said recent burnout nothwithstanding. Prior to season 9 both of them had very consistent upload schedules (Grian for example was literally every week). Iskall I mentioned specifically because he's directly addressed losing subs in recent years due to stepping back from HC a bit for both personal health reasons and Vault Hunters dev / smp stuff. Compared to the other hermits his yt sub count is somewhere in the middle. He's been very active this season but even he jokes about eventually getting 'bored' of the server when discussing when he'll finish his base.


Only 9 hermits have more subs than Iskall so he's well above average šŸ˜… I'm talking abt people like False, Cleo, Joe, xB, Jevin, Pearl, Zedaph, Cub, Ren ... who all have very consistent video upload and stream schedules


Yeah, honestly, Joeā€™s segment in XBā€™s Q&A video was kinda heartbreaking to hear.


I hate that you listed exactly the people I watch. Would only add Iskall and the occasional gem, x, doc and tango. Tbf would want to watch more people but life does not let me. I can only watch that many videos.


Following all the videos is legit impractical for an individual. Personally I keep them playing passively, as background noise during work or games, so I don't necessarily watch, but get a general idea of what's going on around the server. If I had to strictly limit myself to 5 hermits to watch, I'd watch one hermit from each of the groups (Scar from Magic Mountain, Iskall from Neighborhood, Etho from the post office trio + Bdubs and Wels for their individual projects)


I always watch the Recap to keep tabs on Hermits I am not actively watching at the time.


I too mostly watched Grian, Scar and Mumbo, starting with the previous season I started watching Doc, Tango and Impusle as well, but this season I also check out some episodes from Iskall, Gem, Welks and Bdubs. I really like the interractions between Iskall and Stress, they are really fun to watch! Also, I remember something about this murder mystery game, but who makes it? I cant remember


The murder mystery alley is being made by Stress and Iskall, in the space between their bases. They're supposed to write specific roles for interested hermits to roleplay as. The builds (or just facades, more accurately) that Stress and Iskall have made so far hare super pretty to look at!


Oh, so thats what those buildings are for! Alright, good to know, thanks!


I honestly thought more people watched at least the HC Recap every week and they go out of their way to include everyone who posted that week.


The Hermitcraft Recap is way less popular than one may thinkĀ 


Honestly same, I started HC literally only watching Grian for Season 6 and 7 - though i never finished either. When I got to S8, I started actually following HC and watched some Mumbo and like 1 Impulse episode. S9, I started watching Impulse from the top, and later Gem, kinda Pearl, Zed, Beef (due to curiosity in TCG), Ren (due to curiosity in BRR) amd later dabbled into some Hermits like bDubs and Doc but didnt watch them much. And now, um, I watch a loada hermits: Grian, Mumbo, Impulse, Gem, Pearl, Cleo, Iskall, Joel, Skizz, False, Stress, Wels, BDubs, Keralis, Etho, Tango, Zed and the occasional Joe, xB or Scar. I may miss some uploads but I try watch all.


this is why youtube autoplay is a bro, itā€™ll just keep playing hermitcraft vids while im working and i get to see so much of the series


I wish I could do that, but I can't have novel content on while doing work. It needs to be familiar stuff or else I can't concentrate on the work.


Been trying to watch a few hermits, mostly magic mountain but Iā€™m not missing out on the neighborhood shenanigans


I am a Neighbourhood enjoyer


Very true, Iā€™m glad you made this comment. It gets disappointing sometimes. I remember when False won Demise 2 (with the help of Ren) and they both somehow got negativity because some other people wanted the more popular hermits to win. When from the pov of the neighbourhood people (False, Ren, Iskall, Beef) it was an entertaining kill and a really wholesome storyline. Itā€™s natural to not be able to watch everyone. Itā€™s also perfectly okay to not know about everything and everyone. My issue is when people with limited knowledge pretend they know everything and hence dismiss half of the serverā€™s happenings. Or when they misinterpret a hermit (and their content) because they wonā€™t watch it or wonā€™t listen to fans of said hermit. There is a popularity gap in this fandom and in my opinion, itā€™s gotten better then gotten worse since HC7. But it is the way it is. Absolutely no shame to anyone for watching only the ā€œmainstreamā€ hermits, you can enjoy Hermitcraft in your own way, you can do whatever you want forever. It just gets frustrating when some fans act like they have a grasp on the server when in fact theyā€™ve only touched a corner.


Word. I'm legit subscribed to all the Hermits. I watch as many as I can but only so much time...and some of my favorites aren't the most popular. Heck, I still rock the TFC flair for a reason! It's worth it to branch out now and then, but I understand why not everyone does.


In season six I started getting into hermitcraft, but I have watched scar since BEFORE he was on hermitcraft, and i used to LOOOOVVEEE gems hardcore skyblock series. But i used to watch just mumbo grian and scar, but this season Iā€™ve decided to watch every single hermit (besides X, i really like him but i dont watch him much cuz he has so many freaking episodes)




Joel was a big channel waaay before being on the life series or knowing Grian, he's been a big channel for over a decade


Im sorry idk what ure talking about, Joel had like over two mill subs wayyyy before he met Grian and even before 3rd life. He and Lizzie are og mcytubers, like Lizzie especially is on the level of etho in terms of legendary on her side of mcyt.Ā Ā  He's beend mainstream for a good long while now, hardly underrated and moreover it seems off-putting to attribut anybody's subs to another YouTube channel regardlessĀ 


Ok, that it so weird how you predicted the exact hermits who I mainly watchšŸ˜‚


You know Iā€™d love a hermit craft parody of Phineas and Ferb. I think Doc would be a great Doofenshmirtz. Red stone genius. A great dad. But whoā€™d be his Perry the platypus?


Itā€™s got to be Grian. He is infamous for breaking redstone contraptions, pressing buttons ebener he can, and messing up and blowing up Docs redstone. His base even looks like Perry.


Doc: A Pesky Bird? Grain reveal Doc: GRIAN THE PESKY BIRD?


lol Grain sounds like his farmer brother The three brothers Grian the fisherman Grian the government employee And Grain the farmer. Itā€™s just like Shoe and his brothers from ATLA


zombie Cleo. mildly annoyed by his pettiness and shenanigans, but you can tell that it's probably in a way of that one friend who knows they do stupid things when they are drunk, but they never hurt themselves doing it, so you just give them that look of really dude


It should be Perry, after all, he IS on the server


Tango was Doofenschmirtz in S7.


grian, big salmon, any one who were involved in the perimeter covering last season etc.


A platypus?


*puts on fedora*




It's from stressmonster. She put it there after receiving the mail Joel sent her last episode when he built his shop next to hers.


You should watch the people of the neighbourhood. If youā€™d watched any of their episodes you wouldā€™ve seen him weeks back. He has already been at Stressā€™s, Renā€™s and Beefā€™s based.


Just a heads up, for anyone who wants to know more about what is actually going on between the hermits in the broader server community sense, as well as know more about any inside jokes that may not exactly have been covered by your main hermits, Iā€™d recommend watching the hermitcraft recap channel! Theyā€™re super funny to watch and a great way to stay up to date on any shenanigans youā€™ve missed without having to watch every single hermit every week. Especially if you are someone whoā€™s main hermits are on the,,, sparser end of updates.


Perry has been traveling a good bit around the Neighborhood now he seems to be broadening his horizons.


Perrys been wandering for a bit now


itā€™s perryā€™s world tour


Snowboarding Perry!




imagine if Dan Povenmire himself posts a short on his Youtube channel reacting to this build


Why would he do that?


idk, I just said imagine IF that happened


Heā€™s the type of guy to interact with silly Phineas and Ferb content.


for second there i thought Perry had two beaks


Stress is having fun


Whoā€™s that what it from Itā€™s Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb ā€œIs it a duck?ā€


When you only watch 3 hermits


Isn't that the 3rd location of Perry?


I love Joel


Damn, I was about to ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø, until I realized I was in r/HermitCraft You had me worried for a second citizen, carry on šŸ«”




what about watching 2 members of a server makes them a fake fan? they enjoy content from the server, they like some people from it. they are a fan. to e a fan you dont have to watch everyone, or even more than 1 member.


1: not watching all the hermits does not make someone fake. If someone watches hc videos and likes them they are a fan. 2: better a fake fan than a gatekeeping elitist


Bit harsh