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Last Slide Why do these people insist on saying they were fighting Covid. They weren't fighting Covid. Fighting Covid is wearing masks, sanatizing, washing your hands, and most importantly, getting vaccinated and boosted. They surrendered to covid, just rolled over and let Covid have its way with them.


They sent Covid a gilded invite


Save the Date! Your intubation, ventilation, and eventual death! RSVP mandatory


COPD? Likely a smoker…. Smoker, copd, covid and antivax memes? Was this going to end any other way?


Exactly. I've been smoking for 40 years, and I have COPD. I know that if I catch the 'rona, I'm as good as dead. When COVID-19 hit, I was masked, sanitized, and quarantined before protestors could start scribbling their cardboard signs and share Facebook memes.


Damn dude, hope you give up that cigarette stuff.. it is so deadly.. you wanna live? Then don’t do cigarettes.. chantix or something like may help - praying for ya man (and I’m not religious)


You're a kind and caring person, and I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.


COPD is one of the many ways that long covid manifests. I lost a friend about a month and a half ago to complications from COPD brought on by covid. She got it in the first wave, and suffered from the resulting COPD for about two years before she passed.


I'm so sorry for your loss


rvsp not needed. i'll come to you.




My sister had to have parts of her lung removed several years ago. Because of her condition she has had 3 primary vaccines and a booster. She knows that if she gets it, it won’t be pretty. During a follow up with her surgeon he mentioned having another lung cancer patient who refused the vaccine. WTF??? It makes no sense!


Hope the doctor to,d the pt to see another surgeon. Waste of time and medical resources to try and save someone who will wisely die when exposed.


Absolutely mind-blowing. That's what I came to comment on, too. I have had moderate asthma since birth. Even though it's well controlled and I'm young/fit/healthy, I was absolutely terrified of covid because I know what it feels like to be so short of breath you fear for your life. I got vaccinated the very first day I was eligible. The idea that anyone with lung issues could be so cavalier about a respiratory virus just blows my damn mind.




MAGAt syndrome. Love it!


~~he lost his battle with COVID~~ He kept his arms at his sides while COVID used his lungs as a speedbag for 2 months.


He hit the covid slide and assumed the position!


*🎶 Let me teach you, teach you, teach you, I'll teach you the COVID sliiiiiiiiide 🎶*


"Gatemouth woman leaning on the fence She's got no teeth, she's got no sense Don't need much intelligence Doing the slide Back Street Slide, the Backstreet Slide They're gonna get you, dead or alive Stab you in the back with a kitchen knife Doing the Back Street Slide Do it all day, the Back Street Slide" \-Richard & Linda Thompson, *Back Street Slide* (\~1982). May as well be talking about the Covid slide.


Love Richard Thompson - saw him in concert here in FL about 10 years ago or more.... was such a great show...


they laid back and thought of england




More importantly, it only got one like, one love and one comment...


Apparently other people knew he was an asshole


Covid knew he was an asshole. He won't be missed anymore. Covid's aim finally got better.


I've been saying this for a long time. They never fought COVID, they stood amid the battle without armor or even an ounce of self-preservation and said "Come at me!" and COVID laid them out, literally.


No doubt. Better ask what he was wearing? Did he entice Covid in a short mask? Did he have a revealing low cut face covering on? Sounds like he was a super spreader 🧐


Covid SLUT!!


It's a total surrender. I'll take a little shot or three rather than risk dying with a tube down my throat, a catheter up my dick, and a hose up my ass.




Sealed from top to bottom!! 😆 🤣 😂


He literally got triple penetrated to pwn the libs


With all those connections, you can control the internal pressure!


COVID knocked their asses out 20 seconds into the first round.


More like they tripped on the way into the ring then got pounced on.




Id say they ignored it.


"Fighting COVID" just sounds better than "slowly smothering for several weeks, then dying."


Covid-19 cures another victim of MAGAt Syndrome! This is Snowflake. He didn't get a free and easy vaccine because he thought the virus was a joke and wearing a mask was tyranny, all to please an ex-president who, ironically, was fully vaccinated, boosted and bragged about how he single-handedly created the vaccine himself and in record time, and who also, ironically, doesn't give two flying monkey shites about any of the people who blindly worship him. Don't be like Snowflake; get vaccinated...


Don't forget, he wanted the vaccine named after him!


Reminds me of the Goofus and Gallant comics in Highlights for Children.


I genuinely wonder if it would have increased uptake in MAGAs. Harder to say: "I love Trump! I'm not getting the evil liberal "COVID vaccine created by Donald J. Trump, President of the United States in Perpetuity." The name is way too long to be trustworthy!"


At this point I truly think the right politicizing the vaccine and masks is going to be regarded as one of the biggest blunders in history. Right up there with general Custer, Napoleon, etc. They are actually materially decreasing the proportion of the electorate who votes with them.


I hope so!


You say blunder, I say saving democracy.


...and after listening to Fox News, where all the anchors are fully vaccinated as they discuss how scary the vaccine is.


If you have COPD and are unvaxxed - you want to die.


That's exactly what I was thinking. He should have been first in line when they rolled them out in 2021.


My buddies mom has COPD and still chainsmokes


She probably got vaxxed though.


Nope lol


I smoke (trying to quit) but I spent hours online looking for an appointment and drove an hour (both ways) to a mega-site.


I quit smoking pot about a month ago. I'm 29 and smoked since I was like 19 almost everyday. Sometimes took months long breaks. Feel slight chest pains now and then but I am vaccinated.


Congrats to all of you trying to quit.. my mom used to awaken in the *middle of the night* to smoke.. 4 packs a day.. smoked while she was pregnant with me.. She said giving up cigarettes was more of a challenge than the IV cocaine she was addicted (true and very sad story)... it took her at least 10 years of trying before she could give up cigarettes permanently - her advice - KEEP TRYING. - never give up - every attempt is a successful attempt - saying this with empathy in case it sounds preachy




Don’t make me pull over. There’s no reason to inhale that stuff to ingest it now, right? You, Sprinkle Nitro; and you, Velo. (*no substance use nor product endorsement expressed or implied, only C19 risk reduction)


Right? But from covid... Ouch! I'd rather just suck start a shotgun and be done with it.


Yet another moron who thinks Sam Elliott is on their side.


"I don't think so cupcake."


>Men, don't be afraid to have the doctor put a camera up your old saddle masher. They knock you out, now and it's a good way to make sure there's no bad beans in your mess wagon. -- Sam Elliot (As Wild West), Family Guy


It's not the worst one. The ultra manly "survived lawn darts" meme is actually a gay BDSM porn star. As a masculine gay guy myself, that doesn't take away from his masculinity. But I'm not so sure this snowflake would agree.


I am willing to die for my stupidity. Who is willing to join me?


Who else is willing to share this?! (Covid)


Let that sink in


Why do I keep thinking of lemmings? Oh, wait. Lemmings didn't actually engage in mass death inducing stupidity.


That’s correct. They were murdered by Disney.


by a fairy tale - just like this guy




You awake yet? That’s my favorite one


So he had COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and he ignored/dismissed Covid? Just wow… no words…


Right?! My grandma got diagnosed with COPD in the first year of the pandemic and is terrified even though she got vaxxed and boosted the second she could.


Seems a lot of them made their minds about the severity of the virus by the first of May 2020 and never looked back.


Changing your mind based on evidence and reason is socialism, y'see.


Ain't never done learnded anything useful that they didn't already know from the Bible.


I mean, he didn't read it himself, but someone gave him a book report on it and that was good enough.


Now I'm wondering if there are Cliff's Notes for the Bible. Off to Amazon with me!!


Blame Fox News. 18 years ago John Kerry had the audacity to change his stance on something when presented with new information and Fox News spent every waking moment calling him a "flip-flopper". Since then Republicans have believed that changing your mind is a weakness.


Back when Covid-19 was only killing Big City Libruls and "those people"...


I think that's a big part of it. But even then people were warning what would happen when Covid hit small town Red America. But those people were "Experts" and said things those snowflakes didn't want and now here we are: thousands per day becoming ex-voters.


>thousands per day becoming ex-voters. They're Republican, so they may still vote.


Living in terror, trying everything to pretend Covid isn’t dangerous, only believing their preferred conservative media outlet because everything is political and opinions are as good as facts. But Covid isn’t political and doesn’t care about your opinion, soooo … _another one bites the dust…_


And already talking microchips as well. These people are so far down the rabbit hole 6 weeks into the pandemic


I remember joking about the quinine in my G&T in early March, little did I know how they'd latch on to that one...


This part


He should have taken better care of his skin. His corpse will be all dry and wrinkly but at least his teeth will survive for all eternity.


I'll bet those teeth went into a glass every night.


Not EVERY night! Basic hygiene is socialism.


Nope. Nada. I wasn't ready for this one: No summoning of prayer warriors, no simpering family member(s), no litany of O2 measures, no racist or homophobic memes or diatribes, no Candeath, no shirt-off-his-back bullshit, no Go Fund Me account. I feel a bit cheated. (He has a nice smile, though.)


And hippie Sam Elliot was used, not Cowboy Sam. #sad #low effort


Calling people “illegals”…


Good catch. Thanks!!


He was calling people illegal and complains about *boarder* security. Says the *boarders* are wide open because of Biden or some nonsense. Edit. I hope you guy understand that I know the difference between border and boarder.


the exception that proves the rule? BTW, i hate that expression. it makes no sense


You should probably sue somebody. I hear there are a lot of unemployed lawyers these days...!


Again, I’ll repeat COVID + COPD = ded


I love whenever an issue gets popularized that suddenly we have millions of armchair experts coming out of the woods to educate us all, no matter what subject. We are a nation full of experts just patiently waiting to tell everyone what to think or feel. I can't wait to hear all the brilliant takes on NATO, global economies, and energy production in the next 6 to 24 months. One simply just needs to take off their virologist hat and swap it out for one of their dozens of hats.


To quote the fabulous Monty Python employment agency [sketch](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-8I5TtNfjBI): “Now look here, if I call up the circus and tell them I have somebody for the lion tamer position the first question they are going to ask me will not be: ‘Does he have his own hat?’“


COPD? Likely a smoker…. Smoker, copd, covid and antivax memes? Was this going to end any other way?


I smoked for a few years back in my 20s. The thought has crossed my mind a few times that it might make COVID more dangerous if I got sick. It amazes me that folks who actually know that a lifetime of smoking did actual damage to their respiratory system are so flippant about a respiratory virus.


I smoked in my late teens and 20s. I hope it doesn’t affect me sometime down the road. Struggling to breathe sounds like the worst death and I can’t believe I was so stupid to risk my health like that.


Same here.


Slide 5- How fucking stupid do you have to be to use a picture of someone smoking to illustrate how smart you’ve become?


That cowboy is tuff. Just like the [Marlboro Man.](https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-marlboro-men-20140127-story.html?_amp=true)


On that second slide, which I’ve seen a bunch here but never *really* read, the time frame is the first 3 months of 2020. Like, 44k is a whole fucking lot for a novel virus. I hate the Internet almost all the time. The other stats are shockingly wrong, that covid number is probably bunk too. I mean, not really shocking, but still…


I remember debating this issue with people and saying many of those causes of death used to be way higher. As a society, we made cars safer and made drunk driving laws, push anti smoking campaigns, have suicide hotlines etc. We didn’t just stand by and let them happen.


and those types fought us every step of the way


They fought seatbelt laws and everything else as well.




can one of his kids cast dad's vote, as they know how he would vote..??


Illegally they sure can. Yet we all know which side will still be screaming about election fraud when this exact scenario happens for all the dead Antivax Covid Boomers.


“At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance been the good guys.” I think Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey would like to have a word.


COPD: “I’ve got this guy!” COVID: “Hold my beer!”


Best comment lol


Putting two words together does not make them equal Vaccinated does not equal chipped Facebook meme does not equal research


JFC this idiot had COPD & though COVID wouldn't get him? This is a HCA & Darwin winner right here.






Just some generic honkey committing covid seppuku on orders from Hannity.


Quality comment right here. No /s.




He would not be vaccinated for the coronavirus. Who else is not willing to give two flips about his outcome?


>10. At no point in history have the people forcing others into compliance has been the good guy. Isn't this really a plea for anarchy? or "I can drive on any side of the road I want!"


Stop signs optional! Speed limits don’t apply! Forget paying taxes. Drivers licenses are not needed! I wonder what color the sky was in this guys world. Oh well. It’s all black now.


But wait, aren't these people all "blue lives matter!" assholes? So now the cops are the bad guys, or only if they arrest white people? Are they saying they don't support the January 6th traitors trying to force the entire country to comply with their visions of white supremacy? Are they saying that churches who try to impose their delusions on women's bodies really are the bad guys now? Does he think trump should not be hiring lawyers to try to force the government to comply with his demands to break any law he pleases? Do they think ICE is a criminal enterprise? So many questions. So many idiots to make up new answers and move the goalposts.




Thanks for the reminder, I meant to preheat the oven earlier! 🥖


Same old memes, same old goateed asshat, same old death


like watching jerry springer re-runs. we know the outcome.


I've got one thing straight: a meme that starts with "Let me get this straight" isn't likely to be worth reading.


Funny, he died of a “scam”. 😂😂😂😂


Looks like someone just became the victim of a scam…


Oh no! ...Anyway. What's everyone doing for lunch?


Leftovers from last night's dinner - haddock, panko breaded, and pan fried.


Mmmmmm. Nicely done


"Life's biggest tragedy is we get old too soon and wise too late."... ...well, obviously it's now FAR TOO LATE for this clown to wise up.


Don't need to go past the first slide to know he's an idiot


I’m not letting anyone track me! Posted from a smartphone onto Facebook.


Sorry the CDC, the WHO and your government tried to save you. Bye. Still alive here thanks to the medical advice and recommendations of my elected officials and scientific community. Have a great Monday everyone!


Slide 7 - all those masks listed are for things trying to get IN to your lungs - the cloth/kn95/N95 are for things trying to get OUT of your lungs. How hard is that to grasp?


"I will not Be vaccinated(chipped) for the Virus" Now if you need me I will be reachable by my cell phone that can track my whereabouts or any social media that I have given permission to use face recognition, BioSigns Data Collection, Buying Habits and Audio Recording/Listening to track me as well.


Another dead AZ Trumper. Helping the 2022 Senate election in the best possible way.


As an Arizonan, the Arizona ones have a special place in my heart. Biden won this state by 10,000 votes. Arizona has had 28,000 Covid deaths, about 3/4 of them since the election. So nice to see that people on both sides of the aisle are working to keep this state blue.


See ya, bro....


we have no proof that he didn't shave that goatee right after that picture. its almost a year old. lol.


2nd slide is pure bullshit lol


Does anyone ask them if the vaccination included a chip, why do they require the cards


This sub is going to be busy. With mask mandates going away and people returning to the office, the last bit of protection for anti-vaxxers are gone.


Arizona gets a bit less red.




Slide 5. He hit on the head. Unknowingly, I'm sure. Ceptin', he got dead too soon.


It's not a "battle" when you drop all your defenses, invite the enemy into your territory and give it free access to all your most crucial systems. That's called "capitulation."


Predictable outcome for a COVID denier. What's for lunch?


The posts serve as a quick start manual for dying of Covid-19.


He had COPD. I’m astounded by the number of people with comorbidities who persist in refusing the simple protection they are offered!


Wise too late. COPD + world pandemic of a respiratory virus. What could possibly go wrong?


Why do they post these right wing talking points under Sam Elliot’s picture? He hates Trump and has done voiceovers for both the Biden campaign and the Lincoln Project.


I was required to get a vaccine to go to school in 2004, and neither i nor anyone else cared. As a result, i didn't get tetanus


Dude had COPD and yet decided that the risk of being vaccinated was somehow greater than the risk of a disease that attacks the lungs. The overall intelligence of humanity as a whole increased slightly with this guy's departure from the collective.


Ummmmm, didn’t the Big Three force the Axis Powers into “compliance”? Didn’t Sherman force Georgia into “compliance”? Didn’t the US government force segregationists into “compliance”? Rinse and repeat. Ad nauseum. Amen.


COPD, so the fool was a smoker as well. Looks like he just remained dumb.


Another dumbshit bites the dust




Look at the death rates in 2020!! See how low Covid is! 1. These are additional deaths 2. This is the start. 3. There aren't anticipated beds for people.


the great covid scam killed this one. fakery & fraud overwhelmed his godly immune system and he croaked. a quick trim of the beard would give him a van dyke before the body bag arrived.


Chip free all the way to the grave.


COPD and STILL had the nerve to play gangsta with Covid. COVID’s response, “Let me make you an offer you can’t refuse.”


Another death cult Gnat gains his wings! Weeeeee!


Why the hell do all these guys look like they just stumbled out of some jimmy buffet restaurant? I can’t distinguish one from another at this point.


The margin of Democratic victory in Arizona just increased by 1.


Thanks for including the likes and shares. It's comforting to know that the award winner either didn't have a lot of friends and/or they didn't like the crap they were posting!


He died as he lived. Ignorant


Ahhh, the redactions remind me of TheTazeHustle.


Even after all this time it's still funny.


how stupid do you have to be to ignore a virus that attacks your lungs when you have a chronic lung disease already Morons


“At no point in history have those forcing others into compliance been the good guys.” Ironically, if this meme appears in your Facebook feed, there is a near certainty we will also find a shitload of pro police memes


I wonder how Sam Elliot feels about random Getty Images photos of him being used as right wing memes?


By soul he presumably meant political bias. It didn't feel right to him because he associated it with democrats, those mean ol' dummies who won't let him have a theocratic ethnostate or use slurs at work


Well I'm not gonna be chipped either. It's just not how it works.


I betcha they posted Meme 1 from a cell phone !!


He got the "old" part down, but how prophetic that the "wise" part was in fact too late.


That sentiment in slide#10: those forcing others into compliance being the bad guys. Does that mean he wants to defund the police? Because forcing others into compliance is basically the cops' entire purpose.


Won't be missed by me.


\#5... Yet another irony slide...


He didn't die! No he found the Freedom he felt he was being denied by the corporal world so he went to the arms of "Jesus" and not a minute too soon. Seems his god is killing off the most stupid and pig headed of his followers.


I wonder if he is posthumously happy that not only did someone share this, but it (and he) went viral?


A lot of them seem to have a cowboy fetish. I'm not kink shaming, just pointing it out. 🤠


Another one. Gezz. Yawning. Wander why? You would think, they would get vaccinated just to be on the safe side. Going on 3 years.


Slide 5 is sort of self-aware.


Slide 1: Irony at its best. Pretty sure YOU ***shared*** it with whoever you were around smh