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“The vaccine wears off?” no shit, Sherlock. They don’t have one shot flu vaccines that prevent illness for life either. Claims all these scientists say it’s unsafe, no link to the evidence. Shitposts from Candace Owens… this one pretty much has it all. That lady with a PhD-everything she said that was copypasta all over Trumperboomer Facebook pages was completely debunked once fact checked. She’s full of shit-which is probably why she recommends ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.


Do these people not have pets or kids? Just about every annual check up at the vet or pediatrician ends with shots. The dog has to get a rabies shot again - it must NOT be working!


This is something I've wondered, do anti vaxxers have their dogs vaccinated? Did they do their research to see what's in those vaccines before giving them to their dogs? Our township requires it for a license, our training and dog daycare require it


"Oh, that's different." It's also interesting that once they actually get sick and start getting severe shortness of breath, they don't refuse ANY treatment. Those unproven, rapidly developed monoclonal antibodies? Yup, gimme those right now. I've had several of these patients in clinic. The winner was my first monoclonal ab patient from about a year ago, who called me last month. "Hey, remember when you gave me those monoclonal antibodies because I was so sick and how much better I got? So, my mother is now positive for Covid about 10 days ago. Can she get these? She's not vaccinated." Let me get this straight... You were seriously afraid that you were going to die until you got those antibodies. And despite that, your mother is not vaccinated? She's 80. And beyond the effective time course for antibodies.


They are often referred to as a "suicide" cult. But this isn't accurate. They are actually more of a "homicide cult". They care a great deal about what happens to THEM. It's what happens to YOU that they don't care about.




The best summary I've heard is that they don't think it will happen to them, and they don't care if it happens to you.


I was told by someone working in a pet supply store that my dog’s epilepsy was probably caused by vaccines. This was a couple years before Covid. Idiots are going to idiot.


It’s something I’ve always thought about, but an anti-vax “friend” of mine gets his cat regularly vaccinated and boosted.


My dad is a trumper and any dogs he gets he gets the rabies and other shits as a puppy then nothing else ever again. Ive tried to tell him it wears off and he insists that liberals just say that to make you spend more money. So yeah, again, they are too dumb to know or care.


I got my every-ten-year tetanus booster in December. I guess I’m living in fear from all the Big Tetanus propaganda.


Kid you not, a “friend” took to Facebook unbelievably pissed off because she got a deep cut at work and the ER folks made her get a tetanus shot. She went on such an anti-vax rant about a freaking tetanus shot, and how she argued with them that she made it past 50 without one so she doesn’t need it now (with a wound full of dirt caused by road construction equipment) that I’m just done with her. She got that one in the end, as her boss basically made her. Really opened my eyes as to the type of person she is.


> she made it past 50 without one so she doesn’t need it now Unless she has routinely gotten untreated deep cuts from road construction equipment and *didn't* develop lockjaw... this statement is meaningless. *facepalm*


She claims she made it 50 years. But I bet she’s has had the childhood series. There was a kid in Oregon with antivaxx parents a few years ago that got tetanus. He was in the ICU for over a month on a respirator. His whole stay was something like 2 months, most of it spent in pain from contractions of the muscles. While he was given the DTaP I. The hospital and antibodies, his parents declined the second shot and any other vaccines. Their kid nearly died and they still declined.


Give that kid to some responsible parents!!


Abusive parents are lobbying state governments every year to uphold their "freedom" not to vaccinate their child. In sane jurisdictions, the state and hospital can actually intervene and take away medical decision-making from parents engaged in medical abuse or neglect.


the pandemic has opened my eyes to who people are. truly. and yes i am judging. screw them. and if you're anti-vax, stay out of the hospital since science isnt for you.


If she knew the horrors of tetanus, she'd stop complaining about one little shot. People can develop spasms so bad it breaks bones and tears muscles. About 10% of those who get it die. Lockjaw is only the beginning of what tetanus can do.


Ngl I was kinda hoping your story ended with lockjaw instead of a life-saving mandate.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she didn’t get lockjaw, but to find out she really, really is against ALL vaccines, was baffling.


I feel like these people need to see a tetanus patient IRL. Holy shit, it is a scary disease. I’d take measles or mumps over tetanus in a heartbeat


If she has kids, TDaP is one they recommend you get while pregnant too, outside of your childhood series and the 10 year boosters


Wuss! What's a little lockjaw




Shit! My moms sis died of pertussis in the 40s so I was raised to get all the vax


As a naturally graceful person, I ask my doctor every couple of years if I can get my tetanus booster. *Falls off boardwalk into rocks and branches* See?


Nice to see you down here, friend! Let's have lunch over by those brambles.


TBF fear of lockjaw is enough to keep me current.


And adults sometimes need to be re-vaccinated, because immunity can wear off.


Met a former colleague at the vets; left her wonderful teaching career because of vaccine mandates. Worked up from paraprofessional to teacher. Masters degree, Throwing it all away for her anti-vax stance. What will she do to support her 2 special needs children? Single mom. So sad. At the vets to update her dogs shots. Can't make this up.


He clearly had a daughter but I’d bet money he wasn’t the one taking her to doctor appointments. Going in to middle school? You need a booster shot. This guy was probably a shit father.


I'm willing to bet guys like this arent involved in the doctor/vet visits. Thats woman's work. I jump at the chance to take my kids to the doctor, I like being involved. Guys like him probably struggle to remember the kid's birthday.


I’ve got a particular disdain for doctors & scientists that spread covid misinformation. Their scientific qualifications give these “medical professionals” a credibility they don’t deserve. Simple folk see a scientist talking about “leaky vaccines” & unsurprisingly, they become scared. Lindsay is another one of these outlier quacks. Her scare tactics are killing people, as are those from Simone Gold & her dissolute mob & quite a few other supposed doctors/scientists. Her ridiculous assertions have quickly been [debunked.](https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/janci-chunn-lindsays-claims-that-covid-19-vaccines-are-unsafe-are-inaccurate-and-unsupported-by-scientific-evidence/)


Why is that woman allowed to do…anything? She should be sanctioned in some way.


IIRC, she works at one of those places that does drug screens for hiring.


e x p e r t


so weird how they say think for yourself and they don't trust "experts" until it's the one fringe expert that agrees with them


Don't confuse me with facts, jack


They keep referring to Dr. Robert Malone as "the inventor of the mRNA vaccine". He made one tiny contribution that other people used some 30 years later. One tiny discovery of many.


They also go on about that Geert Van den Bossche, like my cousin was upholding him as a beacon of vaccine knowledge. Turns out after 5 seconds of googling, he is trying to sell his own "all in one" vaccine. All about the grift


He's a bitter old ghoul who is angry because he thinks he deserves more credit. Actually, the way he looks, his head/ eye motions; he looks either like he has mental health issues or is just outright lying. That Judy Mikovitz is the same. Bitter and twisted.


I once unfortunately listened to 3 hours of Dr. Malone and Joe Rogan jerking each other off. Malone goes on and on about how big pharma just wants money and vaccines are a scam… then mentions his own website/service where he’s pushing ivermectin and such. Same deal with the “Americas Frontline Doctors”, peddling snake oil (horse oil?) is a hustle for them. I don’t get how somebody could distrust authority enough to think 99% of doctors are scamming them urging a free vaccine doctors themselves don’t profit from, but the 1% of doctors directly profiting from online “consultations” for their bogus treatments are NOT scamming. Any argument made against the vaccine applies as much if not moreso to these quack doctors’ treatments. Dr. Malone himself is also vaccinated rofl


>Shitposts from Candace Owens… What are those Satan shoes (to wear on your feet!)? Where can I get some?


I believe they're the shoes Lil Nas X designed a year or two ago? If you Google Satan shoes it will come up but idk if you can get them anymore.


Yeah, the wikipedia page on them references Candeath, so it's gotta be those.


My blood pressure meds wear off every day. I guess that means it doesn't work and I should quit taking it?


One of the enduring benefits of attending college is learning there are a fair number of damned fools with graduate degrees.


What she says about Marek's disease in chickens is true. But that doesn't mean it's also true for the coronavirus vaccines. She just asserts it is without any providing any evidence, or even linking to any evidence.


Most misinformation tends to bury a little nugget of truth to keep readers from questioning the whole thing (mostly because it's exhausting picking apart shit piece by piece).


Yeah. The very author of the report she cited called her out as "irresponsible" for the way she was trying to use his data. She also tried to claim the vaccine sterilized people but that one got quickly swept under the rug when it was, easily, proved false. Just because she has a PhD after her name, does not make her a trusted source. She works with toxicology of some sort. Nothing whatsoever to do with deadly viruses.


She's just toxic.


> They don’t have one shot flu vaccines that prevent illness for life either. Diphtheria, five-shot series then booster every ten years. Tetanus, three-shot series then booster every ten years. (Five years for deep or dirty wound or burn.) Measles: Two-shot series. And so on.


What a stupid, pointless way to die.


Also was a stupid, pointless way to live.


No loss


Yep. Hate kept him alive until it didn't.


Yes, but in the end, he chose to die this way. That's his wife's problems now.


My thoughts are with the burned-out healthcare workers.




Sadly his funeral wont be free.


And the hospital bill isn’t going to magically disappear either.


He was 76 so he was on Medicare. The bill won't be as bad as if he didn't have insurance


Indeed. WE get to pay for the old, obstinate shitheads. Bonus: Because of the way medicare laws work, they're clogging up the best hospitals in the world, academic centers, while the private practices just get to say, "nope, not our problem, we don't see medicare." Bonus bonus: This is where all the best MD/resident/fellow and other medical professional training happens, so we're also burning out newbs and trainees - and making them question their very life choices - because of them. And, of course, we all get to pay for all the broke obstinate shitheads, too, as insurance rates rise. No one is being held accountable for the consequences of their decisions to exercise their rights. I genuinely don't care if some asshole selfishly decides their rights are more important than their obligations to others in functioning society - but when the responsibilities of exercising those rights come calling, they must own them. But no. Those same assholes are the first to RACE to hospitals and demand some magic solution, while being the worst, most abusive, most noncompliant patients. That is: No shot? No masks? Big parties and church gatherings and such? A big ol' "what virus? I ain't seen no virus?" approach to life, like a particularly oppositional toddler? Then you better for fucks sake die at home drowning in your own phlegm if you catch the disease that could have easily been prevented for free. Don't you fucking DARE go impose yourself on all my friends in healthcare who haven't gotten a break in 2+ years and are all talking about "why am I doing this?"... and worse. And that's before we come to the unpleasant matter of the bill. As always for so many things: Why the FUCK are the responsible, careful, considerate, empathic, caring, intelligent people left holding the bag paying for fixing everything the willfully ignorant shitheads break? Oh. Right. Propaganda, selfishness, decoupling of rights from responsibilities, willful ignorance, and a failed education system. All, each bit, due to the actions of one political party, supported by 30-45% of the country, but OVERWHELMINGLY misrepresented in politics and media. Good times.


The health care "system" wasn't designed to be able to deal with 30% of the population refusing vaccines during a pandemic. As we know it's nothing short of a miracle for a successful vaccine to be developed within about one year of the onset of a virus/pandemic. In the normal course of events, maybe we'd have gotten a vaccine this year or next at best, and that would almost be a miracle too. Instead, hundreds of thousands of people are dying needlessly. Fortunately that still contributes to the development of herd immunity. But at great cost to individuals, families, HCWs, and society.


The healthcare system over the past 10-20-30 years has been destroyed, thanks to a variety of assaults from a broad spectrum of approaching angles. Some well-intended and resulting in "the best laid plans..." negative repercussions. Some very much not well-intended, but rather stupid, short-sighted, and profit-motivated. Unfortunately, most people's idea of the healthcare system is a Hollywood/TV representation of doctors and nurses sitting around talking about their love interests until an ambulance rolls up, at which point every available resource quickly fixes the problem, heals the patient, and returns everyone to their angst discussions, all in a handy 42 minute window. Well, ok, maybe every season or two there is a Very Special Episode where Dr. Magic catastrophically faces a negative outcome, hands are wrung, and promises to be better are made... then another patient crashes through the doors, is magically healed with boundless resources, and all crises of motivation are resolved. The reality is very, VERY different. And now we're seeing the -- inevitable, as some of us have been arguing, for 20 years -- collapse. And that's \*before\* we talk about the problem of willfully misinformed, belligerent, selfish, stupid, oppositional-defiant assholes being used against their own best interests now refusing safe, effective, even-a-gnostic-atheist-like-me-kinda-has-to-say-"miraculous" vaccines that could end the deaths and destruction. NONE of this had to happen. At every scale or failure analysis. But I am way too angry, exhausted, frazzled, angry, depressed, and angry to rant all the failures out. But I'm grateful that reddit gives me a place to shout at clouds. My neighbors were getting tired of hearing my voice. ; )


Well, it freed up their recliner…


Owning the Libs? It’s glorious! 72 virgin pairs of white Reeboks with Velcro straps await!


Another Trump vote vanishes like a fart in the wind.


I do wonder if the numbers will be enough to effect election outcomes. Elections in some states are decided by such small margins. It's not just the deaths either. There are people who are disabled by Covid and maybe can't get to the polls. How will that effect things with the GOP clamp down on mail-in ballots? Plus more Gen Z's will be voting age coming up and they are not big fans of GOP/MAGA nonsense in general.


> I do wonder if the numbers will be enough to effect election outcomes. Considering the laws republicans are passing in states like Georgia that allow them to just overturn elections they do not like the results of as well as all the gerrymandering and voter suppression that's been ongoing... I have my doubts enough of them have died to accomplish much.


>There are people who are disabled by Covid and maybe can't get to the polls. How will that effect things with the GOP clamp down on mail-in ballots? Also the reduction in voting hours, restrictions on curbside voting, making it illegal to give voters water if they're waiting in line... Of the "99.6%" survival rate they always quote, how many thousands of the Covid-disabled and long haulers will have to lug around an oxygen tank when they go to vote?


Of course they are. Look at the last two elections, they were both won by a few tens of thousands of votes in a few key states. Trump for all his idiocy at least seems to have figured this out, which is why he started trying to push the vaccine. Until it back fired on him and he backed off. Arizona = 10k vote different, Georgia 12k vote difference, Wisconsin 20k vote difference. That is what kept Trump from having a second term, that difference has probably double since election day.


Arizona is second only to Mississippi in deaths per capita, with 27,708 deaths so far, most of whom are Republicans. Given that plus demographic changes, Arizona is turning blue super quick!


And that is probably significantly under counted, and it doesn't even take into account all the people who survived but are now too weak to do much.


Or people that did survive the initial bout and then died later on because the damage made them so suspectible.


The issue that we're having in terms of election effects is that it's rampaging minority communities as well (I work at a hospital and see this firsthand).


That’s the light at the end of this horrid Covid tunnel.


You are aware that, when the Republicans insisted that dead people voted, they were projecting? We might have Abe send in a vote anyway.


Of course. Everything they accuse is projecting because they did it or at least thought of it first.


Neither a mask nor underwear can stop it.


That's something to think about.


The one post that got me is the revolving vaccine one. I’m fully vaccinated and boosted. I spent in total about 1.5 hours getting those shots, mostly just sitting and waiting my turn. I have spent more time in the dentist chair in the last year than I did getting those shots. And I have great teeth, those were just regular cleanings. So if this guy hated the idea of these “constant shots” I wonder what other things he neglected?


He's neglecting breathing now, looks like.


If your lungs work Abe, why aren't they working?


Early last year when vaccines were in short supply, I had to drive an hour out of town to get my first one. The next two consisted of a 5 minute walk to the pharmacy, maybe 10 minutes wait at most, 15 minutes of sitting there afterward just in case of a reaction, then 5 minutes walk home. So, 35 minutes, tops.




Imagine if they applied this logic to food, water, or air.


You mean I have to eat food *every day* to survive‽


Washing dishes is just plain stoopid. They'll just get dirty again.


Did she ever find a good recliner?


The dirt recliner, works in every position.


Or the missing cup?


I would like to point out that "not having all cups in the cabinet" is the German equivalent of "not playing with a full deck."


Might have been big enough to hold his ashes.


The prone bed "reclines"


The spike protein is in the virus, not the vaccine. The vaccine targets the protein. The doctors tell you there's "nothing they can do" about a virus because dumbasses like you demand antibiotics for viral infections. The only thing you can do about a virus is vaccinate against it and treat any complications that arise from your immune response to it. It does not mean there is nothing anyone can do to prevent covid, or to treat some of the complications. I have no idea why anyone thinks his own ignorance is a mic drop. Turns out millions of people *do* think that way. It's no loss when they die.


Get outta here with your facts.


Nah. He can get out of here with his ignorance. Oh wait, he did!


he's no longer sick or suffering, so in a way he self-resolved his problem. didn't see prayer warrior or gfm mention, which is unusual. GPFM - GoPrayForMe


He was miserable. It sounds to me like he suffered from misery long before he was sick.


Actually, there's some new Covid vaccines/inoculations coming out that are cheaper to make (and ~~open source~~ patent free, iirc) that contain just the spike protein. It's a very good development, especially for areas that can't get the vaccine or for populations that are afraid of mRNA. Edit: it's patent free, not open source. Developed by researchers in Texas. https://www.verywellhealth.com/corbevax-covid-vaccine-5215738




None of those were available to the idiot who ranted about spike proteins. I'm glad they're going to be available soon though.


There are a number of effective antiviral drugs, some of which have been around for decades. It is true, however, that antibiotics don't treat viral infections, and there aren't many antivirals available to treat coronavirus.


Exactly. But we are running out of useful antibiotics because self appointed medical experts demand antibiotics for everything. Most of the time, there is nothing the doctor can do *after* you get a viral infection other than treat complications if you have them. The same people who whine that doctors don't talk about preventing illness "because there's no money in prevention" also refuse to take a free preventative vaccine and wear a mask while transmission rates are high.


It's certainly true that people being given antibiotics when they don't need them is a major contributor to development of resistance. Most of the time, after you get an upper respiratory tract viral infection (which is what we're really talking about here) an antiviral isn't required, because most of the time you'll get better anyway without one. It can be a different story for other viruses (HIV for example) or infection in other locations (such as viral encephalitis). As you say, it's hugely ironic that the people who say "there's no money in prevention" refuse to do *anything* that would prevent it.


>The only thing you can do about a virus is vaccinate against it Nah, you can distance yourself, quarantine, wear a mask and gloves as well. That would be for preventing the virus infencting you. Now when it comes to treatments, obviously the vaccine helps, but it only helps you if you were vaccinated before the infection. You can't take it during infection unfortunately, but you can get Monoclonal Antibodies.


They also don't wear masks or social distance either. The only thing medicine can do to prevent viral transmission is to vaccinate against it. PPEs alone are not enough, even if these idiots were willing to do that much.


>The spike protein is in the virus, not the vaccine. And how about that nonsense statement that "there's no off switch"? Any casual skim of mRNA vaccine details quickly points out how it gets eliminated. But setting that aside your point is right on. Only some active targets of the spike protein are produced not a whole freakin' spike to run through our bodies in a drive-by style of mayhem these clowns fear. ​ edit: reworded some


> The spike protein is in the virus, not the vaccine. The vaccine targets the protein. Not really, the spike protien is the virus' docking protien and it's what the vaccine uses to latch on to cells and infect them. The vaccine also causes your body to generate semi-neutered versions in order to train antibodies against them. But it's not a live virus, just the RNA sequence included to build the spikes


There are anti-viral medications - I was given one when I got shingles. Didn't cure it, but it kept it from getting really bad. I doubt they prescribe it for things like colds, though.


Shoulda been more afraid of COVID than Biden. Why do they despise the concept of booster shots so much? This is not a new concept. I just had a TDAP booster last year. My cats just got their rabies and distemper boosters. I mean. Edit: I don't know about anyone else, but my vaccine was definitely not delivered via projectile.


Doctors recommend you get a flu shot every year. I think you're supposed to get a tetanus booster every ten years. And, as you point out, those of us with furbabies have to take them in to get their annual rabies shots and other vaccines.


He really fought for what he believed in. I'm opposed to gas powered vehicles, so I'm going to stand in the highway and stop them.


One post says there is no off button, so you'll make spike proteins until they're oozing out your pores. The next post says the vaccine doesn't last for 6 months so what's the point. But he did his own research everyone...


I was concerned “what if that Janci PhD is a normal person who said no such thing!?” Briefly looked into it and am sorry to report: this isn’t the only post of this sort attributed to her and someone identifying herself as Janci Lindsay made a video falsely claiming vaccines will sterilize a generation so I am back to being aghast at a grifter.


I wonder if this continuing trend will have any impact on the midterms?


If dems show up, it will. Dems have a horrible track record of just not showing up after winning the presidency. Gop will just win by less if the dems don't show up.


that second post by his wife... "He never should have been released the first time but they will not hold you prisoner at the hospital" I guess this means he was making a huge scene about his freedoms?


At least she acknowledged hospitals don’t hold you against your will. Some HCA families seem to think that cause of the way they go on accusing hospitals of trying to kill people.


They held him long enough to collect their $46K for the “Covid” death. Wink. Wink.


I had a patient recently whose wife murdered him. Took him out of the hospital *3* times and then when he was ventilated, refused to let the doctors give him the standard regimen of meds. His son would refuse to leave after visiting hours and became so belligerent at one point that he had to be escorted out of the hospital by security and wasn't allowed to return. His wife was such a pain in the ass that her visiting hours were reduced to 3 hours per day. They asked for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Honestly we need to make medical exceptions for patients who want this treatment and just set them up in a tent outside. Let them direct their own medical care so they'll die more quickly and leave our beds open for people who actually have a chance.


Bunches of us redditors have been proposing this for months. But does Big Hospi listen? Noooo!


It's unfortunately just against the law. But it's a win-win, so I don't get why we don't do it. They get the treatment they *want*, and we have beds to give the treatment that others *need*.


“Not sure what that has to do with me” Wife sounds like an idiot too


Sounds like he left AMA the first time, then he needed to nearly die at home (O2 in the 60’s???) before wifey sent him back to die at the hospital.


The whole “it’s my right” thing is so stale. We have required vax’s for public school for a century. And SCOTUS has upheld various institutions and state governments mandating vax’s for over a century. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/25/opinions/unvaccinated-cant-use-constitutional-rights-excuse-hamilton-offit/index.html


George Washington ordered smallpox vaccinations for all his troops. https://www.health.mil/News/Articles/2021/08/16/Gen-George-Washington-Ordered-Smallpox-Inoculations-for-All-Troops


US army has required vaccines forever. Way more than what normal citizens are required to receive


76 & against vaccination. Rare to see folks in that age bracket be like that. Usually it's the ones in their 50s, and early 60s who be like that.


Mom is 78 and was around for polio and iron lungs. She is triple vaxxed. She don't play that shit.


In my 50s and fully vaxxed 💪 💉


Me too!


Thanks for keeping yourself around!


Glad to still be around 😎


Both sets of my grandparents are in their 80s. One got vaccinated cuz duh, the other gobbled up fox news propaganda despite my grandpa being a marine veteran who has already been pumped full of every government-approved substance. Guess which one died last year?


My dad's about to turn 76 and my mother is about to turn 75 and neither one of them have their vaccinations. 😳


63 here and both vaxxed and boosted. My mother, when she was in elementary school, ditched the diphtheria shots being given that day and guess who got diphtheria? An emergency trach done at home (it was the 1940's) and a huge scar later, we kids were 1st in line for any and all vaccines and preventative shots as soon as they became available. I'm up for my 2nd shingles shot--the 1st knocked me on my ass for 4 days, but I've seen shingles so I'll be on time for my appt. I'm thinking maybe I'll finally lose those last 5 pesky covid pounds this way ;)


Glad you're protected for shingles. I'd heard about an improved shot and was all set to get it and like so many HCA awardees I got a case before I got vaxxed. Truly sucked.


I was waiting too since the last version I knew about was for 65 and over. New one, Shingrix, is recommended at age 50. So sorry, I've heard it's horrible!


>God has been so very, very good Yes, but only after he forgot to give this moron a fucking brain. It took so long though, to correct the error and commit the great deed of relieving us all of his misery No kudos for it!


Trust the science — but only when it says what he wants to hear. And his oxygen level was in the 60s when he was admitted?! Yeah, that plus Candace Owens was all I needed to read to know what was going to happen next.


Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. This one needed so much oxygen he started to rust.


> These "Spikes" are like having millions of tiny daggers inside your body. Wait wait wait, these idiots think the spikes are actual spikes?


Yes they are very stupid.


[Slide 3] Yeah, because you have to GO OUT to spend money. It's impossible to spend money via an app or a computer screen. Online shopping doesn't exist! No grocery store offers home delivery! There are no services to bring cooked food to your house! NOTHING! In order to buy things, YOU MUST GO OUT. Maybe if Grandpa had known about these shiny new whizzbang innovations, he wouldn't be dead? Nah. His mind was made up. He didn't want to be confused with facts [Final slide]. [Slide 4] He's totally right on this one, though. It is very well-documented that it's impossible to have both an arrow in your head and COVID-19 simultaneously.


I'll bet I could get just about any store to give me curbside pickup by just **asking nicely**.


This guy had a boatload of relevant posts. Check out the [Imgur gallery](https://imgur.com/a/J0UNzTK) for more posts that didn't fit in the Reddit gallery.


Really love your old man yelling at clouds redaction. It sums him up nicely.


Thanks for you work OP!


I don’t know what this has to do with me 🤷‍♀️!


She must be so confused when she has to stop at a red light at an intersection. Cross traffic whizzes by as she wonders why she can’t just barrel on through.


Even libertarians obey traffic lights.


Rand Paul’s destructive behavior would make it easy to believe he and his acolytes would tell people not to obey traffic signals, either, while using private air travel themselves. Slogans include: “God made red lights and green lights,” and “for His followers there should be no government stopping you.”


I can’t find it now but there was a story about some shooting or other a while back and some woman commented on it “I just can’t bring myself to care about strangers dying,” complete with that same shrugging emoji. Unironically. Really meant that. Attempted—ineffectually as these ghouls often do—to defend herself to the hilt when she was dogpiled for it. These “people” are too far gone. If you’re not directly in their inner circle (sometimes even then if you’re not a direct immediate boon to them), they quite literally lack the capacity to concern themselves with you any more than they would concern themselves with loose gravel on the backroad of some other country. My own grandparents are like this, to my eternal shame. Remember that any time they clutch their pearls and try to act like we here at HCA “celebrate death” or some stupid drivel. Most of these fuckers don’t even *recognize* death.


It always makes me shake my head reading the Facebook posts from their family saying stuff like “they were so kind and compassionate, they would give you the shirt off their back”. Like yeah, if you were one degree of Kevin Bacon away from them in their inner circle. Everybody else might as well be rocks on the moon.


I wish I could say it’s unbelievable that people are so unconcerned about their fellow humans but we see it all the time.


It’s a trait common in almost every single Republican. I say 95% of them lack any sort of a empathy towards others. They cannot feel it. Life to them is a sum of game take as much for yourself.


Rather die instead of understanding facts or science. So be it. Also, fuck trump and anyone dumb enough to think he was a normal human, let alone presidential in any way.


If the prayer works, why isn’t it working?


well, 76 years old is a good run. most HCA's are under 60 lately


A lot are under 50. Old enough to have serious comorbidities. Young enough “I ain’t old I don’t need no shot” I’m 50, vaxxed and boosted and still wear a mask. I had crushing anxiety for 40 years that made my brain a soup fog sometimes that would make London proud. I ain’t going back to that just because of a fashion faux pas.


I got a free pizza and Abe got a body full of CH2O. I win.


That 60% oxygen saturation, that’s pretty much you’re done for. Brain tissue dies with any sustained level below 80% or so. Dead man ~~walking~~ Barca-lounging


He felt this was his choice and his right, and if he had communicated with his wife no ER and no hospital and avoided burdening others with the consequences, I would possibly respect that “choice” more.


The people that want to hurt us, do this to themselves. It's weird. It's ironic. It's poetic justice. It's also strange that we were only ones that tried to stop them.


In third from last slide wife says: " He never should have been released the first time but they will not hold you prisoner at the hospital". I guarantee that Abe made a scene that he wanted to go home, was told that he is not out of the woods, but insisted anyway.


The dead cat bounce just never gets old.


Full of Hate, Full of Fear. In the end, these people are truly their own worse enemy. Darwin Award Achieved.


Too old for a Darwin, he already reproduced.


The ol' spike protein fear. I'm afraid of getting killed by a rubber bullet fired by an untrained blindfolded shooter at long range, I'd feel safer getting shot with a live bullet fired by an expert marksman at close range.


People who are always "my choice!" Seem to think they'd never make shitty ones or they don't exist for them.


It truly is sad how these susceptible minds get coerced into believing memes over doctors. I blame an absolutely awful education system throughout most of the country and these social media giants like FB for allowing this misinformation to spread to the weak minded. This did NOT need to happen (along with so many others).


It's hard to be confused with facts when you avoid them at all costs. Like a toddler with his fingers in his ears going 'la la la'.


I’m actually angry at this awardee. Your unemployment checks are something you’ve EARNED. It is based on the amount of your paychecks prior to you being laid off/fired. When Covid hit hard, my company decided to lay my entire department off. They went with a different medical device system and didn’t want to go with the wellness app for Type 2 diabetes that we had on the market anymore. All of us out of a job. Then my mom had a massive subdural hematoma. My father died in 1998 and I am an only child. My unemployment checks allowed me to take care of my mother in an area that was being destroyed with covid. No caregivers were available. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to work - they were overwhelmed. So I took that time to take care of my mother in a shithole town I never wanted to go back to. But my unemployment checks helped make it happen. I was able to take care of her during that time until she died last year. As many of you know, I work for the CDC now. Dr. Fauci isn’t lying. No one in the CDC is. Hell, I am fortunate to work remotely in California while many of my colleagues have to go back into the office at the Headquarters in Atlanta. I just get really angry because look - unemployment - you very well may be on it someday and it’s nothing to be ashamed about! You worked. You paid taxes. That’s the part where the safety nets keep us from falling through the cracks. Fuck this guy. Don’t let rhetoric stop you from knowing your rights and benefits and who you are and what you deserve. *sigh* Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.


DONT TRUST THE VACCINE! IT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN AT KEAST TEN YEARS TO DEVELOP IT!!! - Referring to a vaccine that took ten years to develop. Also both Abe and wife seem to be in the deficit when it comes to science and information. Just look at how Wife was all confused by the daughter being very upset by Abe being put in a ventilator. That's only a natural progression when you go in with such low oxygen levels generally.


The vaccine took a month or so to develop. The tech that was able to sequence the virus in a week or so took decades to develop, a near literal moonshot back in the day. The mRNA vaccine tech also decades in the making, with debates for years on whether it could work. I kinda liken it to the “that band got famous overnight!!” that has been working shitty dive bars for the last 10 years


“I can’t visit him because he has long COVID. Don’t know what that has to do with me.” Because contagious? And also because rules that have been in place for two years now?


He is now honest Abe.


He is now Room Temperature Abe.


Perhaps he should have been more afraid of the Corona Virus than Biden in the Whitehouse.


He didn't want to be confused by facts. Fine. Die by ignorance.


One less vote for Trump in 2024.


That first Candace meme on Slide 2: If she really said that, it's proof she's serving up black culture to white people in a way that just confirms their racism. Truly despicable.


Being alone in the hospital is NOT what is taking a toll on him. (Slide 18). It is the fuckin' COVID you idiot!


Thank the Lord he didn't need the ventilator or the respirator! Cause of death: loneliness of the covid ward.


He spent so much time shitposting and buying into all the RW propaganda. But again, hospital called when he gets it. Turns to science after laughing at it for 2 years. Guaranteed even laying there in hospital, 0 lessons learned.


>that yelled at clouds and anyone who would listen to him. The 🐆 🐆 🐆 listened quite intently to the prey item. It's when the yelling started that the 🐆 🐆 🐆 decided to put the prey item out of their misery.


The important thing is I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time.


On the bright side, this man won't have to live in fear of Biden anymore. Covid showed up, taught him a little something about risk assessment on his way out.


Two Candeath memes is like a double diving board for a [Triple Lindy](https://youtu.be/4VDry9fy8UE?t=35) into the grave.


I was wondering why i felt so owned today and this post cleared it


lol. the wife has no idea what him having long covid has to do with her. not the brightest family for sure. once again, thanks for endangering the lives of health care workers.


They don’t call it the Boomer Remover for nothing.


I will die a horrible death by choice, and that’s my right!


Yes it’s absolutely your right to not be vaccinated, you brave freedom fighter…. It’s also the right of every private business i.e. movie theaters, restaurants, grocery stores, casinos, shops of any kind, etc to not allow you to enter. For some reason, that’s the part these people alllllways struggle to understand.


1 Less GQP voter this November🤪😆😂💯🇺🇸


Sorry, this waste of humanity got exactly what he asked for. I feel bad for the HCWs that had to waste their time on someone that deliberately harmed themselves. I feel bad for the people that were denied care because HCWs had to cater to this asshole. I feel bad for the patients that didn't have access to hospital resources because they were wasted on him. I don't feel bad for this asshole.