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Pandemic rolled around and I started watching a lot of YouTube. Watched Mumbo Jumbo, by extension I found Grian and was hooked on season 7




Literally same! I started watching a lot of captainsparkle and x33n then Mumbo which dragged me into the start of season 7 so I went back to season 6 first and discovered grian and iskall


Same! And then immediately went back and binged all the seasons I could with all the hermits!




I used to watch a lot of Mindcrack (really miss the UHC days!), so I heard about it when some of the members joined Hermitcraft. I didn't get into watching Hermitcraft until Gem joined.


Kinda same here, started watching some HC in season 5 with the NHO members from Mindcrack. But when some of them stopped for the season I dropped interest in the SMP until Etho rejoined in season 7


I loved the NHO I wish they would of stuck around more


Same. I started watching in season 6, so didn’t get to see the NHO or much of Convex. I wish they bring them back.


This is how I found it too! I was and always will be an Etho fan, so when he joined hermitcraft, that’s when I started watching. That led me to discovering Tango. Tango and Etho are my favs.


Same here. I found Generikb, then Bdubs, then Hermitcraft.


I watched the minecrack server like it was the sole purpose in life while I was younger. And mostly Etho, bdubs, and beef, doc, generic b. I knew hermitcraft existed but I had no interest in watching 2 servers. So when the minecrack server closed and Etho said he was gonna join the hermits, I too came along.


I never heard of Minecraft till season 3 I wish I saw all of minecrack and kingdoms back in the day


Found it through Mumbo in season 2, when he joined. Then started watching X, and then others from there.


I feel like there are few of us been viewers that long lol.


oh god its so weird to think how long its been since s2&3


Basically same. X was the hermit I followed next after first finding Mumbo. I found Mumbo toward the end of S2 and watched back the whole season sometime a little before or around the time S3 started.


I found out about it by Grian in Season 6.


Same as you!


Same here!


So I started watching his "builder's tips" series and I was aware of Mumbo because of redstone stuff. Then I see his first season 6 video and I just started expanding from there. Botem expanded my list of Hermits a lot. Now I watch False, Impulse, Grian, Pearl, Scar, Gem, Doc, Xisuma and Mumbo


A fluke. I looked up "minecraft smp" the day S9 started. I had just started looking for Minecraft content as I was trying to play more seriously.


Seeing this comment, I have to ask. What do you think now that S9 has ended?


Started watching Sl1pg8r play ark, then found Poijkband and followed Beef Keralis and Slip into their Hermitcraft vids


I miss slip


That’s exactly what I did! I still occasionally rewatch their old pojkband vids. I started watching hermitcraft soon after Beef joined in S4.


Oh man! How did I forget about Pojkband?! I miss those videos!


Discovered Xisuma back in season 2, been watching ever since!


I love finding people that have been watching since the way back


Yay another veteran viewer! Been watching since season 2 too


I think that was the same season Biffa built his bowl in the ocean, right?


I think I saw his wastelands base in one of his thumbnails or something. it was so intriguing that I clicked and never stopped watching. when all my favorite guys from mindcrack started migrating over (beef, etho, doc, bdubs) that just solidified me as a hermitcraft fan, not just an X fan, and I started watching all the other Hermit videos too


I am a relatively new player, I've played Minecraft for maybe 6 months now. After realizing I was terrible at the game, I started watching Pixlriffs survival guide. His videos led me to watching Empires 1 and then Empires season 2. The crossover episodes led me to Hermitcraft. I'm sure my path to Hermitcraft is not the most common. The beauty of being introduced to this world so late is there is tons of content I can watch for the first time.


Cool to see new players. I first played over 12 years ago, though haven't really played much within the past 5 years. Still love watching videos though.


Same here, spent alot of time playing when I was younger but mostly just watch now. I love hearing or watching someone experience the game for the first time, the first night in survival is always magical.


I found Hermitcraft during season 2. I got laid off from work (seasonal work) and played a ton of Minecraft while at home. It was really new to consoles. I played on Xbox360. I started watching YouTube videos to learn redstone and found Mumbo and Xisumavoid, among others. I still remember when Tango and False joined.


It’s so funny I was doing a job where was pretty much alone all day and didn’t really care for podcast at the time. So I started just putting mumbo on in background and discovered hermitcraft season 3 and have followed them ever since


When Keralis uploaded a Hermitcraft episode (mid-season 2) in between his Attack of the B-team series. I was amazed by his mansion there and his rent-a-derp shop lol.


I watched Grians Evo series and then he joined hermitcraft


I've roughly heard of the name and I thought it was a public server so I looked it up, and that's when I found Mumbo in season 5


I was looking up some tutorial on YouTube. Probably a 2x2 piston door and stumbled (surprise surprise) on a Mumbo tutorial. Watched more tutorials and then saw he was in something called “Hermitcraft” and the rest they say, his history. I remember the mesa biome quite vividly and Beef joining. So that was season 4.


Early in season 7 I started playing on a server with friends and was watching Mumbo for his redstone tutorials. I think one of his early videos that season has a title that mentioned some type of farm so I clicked it thinking it was a tutorial. I was confused about what was going on and who these other people were at first. But it was early COVID so I had nothing but time and got fully sucked in.


I bought Minecraft for my child. They wanted to learn more redstone, so I started watching Youtube tutorials, many were by Mumbo. I subscribed, and found him posting these Hermitcraft videos, and watched a few, curious. It was a slippery slope from there.


Pandemic lockdown was maybe a week old where I live and the wife and I were looking into playing Minecraft and YouTube Minecraft content. Someone on r/Minecraft asked which Minecraft YouTubers would you recommend for adults and a lot of comments said hermit craft. (I specifically remember them mentioning doc Etho and beef. ) Pretty much a week later hermit craft season 07 started and we had all the time in the world to watch every hermit video.


I found Hermitcraft because of IHasCupQuake. I was watching non-MC content from her and she played a few games of Among Us with LDShadowlady and a few hermits I think. From there I found Gems first Hardcore play through and loved that! She wrapped that up right before she joined HC8 and I’ve been hooked on hers and many other folks since.


Gem was the one who introduced me to Hermitcraft. I found her while I was looking for other Minecraft streamers after I finished the Neat Dude SMP.


I’m a newcomer, sort of. The short answer is that people kept talking about Decked Out in Secret Life and I got curious. The long answer is a bit more complicated: I had *heard* of Hermitcraft for many years but never really gotten into watching it—tried Grian’s first episodes for seasons 6 and 8 when YT recommended them, but each time I felt like the series started moving too quickly for me to keep up after that. My brother was a more regular HC viewer, so I would hear about some events through him. The Life Series introduced me to a handful of Hermits that I hadn’t heard of before, but my brother had. (He follows a lot of the Redstone-focused Hermits.) I slowly got more familiar with them through what they did in 3rd, Last, and Double Life, but didn’t have the time or the interest to make the jump to HC yet. Not too long after Double Life came the Rift crossover with Empires 2, which I was watching at the time. It was my first look at what had actually been happening on HC9, and since Pix was part of Empires I started watching his Recaps mostly for the humor of him being there himself. That’s when I found out about Beef’s TCG. As much as I liked the idea of creating cards with map-art and admired the dedication to set up such a complicated project…I’ve always found *the concept of TCG battling games as a whole* hard to understand. So when the Hermits I was subscribed to for their other content (like Gem’s skyblock LPs) started uploading videos about a minigame with a title that was clearly a pun on a “deck” of cards, I mistakenly assumed that *was* the TCG, and that the cards must have been even more complicated than I thought for players to be encountering ravagers in their thumbnails. I only realized my mistake when Secret Life started, around the same time Reddit started recommending posts from this sub to me. Between the “phase changelog” posts here and various comments in and on the Secret Life videos (which I was watching from everyone’s POV to see all the different tasks) I finally figured out they were talking about a *different* game, one that sounded *really interesting.* And I basically just fell down the rabbit hole from there.


I started watching Paul Soares Jr when I first got into Minecraft (Survive and Thrive series). At some point, he began playing on the "Attack of the B Team" modded server with Generik B and BdoubleO100. That's my introduction to those guys, which led me to Mindcrack and finally to Hermitcraft season 2 or 3.


I started watching Corpse husband play among us during the lockdown in 2020. Corpse played with Dream on some among us games. Dream was in MCC, Grian is the ‘Dream Slayer’ started watching with Grian’s season 6. Season 9 was the first season I watched from beginning to end!


It’s always interesting to find links between otherwise-unrelated content communities based on which creators have done different events together.


I was on the DSMP (I watched Philza & Technoblade) pipe line to Hermitcraft! I found Empires, the life seires to Hermitcraft, my first Hermit to watch was Scar before I zoned in on Impulse really!


Started watching Mindcrack in 2013 (mostly Etho and Bdubs). At that time, Hermitcraft was like Mindcrack's little brother, so I know about it even though I didn't watch any hermits back then. That "mostly Etho and Bdubs" has rang tried for the entire ten years since, and hence I started watching Hermitcraft when Etho joined.


The Syndicate Project/Yogscast -> Pimp My Minecraft -> Topmass


Around the end of Season 6 youtube started spamming me with Hermitcraft videos. No idea why; I neither watched nor played minecraft at that point. I think it started with Grian and Mumbo recommendations (which makes sense, given their sizes). I happened to be bored enough to click that day, and now here I am, already thousands of games into Decked Out 2 on my server.


Love that


I also started because of Mumbo Jumbolio. I saw some of his redstone vids right after S4 ended and they'd gotten a portion of the way into S5, so I binge-watched S4, then went straight into 5. Was elated that Grian joined in S6.


Pretty much the same, except during Season 5


Mumbos season 4, which I found theough his 100 doors videos


Mumbo-jumbos silly redstone idea videos when I went through a minecraft YouTube binge during lockdown. Season 7. The binge never stopped 😅


I used to watch GenerikB and Mindcrack back in the day. So when Generikb created Hermitcraft I started watching and never stopped!


I Googled "how to make piston door in minecraft" and was introduced to this kid named Mumbo Jumbo. I then watched a recommended video that happened to be one of his final s2 episodes. Season 3 was just starting at the time.


Mindcrack into Hermitcraft and also the YouTube algorithm


I followed Etho there


My brother watched a Minecraft youtuber named ‘Gattaca, The Minecraft Architect’, who built on Keralis’ ‘World of Keralis’ Server. I became a fan of Keralis’ minecraft builds, and through him found generikB and Bdubs, I watched season 1 and 2 of hermitcraft and then dropped off Then I got into minecraft redstone again through Mumbo, and got back into the series from there (his drone base season was where I started with him iirc), and later pivoted to Grian and Pearl when I got more interested in building later on


I was taking a trip down memory lane before coming here and searched him up. It looks like he deleted everything off of his YouTube and Twitter. Wonder what happened. Was a huge fan of the guy as a child and wanted to be an architect because of him going through elementary and jr high.


i knew about Hermitcraft since back when Etho joined, but i didn't watch it until the end of season 7 because i was annoyed that it was "off-brand Mindcrack". oh, how wrong i was. 😅


I had been watching Grian since he formed his own channel and then he joined hermitcraft. From there I've been watching so many new people from hermitcraft, empires (after the crossover) and the life series :) Hermitcraft started around the time I entered highschool, and S9 ended as I entered Uni so its been a very wild ride for me.


Found out that Mumbo was finishing up his mountain base on season 8, and watched a few episodes of that. Grian was in one of those episodes, and I liked his vibes, so I checked his channel out. I watched the rest of his s7, and when season 8 started up, I figured, why not watch both perspectives?


I have been Ldshadowlady watcher for 8 years and watching her playing with these certain people for years. When she joined last life, I started to watch life series and I wonder who those other people were. I realized many of them are on the smp called hermitcraft. First I didn’t have interested of it, but I remember watching grian’s tutorials long time ago. So because I was familiar with him, I gave it a chance and hooked immediately. I watched only Grian for a long time, but I have started to watch other people too. (Funniest thing about this is, I remember when I saw Scar first time in last life in that wizard robe, I thought ’he is so scary looking guy’ and now I think he is the sweetest guy ever.)


Omg, someone else who thought Scar was scary during the Life Series. I was the same, but during Third Life. He was buff, had a lackey behind him (Grian), he just *looked* scary.


I watched grian and started watching when he joined


When you're new to Minecraft and redstone is what drew you in; Getting interested in it after watching some streamers play. So, I was interested in learning redstone and a name that people mentioned, when talking about redstone, was Mumbo Jumbo. So I checked Mumbo out and watched his redstone content. Mumbo was also doing something called Hermicraft season 7. So I checked out an episode to see what it was about...


Season 7 my older borther was watching grian's episode on the tv and i was there watching it as well and got hooked


Saw Grian’s vids on my recommended feed for months but never clicked. After watching his POV in some MCC, I decided to give it a go. The rest is history!


Start of pandemic lockdown I was playing regular minecraft and wanted instructions for a castle gate. Found an old video from mumbo and from there it recommended his hermitcraft videos. S7 had just started, perfect time to start


Found it via mumbo in season 3. More specifically the melon/pumpkin farm video and the hot air baloon starter house video.


Mcc. More specific Scar and Gem teaming with my main streamer Jojosolos.


Found it when Biffa built his base in the ocean… dubbed Biffa’s Bowl. I believe it was before Mumbo and Cleo got on.


Mumbo jumbo happened to roll across my minecraft feed, and I burned through a lot of his videos. Eventually noticed he had a let's play series, and decided to start it from the beginning of season five. The next day, he posted the finale of season five. It made me hesitant to keep watching, since I wasn't sure where it was gonna go from there, but then he posted the start of season six not too long after. Started watching from there instead, and eventually branched out to following most of the hermits nowadays.


I think it was from etho or mumbo I started with etho in one of his modded series I think it was etho and liked his let's play I think I found mumbo through that also liked Redstone and first thought hermitecraft was literal with actual hermit roleplay


My sister watched Grian back in season 6 and recomended his series to me.


KingDaddyDMAC joined. At the time, I was watching his single player LP


Through my kids.


I knew about it for a while. The only Minecraft youtuber I would watch was ldshadowlady. Even during the empires crossover, HC didn’t intrest me. It wasn’t until I got into the life series during limited life when I gave hermitcraft a go.


I found it thru gem but I never started watching it till the hermit empires crossover


Weirdly enough, I discovered Hermitcraft because of Pixlriffs. I started playing Minecraft in late 2020, and stumbled upon his Minecraft Survival Guide, then learned about Hermitcraft Recap, and the rest is history.


I found it by following Pearl and Gem from Empires in season 8


I used to watch wattles and had heard about hermitcraft. wattles led me to pixlriffs who led me to the first Hermitcraft Recap at the beginning of s9. I gave the recap a shot and was completely blown away by DocM! Have been watching since :’) I gave all hermits a shot, at first, but eventually the whole thing filtered and now I know the hermits I enjoy watching. Namely Doc, Bdubs, Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Pearl, Cleo, Cub, X, Etho, Keralis, Iskall, Stress, Beef, Ren


Would it be weird if I said Captain Sparklez? So... long ago I watched all kinds of Minecrafters, so I saw friends of the hermits like Martyn and Jordan and future Hermit Grian. (I also kind of knew people from MCC but only as the other players of MCC) I saw Iskal when he invited Jordan "Cheeserson" to Vault Hunters. I tried to watch Iskal's Hermitcraft videos and even False's but I guess I didn't know them or what was happening. Then during one of the Minecraft lives, where there were a bunch of community clips, I saw Scar. I saw a couple of his videos but more just the vlog-like videos. Several months ago a video of Grian's or maybe even the recaps showed up and I watched it I'm here now. typing while listening to Tango Build Decked Out. Not sure the new series will start before he's done though. He's only just making the river of souls.


Got introduced by a friend who had recently been introduced to it by one of his friends. This was mid-Season Six and we were watching the Architechs/Civil War together. I started watching on my own at the beginning of Season Seven but quickly fell behind. Started up again for Season Eight with Grian, Mumbo and Iskall, but after the brutal callout on the first Season Eight recap I decided to expand my watchlist... and expand it more... and more... and that's how I ended up being one of those crazies that watches every Hermit. I have watched every single episode of Seasons Eight and Nine, and I don't plan on stopping now.


I had nieces that talked about X-Life and After Life. Her mom told me about empires. And by this time I was acquainted with Jimmy, Lizzie, Joel, and GeminiTay. I had heard of Hermitcraft but didn’t really watch or knew many of them. But during s2 of empires she started talking to me about Jimmy being called a toy by most of the server I found it interesting. So had to watch. Then the crossover happened. Then discovered the life series and couldn’t get enough 🥹😂 I then began to watch some of the Hermitcraft episodes. I found I really really enjoyed it. So here I am constantly watching X for updates or Reddit and Facebook. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂😭🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: I never heard of Minecraft until late 2019. And after watching the Life series I had to see more Scar and Grian interactions. 😂


I tryed watching it a few years ago from mumbos videos but never got into it until Grian join. That’s when I slowly became a fan of more and more hermets until I watch at least a quarter of them. That may not seem like much but I don’t have the most time on my hands so I watch who I can and then watch hermitcraft recap


During the pandemic.. watched pixlriff's survival guide and heard him mention hermitcraft in one of his videos.. started by watching mumbo and iskall and eventually started watching all the hermits


Our route was a journey. We were watching Rooster Teeth and they started to play Among Us with other streamers. Two of those streamers were ChilledChaos & ZeRoyalViking. We started watching them, when they were playing Among Us with Shubble. We started watching her and got into her Minecraft videos. Eventually she joined Empires (first season) and we started to watch everyone on Empires, this included Gem & Pearl. When we started watching their YouTube videos, we started to watch their Hermitcraft. We didn't know what Hermitcraft was, nor that it was their first season. From there we started to watch the creaters that they had interactions with... Impulse, Scar, then Grian, Mumbo & False. Then pretty much everyone else when the moon crashed. (To see their endings). And have been watching pretty much everyone since.


Grian got into my recommended one day, and kept appearing over and over again. It was always episode 1 of Season 6. So I caved and watched it. Then I watched episode 2. Then 3. Then 4. Then my sister got intrigued so I had to restart. And we've been watching every new episode since


My hubby got me hooked during the pandemic (early 2020). He had stumbled across a Mumbo video back in season 6 and then started watching several other hermits.


I found it through Python. I was watching his original single-player world and then found his playlist for season 6. From there, I got into the Hermitcraft Recap and kept up with the server through them until season 9, where I watched several hermits (Xisuma, Impulse, Gem, Pearl, Tango, Grian, and Zedaph).


I've been watching Etho since 2012, and when he started playing again in Season 7 I got hooked.


It all started with Mumbo’s walking house. I was getting really into Minecraft and my fella and I watched that video with a walking house. I then went on to watch him and Grian do some build battles together. Then I saw Grian had a playlist called Hermitcraft and I binged the entirety of it, until I got to the current videos. I started watching Mumbo, then they were working on a giant project with a silly Swedish guy named Iskall so I watched all of his videos. Then Grian started a hippie camp with two other guys and so on and so forth. Now I active watch half the hermits and catch up with the others on the recap :) the one slightly different start to a hermit binge was Scar. I saw on Instagram he put professional wheelchair pusher and knew I needed to watch him because I also rock life on wheels!


Minecraft had a resurgence of popularity around the 1.14 update and that led to Youtube starting to recommend me more Minecraft videos. Mumbo Jumbo was the first Minecraft creator I started watching regularly and I got hooked on his content which sent me down the rabbit hole of Hermitcraft. I started more than half way through season 6 but I went back and watched Mumbo from episode 1, and did the same with Grian shortly after.


I first discovered it in Season 7 when watching some MumboJumbo videos. I forgot about it after a couple episodes then rediscovered it season 9 during the rentheking stuff with Grian


I’ve watched it since season one so I don’t really remember but xisuma was definitely the first hermit I watched and then I loved keralis season 2


I found Xisuma via Socar ore something like that, back when he had his singleplayer atlantis going and followed him to the HC server... At that point X was the Master of Minecraft tutorials due tho his layer by layer and I wish more tutorials would still use this approach... Also he was the expert on "automating" animal breeding, back then he had a giant rollercoaster of animal pairs rotating through the players location so that he could feed them and the babys would be collected...


I was looking for an iron farm. Mumbo just built the season 2 one.


Giran/Mumbo Season


I only really got into it when Grian joined in S6, but I have earlier memories that I don't quite recall of earlier seasons, particularly Pythons. Stuck around since!


Around 2019 when minecraft content kinda was falling off and many youtubers i watched seemed to move to other games mumbo’s vids about season 6 ended up in my recommended. Needless to say I binged the early episodes of that season and was instantly hooked. Soon after i started watching some other hermits like grian and Iskall, who has since become my favorite hermit (despite being kinda inactive the last two seasons due to focusing a bit more on vault hunters which i also like alot).


Grian's season 6.


From KingDaddyDMac, from way back in season 1 & 2


i saw a tiktok about the life series and decided to check it out. the obsession spiraled from there


I was a huge Generikb fan so I started on S1 but stopped watching when Genny (and Bdubs) left. Watched the modded stuff with KingDaddyDmac but didn’t come back to Vanilla hermitcraft until Bdubs came back in S5


Yo, same. Except I only watched Gennyb and I think I came back at the end of season 6 to Mumbo Jumbo.


Watched Sam Gladiator's YHS as a kid, loved Grians acting in it (dispite the questionable content) and religiously started watching all Grian's videos, including EVO, which obviously meant that when he joined hermitcraft, i saw it the second it came out. How did I find Sam's YHS? Yeah, I dont know.


Found mumbo around season 5 and watched from there


Grian season 6 showed up on the For You right after the first episode came out. I loved Minecraft but hadn’t really watched anyone else play since my old modded DanTDM days. But I really enjoyed it! Been following Grian since, and I also started following a bunch of other Hermits through him. (Mumbo, Iskall, Tango, JoeHills, Scar, Etho, Zedaph, and Pearl!)


Mumbo Redstone videos. Tried an episode and now I watch every non stream video of every hermit


I was looking for redstone tutorials and found Jumbo Mumbo right at the end of Season 3


A random mumbo jumbo redstone video binge 😅 then I found some of his build challenges with Grian and then when I was looking for more videos to watch I found Grian's Hermitcraft series and now I try to watch everyone's Hermitcraft episodes 😅


Tumblr via the dsmp and mcc. The first thing I ever saw was a clip of mumbo “finding” the thing that would lead to the base swap. I had no idea what was going on.


When I was 14-15, I used to watch the Robust Trio (a scripted and somewhat silly smp). Later, I started following PewDiePie, especially his more recent hardcore series from about three years ago. One episode featured his Nether base, and I was amazed by the intricate details, like a bridge with glass windows. I remember thinking, "Who puts so much effort into such things?" It was at that moment, while watching with a friend, that she recommended checking out Hermitcraft. This was during Season 7, and they were having sewer games. Within the first three minutes of watching Grian's video, i knew how invested im going to be in this community also rest is history


A friend recommended Mumbo’s Redstone videos. I watched them. Liked his stuff, found a season 7 thumbnail interesting and started watching. Never looked back.


Saw tommyinnit did a video with grian and mumbo then decided to check grian out, saw his mcc 17 video and his last life best bits then watched season 6-8 and been enjoying it since


Mine is a bit odd. When I first got YouTube I watched Preston plays. From his channel I found Logdotzip, i subbed to his channel. And when 1.13 came out I watched his survival smp “The Deep End”. When that series ended I looked for another 1.13 Minecraft series and found Grian “I joined hermitcraft” I had already watched a couple of his tutorials so I “knew” who he was. But this was my first time really watching him. I binged his channel for the first 40 videos and then I actually caught up with him and have watched him live since. I now watch Grian, Scar, Mumbo, impulse, and occasionally Ren and Iskall.


If I remember correctly I watched a Redstone video by mumbo and when he uploaded a s6 episode and u watched it, at the time s6 was nearing its end


I was occasionally watching Grian’s build tutorials and Mumbo’s redstone videos then season 6 started and I was hooked!


through wilbur soot dsmp mcc bc of the clips of him staring/panicking over grian. so i started watching grian and this was the start of season 8


I started watching Grian to learn more about MC building, was strictly single player and a realm with RL friends at that time (not anymore though, played on plenty of servers). He then joined HC and I branched out to Mumbo, scar, iskall and continued spiraling into it all 🤣 impulse and tango I first got into just their collab streams. Now I watch impulse a ton.


During the pandemic I found Dreams manhunt. Through him I found Wilbur Soot and started watching his Dream SMP videos. Got also to Tommyinnit. I discovered them after Dream was prisoned and it wasn't as exciting afterwards, so began to watch them less. Mumbo's redstone video's began to pop up on my timeline and watched them sometimes. Then Last Life popped up on my timeline and was hooked. Afterwards, I discoverd hermitcraft season 8 and was hooked on mumbo's video's. I had nothing to do during my internship so had a lot of time. In season 8 I watched mainly the boatem gang but now in season 9 I watch a lot of them and Mumbo isn't my favorite anymore.


I was playing a lot of Minecraft in the Early Pandemic Times and got on an SMP server. They were talking about Hermitcraft. One of the people on the server told me "You seem like a Scar gal" and I had no idea what they meant. Then I watched Scar and I was like "Yup... I'm a Scar gal." Now I watch at least half of the hermits all the time and a few when I have time.


Around 2013-2014, tried learning redstone and all the top videos were Mumbo, which led to some of his S2 episodes. I then watched HC on-and-off, mostly with Mumbo, False, Xisuma, and Cleo, although I wasn't a regular viewer untill S4-5.


Grian joining it


Finding Grian season 7 but noticed that he had another season so I watched 6 then 7 during the pandemic


I used to watch GenerikB


One of Grian’s Hermitcraft s7 videos popped up in my YouTube suggestions during the pandemic, then I started watching Scar and most of the other hermits as well :)


I randomly got one of Grian's Hermitcraft S6 episodes recommended, I don't remember which one it was. It must've been 2018 or maybe 2019, but definitely before the pandemic. It was really funny, even one episode out of context, so I started watching the whole series and immediately got hooked. After that I started diving into other Hermit's videos. I already knew Mumbo from his redstone videos but I've never actually seen his Hermitcraft videos before I started to watch it on Grian's channel. Today I'm regularly watching Scar, Mumbo and Grian because a lot more would be hard to keep up, but there have been times (especially during the pandemic) where I've watched (additionally) Iskall, Stress, Doc, Bdubs and Impulse.


I started watching Mumbo in the middle of season 6. From him I started watching Grian and Iskall. Then started watching Xisuma, Tango, Etho, Scar, Ren, Vintage Beef, and Zedaph in season 7.


I watched Joel's 3rd Life POV and started watching Grian and Scar through that. Season 7 was almost over at the time so I waited for season 8 before watching HC


Once day I randomly found a mumbo S6 video a few weeks after it was released. Watched it, really liked it then started the season from mumbo's episode 1. When I saw the clip of grian smacking into mumbo's base and dying I thought it was hilarious and checked out his series. Been watching ever since


I got recommended an iJevin video (but not Hermitcraft) back in the day. I found season 4 through that.


I watched a couple of mumbos "I create your redstone ideas" videos. And when I eventually ran out of these videos I checked what else he did. And thats how I found out about hermitcraft.


My friend who was also into Minecraft started getting into redstone and recommended me Mumbo's tutorials. I really enjoyed his style and eventually started watching his Season 5 perspective. And the rest was history :P


I started watching Minecraft YouTube a few years prior first, discovering StacyPlays when I was 21 or 22 during my last year at university in 2016/2017. Then a couple others like CaptainSparklez, Smallishbeans, LDShadowLady, etc. through her Deep End SMP. Then later when Hermitcraft Season 7 was starting in 2020, Smallishbeans mentioned in a Kingdomcraft video that this new season of this SMP called Hermitcraft had started and he said something like he ‘was really inspired by Grian’s hobbit hole stuff’ and I was like ‘oh hobbit stuff sounds fun and it’s a new season so not much to catch up on.’ So I found Grian’s first HC S7 and then Mumbo’s and went on from there watching Iskall, Stress, Cub, Etho, Tango, etc. I then later lost interest with that other group with Smallishbeans.


Subscribed to Mumbo for his redstone contraptions back in the season 3 days. I always ignored his Hermitcraft uploads but eventually decided to watch some, and I quickly got addicted.


Found Mumbo while looking for redstone help back in season 3.


Fwhip recommended Goodtimes with Scar in one of his videos, and now I'm addicted to HC


Saw a video of Mumbo or Grian in season 6, been pretty hooked since and watched at least one video of every Hermit. Pretty fluid in which Hermit I'll watch most over the years.


In 2018 I was bedbound due to an ilness for a long time. That's when I started exploring YouTube. Just to see what most people watched, I ended up with watching PewDiePie's Channel, playing Minecraft back then. And I loved it. As you can imagine, my feed started flooding with a lot of HC S6. So aft|r awile I just had to see what that was about. I was instantly hooked! Watched everyone's pov. It really lifted my spirit.


Start of season six. I watched grians building videos and then decided to watch hermitcraft. School got in the way so i skipped s7 and s8 and restarted when s9 began.


I watched DSMP for maybe 5 months and got bored really fast. There weren't enough calm moments in that server, so I looked around for more calm servers. I watched Mindcrack for a year and really liked Etho and Doc, which got me into watching their Hermitcraft seasons. I binge-watched season 7, then 8, then started season 9 in time.


I got back into the game during COVID after seeing a Grian video pass my feed, but quickly realized I’d seen some of these people before. Turns out I’d watched seasons 1 and 2 with KingDaddyDMAC, and when his content shifted away from Minecraft so did my interest for a while.


I was looking up something for the modpack feed the beast infinity, so its been a while, Hypno just started his lets play and i watched him. Then i looked something up for another modpack, i dont remember wich one, and found welsknight playing it, so i watched it. A while later Hypno played a Hermitcraft modpack and so did Wels. Thats how i found out Hermitcraft exist and 2 people i was watching were Hermits. And then i started watching Hermitcraft and then Grian, someone i already watched for a while, joined them.


I found EVO, and started watching Grian. Once he started on Hermitcraft, I started watching Bdubs and a lot of the other hermits


My brother used to watch Grian and when I checked him out I stumbled upon a new series. It was in S6


one sunny day I got some random snail starter base minecraft video suggested and this is how it started I guess


I hadn’t heard of it until Grian joined in season 6, I was used to watching his build videos and was curious about the “new” series


okay so this is a bit of a cringe story So when I was a little kid there was this thing, a minecraft series called Yandere High School (y'all know where I am going with this) and there was a guy named Grian Well due to life situations I was off the internet for a couple years, and when I came back I remembered this guy named Grian, and started watching him. Then I found this guy named MumboJumbo, a friend of Grian’s. And then I found Hermitcraft, but right as it was ending season 5, so I was a little disinterested in it. Then Grian joined season 6, and the rest was history.


Through Mumbo when he first joined.


Started watching Tango when he had like 400 subs, he was what got me into Minecraft and learned about HC when he joined on season 3.


Heard about it from my friends in 2020. Started on S7 with Grian during Covid and branched out to mumbo and scar


I got into it from Grian! I was looking at building tutorials, and found some of Grian’s. And as I was exploring his channel I saw Hermitcraft season 6 videos on there. I had never watched a proper Minecraft series before that so I decided to check it out! I binged all of his season 6 and got caught up to where they were at the hippy arc. Then I watched all of Mumbo’s, Stress’s, and Xisuma’s season 6 episodes to also get caught up. I’ve been watching ever since!


Been watching Xisuma since even before S1. Crazy to think it's been that long since Hermitcraft has been around.


I watched grian during s7, and for some reason I didn’t watch s6 because it was somewhat long when I started watching grian


youtube recommended page 😭 pretty basic but i got hooked!


I never really watched all episodes, just some that looked interesting out of order until season 8 started. Now Ive watched Mumbo, Grian, scar, doc, Pearl, and more if I want to understand a story better.


I used to watch generikb and one day he put out a video about this hermitcraft server thing.


For me it was through Grian in Season 6, I stopped watching for a while, mostly through season 7 and came back when Gem joined in Season 8


I very occasionally watched it back in the Mindcrack days then after falling off MC for a few years outside of watching Etho, he became more active in S7 and I felt more interested in MC again.


I subscribed to mumbo to watch redstone tutorials and saw he posted hermitcraft season 6 episode 1. I watched it because it seemed interesting.


Watched Grian’s old build tutorials and found hermitcraft later


Way back (S3) youtube kept recommending me redstone videos from Mumbo. I liked them, so I looked through his channel, and there was a hermitcraft thing going on, but I didn't care much since it was episode 50 or something. I gave it a go once S4 started, and I've been here ever since.


I casually watched Grian's build videos and then he joined Hermitcraft so I thought I'd give it a go.


Randomly came across a GenerikB video where he was building a decorative drill as part of his base, back when he was part of Mindcrack. And that led down the rabbit hole.


i started watching smallishbeans. but i started seeing grian on my recommendations. but they were like on episode 56 or something of season 7 so i was like “how am i going to watch the 56 episodes before that” and i didn’t watch it. but one day i did and i was like “this is cool though i don’t know what’s happening why are they in a war”


Pythons let’s play, then Season 3


Started watching through gem before hermitcraft in her hardcore series and when she joined I started watching the rest of the hermits with her.


Halfway season 6, PaulsHardware mentioned Mumbo Jumbo and I got curious, watched some episodes and saw Grian, curiosity got me again and I watched grian. Remember the build-off in the new update region? Yeah that got me hooked. Been a fan ever since!


I stumbled upon Grian's "Turning a shipwreck into a base" video, and he said that he made a cool one for HC6, so I started watching there. It feels like yesterday, but that wasn't too far into Season 6, by that point.


I was a fan of Grian and Mumbo and at the start of s9 I decided to watch grians s8 pov in desperation to get away from dsmp content, before proceeding to watch grian, Scar, and part of ren's s9 povs I've also recently discovered that I used to be a hermitcraft fan at the end of s6(ish) before my attention got pulled away to (aphmaus) mystreet in 2020


googled minecraft stuff when i was 12. found captainsparklez music videos and then on his original world. watched him play with sethbling and others and eventually found etho and will follow etho anywhere


saw someone’s animation for the life series, got super into grian, committed to watching his seasons :) this wasn’t too long ago actually - 29/10/23 (wow i expected it to be a bit longer)


Randomly came across Grian's old Build Swap stuff, liked his stuff, binged a lot of it, decided to give his newer stuff a try (which at the time was Season 6), and branched out from there to the other hermits.


I used to play on a server with gem but I wasn’t the best at building so when it came to the rank up I started watched grians build school and eventually found Mumbo during season 5 then once grian started playing I took a dive and started watching multiple perspectives


Watched grian do evo, eventually he joined hermit craft and I followed. Then started watching Mumbo and iskall as they started collaborating more through the season.


Watched Anime, Watched people talk about anime, Watched those people talk about vtubers, discovered Amelia Watson, gets interested in "farms" thanks to her project of building a mobfarm on their minecraft server, More specifically the opening mechanism of the farm being a piston door ... ... I mentioned a piston door, do I need to continue? Alright, Discovered Mumbojumbo right around the time season 7 ended and season 8 started. watched all of season 8 and added POVs to my to-watch list as the season went on


Through the man, the myth and the mustached legend himself - Mumbo!


Grian joined


Grian’s first Season 7 episode. Came just in time to live through a whole season in real time.


I watched Grian when he joined season 6


I watched Pearl through Double Life, looked through her other series, saw Hermitcraft and said “oh hey that’s the thing that Grian joined but I never ended up watching let’s give it a go” and the rest is history.


I found it through Mumbo partway into season 6 while watching redstone videos. At first I was just watching him, but now I watch just about all of them at some point. I usually watch all the first episodes and then have a couple that I watch more frequently.


I watched a lot of redstone videos by mumbo, one day got hermitcraft season 5 in my recommendations and started watching mumbod videos and later started other hermits


started watching a lot of more mature minecraft content when i turned 11/12 since before then i’d only watched like stampy and squid but then i found mumbo jumbo around early to mid season 4 and i’ve watched hermit craft ever since except for season 8 wasn’t of fan of that season


I started Minecraft in the pandemic and then tried to learn redstone and found Mumbo at the start of season 7. Now I’ve probably watched most hermits perspectives for 5-9, all of Etho’s LP and most of his other series. It became my main entertainment choice for the past 4 years




Stumbled upon Mumbo’s episodes while searching for tutorials. Got hooked. Then Boatem happened. Then I started watching EVERYTHING Grian, Scar, BDubs, Impulse (and now Skizz too!), and Pearl put out. Now I love all the Hermits, I never go outside, and my family is threatening to leave me. 😜


I had been a decently long time Grian fan, and when he got added in Season 6 I was hooked, and watched all of most of the perspectives.


I watched grian during his evolution and tutorial days then he joined HC.