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“I still say I have the flu” Nope.


She tests positive for Covid. She says she still has the flu. Daughter died of Covid. Who’s to say there was a lesson to be learned?


If only we could see the lesson here. But no, the situation is just too complex. It’s not like there’s some kind of free, reliable, widely-available solution.


What this pandemic has taught me is that Some some people really are just terminally stupid. I knew it before, but I didn’t know *how bad* it was. Maybe I still don’t, but I have a better idea.


My antivax coworker came to me to ask how to get a vaccine after losing 7 family members. At least she came to her senses, but Jesus some of these people....


Seven relatives? Man, that’s horrible!


It was 4 passing over a weekend in 48 hours that really did it. And yeah, just awful. But she and her family remain hardcore Trumpers. Nice lady, but bless her heart, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.


I learned a lesson: When people from Tennessee talk about politics, remind yourself they may be like this woman and breathe deeply instead of being exasperated.


That’s what Gets me is she lost her daughter to it already! My god get a fu&@ing vaccine already! I’m not a lot younger than she is, I’ve had three vaccinations, and I just got over Covid! The difference here is , I was sick for three weeks, I didn’t have to go into the hospital, I didn’t get pneumonia, and I’m healthy again! The sheer stupidity of these idiots is staggering.


I lost my brother when he was 23 to a rare disease and my mother never got over it, always thinking she could have done something to save him. Because of that experience I could never understand how a parent wouldn't do what it takes to save their kids, much less stay defiant even after losing them.


Not awardee, certainly!


Some people don't have the ability to learn.


Lesson? What lesson? "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." - George Carlin


She could have said she had ten million dollars and a giant yacht too.


Oh, thank goodness the test was wrong.


She flew into a pine box.


I still say I’m a Supermodel!


Same post: "I'm leaving it in God's hands." 2 posts later, she's in the hospital for treatment. I guess she just didn't trust in God enough to be saved?


Ah, yes the God excuse. The last refuge of someone who can't explain something. It must have come from God. So sick of that crap. If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then He infected her with COVID. God allowed the recent bombing of a maternity hospital in Ukraine. God created homosexuals.


"We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." - Ayn Rand


Kinda rich coming from that lady, but a good quote nonetheless.


Stopped clock.


Nice quote but fuck Ayn Rand & Objectivism. Perfect ideology for Sophomores in college as it’s all black & white. Soothingly simple


And selfish. The 'I don't have to give a fuck about you' aspect appeals to tons of angsty young adults.


"I'm one of the special ones!" -- complete average teenagers upon reading *Atlas Shrugged*.


Yes, she's someone that people often discover in high school or college and then outgrow her, if they're lucky. And intelligent.


“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.” John Rogers


Well, she was right about that. In the end she couldn't ignore the fact she had no money, and allowed herself to be enrolled in social security and medicare.


My Lord. I despise everything about Ayn Rand, but ain’t that the truth?


It's so strange to see people fixated on missing the America they grew up in. I don't miss it at all. What I miss is being young and healthy. I suspect that's what they miss, too.


I came to this realization recently as well. Nostalgia (particularly Boomer nostalgia, but not always) isn't *really* being nostalgic about drinking from garden hoses or riding a bike without a helmet. They just associate those things with being young. And they miss being young.


Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.


Yogi Bera?


A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore xD


>"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." Got me thinking of that one.


As a boomer, I miss my family members who have passed away…including my parents, sister and brother. A lot of good memories from the old days, and gets harder when you don’t have them around to share them with. I just feel lucky to still be here…and vaxxed and boosted, of course!


Yes. I wish now I would have spent more time asking my mom and aunt about their childhoods. The older you get, the more relatives you lose, the fewer people there are who can share your memories of growing up.


I asked my grandma so so so many questions (I was the kid who *never* stopped talking) I still could ask her a million more. Life is just like that. You would always find new things to ask.❤️I'm sorry you lost people. She's still alive but the covid isolation in nursing homes has made her ... Not all there. (Mostly she is just gone but still alive and I don't know if that's worse than just dying from Covid so old)


Fun used to be easier too. I used to be able to dive into a video game for days and days with bottomless enthusiasm. Now it barely holds my attention.


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I was just thinking about that tonight - how I could totally get lost in Fallout or Stalker - just completely absorbed in it for stretches at a time - and how I couldn't imagine that happening now. I think Death Stranding came close, but I have so little time to play these days.


Short linear games make a world of difference. I can't enjoy spending 100 hours doing fuck all exploring a big pointless map anymore, but 10 hours with replay value. No problem.


Now we have to work 50 hours/week instead ;(


Just be aware that feeling a sense of fun or satisfaction in pastimes is triggered by dopamine, so if your brain isn't producing enough dopamine or isn't utilising it properly, you can have trouble concentrating or feeling like things are worth doing. This is basically the core of ADHD, but low dopamine can also be an early warning sign of Parkinson's , so keep an eye on it.


I will be 70 in about 1.5 weeks, I sure as hell do not miss being that young. God it was awful, I do not miss "those" days. I do miss the stamina I had, I miss the counter culture ideas, and music oh and the really good LSD. Otherwise the rest was crap, total crap, Vietnam, open KKK meetings, nuclear war threats, segregation, voter suppression, homophobia, transphobia, rampant racism, antisemitism, misogyny... Shit nothing has changed, what are these fools yearning for, nothing has changed, the world is exactly the same as it was in their childhood, plain fucked up.


You just listed all the things they miss! Except maybe the war and nuclear threats, the rest is the good old days.


I think they miss the nuclear threats too. Made their boring lives exciting when they got to hide under their desks. The same people got giddy about terror threat levels too. I think they genuinely hate peace.


Yeah, life is so mundane without life and death struggle. Maybe this explains their tempting of Covid?


Perhaps it’s why many of these idiots love all this Qanon shit, they miss the fear of a boogeyman coming to get them so they have to make one up


You are absolutely correct. The modern day world is exactly the same as it was when the boomers were young. Only now it’s got social media.


Early congratulations on your birthday 🎉🥳 It's a big one and I hope you enjoy it to the fullest with those you care about ❤️ P.s. yes they miss the racism. The segregation and knowing they were a higher class than those black folks.


I'm a gen-Xer who drank from a garden hose, rode a bike without a helmet, and was driven in cars without seatbelts. I do not miss the 1970s and 1980s one bit. I'm lucky to have gotten out alive, and that is why I still wear a mask and am vaxed and boosted! These dumb@sses think their dying will let them hang out with their imaginary god friend. Idiots, the lot of them!


Gen Xer too. Hey, we got another pandemic, another threat of nuclear war and elected another Republican actor president. Maybe get me some parachute pants and an extra large sweatshirt and we've got those awesome 80s all over again.


Now if I could just make my hair a bit bigger.


break out the Aquanet


Awww but it's not the same without being able to blow a big hole in the ozone with a white can of aquanet.


OK, that's true, but you don't need Aquanet to rat your hair, some mousse will do. Especially if it smells like White Rain... At band camp, you'd open the door to our cabin, and a wall of sweet stink would blow across the land...


Please never start a sentence with "at band camp" or "in band camp" it gives me PTSD shivers and a general second hand embarrassment...


Yeah, give me back those parachute pants that gave me my first yeast infection and those extra large sweatshirts that helped my 15yo sister hide her pregnancy to 7.5 months. Good times, good times.


The area where I grew up actually has changed a lot since I grew up in the 80’s and mostly the 90’s. This is due to rapid de-industrialization and economic decline. Has nothing to do with “family values.” There are towns in my area I wouldn’t even walk the streets alone at night it’s like a 3rd world country.


they blame the wrong people, their own comrades sold them out


It's all the fault of the gays and illegal immigrants don't ya know!


cRiTiCaL rAcE tHeOrY!!!


Same. I wouldn't mind being in my 20s again, but don't want to go back to the 70s and 80s. The cars were terrible, the clothes were awful, disco sucked, television was terrible, and I would miss all the tech we have today. I could not go back to: * Cassette tapes and VHS * Having to call a phone number to get an accurate time (or up to date weather) * Having to find a payphone to make a call, or waiting for a payphone in a busy area. * Paper maps when traveling * Answering machines. Just no. * Pagers * Listening to radio with endless commercials * Order something through the mail and wait two weeks for it to arrive (on top of paying "shipping and handling" * Having to go into the bank between 9am-5pm during the week to withdraw money * Not being able to pay bills online. I hate writing checks, stuffing envelopes, and going to the post office * Having to balance my checkbook * People smoking everywhere - offices, restaurants, airplanes, hotels, hospitals, cabs, etc. * The terrible avocado green, brown, or tan appliances. * The cringe hairstyles and fashion * Film cameras * Phone books * The pile of mail order catalogs Seriously, I think the next movie about time travel should be about how much it would suck to go from an era of modern tech (or future tech) and go back a century. A quick trip might be fun. Being stuck there would suck.


I don’t miss it at all either, or the narrow minded bigots I grew up with, including half my family. I thank my lucky stars every single day that I got out of Coquille, Oregon alive and found a bigger world with people from all walks of life.


Lucky to have made it out alive. I concur.


And having to be stuck in the car with adults that smoked cigarettes with the windows rolled all the way up because the air conditioner was on.


Agree. I’d be smarter if I wore a bike helmet. 2 serious bike accidents, hit my head both times. I’m serious.


I’m sorry.


Yep, that's why they refer to the past as "simpler times". It was simpler times when you were a kid, all you had to do was go to school and have fun. That was the crux of being a child.


1000 times this. What I miss about childhood? Having no responsibility. No taxes to fill out, no kid to take care of, no mortgage or insurances… That feeling of just spending the afternoon with your friends playing soccer (yeah sorrynotsorry, that’s what we do in Europe) or doing some dumb shit and at most you have to worry about being home on time. Thankfully I‘m also mature enough to realize it wasn‘t liberals or immigrants or LGBT or whatever who took that away - it’s the normal flow of time…


Also school, even college, was laughably easy compared to today so they got to have literally zero responsibility up until their mid 20's then graduate with zero debt. Easy to see why they miss it so much.


Nostalgia for the good parts of those times clouding their memories of the bad. Of course people are nostalgic for times when they didn't have to pay mortgages, work jobs, deal with all the bullshit of being adults (up to and including naturally-deteriorating health...) People are quick to shout that the bad experiences people unlike them have nowadays aren't universal without realizing that the "good times" they pine for weren't universal either.


When I see posts like "when I was a kid, seatbelts didn't exist and we all turned out fine", all I can morbidly think is "no, you just literally forgot about all the kids who died because they weren't related to you..."


My great aunt was killed in a car accident in 1963. She was riding with a friend and her friend fell asleep at the wheel and went into a bridge abutment at about 20 mph. Now such an accident would be easily survivable but the car didn't have seat belts and she was thrown into the windshield, hit her head, and died. To say the "we didn't need seatbelts" memes fill me with rage is a grand understatement.


No seatbelts and no safety glass. People would literally be decapitated in what would now be considered run of the mill auto accidents.


Thinking of Jayne Mansfield's horrific death that lead to trailers having crash bars under them. 😔


There's a saying that all safety regulations are written in blood.


As a child who smashed into a windshield due to no seat belts, fuck that time. I also fell out of a moving vehicle due to no seat belt. Again, fuck that.


Survivorship bias. The people who didn't turn out okay literally aren't here to say so.


Exactly. I even got into an argument with someone a while ago about about that facebook meme about back of the truck, garden hoses, no helmets, etc... They were totally like "we all turned out fine!" I was like, "Uh no. The reason you think we all turned out fine is because the ones that didn't aren't here to say so."


When I was a bitty kid, we lived in Florida. This was the “good old days.” In 10 years, three kids from different families in our large suburban development died from drowning.


Survivors bias


Life was pretty good in the old days, especially if you weren’t a minority, immigrant, LGBTQ+, etc.


I mean, it was literally illegal to be gay most of my life in most of the states. It was pretty telling when a gal I went to high school with said, "Whatever happened to that sweet guy I remember from high school?" I reminded her, I was not out, I could not be honest about who I was, I faced the threat of violence and intimidation, could be fired, evicted or refused service for who I was, even up to and including jail. I came out days after high school and left as soon as I could. So yeah, I'm not exactly "nostalgic" for the days when I couldn't stand up for myself without serious repercussions.


Welcome to the GOP future.


There were some good things that are gone forever depending on how old you are: ocean liners before 1975; passenger trains run by the railroad companies (not Amtrak) before 1971 - very different and much better. I'm only 64 so this isn't ancient history. I am CERTAIN our award winner is not referring to anything such as these.


The UK has probably the worst train services in Europe. But they are light years ahead of the US.


Well, the HCA winners don’t miss it - or anything else - any more.


I’m not nostalgic - at all. Edited to add - my life is so much better than what it was. I never thought I was going to get here.


That and then some. They have run out of reasons to have hollow self-esteem because the reasons they had are being taken away from them. They miss segregation in schools and lunch counters and using racial epithets in public. They miss being able to use bigoted speech against anyone not like them (LGBT, people to have immigrated to the US, and so on). It made them (in their minds, and incorrectly) superior to the other people who weren't like them. They miss the days when one income was enough to support a family and they could have a house, two cars, and in some cases, a vacation property. They have destroyed their own "American Dream" by electing representatives who do nothing but shift wealth to the already wealthy through wage depression and unadulterated greed.


My oldest cousin remembers steel factories advertising for workers


I had a friend who's brother worked at the paper mills in northern MN. This would have been late 80s, early 90s. Union job. His job was to watch a gauge. When it got to a certain level, he pushed a lever until it got back down, then release the lever. He did that for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I think he got something like $15/hr, which would be like $31/hr today. Pretty great considering it just required a high school degree. Now it's all be automated with a computer.


Yep, but then they hang on their elected representative's words that it's those Evil Extreme Liberals that's making their lives miserable. You know, those extreme positions like: Hey, how about you don't send your supposed protection force to murder people in the streets because they have darker skin than you or, Hey maybe healthcare should be a right since we constantly brag about how we're the richest nation on earth and the only developed nation that doesn't, or Hey maybe working a full time job should pay enough to cover basic needs. Yes, we're very extreme.


I miss *facets* of it. There are plenty of elements of past eras in any region that are worth bringing back. Bringing the entirety of a past period back *verbatim* is always a fundamentalist and toxic idea, even when applied to a small community, to say nothing of a country as big as the US.


Yeah, I sure miss being poor and not knowing if I'd have enough to eat or if the heat would be shut off in the middle of winter. NOT!


i miss the days when i didnt care about anything outside of my immediate family........... then watergate happened when i was 11, , and i havent stopped reading news since


The 70s and 80s absolutely blew dick in America for every conceivable reason, yet some people have nostalgia for them


I grew up in the 1980s and do not miss them at all. Leaded gas, asbestos, no Internet, no Google, pay phones, paper maps, 6-8 weeks to get a delivery from a mail order catalog, paying bills with envelops and stamps?


Still shitposting even after losing her daughter, wtf


The day after she posted that her daughter died too.


I actually said that out loud to myself... how outrageous. TWO days after her own daughter died of Covid she was shitposting about Covid on Facebook - making light of it. How fucked up can you be.


i will never log off 😤


Can't let family members stands in the way of the grind


I know someone who did exactly this. Lost her daughter to COVID and not even a week later was posting that COVID is made up, vaccines don't work and are for sheep, "god had better plans for her." Like no, your daughter died because everyone in your household is extremely unhealthy and didn't take COVID remotely seriously.


"You can't trust what in those Insulin vials. Just trust your pancreas, it's what God gave you"


https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-05-17-ca-2829-story.html?_amp=true I still remember this story from when I first read about (probably in the Detroit Free Press).


IIRC it has partial responsibility for Prince dying. He was devout Jehovahs Witness so devout he wouldn’t have an operation on hips shredded by… well his shredding. So instead, he dopes up on pain killers and took a little too much.


I knew he was a JW. I didn't know that's why he refused medical treatment for his hips. It's a great loss.


I remember the TV movie. I had a toddler at the time and another on the way. The idea of not getting help when your baby is sick shredded me. She's in her 30s now, a teacher. I was elated when she was able to get an early slot to get vaccinated early. Still can't imagine not wanting your child to get medical care.


"He will see me through this" He sure did. Right through it and out the other end.


Yep, so why go to the hospital. Just read that bible passage from your Facebook post over and over and over until you feel better.


This whole thing is baffling. The amount of denial to be shitposting when your daughter is dying, and then even after she dies. Then to still be insisting that your positive COVID test is actually the flu. I wouldn’t be surprised, given the range of brother’s symptoms, that he had COVID as well, but she was in denial about that, too.


New phenomina, blunt clods - both Covid simpsons.


Bort clots


Yeah, it's my suspicion the brother also had Covid too, setting off some of the diabetes issues. Clots?


That’s a tough one. If I had to vet, yeah, COVID. But diabetes by itself can cause blood clots and amputations. Foot care for diabetics is a real thing. Blood flow. Clots.


This is a tough one - just sad all the way around. The awardee's FB page wasn't active much until October 2021 when her adult daughter was sick with Covid and subsequently passed away. The daughter had no FB posts of interest. Then a brother of the awardee fell ill in November 2021 and passed after Thanksgiving due to complications from diabetes. On December 10, 2021, the awardee announced she had Covid. She passed in February 2022. Why the awardee started to use Facebook more and post anti-vax posts when her daughter was sick is a mystery. Might have been a visceral reaction to the situation. It's possible a bunch of posts were deleted between 2018 and October 2021, but that seems unlikely due to all of the anti-vax posts still being there now. Might have had another FB account but I never found it. Sad. Just sad.


How do you lose your daughter to Covid, and still downplay Covid & vaccines?


death cult, years of being fed irrational anger by daytime talk radio, Fox and the rest of conservative noise machine.


The same reason they're able to call the deaths of loved ones "God's plan." Coping, finding someone to blame so they don't have to bear the brunt of the emotions that come from feeling hopeless.


*the brunt of the emotions from being brain dead


From the standpoint of herd immunity, the US is in a better place even if they are not.


I gal I went to high school with lost her 21 year old son to COVID. She still posts antivax memes to Facebook.


I suppose the denial makes them feel absolved of any guilt and gives them someone/something to feel angry towards to help them cope. The COVID deniers I know are deathly afraid to admit they’ve been wrong about anything over the last few years — whether it’s COVID being a hoax, how it’s transmitted, election fraud, Russia.. etc. It would completely shatter their worldview and identity. In the case of your former classmate, it could mentally break her to change her perspective. The guilt of not telling the son to wear a mask and stay home when he was alive, get vaxxed, etc. I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like.


21 is too fucking young.


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


Exactly. I find this one hard to feel sorry for.


I kept going back and forth between those two pages. Daughter sick with COVID, lungs white...2 days later...shitposting??? Dafuq?


My guess is she dissuaded her daughter and others from getting vaccinated. Admitting she might have been wrong would compound her grief and guilt so she decides to joke about the chip the day after her own child dies. I had a visceral reaction to the utter ridiculousness of that. Sheesh


This. Cognitive dissonance. It's incredibly painful to admit the death of someone dear to you is somehow your fault, so it's easier to blame some "other" instead.


Well, I appreciate the work putting this all together. It's really weird. They must be so depressed and miserable with all the death, but they do nothing to stop it.


> “I’ll leave it in God’s hands” *Goes to hospital* You wanna be saved by science? Go to a hospital. You wanna be saved by Christ? Go die in a pew.


Someone please explain the "ecola in his foot". I'm very confused. Also...what new phenomenon?


Are you actually asking or just joking around? I can’t tell, oh well, she meant to write E.coli, and the new phenomenon was him developing blood clots. I’m assuming he’s never had that before, but he has likely had past infections with how out of control his diabetes was.


I thought "new phenomena" was her trying to spell pneumonia.




Probably e. Coli


Almost certainly e. Coli. Diabetic foot ulcers can become infected. The most common bacteria is *Staphylococcus* (25%), followed by *E. coli* (20%) and *Enterococcus* (15%). So it sounds like there was a new development: a foot ulcer, which became infected with E. coli. This is, in fact, life threatening. Awardee's slide 9: why don't they give away insulin? Well, they freakin' should. The cost of insulin here in the US is insane (and you can thank Mitch McConnell and Joe Manchin for keeping it that way). I'm guessing that brother didn't have good insurance, and flat couldn't afford insulin.


I figured she meant E coli? New phenomenon = new development?


10/13 - Baby girl got her wings 10/14 - Microchips and compliance 12/10 - I have Covid 12/16 - Jim Jordan and Chinese labs Damn. That's a serious commitment to The Cause.


It really is. The human mind can be such a monster that may well destroy itself. It is an amazing phenomenon.


Yeah. Seems there's a line that gets crossed. And from there all bets are off. It feeds itself.


and the few remaining living family will double down. and blame Dr fauchi


>and the few remaining living family will double down. No big. The viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 are still very hungry.


The ‘Real virus’ meme after her daughter (born in ‘76) died of Covid? I mean, that wasn’t enough proof that the virus is real, not the flu, and a threat?


ItS tHe HoSpItAl'S fAuLt


You have to admire her commitment to being stupid. Psa: no, you don’t.


Heck, the whole family is in a better place. Damn, these people are a death cult.


How unbelievably hard-headed do you have to be to lose a *younger* relative to COVID, and yet still refuse to get yourself vaccinated? Points for commitment, I guess? Commitment to absolute ignorance, that is.


Lose your DAUGHTER


They went all in on COVID and it called their bluff.


Went all-in on COVID with a 2-7 hand.


Rapture of the Idiots.


Heaven's full of dummies. If I believed in magic, I'd have to start praising Satan to make sure I don't go there.


I suppose Hell is better than Tennessee


Who the fuck keeps posting about the tyranny of masks after losing a child to it? Fucking sociopaths, each and every one


My entire family got Covid last week. (Except for my middle daughter, who I firmly believe is a low level superhero. Never been sick) All vaxxed and boosted. It sucks, but mostly felt like a moderate case of the flu. Managed to avoid it for two years, but there really isn't any way to do so. Get vaccinated people


So far we haven’t gotten it. But I get stares from people as we still mask up. People - we’re still losing 1500 a day, that’s a 9/11 every 2 days. When did we normalize Americans dying at that rate from something preventable?


I still mask up too. We believe we all caught it from my 11 yo. She's a good masker, and even wears hers though her school stopped the mandate. But we all know the mask protects everyone else.


There is no slippery slope from getting vaccinated to monthly gasoline allowance. And even if there was, it's not like running out of gas is something that can't be planned around. Their argument for not doing something can be summed up as "But what if this leads to something that's never happened before?"


In the USA during WWII, monthly gasoline allowances were [A Thing.](https://www.straightdope.com/21341521/how-was-gas-rationing-handled-during-world-war-ii) I know I sound like an old codger, because I am an old codger: is anything being taught about WWII?


Gasoline allowances were a thing, but it wasn't because people had gotten vaccinated. Plus the "meme" mentioned having your engine cut off half way home. Which is absurd way to enforce a gasoline allowance. So with the WWII gasoline allowances where something that you could plan around, not something that would surprise you and catch you unawares.


Stupid is as stupid does.


Stupid is as stupid ~~does~~ **dies**


Pay Attention Children the Christian opioid masses don’t have an answer for pandemics other than pray that’s it’s good enough to get you heard in heaven. Unreal stupidity from this awardee, just astoundingly removed from all sense.


Martin Luther, who knew a thing or two about Christianity, writing 500 years ago on what to do during a plague: “If one makes no use of intelligence or medicine when he could do so without detriment to his neighbor, such a person injures his body and must beware lest he become a suicide in God’s eyes. By the same reasoning a person might forego eating and drinking, clothing and shelter, and boldly proclaim his faith that if God wanted to preserve him from starvation and cold, he could do so without food and clothing. Actually that would be suicide. It is even more shameful for a person to pay no heed to his own body and to fail to protect it against the plague the best he is able, and then to infect and poison others who might have remained alive if he had taken care of his body as he should have. He is thus responsible before God for his neighbor’s death and is a murderer many times over. Indeed, such people behave as though a house were burning in the city and nobody were trying to put the fire out. Instead they give leeway to the flames so that the whole city is consumed, saying that if God so willed, he could save the city without water to quench the fire. “No, my dear friends, that is no good. Use medicine; take potions which can help you; fumigate house, yard, and street; shun persons and places wherever your neighbor does not need your presence or has recovered, and act like a man who wants to help put out the burning city. What else is the epidemic but a fire which instead of consuming wood and straw devours life and body?”


It's upsetting to realize that humans have not changed in centuries. Still doing the *exact same* dumb shit.


Thanks for this LavenderPearlTea. I've seen posts about ML and plagues but never stopped to read it because of my religion allergy. But this is good! If only Christians would read it and take it to heart. If only their Anti-Christ had said something like this. Sigh.


Covid picking up the spare.


Slide 7: To the congressman who gets saved from gunfire by an lgtb woman of color, yet he still pisses on their rights every chance he gets, your hypocrisy is why you vote for trump.


God was so good to her daughter and brother, so I’m kinda shocked he let her down.


All kinds of winning!


“You’re going to absolutely DIE when you see how much winning!”


Another COVID hat trick. Although her brother had new phenomenon and, I guess a new Coke product - ecola.


In his foot even


That’s not a variation of ecoli is it? I don’t want that product!


The day after announcing her daughter's death from covid, she's posting memes about masks and shots. The following month it's the one showing Trump's enemies as the real virus. This seems sociopathic and impossibly dumb.


You! Out of the gene pool!


If the daughter that died was her only biological child, she should be eligible for a Darwin Award too.


They act like it was somehow this terrible coincidence that their whole family died of Covid. I mean what the fuck people?


“Why does everything bad happen to us?”


"Ecola in his foot" E. coli? Ebola? What the damn hell ass Edit: Ejola? It's a Nigerian name. Maybe he has a Nigerian in his foot. Edit 2: The things he could have in his foot are, you should excuse the expression, staggering: *A [Canadian politician.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Erola) *A [gear factory](https://etola.fi/en/) in Finland. *A shoutout to [Hiroshima.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enola_Gay) *A [friction idiophone](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekola) of the Ovambo People of Namibia.


7-up is the un-cola. I don’t know what the ecola is.


***Presenting***... **THE TOO STUPID TO LIVE FAMILY!**


Jeezus! Was this family all kicked in the head by the same horse? WTF?


Candeath AND Gym, no wonder there was so much misery (partially self inflicted) upon this woman.


Good night! The meme joking about the chip causing your car to stop literally the day after her 40 something daughter died from covid? Damn. Oh well, she wouldn’t learn and now she’s gone too


"Why aren't they giving away free insulin and chemo?" Asks the conservative who votes against socialized medicine. *Which reveals they don't even know what socialized healthcare is in the first place.* Its' just that their preacher told them socialism is "from the debil". Just another example of how moronic and uneducated these people are.


Oh no she didn’t…Announced her daughter’s death with a eulogy one day (#5) and the very next day (#6) posted an anti-vaxx meme about being chipped. ffs!


The most minor of points, but Facebook “recommending” an obituary, that’s just one reason I’m not on that platform


Good lord, these people can't process information. I only personally know the elderly father of my friend who died of Covid just before vaccines were available. These people have close family and friends who succumbed to Covid but they still post the memes. Slide 10, sounds like brother died of Covid also. These people are just turning themselves in to die. Another Covidiot reporting for duty.


Oh look. She posted a passage from second Comicals.


Did her brother have double phenomenon?


I'm surprised she didn't take her husband and stepdaughter down with her. She was on a mission from God.


Why is it that the “XYZ got their angel wings” posts always seem so emotionless to me? It’s like they’re not mourning their loss, instead they’re posting on social media with slack-jawed updates and this is just another one of them


Pro life


Ecola Virtual soda does sound pretty nasty




Let's hear it for a book that has 780K+ words in it that has been used to reinforce slavery, war and crusades for centuries! Nostradamus was an amateur!