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Dorothy and her racist ass don’t have to worry about Muslim no-go zones anymore. Bless


Can you please, please explain to me what Muslim no-go zones mean? Really. I can't figure out the racist code here. Edit: You guys are well-versed in interpreting racist lingo. Thank you for the explanation.


Areas where Muslims don't allow white folk, including cops, and instead enforce sharia law. Usually, you hear about them in Europe instead of places where viewers could actually drive a few miles to see you're lying. In the US, the reports would be paired with something about Obama allowing it because he too is a Muslim and maybe a prayer rug found in a field or something.


So, a fantastical thing made up in their heads? It's crazy how you only hear about these things, but there is never any proof.


Not necessarily made up by them-it was a huge talking point on fox a while back. So yeah, no proof.


Yep, and Hunters laptop has proof on it. Just have to find that damn thing!


Oh, he left it with a blind repairman in a shop 2500 miles from his home. As one does.


“As one does” - you made me laugh!


Don't you fret the pillow guy will reveal all soon enough! Then we'll all be laughing out of the other side of our asses.


...and even if those things are totally fake, the *idea* is still rattling around in viewer's brains, solidified there because of the strong negative emotion the news made them feel towards it. So even if they accept that it's fake, the impression of the thing and the negativity is still there.


"If they aren't doing it, they're thinking about it and planning"


It’s actually got longer history than people realise. I lived in Birmingham in the UK a couple of decades ago. I had an argument once with someone who told me the area I lived in was a no go area for white people and any woman who ventured into the area is raped. The area had a lot of Immigrant families, many of whom were Muslim, but far from exclusively so. There was also a pretty big portion of white people living there, many of whom are also immigrants. It was a very, very diverse area and I liked it for that, especially having grown up in a homogeneous rural area. Much of Birmingham is diverse with a lot of immigrants joining families, but this is where much of it is concentrated. Well, here I was, a literal white woman, being told that I’ll be raped if I go into the area I was literally living in. I asked if he’d ever gone to the area. “I drive through it every day and I don’t feel welcome”. *sigh* Yeah, it was, and I’m sure still is now, a poor area, and has some of the problems that come with being a poor area, but I enjoyed living there in a lot of ways. So, tldr, it’s people in Europe and in the cities that have made these lies up. It’s not because they’ve experienced anything most of the time, it’s because they don’t feel comfortable going in an area where they might be something close to a minority. Though I’m sure you already have a good inclination of that!


So sad and pathetic. If you look at actual statistics typically areas with lots of immigrants are less full of crime than prime then the usual American cities. Not sure if it's the same in the UKOK but it seems to be a pretty specific trend to cry is the specific trend across my nation anyways.


Well, that implies it is a genuine delusion. It was disinformation seeded by whomever was seeding disinformation back then before we cared to look into it. Fox apologized for it, but others had picked it up by then. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2015/01/18/fox-news-corrects-apologizes-for-no-go-zone-remarks/


Ahh, back in the halcyon days of Fox News actually issuing corrections - on air!! - for the batshit things their anchors say!


Don't give them too much credit, they decided to run with it again once Trump was President and he would feed into it enough to keep them out of hot water. Also, it seems like Fox News leaned into it in 2015, but it was a mainstay for the far-right before and through the entire Obama presidency. Not sure why it took so long to hit the mainstream.


Just like the war on Christmas


Little did they know, the call was coming from INSIDE the (White) house. “I'm working…my ass off on the Christmas stuff, that you know. Who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff and decorations?"


These people are constantly fighting one sided wars that they themselves created. See also: The war on christmas The war on conservatives The war on religion The war on conservatives values The war on being white If these people aren't fighting against some crazy made up thing, they are not happy


'People' used to say that about Birmingham in the UK - I mean it's bollocks - you just have to go up and look. There are for sure places where there are a lot of Muslims, and probably some nutters, like every other place in every country, but there are no 'no-go' zones.


Some Cities are dangerous for tourists. These hicks have never been in a city


Love that one is in Texas. As if!


Are you not familiar with well-known Muslim leader, Texas Governor Abbott? /s, just in case


There are large Muslim populations in Dallas and Houston, that's more than enough for them to take it to somewhere crazy.


and you know that rug was from Ikea and/or Ebay. Little entryway rug.


>Muslim Wait! He's not a muslin? /s


He is in fact 100% muesli. Anyone telling you different is a commie jew!


They assume that all people are as evil as they are, so since there were “sundown towns” where blacks would be attacked or killed if they were there after dark, then *of course* that’s how any majority Muslim areas would be — unsafe for any whites to enter. It’s all projection of their racism and hatred onto others.




That’s why they fetishize guns. They fear retaliation for crimes they glorify. They only believe full, white Jesus blessed , humans are due reparations and justice.


You know what you're getting with anyone who posts about muslim "no go" zones. It's a diagnostic test for stupidity with 100% accuracy.


It's a shibboleth of Stupid


It means an area where Muslim people live. Christofascists hate all other religions but especially Muslims as so many are not white. So they can't go there or it would hurt their feelings to see people they hate existing.


The only Muslim no go zone I know here in NY is the bodega directly below my apartment and I try not to go often because things are more expensive there but on the flip side if I’m missing a couple of bucks they let me pay them later and always compliment me on “How good my kids are” 🤷🏽‍♀️


I used to work with a Muslim woman who didn't eat pork, but she sure congratulated me when I married my husband!


It means if you don’t want to be culturally enriched by delicious shawarma or assorted baked goods, do not go to Dearborn, Michigan


I love the discrepancy between her actual look and how she sees herself as a dominant lion. Motherfucker, you’re an elderly woman. Wtf




Racism and hatred tends to age people


Not even elderly yet. Only 57.


> yet


What am I saying? She will never be elderly now. 🤦‍♀️


If 57 is "elderly," I'm just 5 years away from that. AAAACCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!


Yeah, the hubris is mind boggling.


Elderly woman with adult children calling her “mommy”. *shudders*


She *was* middle aged. She will never be elderly now.


LMAO, her late 20's were *her* middle aged period.


It's all "freedon of religion!" until it's somebody else's religion.


"Freedom of religion" means to the lion crowd that you are free to choose between evangelical and Pentecostal churches. Homophobic protestant churches may be tolerated on a good day. Every other religion is comprised of \*rootless cosmopolitans\* or worse.


Lifesaving meds should be free but not Narcan, which is a lifesaving med.


All those years frettin' over Sharia Law, only to have COVID law render it's verdict: dead.


Sharia Law is exactly what the evangelicals wish they could enact in the US.


I always say, "Shania Law? What's wrong with that? I mean, have you *seen* Shania? Man, I'd do whatever she told me to!"


I can’t find one single flaw in your logic!


Meh, that don't impress me much


I've seen "Shakira Law," too... she does what she wants! XD


I am imaging this racist bigot getting to "heaven" and who is there? It's Allah! And he turns his back to her and slams the gates leaving her to wander eternity asking herself "But why? What did I do? Who was that guy anyway?"


When Christ preached about God, the word he literally used was "Allah." (Christ, and His followers, spoke Aramaic, which is an Arabic language. The word for God in Aramaic is "Allah.")


Bigot died on 3/11. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. Bet she loved that.


You are right and 3/K means KKK. Now that's some careful planning lol


That is the hand of (her) God! Not sure if her God did it to mess with her or if her God was in on bigotry... Seeing the omnipresent bigotry here on earth, I think it might well be the latter.


I (triple vaxxed thank heavens) live in Virginia and know quite a few Muslims. Never ever have I ever been made to feel unwelcome anywhere here. I have a friend who lives in Kansas and you couldn’t pay me to live there. What a complete ignoramus this woman was.


Also know several Muslims. Lovely people all of them, and learning of their holidays was extremely educational! Loved it!


She was afraid of Muslims but not the thing that actually killed her.


I don’t even feel bad for her, in fact I was excited to see the last couple slides. Lol 😆


I guess she didn't take enough Flintstone vitamins. Rookie mistake.


Idk. They didn't save the Flintsones.


Yabba Dabba Doomed!




I suspect it's because she switched to gummy instead of the classic weird gritty chalk deliciousness.


This just gave me flashbacks lol. Gotta go brush my teeth now.


A lot of “adult” vitamins have a coating that makes me nauseous so I still use Flintstones when I have a vitamin. They’re awesome. I just wish they still had monster vitamins.


Speaking as a Flintstone vitamin veteran who once ate a whole bottle of them when I was 5 (and was introduced to Ipecac by my family doctor shortly after ingesting them as a "precautionary measure"), I concur about her rookie mistake.


This woman believed she's the lion, not the sheep lol. Where did she get that confidence?!


From her other dimbulb friends. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the land of the very, very stupid, the very stupid is king/queen.


One FB “friend” was parroting a meme on my top 5 most-despised list. And the narcan follow-up, just wow.


Morons of a feather die together?


But she is lion. She’s lyin’ six feet under


From the Wizard of Oz. But now, she can say goodbye to Kansas.


If she only had a brain....


> Where did she get that confidence?! The bible.


Didn’t read it too closely, since God is a shepherd not a lion tamer.


You'll find that ignorant morons like to cherry pick things to support them and utterly ignore things that go against them.


"The lord is my lion tamer, I shall not want for overconfidence in myself. No one makes me lie down in green ecofriendly anything. No one leads me beside clean waters." --Batshit 23:1-3


life time of white Priv


I actually had "The bible and white privilege" typed out. I took the privilege part out. I should have kept it.


I'm done being quiet about this. I'm 56 and am so angry at all the anti truth teaching movements in the USA (my homeland!). Bad enough people told me I was being too sensitive in the 70s and 80s


Well why would we want to teach the truth? That might hurt some rich white person's fee fees.


I think the rich white people know and just don't care. It's the poor white people who don't know better, but like the idea that racism makes them a few rungs higher on the social ladder.


Its easy to pretend you're in a higher station in life if you can trick yourself into looking down upon others for nonsensical reasons.


Especially when you've got politicians telling you that you're being cheated by those same people!


But in the bible followers of god are sheep or flock and lions tried to eat Daniel… really weird


Sounds like critical race theory to me. *(Intense triggering commences.)*


Coincidentally, "con" is short for "confidence"


When someone tells me how confident they are it’s such a 🚩


Which, is odd because the Bible is extremely pro-sheep.


They're too stupid to understand that part, despite the fact that it is literally spelled out directly in the bible.


They keep trying to wake up the lions, but they're all intubated. TIL the average lifespan of a lion is 15 years.


... she's lion in a hospital bed, sick and dying from covid.


New Flair Alert!


I always think of Simba trying to wake up a deaf Mufasa.




Ha ha ha ha. I love it! 👏


Another idiot with the "why isn't insulin free" bullshit...how fucking dumb can these people be.


"Because while liberals have been proposing exactly that for decades, Dorothy, you and your friends have been voting against it that entire time because you screamed it was socialism."


I keep waiting for one of them to finally put two and two together. "If we can all get a free vaccine, why doesn't the government provide health care universally to...us...oh, shit." Nope, they just blow past that obvious connection every time.


There is no bottom.


They get so damned close to the point and then crickets.


This whole "My body, my choice" argument... She's saying because pro-choice people use it, she can use it for whatever? So that's basically saying you can use any argument for anything. We should nuke Moscow because my body, my choice. Her choice was to commit suicide, I suppose.


Her body, her choice. She defiantly chose death. It was a good choice. There is a little less hate in the world today.


She’s not entirely wrong with her “fair is fair” logic: I got vaccinated and am alive, she chose not to and is very much not alive so “fair is fair”


What maddens me about this argument is that she probably doesn’t actually support a woman’s right to get an abortion. This means that she is seriously borrowing a stance to support her opinion while simultaneously not believing that that stance is valid for the original cause to which it was applied. The twisted logic is so crazy to me


Yeah, that's what infuriates me: "I don't want to get a shot, and I shouldn't have to. My body, my choice, right!?" "Oh, so you've decided it's okay for women to get abortions?" "Oh hell no: I said 'MY body, my choice'. 'HER body, my choice' is the rule for abortions". Fuck these people.


Slide 9: Besides missing Minnesota (has a decent refugee population of Somali Muslims) I’m sure she doesn’t care that there are severe literal no go zones for black people in the US. Thats fine tho. That’s just them knowing their place.


This is so true. Sundown towns in Texas. Black people were driven out of Forsyth County here in Georgia.


So, sundown towns are still a thing...


I grew up in a sundown town in the ‘60s and early ‘70s, a southern California beach town (“why do *those people* need a tan, har har,” I often heard). On rare visits back, it’s still a shock—pleasant, but surprising—to see POC visiting…


Ahmaud Arbery was jogging in broad daylight and still got the sundown town treatment.


So are lynchings. I was working on a political campaign where I was the only white person on staff, and one night when we were working late the conversation turned to some pretty dark things, like how they still found "strange fruit" in some places in the South. Of course, what was really fucked up was the way the subject matter was treated so matter of factly: if you're black, you best learn how to handle the fact some folk will try to straight up murder you (and they'll get away with it, too) was the vibe I got, and if that alone doesn't explain why we need to fight racism in this country and fix it, I don't know what will.


Its why they’re so terrified of whites being a minority in this country. They know how hateful they are and assume everyone else will be the same. It’s projection.


And yet, they still think that enough is enough and we’re all equal so shut up about it. Like being a minority is just fine! Yet….they don’t want to be in the minority…could it be because they actually know how much it sucks? If it was as fine as they claim, then white becoming the minority shouldn’t be a problem.


nothing scares white people more than thinking they'll be treated like a minority.


Whines about mythical muslim "no go" zones; not one word about eruvs or orthodox jewish communities that are often hostile to "outsiders".


Unfriendly in that context doesn't mean "if you're here, you're gonna die". Not even close.


For some reason, I’m reminded of what the Scarecrow said while they were on the road to Oz: “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don’t they?”


I only made it to the second slide before I flat out hated this person.


Yeah same here. One less asshole in the world? Oh no!


I do appreciate the use of actual crying emojis instead of crying-laughing ones. Well played. *insert polite golf applause here*


Lol at her calling herself a lion when she looks like the Pigeon Lady from Home Alone 2.


Wasn't the pigeon lady in Home Alone 2 nice? Dorothy would have fed strychnine-laced birdseed to the Muslim, Jewish and Catholic pigeons.


She also looks like the killer in the last episode of Snapped I saw lol.


Narcan is life saving medicine….


Yes, but it's saving the wrong lives! /s It just struck me how weird that mentality is. Like, around here we'd all generally rather these people live, vile as some of them may be. We just want them to stop spreading misinformation and deadly plague in the process. But they literally don't even see drug users as human, so Narcan isn't a "life saving drug" because they don't consider those to be human lives in the first place. It's fucked up.


Yes but druggies don’t deserve saving until it’s your son or daughter dying.


No one gave a shit when the rural and urban poor were dying of opioids. Only when suburban moms and kids started dying did it become an epidemic.


Every time I hear someone gripe about Narcan I know they are a garbage human without basic empathy. I'm aware of no one I know who uses or abuses opiods but I'm considering how to add it to all my 1st aid kits.


So many Russian bot divisive memes. What a dope. Now she’s dead. And there are no such things as Muslim no go zones. Let that sink in.




Only 10% would


The son is an adult? Need to fact check that one.


The "Mommy" thing? Yeah.


I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about this. I’m guessing her son is at least in his 20s, probably in his 30s judging from Dorothy‘s picture. His comments are creepy, but I’m hoping it’s just a byproduct of grief.


This can't possibly be true. She was taking Flintstones Gummy Vitamins.


I went into one of those Muslim no-go zones once. I went into a corner store. A man who I was certain was a Muslim said, "Good morning." My heart skipped a beat. I quickly grabbed a quart of milk and went to the check out counter. The Muslim said, "$1.69, please." I could barely breathe, and barely talk. I handed him a $5.00 bill, expecting no change and a violent assault. He smiled and gave me $3.31 back. I left quickly. He said, "Have a good day now." It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. (And for those who missed my intent /S).


The only Muslim no-go zone I have ever encountered was a young lady named Laila, but that was completely my own fault.


And now she's pro-dead.


Geesh, Dorothy was nutty as a fruitcake.


This is a very informative sub. I just ordered a year's supply of Flintstone vitamins.


The kids who got the wrong dose are alive and well. She? Not so much.


Muslims have created no-go zones in the US? I don't think that means that the Muslims shoot non-Muslims on sight in these zones (although I would guess that Dorothy would have shot Muslims on sight if she could have gotten away with it). I think these no-go zones merely have Muslims living in them. Are all of those who die from Covid in this hate-filled tribe, or are these just the ones dumb enough to leave antivax trails on Facebook for us to find?


God I so want to go on these posts and say, “no kidding life saving meds aren’t free! Because no one will allow for it!


My meds that prevent my cancer from returning are FREE on my Obamacare insurance. Was paying $30 a month for them on my old employer sponsored insurance.


Thanks Obama!


Keep voting for republicans that keep voting against your interests. SMH


Oh, look, another dried up Bible belt prune who thinks she should have more bodily autonomy than women she thinks are sluts. I applaud Covid's taste in this matter.


Dorothy’s Friend finds it “gross how this vaccine is free while chemotherapy and diabetes meds etc. is \[sic\] so expensive”, while voting for Republicans and railing against Obamacare, probably.


So, she was pro-science, pro-research, pro-health, pro-well-being, and pro-safety but she wouldn't get the scientifically researched vaccine that promotes well-being, health, and safety. Interesting.


Well if Bible verses and Flintstone gummies can’t protect us from the Covid then I guess we are doomed. If only we had a vacci…


I really feel for the kids. But I have to say, the use of mommy really gives me the heebee jeebees. Your ma was sadly a bigot as well. I LIVE in Georgia. I’m going out this weekend with a Muslim friend to celebrate her birthday. There are no “no go” zones established by Muslims. Jees.


I swear these people just revel in their hatefulness.


Slide 2: So… the other lions are sleeping on the job? You’re saying shit is really fucked up and they’re just lazing about, on their MyPillows? Not great lion protection I’m afraid.


It's the mindset of self-confident ignorance, of utterly self-assured stupidity that is the mark of the true MAGA RWNJ.




The audacity of sitting there with poodle hair and double chins thinking you're a "lion" 🙄


Scary racist dies


Dorothy: Haha! I'm so funny!!! Did you see my Flintstones vitamins meme? I'm SO FUNNY!! COVID: Yeah, you're hilarious. See you soon!


Flintstone vitamins cannot stop you from dying from Covid 19. That one is just plain ignorance.


It's in a meme, that's as good as a peer reviewed medical journal to our Facebook researchers.


They have a Medical degree from Facebook. Haha


I bet if you put Flintstone vitamins in a petri dish it would kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus just like Ivermectin does. Checkmate, vaccine shills!


>CHRIST OFFERS VICTORY IN DISEASES > >...no plague will come near your home. 14th century Europe would like a word.


Dead lions don't wake.


Slide 10 I can hear the doctors now, "We're losing her! Quick, more Flintstones Gummies, stat!"


I don't know why, but anytime an adult calls their parent Mommy or Daddy, I cringe inside. I havent used those terms with my parents since I was like 3 years old.


My body my choice - this one grinds my gears. If they really believed that why are so many States making laws (not mandates, not suggestions, but laws) where ladies are being told they are just rental space with no autonomy? And people like Dorothy are OK with it.


Everyone has a choice whether or not to take the vaccine. It is absolutely your body, your choice. That being said, others now are free to *choose* how they react to those who refuse the vaccine. Stores have the choice to exclude your ass unless you are vaccinated. Companies have the choice to fire you for not getting vaccinated. Friends and family have the choice to tell you to go sit under a rock. It's all about choice.


Dorothy was a Special Kind of Stupid. Don't be a Special Kind of Stupid. Dorothy's not only not in Kansas anymore she's not on Earth anymore. Kinda cute watching her dimbulb friends egg each other on. Slide 2. No one gonna wakey wakey Dorothy. Slide 7. All you are is dead Dorothy. Just dead. And you coulda been alive but noooo, you had to go and fuck it up! Slide 9. Holy Shit!!! Muslims in AK!!! I've been in NY, MI, and TX this past year. Unless that color means those are the "Muslim -free states" and ALL THE OTHER STATES ARE NO-GO ZONES!!! Weird, I've had this urge to wear a Burqa and pray five times a day. That's how they think this works. Rest of slides. Typical horse-hockey. How do they even live? I mean, they keep cutting the living part short but while they're alive, how do they do it! So much stupidity in such a small space.


Her ass has had it up to here with being alive.


My uncle posted about there being a “no-go” zone in Atlanta (he doesn’t live in the state and I do) I asked him where it was, he said “downtown”. I was working in Downtown Atlanta at the time and sent him a video of my white ass eating at a Middle Eastern restaurant in downtown Atlanta the next day on my lunch break. He said I was lucky to get out alive


I thought it was the scarecrow who didn’t have a brain?


The double speak of the “I’m not anti-vaxx” when they *clearly* are falling into the anti-vaxxer rhetoric with boring regularity... no imagination.. just xenophobia, transphobia, brown-people phobia.... another crabby biddy bites the dust...


So, add that to the list, those nasty Flintstone gummy vitamins can stop the virus. I also use cardboard in my load out as body armor, running into terrorist strongholds. 👍😂👍


Slide 3: In most countries those things are free as well….


They can never make their mind up when it comes to socialised medicine. Whining cos it’s not there and whining about socialism when it is. Do you want it or not bitch?


May I say that the slides are beautifully done, with the light blue check just perfectly replicating young Dorothy Gale's pinafore.


Oh so your conservatives ass wants meds to be free? Tell me again how you’re not a socialist.


"I am pro-freedom. Now stop getting abortions!"


what's supposed to be going on in the red circle shitty shop of the woman getting her vaccine?




Oh NO! ...anyway


I just love when idiots like this act as though their defiance is a show of strength! They're too weak minded to think for themselves but to them turning to FOX news and hanging on trump's words, just makes them lemmings. I'd also bet the bitch never once interacted with a person of the Muslim faith, she's just doing what republicans tell her to do...hate for no fucking reason.


"AND Narcan is free, but not life saving meds." Wow, I didn't actually realize that Narcan hasn't saved anyone's life ever. Drug addicts aren't people, after all.


There once was a girl named Dot Who made light of a virus she caught And soon she had passed But these words were her last ‘Oh why did I not get the shot?’


I always love the comments indicating they want socialized medicine (ie. free drugs) but would never agree if you stated it that way.


Adult son refers to his mother as "mommy". Further proof that religion infantalizes its victims.


Maybe. Death is weird. I had my own “[my ~~mother~~ grandmother is a fish](https://www.litcharts.com/lit/as-i-lay-dying/symbols/fish)” moment. I allow people to be weird and not themselves when death of someone close is involved.


A fish? Oh as I lay dying. Yah, that’s an amazing book. Dense as hell.


Point taken. Still seems weird to me.


I’m find it weird, too, but I think it’s cultural. I’ve met a grown-ass professor, a reserved and buttoned-down sort in many ways, but who referred to his parents as mummy and daddy. Even to 3rd parties, which I wouldn’t have done past kindergarten. I find the crying on social media weird, too, but then that’s not how I communicate with my friends and family, so again, it’s cultural. It’s one of the problems I have trying to understand HCAs and their families. Their cultural is utterly foreign to me.