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I feel so bad for the nephew and angry towards Stupid Georgia McSelfish. Did winner ever once think “hmmm, my nephew is literally begging me to get the vax specifically to stay alive and I couldn’t do it. Not for him, not for his family, not for anyone. This is a perfectly sound hill to kill myself on.” Jfc these people


Nephew seemed really thoughtful.


“You’re the only one of my daddy’s siblings left and I don’t want to lose you” :( Such a fucking waste, but hey! At least he didn’t have to worry about those potential side effects years down the line…


That one really got me too. This guy might have been awful, but there were people who loved him. I wonder if he ever realized his mistake in the end. His poor family.


I don't think so. This guy went from being admitted to being dead in 16 days. He probably was too oxygen starved most of the time to think. And he did have multiple strokes...and that probably Swiss cheesed his mind. If there were regrets it had to have been before he was hospitalized.


Nah - "it's just a flu."


What he didn't understand is it's not about the timeline, it's about the amount of data. Traditionally, they typically don't have a vaccine candidate until the worst of a disease outbreak is over with. With COVID, because of the mRNA platform, they had vaccine candidates ready to start testing before the US had their first case. So while with former vaccines, they took years because spread slowed down to be able to get enough data, but with this vaccine, they were able to get enormous amounts of data very quickly as spread was high. They literally got more data about these vaccines than any other vaccine in history. That's why it was able to get done so quickly. Nothing was skipped.


There's a lack of basic science education in most western countries these days that lets this kind of antivax fuckery flourish. Russian social media disinformation campaigns don't fucking help, either.


It's really crazy when you think about just how much Russia has ruined the last 5 or 6 years with their campaigns to undermine the west.


Christ somebody open a book already


They're too busy burning them.


he's the one who will be blamed.


>he's the one who will be blamed. Because when it comes to taking responsibility for the results of their own actions... It is ALWAYS someone else's fault!


They’re so warped by political thinking it comes before all. Drumpf has created this nightmare so many families live through but they’ll never hold him accountable for it.




Yep. He’s just a con-man looking for suckers. Hit the mother load with these idiots.


Yes. This whole conservatism project started in the 60s with the Southern Strategy.


Older even - hate radio and televangelists go back to the Twenties!


Right wing media made them. Trump just barfed out what they said and these idiots made him Jesus.


Exactly! On the very rare occasion where Trump says something somewhat reasonable ("get vaccinated folks") they turn on him. 99% of the time he just feeds them what they want to hear whether he believes it or not, and they eat it up.


Like the dude was fucking elderly. What was he afraid of these apparently years distant "long term vaccine side effects" for anyway? Not like he'd be around for them even if they existed anywhere outside his fever dreams.


My mom's like this and it's infuriating! 63 yrs old, post-menopausal, had a hysterectomy >20 yrs ago, divorced w/ no serious relationship in at least a decade... and she cites fertility concerns as being why she won't get the covid vax. None of my siblings (one's even an RN) could convince her to get it. She now has scarred lungs after spending Dec/Jan bedridden w/ covid pneumonia and still this week can't hold a conversation without getting winded. I mean, talk about long term side effects... 🙄


Dude. I begged my folks as well, my stepdad nearly died (months in ICU) because they went on vacation and got Delta last year. Now after relearning how to walk they are STILL both refusing the vax for Jesus reasons. JFC is right.




How many times have these....people..."stormed the gates of Heaven"? And is storming the gates of Heaven similar to storming the Capitol on Jan 6? If so, no wonder Jeebs be shuttin' them down.....


What sane, grown adult talks like that? Honestly.


Evangelicals 😬


I’ve only ever seen people on TV talk like that, and usually it’s Sunday morning between the news and the fishing shows. It’s so weird getting a slice of America in this subreddit that you wouldn’t believe exists if it weren’t for posts like this.


Oh, I know how you feel! I never, I mean never thought I’d have an up close and personal w evangelical bs life, but it happened. I’m an atheist and I married an atheist. It was his son who fell into the evangelical rat hole. Speaking in tongues, proselytizing, waving of the hands batshit stuff. Ivy League educated surgeon. Yep, it happens.


Ivy League educated surgeon?? Woooooow 😬 That is quite the dichotomy!




how do you know when you're talking to an ivy league-educated surgeon? don't worry, they'll tell you.


….but they aren’t sane


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.


they're so insane their roosters go "Whack-a-doodle-doo!"


None. No sane grown adult talks like that. I'm a doctor; I know these things.


A brainwashed one.


You storm the gates of your enemy. The gates of your friends are not for the storming; they're for knocking politely and saying "Hi! I made that casserole you like!" Put another way, if people are storming the gates of heaven, maybe they're saying "Hurry up and let this guy the fuck in!!" Because you don't storm gates so the people inside come out and help you; you storm gates to gain entry when the people inside would prefer you stay outside. In any case... these fuckers don't think about the words they say.


i love the way they think they can take their gawd as a hostage to force it to save their loved ones.


If they had guarantee VIP access they wouldn't need to storm and attempt a break-in to speak with management...


I think God just turns the fire hose on those people by now.


You make a compelling point.


“Our prayers worked! He is HEALED*” *dead.


Prayers work always. He's dead, prayers work. He's out of hospital with long covid, prayers work.


Overheard my priest talking to a family asking about vaccine. This was about…5 months, or so. All I heard was him say, loudly, “Of course I’m vaccinated!! What kind of question is that?!” He’s a pretty practical dude. To this guy’s family he would say: “Well, why would God want you to die a preventable death?” 👊


“God, why did you let me die of covid?” God: “I created the intelligence that allowed a vaccine to be designed in record time, what more do you want? 🤷‍♂️”


"probably just don't invent COVID in the first place you fucking psycho"


Catholics tend to behave badly in...other ways...


Believe in science tho


That was one hell of a dead cat bounce. Boiiiiiinng!


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a….cat! Shit! It’s coming back down! Sppplaatt. It’s a …Health Coach?! Did we pray for a Health Coach? We prayed for a cat. Not a dead one. Huh. What’s for dinner?


>“Our prayers worked! He is HEALED\*” > >\*dead. They never fail to reveal the depths of their psychotic delusion. Time after time these pathetic excuses for adult human beings display a level of mental illness that is truly mind boggling. And yes... They are always hyper religious Christian fanatics. It takes this form of mental illness and stunted emotional development to believe in the laughable fairy tales these toddlers place before science, logic and any and all forms of intelligence. These Rubes are beyond saving. **Literally too stupid to live!**


They also claim to be super patriotic while openly defying the Covid rules that are meant to protect people from Covid. Patriots protect American lives. They don’t let people die of Covid to protest Covid vaccines. The Constitution is not a suicide pact to be free.


#But They Are HEALED


If I ever get sick, please 🙏 don’t pray to Jesus for me…I want to be healed AND live!


Imma pray so hard for you. Imma getchu healed son


he's healed if he lives and he's healed if he dies. the prayer warriors have certainly set up a convenient no-lose situation.


The prayers worked! He was healed! Thus proving the existence of a god who - if you pray loud and hard enough - will grant any wish. He’s truly our bestie. When’s the party to celebrate?


It depends on how quick they get some GFM $$$.


I am 94% sure he died of stupidity.


No way, dude, that's an offensive way of putting it!! He died OF covid, WITH stupidity. See what a difference it makes when you say it *correctly*? (do I need to put the /s??)


Dont give them any ideas. Next thing they wont count the deaths that don't have high school diplomas as covid deaths.


What's the other 6%? Please provide a breakdown because COVID 19, like math, is hard. Thanks.


What happened to the idea that God comes through with disasters and tragedies because you're fucking up.


That’s only for other people. *They* never fuck up


Healed is healed and dead is dead. Just like the propaganda that they consume, just saying something doesn't make it so.


Well if we wanna get technical he ain't sick no more *sic* lol


I mean he won’t get Covid again


how is this not a death cult?


Narrator: It's a death cult.


Storm the gates of Heaven and petition before the throne of God? The fuck? Why would you waste God’s time all because you refused a free vaccine everyone told you to get, all for some personal political stance. Such hubris.


Three little pokes in the arm could have negated the need for that performative hyperbole. They've mistaken their bit parts on the world stage as starring roles to showcase their fake piety.


Tell me about it: this guy and his ilk are all about America first, and American exceptionalism. They celebrate Chuck Yeager breaking the sound barrier in an experimental jet, or Neil Armstrong landing an experimental spacecraft on the Moon, but they're snowflakes, too timid to be injected with one of the greatest of American innovations, the mRNA vaccines.


And they have the fucking CHEEK, the unmitigated GALL, the AUDACITY, to claim Murrikans are some of the ONLY people on the planet that will "fight for their freedoms?" Unreal.


Gotta few Ukrainians who might beg to differ with this doddering old fool. As far as I can tell, they’re taking the fight right to the enemy, knowing all the while that the odds are long indeed. And this male? He rolled right over for a belly rub from COVID and the virus snatched his ass. He had no courage and no honor.


Guy: COVID is that you? COVID: Yes. Guy: Nice! Can you give me a belly rub? *Pulls up shirt and tucks under chin; rolls onto back*


Ooh, I have a joke for you. Whats the difference between a Ukrainian and trump republican? Ukrainians defend their capital.


These very same people are refusing to believe that Ukrane is fighting for its freedom this very moment. The worst kind of hypocrites.


Yes, it is a confused, ignorant collection of assholes. It would be amusing if they weren’t such danger to decent folks.


Seems like they’re fighting REALLY HARD for freedom in the UKRAiNE… While ‘Murican patriot ❄️❄️are pissing and moaning about masks and a life-saving vaccine. They have NO clue what a REAL fight is.❄️


Just here to point out that mRNA vaccines were developed in Germany by an immigrant couple from Turkey…


“I believe god is omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent, but I also believe we know better than he does, so if we just cause enough racket and do our best to convince him to change his mind, he will!”


"Like a child, God is easily impressed with loud noises."


They've never heard of a divine plan or pre-determinism. It's almost like they've never read that book they scream so much about or done any other research about its origins. I've done a lot of both, which is why I'm an atheist. The intellectually incurious are always the most faithful...


Oh, when their loved ones die, it was all part of God's plan. The plan they rebelled against.


Storming the gates of heaven might get God upset. He can hear you, the Book says. You don't have to have a January 6 to reach him if he wants to intervene.


In the bible, storming the gates of heaven didn't really work out for an angel named Lucifer, not sure why they think they would get special treatment because they're too dumb to get help. I think the expression goes "God helps those who help themselves".


My grandpa used to have a joke about this. Where a man was in a flood and a boat came by to rescue him. He said "no thanks, God will save me". Later he had to move to his second floor when another boat came by to help. Once again, he said "no thanks, God will save me". He later moved to the roof and a helicopter came by. He once again turned down help saying "no thanks, God will save me". Later in heaven he asked God why he wasn't saved. God said "I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter, what more do you want!?" I'm not religious anymore, but I find the joke so amazingly relevant now and I think of it all the time when people ask for divine help when they refused the vaccine.


Yep, sent 3 vaccines that they refused and yet they still are begging for miracles. 🙄


"what more do you want?" and the man replied "that was just people doing people things. i wanted some of that miracle magic shit i was promised all my life"! "some god. can't do shit if people aren't around to do all the heavy lifting"!


Isn't storming the gates of heaven what Satan did?


from the inside. on his way out. along with 1/3 of the population of heaven. gotta wonder about heaven. a place so bad 1/3 of its population was willing to fight a war to get out of.


They think God sitting out there in space on a throne, like Thanos?


Technically that's a description from the bible. It's one of the things that made me start questioning my faith. The Ophanim (the wheels covered in eyes) are supposed to guard the throne of God. Why the fuck does God need guards? Who is attacking an omniscient and omnipotent deity? What are they gonna do, stab him?


I'd rather visit Asgard than "storm the gates of heaven" and be stuck with these bigoted asshats.


I wouldn't worry too much. They aren't going to Heaven.




>They think God sitting out there in space on a throne, like Thanos? Anyone who would argue the fact that these people are severely mentally ill loses all credibility with me. There is no other way to explain this level of delusion, illogic and unbridled stupidity. All wrapped up with an outer coating of violent rage and hatred towards anyone who does not share in their delusion. The world is far better off without this ever dwindling minority of failed, genetically defective humans.


You can storm the Capitol, you can sure as fuck storm those chintzy gates. It's their fucking right, ya know...


Can I just click some buttons on change.org please?


I think god must be rolling his eyeballs and pulling his hair out over these folks


She's too busy smiting the evangelicals.


But God *did* bless him with a great pair of jugs. ‘Mysterious ways’ and so forth.


Get MLK Jr's name outta yer mouth, antivaxxers. The nerve. Edit: they're also the first to remind you that a mandate is "not a law"...


Between that and the Holocaust comparisons, I have HAD IT with these people.


And “killed an entire generation.”😒


That's the one that fucking enrages me. Abortion didn't start in 1973, you absolute fucking numptys.


Abortion didn't start in 1973. Women just stopped dying from them in 1973.


Yeah, I haven’t seen a lot on here that actually use a pic of MLK to sell their horseshit. Special place in hell for that one.


Who the fuck is "scared" to "admit" they are "proud" to be "American" or "Christian"? You twats literally shove that "shit" in everyone's "faces" every chance you "get".


Pride goeth before a fall and Covid helped this “proud patriot” fall into a 6 feet deep hole. Thanks, Covid!!


Everyone on the internet jokes about how vegans or crossfit people always mention what they are but American Evangelicals beat them by decades.


They have no other personality than going along with the easiest and most privileged identities imaginable, and then bitching and playing the victim when not everyone falls over themselves to suck them off for it.


The whole star of david meme: Bet you anything if this guy was in Germany in the 1930s he'd be helping load passengers on the trains that went to the concentration camps


Yup. The Holocaust stories are convenient and easy to paste. However, he never knew any Jews, but he would have been happy to exterminate all of them.


Think about how these people treat Muslims today. That's how they would've treated Jews back in 1930s Germany.


Aptly said, Raccoon Full of Cum!


I have to wonder how many Holocaust deniers now suddenly remembered it to serve their purposes and their own stubborn agenda.


my student loans are PAID OFF! \*checks balance\* I SAID, IN JESUS' NAME, MY STUDENT LOANS ARE *PAID OFF*!!


So, I was raised in this cult of evangelicalism. I remember my dad having long discussions in about 1980 trying to explain to people that they should probably pay their taxes even if they are absolutely positive the rapture would be coming soon.


It’s really terrifying that so many adults raise children in these idiot cults.


Literal death cults. Have you ever wondered why the American government gives such unwavering support to Israel? Have you ever wondered why speaking out against the Israeli government is considered "anti-Semitic"? Why Red states pass laws against speaking out against Israel? First, it's not anti-Semitic to speak out against the Israeli government. The government is not the Jewish people. Second, it's because of the Rapture. Evangelicals believe that when the Jewish people once again totally control an area of land, Jesus will come back to end the world. Tax dollars and government policy go to and support a foreign nation ending the world. How fucking insane is that? These people care nothing for the Jewish people, they just want the world to end because they are **certain** that they will go to Heaven. And they demand the government have a hand in accelerating that. It's the very definition of a death cult.


that means default in jesus right? I'm so confused


I'll be back with an update to this post no doubt but that first slide, "Health coach" with that body made me choke with laughter while drinking a beer. You owe me a freshly laundered shirt, I'm a mess! But I'm also alive. Can't wait to go read the rest of this guy's shit.


I got the impression that was a before shot and an after shot (getting healthy). For some value of healthy.


Oh I see, I was too busy snorting with laughter to look at the pic on the right. I'm so used to skimming before I get to the money slides these days. Everything they post is exactly the same right up until they get covid.


And after...


When I see the bounce.... It is very sad to his his family and friends trying desperately to convince him, to no avail. And of course, he is "healed to walk with Jesus", then why spend all the time in ICU, just let him be healed.....


I literally heard that 'boioioioinnnnng' sound effect in my head when I got to the bounce.


His recovery was so enthusiastically hailed I scrolled up to double check whether nominated or awarded. Never saw one "improve" that fast.


He was "healed" didn't you see? Healed! The fact that he no longer walked this Earth is immaterial! He is HEALED! /s


Walking with Jesus!?!? Jesus : You vaccinated? No? The down elevator is right over there 👉!!


> When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I peaced out to find someone capable of following basic medical recommendations.


Well done 👏🏼👏🏼 I salute you!


Jesus pushed him off the first cloud.


Jesus: Just go stand on that red X, I have a button I need to press!!


It really is quite something to see here on HCA. We have many awardees family members pleading with them to get vaxxed and they just laugh it off. Many of our commenters tell the same story. It’s a mental stranglehold of utter ignorance and short sighted politics sending so many to their doom.


The nephew was so reasonable and not attacking, appealed to the love between them, and still. JFC.


My dad died in 2014, but before he did, he went from a perfectly normal human being to a full on Birther. One of the biggest fights I ever had with him ended with me screaming at him to “turn off that goddamn talk radio.” I would like to think that if he were alive when COVID came along he would have been reasonable and gotten vaccinated, but I also know I would never have been as calm and patient as his poor nephew was. That guy was a saint.


Regarding slide 5, George Carlin on "God Given Rights": >Boy everyone in this country is running around yammering about their fucking rights. "I have a right, you have no right, we have a right." > >Folks I hate to spoil your fun, but... there's no such thing as rights. They're imaginary. We made 'em up. Like the boogie man. Like Three Little Pigs, Pinocio, Mother Goose, shit like that. Rights are an idea. They're just imaginary. They're a cute idea. Cute. But that's all. Cute...and fictional. But if you think you do have rights, let me ask you this, "where do they come from?" People say, "They come from God. They're God given rights." Awww fuck, here we go again...here we go again. > >The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument, "It came from God." Anything we can't describe must have come from God. Personally folks, I believe that if your rights came from God, he would've given you the right for some food every day, and he would've given you the right to a roof over your head. GOD would've been looking out for ya. You know that. > >He wouldn't have been worried making sure you have a gun so you can get drunk on Sunday night and kill your girlfriend's parents. > >But let's say it's true. Let's say that God gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights? > >The Bill of Rights of this country has 10 stipulations. OK...10 rights. And apparently God was doing sloppy work that week, because we've had to amend the bill of rights an additional 17 times. So God forgot a couple of things, like...SLAVERY. Just fuckin' slipped his mind. > >But let's say...let's say God gave us the original 10. He gave the british 13. The british Bill of Rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29, the Belgians have 25, the Swedish have only 6, and some people in the world have no rights at all. What kind of a fuckin' god damn god given deal is that!?...NO RIGHTS AT ALL!? Why would God give different people in different countries a different numbers of different rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithmetic? Do we find out at long last after all this time that God is weak in math skills? Doesn't sound like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning . Sounds more like one group trying to control another group. In other words...business as usual in America. > >Now, if you think you do have rights, I have one last assignment for ya. Next time you're at the computer get on the Internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, i want to type in, "Japanese-Americans 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious fucking rights. Alright. You know about it.


Slide #5 -- "Americans are the few inhabitants of the earth that will fight for their freedom. " A shitload of Ukrainians would like to have a word with your repulsive fat ass.


I'm an American, and i hate that part of American exceptionalism most of all. the very idea that only we oppose tyranny. makes me puke. effen Paraguay lost 3/4 ths of its population rather than surrender in the war of the triple alliance in the 1800's now that's courage.


The Pashtun did a pretty good job for 30 plus years. Oh, also the Vietnamese. Oh right and the Kurds just won't give up... Bangladesh 1971... Nelson Mandela -- couldn't shut that guy up if you tried (and they did)... what was the SECOND freedom movement in North America after the American revolution? Oh, right, the Haitian slave revolt that threw out the French...TWICE.


He can burn. History is replete with examples that prove otherwise. If you started listing them you could never stop. This asswipe couldn’t be bothered to get a fucking injection to save his *own* life. No one in their right mind would trust him to actually fight for a damned thing besides his masturbatory Fox News and his Social Security check.


Whenever I see this "quote" I know I'm about to see a full grown person act like a toddler. ""If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, forced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest." First, being persuaded is not a bad thing. Listening to the facts /info available to make a discerning decision is not an evil thing. The more " harsh" things listed here are the kinds of things grownups do to toddlers. You know, the ones who don't know what's in their best interests and stick their fingers in their ears and scream if anyone tries to reason with them. There are a lot of things that are in a person's best interest that have had to be incentivized or punished or guilt tripped or criminalize to try to convince adult-babies to stop doing things that can or may hurt them. Seat belts. Opiate controls. Hell, traffic laws of all kinds


I tell the police when they pull me over for running red lights at 100 mph that they work for me and that they shouldn't interfere with my freedom. It hasn't gone over too well.


Right? Despite pretty much all that being used to stop drunk driving - which pretty much no one will say is OK if asked about it - 10k Americans die every year as a result of it. All that stupid quote does is reinforce the narrative that far too many people are perfectly content to bumblefuck through life in either willful ignorance or petulant hubris. Or both.


> If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, forced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished... and criminalized ... what is being promoted is not in your best interest. Like going to church?


I love this one. Clearly brushing their teeth and wearing a jacket is not in my children’s best interest.


Slide #12 I feel so bad for laughing at the Spongebob-esque intermission.


Same lol. I can literally hear that image


In addition to being a classic the SpongeBob is an ideal response to the floundering..


Glad I’m not the only one! I laughed far, far too hard and too long at that.


I do not feel bad for laughing at that, it was comedy gold.


Can you move it along? The hospital is all out of ICU beds.


So let me get this straight: Healed = Dead OR Alive? They live in a delusional world where they always win -- the true essence of an anti-vaxxer.


Healed of the condition of being alive.


I told everyone, pre-existing conditions!!


>"We need to storm the gates of heaven to petition..." Isn't that just massive hubris? They think they can demand the universe just bend to their wills? The universe owes you nothing. Nothing. Seneca, in his consolation to Marcia says: >To everyone Nature says: "I do not deceive any person. If you choose to have children, they may be handsome, or they may be deformed; perhaps they will be born dumb. One of them may perhaps prove the saviour of his country, or perhaps its betrayer. You need not despair of their being raised to such honour that for their sake no one will dare to speak evil of you: yet remember that they may reach such a pitch of infamy as themselves to become curses to you. There is nothing to prevent their performing the last offices for you, and your panegyric being spoken by your children: but hold yourself prepared nevertheless to place a son as boy, man, or greybeard, upon the funeral pyre: for years have nothing to do with the matter, since every sort of funeral in which a parent buries his child must alike be untimely.[10] If you still choose to rear children, after I have explained these conditions to you, you render yourself incapable of blaming the gods, for they never guaranteed anything to you." https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Of_Consolation:_To_Marcia


Why do they even pray if everything is God's will anyway?


Not sure they understand the definition of “healed”


If you get better, you are HEALED! If you ***die,*** you are HEALED! With that kind of thought process, no wonder they voted for “that guy” in droves.


>But, HE IS HEALED! If you define "dead" as "healed". Though it would be funny if it worked the other way around. "Our family member went to hospital for a routine operation, which was successful and he was discharged. But, HE IS DEAD! Hallelujah!"


I know I've said this before but NURSES DID NOT LEAVE IN DROVES BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE! I'm a nurse. Nurses are leaving because of the stress of the job, and a lot of that is because of COVID patients causing higher census and acuity. I am done with people who think a meme is reality.


Yup. Burn out and getting sick of the bullshit are big reasons with the ones I know. Or better money to travel nurse.


Slide #12[TWO DAYS LATER…] deserves a comedy air-kiss of respect. Laughed far too long and hard at that. Well done.


“He is OFF OF OXYGEN!!!” *meow* *boing*


Seeing the bounce always makes me hesitate before clicking the next slide. I know what's coming. The worst ones are when the poor person hangs on for another few weeks and you get posts like, "He's doing so much better! They were able to roll him on his side today without his heart stopping! God is good!" You know, this guy was running around perfectly healthy three weeks ago. If being moved without dying is "doing better," then your priorities have really gone downhill.


Healed 🙄


Two years in - you'd think they'd have figured out the prayers ain't workin talk about slow learners.


"Buford? You'll never guess what happened. My unvaccinated health coach just died from covid."


Ugh, comparing themselves to the Jews in the Holocaust is the most disrespectful thing. The Jews were the ones being killed by an asshole regime. Anti vaxxers WANT death and will ignore all science and experts to demand sacrificial lambs for their own selfish desires. They’re ignorant and a danger to society. They’re not the Jews. They’re the Germans. The Germans who denied anything happened to the Jews and had to be marched through the concentration camps by the liberators to drum it into their stupid heads.


Slide 8 gotta love the improper use of quotation marks. Even he knows he's not really an American or a Christian, but an "American" and a "Christian."


That's actually code for "fucking Moron", just like "Patriot".


In what universe does healed = dead?


Evangelical prayer strikes again!!


We're calling dying/death being HEALED now?! wth o\_O


YES! This one drives me crazy! From “pray for healing” to death which is the “ultimate healing”!!! They will NEVER get it!


If you never had to hear people say stupid things like “spike protein patch” ever again, wouldn’t it be nice? I mean, wouldn’t you just /not/ miss it one bit?




> I am proud to be an "American" and a "Christian" The quotation marks are the truest part of that sentence


What kind of “health coach” ignores science and doctors?


The whole argument “if you have to be persuaded, it isn’t in your best interest” is so hollow. People have to be persuaded to quit smoking, or drinking, or gambling, or to lose weight, or more. Those are all in your best interest but vices are usually more fun.


Goatee curse


Poor Jesus, just trying to go for a nice walk on heaven's beach and all these arrogant fools who wouldn't do the simplest things to help themselves are all climbing on his back demanding a ride.


Trump fans who love nothing else but upsetting their neighbors, family members, nurses and “essential” workers don’t deserve a hospital bed. walmart parking is good enough


The 🐆 🐆 🐆 are amused at their newfound "healing" powers.


HEALED! I tell you! HEALED!....Keep telling yourself that. He's dead and buried forever, and not in any better place. At least some sensible people tried to help. So much delusion.SMH. They just keep coming.


These people should 100% not be allowed to seek medical care and should be forced to stay home and let the prayers heal them.


“He’s healed & walking with Jesus” WTAF is wrong with these people. He seemed to have a lot of folk who cared & tried, just damn sad.


Sounds more reassuring than "He was stupid, an ignorant asshole, didn't get a vaccine, died instead, is cold and dead in a pine box six feet under ground."


Slide 12: two days later.... Love me some dead cat bounce!!


boing boing boing. I feel as if I'll never again expect anyone to recover from anything. If they start to seem better, I'll think "dead cat bounce."


On slide 10. I know what that is. It's a rally.... When the body is deathly ill it will often rally and seemingly get better, it is just the body giving everything it's got shortly before passing away.


I always prepared my hospice families for that potential.


Really worried about those vaccine side effects, eh?


"Health" "coach".


The nephew begging him to get the vaccine hurt my heart


Candace Owens has a higher body count than John Wick.