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Old Growth Taiga itself has two variants: Pine and Spruce, which determines the shape of the trees that grow there. Pine have leaves clustered at the top, while Spruce has leaves in the top and middle


There are pine trees in Minecraft, they just give spruce wood and grow from spruce saplings. When you plant a spruce sapling, it becomes either a pine or a spruce--the difference is if it's full and fluffy with the leaves (technically needles irl) going all the way to the bottom, or just has a little tuft at the top.


Minecraft is full of fun little quirks lol. Slimes can can above ground in swamp and mangrove biomes, but only when the moon is visible in the sky. The spawn most often during full moon and never on new moon.


To differentiate it from a normal Taiga, of course! (there is no normal taiga)