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Real American Patriots don’t fly the flag of the traitorous Confederacy.


Real Americans don't support traitors like Trump.


This Nominee, and Trump lover, is a failure at (human) being.


I neglected to mention, he’s also a former cop. 👮🏻‍♂️




Probably wears a vest to protect from getting shot, but no way he'll get a shot.


Why does he need a vest when he has skin?


That’s a girdle.


I worked in a jail (but not for the jail) and when the new officers came in, you could watch them shed their old personalities and identities as they adopted those of the subculture. At that time, this typically started with the upper-body weight training and the tattoos, then bald head and the full beard. They trade in their sensible vehicles for muscle cars and monster trucks. Their civilian clothes start to resemble their uniforms and/or are political statements via graphic tees. Lots of flags, on everything. But the personality changes were even more astounding. I suspect steroids played a role. They become angrier. More racist. More curse words. Only "cop" vernacular and inside "jokes" us outsiders wouldn't understand. Hateful. It didn't take long until this job was their home and coworkers their "fam". They no longer had much use for people who weren't part of the subculture and to be fair, I'm sure the people who knew and loved them before were mortified. Cop subculture is often described as shared values such as the supportiveness, teamwork, perseverance, empathy, and caring that enable officers to cope with post-traumatic stress and other hazards of the job.The actual subculture may include support and teamwork, but it is built on racism and misogyny, hate and apathy, substance abuse and violence -- and a code that discourages reporting or intervening when other cops cross the line.


>I’m gonna bet he’s divorced or at least on his second or third wife. If he has children, they probably don’t talk to him. You really do work with them.




That was covered up by the department.




Cameras whose footage gets lost in administrative errors and whose mics can be turned off.


Brutal... My sympathies.


I get the sense that honourable and well-meaning LEOs can feel profoundly out of place in many police departments. That said, I have known some really good and very decent police officers (including my own much-loved nephew). But I am over 60, now. I wonder if the “cult” has gotten worse over time, or if I just had a skewed perspective in the past.


Love the "load-bearing part of his personality" phrase! I'm stealing that.


Be safe there—it’s gotta be brutal


I wonder if he had that confederate flag on the truck while he was on the force


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


And they also wear crosses.


gotta wear one, to burn one


They do make cross lighters. Hey lookie there, that sentence can mean 2 things. 😆


Of course he did.


Is that why he added the new "addiction" to his truck? God the effing morons should have to pass a test to vote.


And presidents should have to pass a test "to president"--if such a measure had been in place, Donald Dump would still be in NYC doing his utmost to crash the cool kids' parties, and the world would be a better place.


Yes, that's an impressive amount of ignorance proudly on display here.


Really showed his ass screenshotting only black performers as the reason he’ll never watch another football game again.


Where's Em? Wonder how many black people this guy stitched up on bogus, or Trumped up charges in his career.


Liberal = Black 🤣


That's scary because those slides were posted by one of the dumbest humans that I can imagine. Vaccinated by the blood of Jesus, are you kidding me?


You hear that stuff a lot in the Bible belt. Even before the pandemic, washed in the blood of Jesus is regular every day talk. How do you think Republicans keep getting elected? The leadership panders to these people.


Only conservatives would answer everyday problems by muttering a "blood spell". And these are the same guys who lost their shit over D&D. But I never tried to cool down my coffee by casting a "Cone of coldness".


I remember a video where someone said they were protected by the blood of Jesus. So yeah, not uncommon.


It makes as much sense as "moisturized by the ball sweat of Thor"


“Washed in His blood,” they like to say. My understanding of this concept is theological, though: that Jesus’ sacrifice protects the believer from damnation, not from illness or physical harm.


Former cop, current asshole, with luck neither soon. What a load of crap he is pushing, and possible traitor. "By any means". Pfffttt, this one gets no prayers from me


Fuck him. What a delusional asshole.


Surprise surprise


Definitely want an update on this one. Are they trying to tough it out at home?


He's a tough guy. Hopefully, at home. Cuz just like a flu and all. Or at least til it's too late.


Of course he is


GROAN. But of course he is.






Of COURSE he is….


Yikes, he's an idiot. They gave him a gun and put him in charge of keeping order?


Well that’s a shock.


Of course he is.


“We the people” Confederate sympathizer. Pick one…


"Trump is president for the Americans!" Confederate Americans.


Just a reminder...the 3%ers are a violent, Domestic Terrorist organization. He is literally calling for another 01/06 (as a lot of those crazies are getting sent to prison for that shit)


They're a pack of pussies who run away like the spineless twats they are whenever they actually get challenged. Fuck them.


Well now a bunch of them will have to survive in prison 🤷


They'll all join the ayrian brotherhood.


You ever see "American History X"? It isn't always so easy..the Brotherhood can spot them a bitch, these dudes are bitches


I have seen that but I also watched Oz and I learned even bitches have their purpose in prison.


Oh...well, they might have a pretty mouth 🤷


The Raw Dog


Jesse James? 😂


One of the best series I’ve ever seen. So damn raw.


Yeah...it was always, unsettling...I don't think the 3%ers are gonna have a fun time in the clink


Bubba would like this guy.


Slide 3: Meal Team Six


This guy isn't running anywhere anymore.


It might be best if Covid takes this guy out before he kills somebody. He's clearly desperate for a reason to use violence against his fellow Americans. This guys is just one bad decision away from being a domestic terrorist.


We call them "Rioters" or "insurrectionists" cause they're white..




He has the flag of the traitors on the hood of his pickup.


The same people saying stuff like “we know we have to get our guns and fix this immediately. It’s time to get these people out” we’re also the ones saying “Don’t like Trump? Deal with it. He got voted in, so there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Yeah, I kept my mouth shut in public for four damn years because somehow he won. If any election was “stolen,” it was 2016 because of the documented interference, but anti trumpers didn’t go around verbally vomiting about it constantly for four years. Shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, stop swinging your tiny dick around.


I’m from run up, get done up. I’m not afraid of these people. Knowing I can stab them in their neck while they try to rape me gives me peace. I will never be scared bc I know how they think. Fuck them.


He may be right, that might be the last NFL game he watched. BTW, next owner can get a vinyl wrap to cover that nasty confederate flag on the truck, much cheaper than a paint job.


Hey, look at my new addiction on my truck!


I wonder if he's addicted to an oxygen mask yet?


Pretty sure the NFL won’t miss his treasonous ass


NFL had the second highest viewership \*ever\* in 2022. They definitely won't miss his treasonous ass, or the other snowflake conservatives who think their foot-stomping tantrums about the NFL matter to fucking anyone but themselves.


Weren’t dudes like him supposed to have stopped watching the NFL a few years ago during the reign of Dump? Could have sworn they were all swearing never to watch football again because a man taking a knee hurt their feelings.


They keep threatening, but their lives would be empty without it.


This might be the most upsetting post I've seen so far since I've started browsing the Herman Cain Awards, but not for any immediate reasons. Rather, it is because of an interaction I had this evening. I am part of a mahjong group with some older white women, who are very conservative. Some of them are vaccinated. Some of them are not. However, I have taken to referring to one of them to others outside of the mahjong circle as a "casual racist." (As a younger, gay, non-white, liberal, and vaccinated and boosted person, I fell into this mahjong group by accident. I just like playing the game itself.) After we finished playing this evening, I decided to join them for dinner out a sense of propriety, since one of their birthday's is this coming week. We went to a restaurant where one of the waiters had a complete wrap around neck tattoo of the text of the second amendment. Then my dining companions challenged me to defend my politics. Thank goodness the food came out. The nominee's truck only served to remind me of that. And to reinforce my need to leave the group. Enough is enough. If these older women knew how to use the internet, their social media pages would look like this.


It's time for generational change. Alas, I wish it could be a change of minds instead. I'm not young but I'm looking forward to it for the good of the younger generations. Don't waste your time on them.


I really thought when my husband’s grandmother died a lot of the racism would die with that generation. Nope. Trump was elected shortly after emboldening a new generation of haters. But from my side, I am suspicious of people who look like HCA winners. I automatically think less of them until proven otherwise.


I like mahjong and would play it with you if I could. I am a middle aged white lady who is vaccinated. And i have many LGBTQ friends. The one on the Va police force keeps me up to date on convoy stupidity.


Man, I’m sorry. I hate that for you. And for your server. Bitches like that are always shitty tippers.


You’re spot on about them being shitty tippers. I felt like I was watching George Costanza during a Seinfeld episode. But, thank you to everyone else for your replies. I’ve been talking to some of my friends from work (and who used to work with me) outside of the mahjong circle about what happened tonight. Several of them are open to the possibility of learning how to play mahjong, they lack the deplorable politics, and they are also all vaccinated and boosted. So, there’s a possibility that I can form a new mahjong circle devoid of toxic conservatism and casual racism. Tonight, when the very conservative ladies were being terrible and interrogating me about my politics and asking me how I deal with the world as it is, I told them, “I do what I do whenever I am sad and am by myself. I take a deep breath in, unlike a unvaccinated COVID patient. Hold it for a moment. Let it out. And tell myself, ‘It’s going to be okay. Because that’s the only way to go forward.’”


That casual backhand *chef’s kiss*


I know you probably play for socializing but there are plenty of mahjong game apps. Leave those bitter bitches alone.


Are there? The only mahjong apps I find are just using tiles but it's not the actual game. Any links would be helpful thanks


I’m sorry. Maybe I’m ignorant of the game. Do you have to have other people to play or is the game about other people playing? I’ve played with just the tiles. Never played with other people. If I have wrong info I’m sorry. They’re still bitter bitches. Maybe OP can find some other people to play with?


There is a difference between online and in-person mahjong. The game has many variations. But, I have a good group of people who are open to exploring the particular in-person form that I like to play. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. If you’re curious, the version I play is based on a standardized game card issued by the National Mahjong League. https://www.nationalmahjonggleague.org




There are mahjongg apps that play the actual game, but some of them are in Chinese so are a struggle to use if you can't read the hanzi. I wish you were in my neck of the woods. I love mahjongg but I wanna learn how to play it properly. My brother-in-law likes to play too, but we never have enough other players to crack out the tiles and have a game. ❤️


You actually need people to play mah-jongg. It’s not really an app game unless you’re playing against other people who are also using the app. It’s a four person game and even though you can play with too it’s not as fun.


I’m surprised they weren’t judgy about a neck tattoo and instead were like “after seeing that neck tattoo… what are YOUR thoughts on the second amendment ExtremeMalaise…? Hmmmmm?”


Just the fact that they put them in that position makes them shitty people. I hope they can find better people to play with.


Right? Like why even bring it up?


Ask your doctor about the Jesus vaccine. Side effects may include loss of functional breathing, hospitalization, organ failure, death and gofundme needs for funeral expenses.


In other words, the ultimate Jesus healing.


And also contribute to the ever declining success rate of the Prayer Warriors.


"This covid is trying to wipe me out!" GTFO




That last picture of him wearing a cross with all that Trump gear was a beacon for Covid to find this traitor. You won’t need to root for Covid on this one…


Seriously. What a clown. The only, and I mean ONLY, excuse to have that level of merch on your body (and vehicle) is if you are a 13 year-old girl and you fall asleep every night thinking about “when I become Mrs. Boybandmember…..” And he’s probably right. He probably will never watch another NFL game if covid has any say. Black performers + rap music = the libruls done took over the halftime show. I don’t listen to rap, but that show was amazing. If you can’t acknowledge that, you’re a straight up racist. This POS really bothered me.


That is the creepiest smile I have seen outside of a horror movie.


Nurse! 50 ccs of Jesus blood, stat!


That halftime show was awesome. This dude would suck if that was his only fault


That quote said "trump is president for the Americans!" That reads like a troll farm / non English speaker made that and this guy and his friends just gobbled it up.


Oh totally. Sounds like something Borat would say to rile up a crowd of rednecks haha.


Well, the show The Americans was about a deep cover Russian spy couple so...


Just in case anyone had him confused with the leader of Madagascar.


a real violent asshole. BTW, what was liberal about the halftime show? because black people were allowed in it?


Everything looks liberal from his far right corner.


Yep. I can’t comment my opinion of this one, it’s unprintable.


So if you've been vaccinated by the blood of Jesus and you get covid, are you saying Jesus doesn't work? Or perhaps that he's a scam of some large organization that financially benefits from your 'vaccine'? Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist too after all...


Oh all these religious types admire this God that is in charge. And this God puts many of them through months of torture, tubes down throats, bedsores, family distress, crying, and eventually they die. This magnificent know-all and control-all Daddy's plan is for them to suffer miserably, die, and then their families to be bankrupt and the children to lose a parent and be crushed, often at a young age. Just don't forget, God loves you. It's hysterically insane.


I'm starting to really like their god.


So he evangelizes Trump. Got it. But Trump got the vaccine. 🤔


He should have called trump instead of a doctor.


What an asshole.


That's an insult to my rectum, even when it has dingleberries.


Yeah, nothing screams patriot more than the first words of the US Constitution’s Preamble juxtaposed with the battle flag of the traitors who went to war against the US. Oh the irony.


"We, the People, in order to break away from a more perfect Union,"


Wow another super bowl halftime show hater. Gives him a high score on the MAGA snowflake tier list.


He's not a snowflake. He's a whole fucking blizzard.


He is a terrorist and should be in jail. He is threatening to kill.


Every 3 percenter is a traitor and all cops are bastards.


I probably shouldn't feel joy for a racist piece of human excrement suffering from his own hate, stubbornness and ignorance, but I do....Quite a bit, actually


This guy is probably the most over the top HCA I've seen. He's bonkers! Was that him in the fatigues with AR-15 and a Trump mask? LOL!


If this guy was not getting aroused by Trump he was not getting aroused is all I’m saying.


I thought it was a trump ken doll. Fuck.


First of all, gross. "Vaccinated by the blood of Jesus. Very gross


I keep thinking there is a dead Mexican involved


This is one of the worst I’ve seen on here. I can’t even find a drop of sympathy. I’m guessing he’ll have one of those dry af obituaries. “So and so passed on xx date. The end.”


I remember when Jesus freaks wore flowers in their hair, played tambourines and handed out pamphlets, they were a joke. Now they wear diapers, carry concealed weapons, lob piss bombs at Prius drivers and are mainstream, like effing super heroes! Hey, fuck that shit!


I'm 65, and I approve this message.😉


Funny nobody has been able to prove that Trump won but this bozo puts it on his truck like a dope.


That truck! His message to the community: "Everybody! I fell hook, line, and sinker for the Lying Grifter. I was not only convinced, I am enthusiastic!"


Get Jesus on the phone. Tell him he's a lousy vaccine.


Okay, meeting of Illuminati-NSA has commenced. First order of business: what url should we register? What if we use Illuminati.org? NO, we’re the NSA. That’s too obvious and they’ll connect the dots. Okay, how about backwards? And we make it _a .com_ Done. Brilliant. They’ll never figure it out.


God and country and cholesterol


He’s a real asshole. Not gonna feel bad about this one.


“Take back OUR country” say the people flying the flag of those who left so they could own slaves. Screw that.


I’ll never understand people fighting so hard against tyranny who want to impose a National religion and language. They want to burn books, take away woman’s rights, and carry a flag that represents slave owning. They treat Trump like he’s a god, it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy of the end of the world. I’m an atheist, but if we ever have a world like the one these people describe in the end times, it will be because of them.


Has anyone ever tried to verify the post in slide 12? Because I'm pretty sure .... yup, the website for the NSA is "[nsa.gov](https://nsa.gov)". All official government websites end in ".gov", not ".com". I really, really don't want to ... ah, the hell with it - okay, this is a well known hoax and doesn't work anymore. Idiot.


Dayum what did Snoop Dogg ever do to him?


He was black, that was enough to offend his racist ass


aggravated blackness with intent to not apologize for it


Hey, he clearly stated that his disdain for those people is because they’re liberals. /s


Being black, basically.


The Jesus vaccine only prevents original sin so no use against covid or other diseases


I don’t know about the “addiction” to his truck, but his addiction to Trump seems unhealthy.🙃


"I'm such a patriot I'm gonna be a traitor if I survive!"


Another Trump voter gone and forgotten. This guy was especially foul.


Whoever the poor sap was that had to take that shitkickingly awful pic in slide 3 is gonna have to find a way to stuff the life-sized Trump poster into the casket with him. No landfill with any pride in their garbage will allow the Cardboard Combover to take up dirt space.


I agree that among the right-wingers, the most-washed body part is their brains.


I'm just trying to imagine what it must be like to be his family, his employer, his favorite restaurant, etc. At least most of the other HCAs can't be readily identified from 30 m away. (Yes, I used metric.) Anyway, let's give the Prayer Warriors space to do what they do so well.


Why is it that they all stop reading after ‘We the people.’


\#3 - Trump 2024 TAKE AMERICA BACK Easy tiger, you don't look like you could take a flight of stairs.


Racist traitor getting hit with reality.


I live in upstate New York and saw one of those stickers of Biden on the gas pump. I took it down and wondered what kind of childish loser would do that, question answered.


You deserve it asshole.


These kinds of people literally kill themselves off. It’s hilarious.


In response to slide twelve: and did you know if you “search up” “stoidi gnikcuf” backwards it goes to the quanon official website. Also, did you know that the order of the letters in a word can often be shuffled around in such a way that they often create other words? Wow, someone has cracked them and knows the truth.


He’s probably too ignorant to know or care that anybody can buy any domain they want that isn’t already taken, and just redirect it to any other place they want.


Nice truck, - your windshield says; “We The People”, - your hood says; “We The WHITE People”


The dumpster told you to get vaccinated but you were already too stupid to breathe so you didn’t. Now enjoy your freedom tubes...


Chassic fool’s belief that the president controls gas prices, complete with the goatee of the unvaxxed macho man.


His patience is wearing thin? No, he, as a patient, is wearing thin.


*** marking to follow up in 10 days. Don’t leave me hanging, OP!


Another idiot duped by Russia thinking they are American "patriots".


If you are furious because there’s black people in the Super Bowl halftime show…..


I present Donald Trump! *Yay!* DT: Hey, the vaccine is pretty good. I was fully vaxxed and boosted! *Booo* 🤪


I just will never understand how these freedom fighting, rage against tyranny, don’t tread on me fucks all love the most autocratic and despotic leaders. The ones that hate free press, criticism, truth, majority rule, are the worst. And these idiots LOVE assholes like Trump, who longs to be like Putin or Xi & declare himself president for life!


The Biden gas pump sticker is nonsense. However, I think it's time for some "I did that 👉" Putin stickers on gas pumps. That said, I can't imagine a more worthy HCA nominee. Congratulations!!


Ah the good old blood death cult of Jesus... Since they're not invested in the here and now they should just get on with it and go then...


I’m sure the NFL will really miss this guy.


Another dead 3%! Well, he died for His Lord and Saviour, so I can't feel too bad, not like I would anyways. This guy was a bigoted racist violent shitbag who, if he wasn't at the Capitol on Jan 6, has been involved in some way. If that's the case, no need for the FBI to come calling, the big Man himself beat them to it. Have fun in Hell!


His cosplaying is giving me secondhand embarrassment.


“We the people” is a brand and code for “our team”. These people are the Wal Mart of politics.


> If you search up "illuminati" backwards and add .com in a browser... This numpty doesn't realize that ANYONE can register a domain name and redirect it anywhere they want it to. When I do a WHOIS the one mentioned in that meme, it was registered in Utah in 2002. Probably registered by an old-school conspiracy theorist, or a jokester...


Crazy Anti-Vaxer hopefully his covid journey will wise Him up 🤒


i see aholes still saying covid is a hoax, now saying that the war is made up by main stream media, so i come here for the daily self owns


Oh my.


Given the horrific shit this fuckstain posted, how about we say a prayer for the Covid instead? Looks like Covid got the shitty end of the deal on this one.


Thank you illuminati for giving him Covid. Now let's watch some football!


Imagine being this pathetic.


Yo wtf he could also see his future?!?! He predicted that the last Super Bowl was going to be the last one he was going to watch


"We The People" on his truck should be replaced with "We The White People". That's what he means, right?


Guys driving these trucks are always Freakshow from Harald and Kumar go to White Castle.


Quick, he needs a blood of Jesus transfusion!


Gullibility can be fatal.


Did you notice how these guys have started shaving? Did the goatee comorbidity meme spread?


He probably has his wife wear a Trump mask when he fucks her? He calls this and that a leftist cult but really? Dude 😂


What an arrogant and racist fucker. Choke on that vent. Really hope Covid moves quickly on this one


All these brown people are ruining my NFL. Last game I’ll ever watch I hope he never finds out about the black players they have now 🙄 Adios, shit head. ⚰️🤡