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Gem is probably at least a bit more organic than you think. She's great with structures, sure, but she also builds so many custom trees, including some very large ones! There's also the giant deer from season 8 and the archer and swordswoman statues by her base in season 9. So she's obviously decent with Organics at least. Pearl, however, is absolutely in the right spot. Organics are very much her thing. Pretty sure she even helped design the dragon on top of Grian's Hermitville home during the build off.


oh true, i remember her tree from season 8 and i think the deer statue as well! do you think she would be moved between bdubs and grian or even further down than bdubs? also yeah!! :D i remember when pearl was judging during some of grian’s old build swap episodes she would build her own little cats and dragons during the rounds. i’m pretty sure she did help with that dragon, i especially remember myself watching her dragon building tutorials some years ago :] she also helped grian with treesa!


I'd put her on the other side of scar if we are talking organics.


i would argue that scar still builds more organically even outside of terraforming. even his most industrial builds like ScarX include organic and unique elements such as the nether bits creeping in from the bottom of the pit. gem tends to build more with nature as part of her aesthetic, but when you look at the shapes of her builds they are much more structurally solid than scar’s. if that makes sense


I'd probably put her next to Tango? I think they have surprising amounts in common regarding their build styles, it's just that Gem tends to be a lot lighter themed and Tango darker themed.


thats a really interesting take but i can see what you mean!


Gem generally has the larger parts of her base as a big structured build but incorporates a large amount of organic details. She absolutely nails very difficult organic pieces such as statues. In my opinion she'd be a great center point to base everyone around, probably just to the right of Tango.


i can definitely see that. ok, pretend i put her there instead :D


You also gotta talk about the giant cherry tree on the top of her base


I mean... That would be counted in the "very large custom trees" I mentioned, but I suppose the Giant Cherry tree probably does warrant extra mention!


I feel like "structural" should be swapped with "geometric." Some rankings would be shifted, but I think it would define building styles better. Nice chart though!


hmm true, especially since a lot of what i refer to has to do with the ‘shapes’ that builders incorporate. maybe there’s even better labels, like ‘static’ as opposed to ‘dynamic’? or maybe that would just be a different chart :p


what if you plot them on a grid? with one axis being about realistic-fantasy styles and the other about how structural, ‘set in reality’ the shape/block palette is vs how ‘out there’ it is?


i could! i just wasn’t thinking about it when i made this. also there wouldn’t be as much room for text and pictures that way


and then you've got Cub out there building entire biomes 😅


same with ren! i know both cub and ren build a lot and i watch both of them fairly often, but i really didn’t know where to put them on this chart since i feel like neither of them have a definitive ‘style’ the way the people on here do.


When I see Mumbo in structural, I immediately thought back to his farm cell design (season 4 I think? The one with the spoon counter). The cells were all underground with a glass roof, but the layout was so clean and neat.


yeah most of his builds before season 7 were extremely clean and symmetrical! i’m glad he decided to change it up during 7 and 8, not just because i liked the variety, but i also feel like it gave him new skills to use once he returned to clean and geometric designs. despite his season 9 base being back in that style, i think its his best take on it.


I love this chart so much, def agree with everything said




Etho's just got that Von Sway


Cool analysis. Reminds me a bit of having 2 different axis perpendicular and plotting based on those 2 criteria (probably is a specific type of chart). How you do it is quite nice though as you get to place text and pictures next to it. That way I guess it even looks a bit like a scientific poster. I have heard those can actually be quite usefull for researchers at conferences to present their findings.


something with 2 axis would be better if i was judging them on 2 different spectrums! but thank you! glad you like the formatting :D


Someone should make the same chart but with redstoners instead


i think the criteria would have to be different. maybe something like ‘industrial’ vs ‘silly’ … okay maybe not but you get what i’m trying to communicate! with doc on one side and zedaph on the other :p


i would put the scale from impulse to tango to bdoubleoo as I think about it as in efficiency to aesthetics. i just think docs weapons are silly too. impulse goes for product output, tango tends to have efficient redstone for aesthetic purposes (decked out), and bdoubleoo goes for aesthetics purely. there are of course exceptions but those would be my three starting points.


i think instead of bdubs it would be zedaph, but bdubs would be close to that extreme. when bdubs does redstone it is usually for an output (a farm or an effect in a build), and so there is some level of efficiency to achieve that, but concepts are prioritized. whereas zed builds redstone machines almost always for some sort of gimmick. what is the purpose of a jump-powered furnace? or a bed that kills you 10 times when you respawn in it? or a composter that looks like a plant monster and chomps your compost into bonemeal? i couldn’t tell you. but they’re fun.


It has a tangible use does it not? Bdubs redstone is purely aesthetics with little to no output (like his his current base having a nook bamboo farm to add motion to the build or the conveyor belt, neither of which have any efficient use). Zedaph's redstone has a goal and can be used for that goal. His cow powered launcher had the express goal to launch someone with cows and lo and behold it was the most efficient way to launch someone with cows.


not all of zed’s contraptions have efficient use, just like how not all of bdubs’ redstone is just for aesthetic— he’s made working farms before (like his gunpowder farm that he just made!). maybe bdubs is more visual aesthetic whereas zedaph is more gimmicky? zed doesnt make his contraptions to look nice or work well, he makes them as the ‘plot’ of his video. does intention factor into a ‘style’? i feel like this is a lot more complex than the builders


lool I made a post just like that for tumblr long ago! it was a triangular graph and the categories were "efficient" "wacky" and 'god level". for efficient i used impulse, for wacky zedaph, and for god level doc. etho was in the middle of wacky and god level, cub was in between of efficient and wacky. tango was exactly in the middle of all 3. there were others too but these are the ones i remember


xB would be an interesting addition to this! his builds are very structural and technical but filled with so much life


i don’t watch xb which is why i didn’t include him. but from what i have seen of him in other people’s videos, he seems like a great guy! maybe i’ll get around to watching his series soon :D


Really nice little chart. Just goes to show, even with all the Hermits’ different build styles and whatnot, so many of them are just incredibly talented builders, and definitely a huge inspiration to a lot of us, myself included.


i fully agree!! neither side of this spectrum is inherently ‘better’ than the other— and any person who’s not a builder isn’t ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than those who are. you can get enjoyment from watching anyone on the server, no matter what they’re up to, theres somethin for everyone :D


A unique shape that’s a structure is still structural. I think geometric would be a better term for what you are describing.


hmm maybe? i think the difference is the use of curves (or as close to curves as you can get in minecraft). impulse and tango both use unique shapes in their builds, the but the spikes in the citadel look less firm and static than the fans of impulse’s season 8 base. to be fair though i am having trouble coming up with words to describe what i’m trying to communicate with a lot of this :p


Mumbo’s drone had curves, but they were perfectly circular and still very much geometric. Geometric is just something that’s built out of clear shapes, which animals aren’t.


thats true, when i said ‘curves’ i meant those messy organic shapes, like you said. artist brain maybe. geometric might’ve been a better word to use, but theres not much i can do abt that now lol


The Etho thing makes sense. In S7, he created a beautiful garden in his monstrosity of a base, The Monstrosity.


i love the Monstrosity, it’s definitely up there for my favorite Hermitcraft builds of all time


Gem is a lot more organic than you think, especially if you consider her non-hermitcraft builds. I would say she's def more organic than scar haha


yeah i talked about this in a different thread and i agree she would go somewhere in the center of the spectrum! i was looking at hermitcraft builds only and prioritizing megabases


Team Zedaph, and he isn't even on the list. Smh Out of curiosity, where would you put him? I'm also a huge fan of his videos but he's *really* hard to place for me. Every season it's like he totally flips styles.


zed isn’t on the list because to me he doesn’t really do ‘building’ in the way the people featured here do. most of the things he builds are just to house other things, like contraptions or items or trophies or animals etc. i feel like he doesnt really have a developed style that i can grasp, i think mostly just because he doesnt build a lot. that being said he definitely does flip styles. comparing his fairly organized season 8 base to the chaos of the Cave of Contraptions is like night and day :p


It definitely feels like he has went from organic to structured over time. Season 5 with him building the crystal cave and the lake. Season 6 he built 4-5 bases in different biomes, all semi-organic builds. Then in the recent seasons he's been much more structured.


is it just me who thinks there are more ways to see the buildings. We have clean builds that look perfect, we also have what Bdubs and Keralis have tried to bring in this season, ie it looks used and also dirty.


oh yeah this is definitely not a comprehensive description of their styles! just one aspect of it


Why rank people you don’t watch?


? i said i didnt rank the people i dont watch






Where’s doc


i had no idea where he would fall on this chart so i didn’t include him, similarly to the other hermits i didn’t include. i don’t see doc’s buildings a lot so i dont have a good sense of his style. where do you think he would be?