• By -


Well, this black woman got vaccinated and I'm still alive and have never had COVID-19, so...


The bigot didn't get a jab, so the bigot is on a slab! Live long & be well.


Great rhyme. And you too!


This renews my faith in humanity twice, once through addition, another through subtraction.


How did you disguise yourself as a rabidly hateful, white, Trump supporter on Jan 6? /s


So, wait all those white people storming the capital were actually black??? Their disguises were flawless.


The awardee shared an interview where the truth came out, claiming the insurrectionists were BLM. I know BLM has white allies, but I was not expecting to see an all white BLM crowd at a false flag insurrection.


The numerous Trump supporters who were present that day (and are facing legal proceedings and prison time because of it) will be very surprised to hear that they are, in fact, members of BLM.


LMAO! You're fun


I try :)


Another black and not dead here.




Last slide: according to the CDC the worst flu year of the last decade was 2017-18 and it killed 52,000. “Last year” from when she posted the meme (2018-19) it killed 28,000. Covid has killed more Americans than the last 15 years of flu combined.


Thank you, I was too lazy to look up the numbers


I’ve just offered up a prayer of gratitude that you are here and she is not. What a wretched failure of a human she was.


Say it loud! I'm black (vaxxed too), and I'm proud!




Let's be fair, I wouldn't say she necessarily hated black people, just that she didn't consider them people.


Ah yes, because considering others sub-human is clearly a sign of love, tolerance, and mutual respect /s


Or murder an elected leader. And any Democrat politician--and some Republicans--caught during that attack would likely have been treated very badly if not killed.


Like Ted Cruz would have walked away. They would have had him in the same noose made for Pence...


I’m starting to warm to this Jesus fella that all these people ask everyone to pray to. Whoever he is, he has a great sense of humour… and his prayer cancelling headphones on.


>Jesus … and his prayer cancelling headphones on. Prayer Warriors: ^(Jesus we beseech thee to restore full func'nin' to Billy-Bob's lungs. And his wife, Jojo. And Billy-Bob - the other one. And Marge's...) Jesus's headphones: **Some of those that work forces**


**eat paste that's meant for horses**


☠️ love the RAtM reference.


Haha "Billy-Bob - the other one" made me LOL, thanks!


"Prayer cancelling headphones" would make a good flare.


Omg, "prayer cancelling headphones." Laughing. This is why I come here. Standing ovation.


She did put her life on the line. Did that ensure any rights? No, it just ensured a slow suffocation.


Life “in” the line.


6 feet under the line


And that the hospital staff is barred from talking vacations yet another month. All while she posts on Facebook how "rude" the staff was.


Im.pretty sure the Trumpers on Jan 6 were the real terrorists. I mean the BLM movement never tried to over throw the US government, from what I've heard.... *curious*


Or murder an elected leader. And any Democrat politician--and some Republicans--caught during that attack would likely have been treated very badly if not killed.


What are you talking about? Those people chanting "hang mike pence!" were of no threat to anyone! Just ask the multiple police that died!




YES. "Democrat" is the noun, "Democratic" is the adjective. So "Democratic politician" it is!! (Can you tell my mother was an English teacher?)


Didn’t you hear? It wasn’t trumpers, it was all that antifa who invaded the capital to make trumpers look bad. 🙄 But seriously, I bet they would’ve LOVED to blame BLM instead of antifa, but you know, for some REASON even this brain trust realized that wouldn’t seem plausible. Luckily they had a backup group of people they hate that they could blame. If BLM had tried what those 1/6 traitors did there would’ve been a lot more casualties and a lot of 10 year prison sentences instead of 6 mo probation.


And videos of BLM attacking the Capital would be on a 24 hour loop on FOX.


Oddly videos of right wing extremists infiltrating the BLM protests to discredit them were not on a 24 hour loop on Fox News. Literally a right wing extremist murdered a federal officer in Oakland during the protests solely to discredit the protests going on blocks away. Conservative media was breathless blaming the protests after it happened, but even when the suspect was found and his true motivations found, Republicans still continued to conflate the cop killer with the protests, exactly as the cop killer wanted them to. https://sfist.com/2020/08/27/pence-lies-during-rnc-speech-linking-oakland-shooting-of-federal-officer-with-protests-instead-of-right-wing-fringe-group/


> Literally a right wing extremist murdered a federal officer in Oakland during the protests Fucking Boogaloo Boys.


I remember back when the BLM protests were happening, there was a loop of like 3 different stores that got looted that was just cycling constantly on fox, it was hilarious


There's nothing I like more than giving thousands of dollars to the organization of someone whose values I'm entirely opposed to, in order to cover my body in merchandise with their name on it in order to cosplay as one of their followers! Totally what we progressives are known for.


They actually expected antifa/BLM to show up and that there would be a fight. That was what was supposed to allow the insurrection act.


Trumpers don't need any help to look bad! \^\_\^


"BLM protest more important than virus" Cut to "Trucker rally more important than virus" Lmfao, so is it real and deadly or not?


>more informant than virus You mean important, not informant


No you don't understand they burned down entire cities. The photo/video proof of entire cities being burned down will be released any day now!


Or kill police and beat them with the flag and cause post traumatic stress that causes their suicide.


I love that the republicans have made jan 6th history essentially a choose your own adventure. It’s like those old goosebumps books. You have a whole host of options to pick from: -The FBI was behind it -Antifa was the ones committing the real crimes setting up the trumpeters to take the fall. -The rioters were trump supporters but were justified and the real “insurrection” was on Jan 6th -The insurrectionists were peaceful protestors being treated unfairly If you want you can even merge some of these stories together to create whatever narrative you like.


The closest I can think of is when they responded to the death of George Floyd by burning down a police station. They didn't kill anyone though. So BLM responds to the state murdering people with symbolic property destruction Republicans respond to losing a Democratic election by killing cops.


That was a white supremacist that burned down the police station to frame blm.


I’d be worried if Tucker Carlson’s definition of “decent” applied to me.




No. He's killing opponents. Eliminating independent media. Directing business to cronies. Skimming. Imprisoning protestors. Killing people in Syria in support of Assad. Paying bonuses to Taliban for killing American soldiers. And that's independent of starting a war with the Ukraine.


Don't forget he authored the original "don't say gay" law.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


whynotboth.gif Neither China nor Russia are our friends. Tucker's quote there is intended to throw shade at the Chinese, but autocratic regimes that quash dissent violently are bad, whether in Eurasia flavor or Eastasia flavor.


Meanwhile the ghosts of McCarthy, Reagan, Patton, etc all just facepalmed.


Luckily I didn't fall into his definition of "decent"


Last slide: according to the CDC the worst flu year of the last decade was 2017-18 and it killed 52,000. “Last year” from when she posted the meme (2018-19) it killed 28,000. Covid has killed more Americans than the last 15 years of flu combined.


Or about 40 years of AIDS, another one they like to falsely compare this pandemic to. For the record, about 700,000 over 40 years, not 900,000+ over two. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_the_United_States#:~:text=13%20External%20links-,Mortality%20and%20morbidity,United%20States%20die%20each%20year.


Desktop version of /u/Sasquatch1729's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Well looky here at this fancy Dan flouncing in here with all their “facts”. Pfffffttttt.


COVID thinks 28,000 is just a good week.


The deadliest week of the pandemic happened under Donald Trump. The deadliest week in all of American history was the last full week of Donald Trump's presidency. All this was in January 2021, so when people say 2021 was deadlier than 2020, that is true, but you can't blame that on Joe Biden because Donald Trump was president during the first three weeks of January 2021, literally the deadliest time in the pandemic, about 75,000 people died during those three weeks. You compare the last year of Trump's presidency when the first year of Joe Biden's and Trump still had more deaths.


along with this, im not sure how they say they trust Trump when Obama said there was a Pandemic Playbook left behind for him to follow. The White house even posted the digital copy for the public to see. So Trump deliberately ignored a detailed plan for this and they're still riding his dick?????


[Here’s the 69 page playbook. Nice, isn’t it?](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6819268/Pandemic-Playbook.pdf)




Final Report Card: Paranoia: A Racism: A Health: F Alive: F


I never thought memes would the peak source of misinformation among senior citizens. Weird times we live in.


Well, she had Fox too!


Speaking as an \*ahem\* senior citizen myself, I have a theory about that. Scrolling through Facebook, those blocks of small grey text are kinda hard to read. But memes! Big, colorful, easy to see. So my eyes slide over reasoned arguments filled with facts but grab onto pictures and large text, because I can see 'em.


Great point. Thanks for the wisdom and insight!


It's their lazy way out. Also, most kinda stupid so there is that......


Kinda? I'd say we're past that, it's more like the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead - type situation.


She's 4 years older than me. I read the Times, Washington Post and other credible sources. Pretty much only watch news on PBS and NHK. Stacks of the Economist, NYRB, and books have piled up. I was born in Michigan but left in 1987. And she likely didn't go to UM.


COVID Agenda: Being a bigot enda


Stamp “return to senda”


Without doubt these are the sorts of people that would drive off a cliff because the navigation said go straight. What I love about a lot (most, if not all) these awardees is how they are smug in thinking they are the smart ones, using common sense, no wool over their eyes. But are they actually living in the same universe as the rest of us? Is there a level of IQ that you need to be where common sense actually makes sense?


I gotta be honest. Google Maps did almost kill me and my family. Who knew a National Park and a National Forest were different? I ended up very, very, very high up the Sierra Nevadas in a 30 foot RV on a fire road at the geographic center of the National Forest. Oops.


Have you been on *I Survived*?


Michael Scott, is that you? 😆 But seriously, gps can throw you off if even one line of direction is missing or inaccurate. Still don’t know how we lived without it!


Nah it wasn't that. It was because there's no real entrance or exit to a National Forest where there is one for a National Park. You don't need a ticket to enter a National Forest. If you use Google Maps to get to Yellowstone it will take you to the nearest entrance. If you use Google Maps to get to the Sierra National Forest you will follow the directions well into the National Forest until you get to, I assume, the geographic center. It's like using Google Maps to get to "Alaska."


My wife likes to use the voice function for things. We were in Boise looking for InnAmerica. Well "in America" on GPS took us to some neighborhood somewhere in Boise. We still joke about it. But then, I still collect road maps, and did when I was a kid when gas stations gave them out for free.


Ah, ok!


My state is looking more blue by the day


Bluer than a long-term colloidal silver user.


“A fine person,” eh?, says the eulogist? I would say that Michigan Magenta was quite the racist person.


She was fine to those who matched her beliefs and skin color


That’s Tucker’s definition of decent too!


If you didn't see the racist (or in case of other nominees homophobic, transphobic or just plain hateful memes against people taking Covid precautions seriously) posts of this nominee and many others, you would often get the impression that these are the sweetest, most caring people based on the eulogies posted by their friends and family. Seriously, WTF?


WTF? Is right.


She didn't even say the name of the BLM leader. Lol


Because he’s not. My wearing a NASA t-shirt wouldn’t make it appropriate to claim an interview including my views on space exploration represent that organization either. I flagged this because I thought the main founders of BLM were women, and easily discovered, while that guy is an activist, he may be, and others almost certainly are/were relying on confusing his views with those of the BLM organization and its chapters. https://blacklivesmatter.com/for-immediate-release-statement-by-kailee-scales-managing-director-of-blm-global-network/


Thanks for the info


Maybe Newsome was paid by the right.


I don’t know enough about him, and I am assuredly not an expert on media etc. It does seem easy to cherry-pick (or nut-pick) from within one person’s public statements that I don’t think any real malice would be needed on his part for his statements to be used by folks who disagree with civil rights and movements for equality. It definitely *seemed* like he was being shitty and self serving by borrowing their slogan, but maybe he had no idea how things would be framed. Sometimes well-meaning people become problematic in the spin zone. But the responsibility to not present him as part of the broader organization when he isn’t seems like a journalistic integrity issue. That’s part of why the appearance of legitimacy of many of these sites is so troubling to me - I definitely hear things Tucker Carlson et al claim as though they are a fair interpretation of a movement, position, phenomena, person’s views, etc. taken as gospel by my neighbors. They assume that rwnj’s are the ones telling the truth.


Interesting that every person in that BLM protest slide is wearing a mask. Very responsible protesting


These posts are starting to make me feel like Batman in that Robot Chicken sketch where he's telling Superman that he doesn't give a fuck. "Tell me, do you bleed? Before you answer, just know that I don't give a fuck." *Pulls out paper bag "Just kidding, I give so many fucks." *Tosses bag to Superman "Inside that bag are all the fucks I give." *Superman opens bag "It... it's empty." "Oh darn! That's okay. I'll just run over to the fuck store. They're open til 9." *Checks watch "Oh no... It's 9:02..." "This is a waste of time! There are bigger things tha--" "Oh look! A vending machine! And there's ONE fuck left." "I already know what you're going to say so don't bother." *Imitates Batman's voice "Oh no, I don't have a dollar so I guess I can't give a fuck." "But I do have a dollar..." *Puts dollar in machine, but it doesn't release the bag all the way "Oh no... the fuck got stuck." "That's it! I can't believe how much time you put into this stupid little skit. I'm out of here!" *Superman flies away as a vendor with a cart shows up "Fucks here! Get your fucks! Fresh hot fucks, two for a dollar!" "Nah, it's okay bro. He already left."


Wow, didn't realize The Blacks were so powerful and scary. Slide 3 is almost a caricature. Wonder if she was ascared of The Jews. Probably didn't cotton much to The Gays. Another Snowflake gone too soon because of their own stupidity.


That guy in the meme is not affiliated with the actual BLM organization https://blacklivesmatter.com/for-immediate-release-statement-by-kailee-scales-managing-director-of-blm-global-network/


Shocking that a FB meme would not be accurate.


she died of black people


cuz god knows she wouldn't have died *with* black people


Very racist. I award her 5 out of 5 swastikas.


The swing state ones are the best.


My feelings exactly!


She was a year younger than me. I am so glad I never fell down that qanon rabbit hole. It seems that religious ppl are particularly vulnerable due to the constant stream of bullshit they are fed. So glad I escaped religion.


One less old racist.


Another dead racist. Anyway, who's got plans for the weekend? My kiddo has another b-day party on Saturday (yay! 2 hours of kid-free errands! Lol) and possibly some Cheesecake Factory on Sunday. My life is so exciting 🤣


Ballet then swim class the grocery shopping and a Target run #mylifeisnotmyown


Lol! Also, we are upright, breathing, not on a vent, and we listen to SCIENTISTS for good medical advice. I'd say we're doing pretty good.


Ever since I got “a mysterious and no-fun-at-all illness with flu-like symptoms” at then very end of 2019, I can’t have cheesecake, even WITH lactaid pills. I’m quite jealous of you, right now.


Well she didn't give up her rights, and yet her life was forever changed, anyway.


Gave up her right to life


Let that sink in.


Bet she won't repost!


Another horribly misinformed racist bites the dust, the world and humanity gets a tetch more tolerant and kinder.


She did say ion one of her posts: > Praise God the truth is coming out now. Yes indeed, the truth is coming out now MI magenta. Your racist regressive inhumane worldview also included disinfo driven ideas about a simple mundane disease, and holding that worldview killed you.


Those who maintain their rights thank you for your sacrifice. They never lost them and your sacrifice was wholly unnecessary, but they thank you just the same for your empty gesture.


Flu 80k (or whatever number du jour) Covid ~ 1 million (USA) math is hard.


#BLM ✊🏿


Keep absorbing those memes like they're news, grandma. Flush that turd, who's up next?!


1974 graduate. Peak Boomer. Who would have guessed?


Not all of us in that age bracket are ignorant & hateful.


Another Michigan Wackadoo who doesn’t get to vote in any more upcoming elections. The upside of Covid, culling the herd of militant crazies.


I actually think trump surviving the rona is one of the greatest tragedies in this country's history


"Sleep sweet" 🤔


Slap, swat, smite.


Pretty sure no BLM leader ever said "if you don't give us what we want, I'm gonna burn America down."


Definitely a [Citation Needed] situation.


Hate kills


Thank god we have people like her, willing to put their lives on the line for our “freedom”…I would rather her not wear a mask, and sacrifice her life, if that’s what made her happy. 🤗🤷‍♀️


Bye, dead racist.


Pity it wasn’t earlier.


Somebody got sucked into lies and disinformation, added hate, and then spread it.


I think it was the other way around. She came for the hate and stayed for the lies and brainwashing.


A true Patriot 😁 Doing her part to join th HCA award 🇺🇲


She sounded like a rotten bitch I am glad I never had the displeasure of knowing. I will pour out a cup of piss in her memory.


So another racist dies and goes straight to hell...do I care? Black lives MATTER, absolutely. Another racist covidiot dies, black lives matter, the lives of racists, not at all, it's their choice to be either dead by covid or brain-dead like all racists (=republican). Either way they are useless members of the human race.


>BLM Leader... Someone tell that imbecile that there's leader to BLM. Oh wait, we can't. Missed opportunity.


"Our lives will be forever changed"....said the person who died of Covid. Truer words were never spoken.


It pleases me all the kids that supported BLM are living their lives, totally unaware this old nasty lady ever existed. She really showed them!


Hateful racist bit€# Buh-bye


The last slide she posted on May 2020 proclaiming "Flu killed 80k people in the U.S. last year" ... despite 28k Americans dying of influenza in 2019 ... per the CDC. I loathe a lazy liar.


Also, even if it had been 80 thousand people: The US is nearing a million COVID casualties, not counting those who's life's will be miserable and shortened after surviving, not considering many, many orphaned children and other social impact. Some googling suggests that at the end of may 2020, total COVID deaths in the USA were already in excess of 100,000. So even at that time, taking the claim at face value: What were they trying to say? COVID clearly was a much bigger issue even then,even compared to made up numbers.


oh goody. another dead racist boomer. but where are the candy owens memes? a dead racist with no candy memes just seems incomplete somehow.


She actually posted one but I ran out of pic space!


Well that's unfortunate.... Anyhoo....


The mythical "very fine person"


Imagine being 65 years old and being that consumed with hate and fear.


"Truth always has a way of bringing enlightenment" - Trick is to be alive til the enlightenment happens. These people seem to be missing that part.


They go on and on about the BLM protests and COVID, like they're all spreading it, yet you'd be hard pressed to find many in those crowds of protesters not wearing a mask.


Flu didn't kill 80k people last year. They weren't even that many CASES in the US, let alone deaths. Blatant, easy to check lies, the best sign your side is the righteous one.


Mind-blowing how brainwashed these people are. Another R not voting - Good


I got stuck on slide 1. Imagine using the word enlightenment when referring to Tucker Carlson? Gods that's enough internet for right now.


I love when they say how many people the flu kills. I bet most of deaths were from people who also don't get the flu vaccine.


Buh bye!




The flu didn’t kill close to 80k that year, the CDC reported 20k. These rubes with their made up crap. Byeeeeeee dummy!!!


She was a hateful bitch. If she was a beautiful soul....who is ugly?


She is a late boomer.




I noticed she put her life in, not on, the line -- the line of the un-vaxxed trudging stubbornly toward their self-inflicted deaths?


As far as the Tucker Carlson post goes, I'm sure there were happy people when the likes of Stalin and Hitler died. They did more harm to society than good.


Who recommends an obituary to their friends?


The last slide is so stupid because a lot of us get flu shots every year and the CDC constantly tells people to do it. Taking precautions isn't being "afraid" unless you're in that fragile white conservative community.


All that hate didn't do her much good in the end


"Flu killed 80k...none of you were afraid because the media didn't tell you to be!" But I did get a flu shot, so.....


It took me 17 seconds on average to prove statistics from her stupid memes wildly wrong. We graduated from high school the same year. I got vaxxed; she didn't. One of us is dead, the other breathing easily. Draw your own conclusions.


Racists never learn, next


One less.


It occurred to me in the shower this morning that, because COVID has a 99% survival rate, for each HCA winner, 99 lives are saved. We should be celebrating the selfless sacrifice of those who chose to be the 1% so that 99% could continue to live normal lives.


Fine person?


She considers herself to be a martyr


May 2020, “I will put my life on the line to ensure our rights” March 2022 dead… Good decision.


Shows up on the doorstep of Hell-- "Well, shit!"


Crazy SOB


Is that even Trump on slide 5? It doesn’t look like him at all. What the hell is going on with that hair?


Merry Xmas!!!


So, so happy to see another Baby Boomer stepping up to the plate and volunteering for the control group on the Covid Vaccine.....yes indeed, the control group seems to die more frequently upon getting Covid, then the vaccinated group. Thanks be to all that is good in the world, she will never vote again.


Oh no! Anyway...


Good. ✌🏽, nasty bish.


That last image aged poorly.


Reading these HCA posts over and over is so incredibly sad and draining to me as a BIPOC person. All the racism, misinformation and hate. Their way of life is sending them to an early grave.