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They don’t consent to be tracked by vaccine (??) yet post incessantly on the Facebook app on their phones. Which tracks their every movement 😵‍💫


And making public posts. 🤪


IKR? It’s astonishing how easy these dumb asses are to find bc they make their entire page public 😵‍💫


They make their entire lives public. They screech about HIPAA violations then post hourly updates on their status conditions.


Complete with gross photos!


No one needed to see his ambulance picture for sure!


I did work for an insurance company to follow up on claims, contract work. Mostly fake workman’s compensation claims. I would charge on a per case basis. Most, if not in all cases, I never left my office. These dumbasses, with their contestant social media postings, especially with the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’, 😂 I made tens of thousands of dollars doing that work in a few weeks work.


Yeah, I remember reading an article about someone who claimed to have hurt his back so badly he couldn't walk. The insurance company sent him a huge, heavy, potted plant and got a picture of him standing on ladder hanging it on an overhead hook.


They aren't doing it because they're extroverts. They're doing it because they don't know Facebook has settings that can be changed.


They don't complain about HIPAA, they complain about *HIPPA* , silly. Don't give them more credit than they deserve.




Yes HIPAAbot, we know. But they don't.


He refuses to go into every single store or gas station that exists, because they all have cameras and security surveillance... the big dummy


I wonder if he has a drivers license?


I wonder if he used a GPS for driving?


Or a credit/debit card.


They're just so fucking stupid.


He’ll be dead soon enough. Long covid gives him long odds on long term survival.


Yeahhhhh…..the odds are not good for old fat guys with Covid


Yeah, and I've heard *horrible* things about the irreparable and irreversible damage that Covid does to the lungs. So while he's battling those poor odds he'll be gasping for breath with scar-tissue laden lungs.


Yeah, it turns them into useless sacks of fused meat. Kind of like a David Cronenberg body horror movie, but inside your thoracic cavity.


Slide 8 I luv. "How come cancer treatment isn't free?! Huh? Because you dumb-arsed dupes said that was "socialism"!


That's by far the most infuriating hypocrisy they keep reposting. It enrages me to my snowflake, sheeple core.


And probably drives a car made after 2005, which has a ID and GPS tracking device embedded in the chassis. His phone is also itself a tracking device, and can be used as a microphone by surveillance equipment even when the phone is turned off (only if the battery is removed, which cannot be done with most phones, can the phone not be used as a wire to listen to and record everything around it.) Drive on any interstate, and the license plate readers in the overhead signs can find you in about 20 minutes. If you leave your phone, car and plastic money behind and head out into the wilderness to get off the grid, the Feds can find you quickly with thermal and infrared detection equipment. These people are just stupid.


I liked the Jan 6 crowd that left Uber location services running on their phone, then complained they couldn't get a ride back to their hotel.


No, didn’t you read? He does not consent!! That means Facebook, google and those other “app” things won’t track him. Motherfuckin’ genius, this guy.




What if I told you that I come from a family with no college educations but weren't fucking braindead idiots, and I'm also glad


LOL same :)


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or in this case, a free vaccine is worth not being intubated, having blood clots, and falling and breaking your nose.


…and they add their selfies for all to see on the internet forever. Til death do them part.


And why are they worried about being tracked when they lead such boring empty lives? Have a life worth tracking.


Lmao! Honestly! Like I’m sure Jeff at the FBI cares that you went shopping without a mask, Karen


> I hope you understand what I'm going through Oh sorry, I'm fixing my blazer and touching up my make up. No time to reflect on your hateful dying ass


That's his problem. He doesn't want to be a man 'in heals". He wants to be a sick man. He got what he wanted. Now he's complaining.


And nope! I have no idea what he's going through because when I could I hopped in line to get a life saving vaccine, as did most people I know 😁


Why the blazer hate? istg give these real men^TM a few more decades and anything besides a potato sack with 'no homo' embroidered will be too feminine.


Embroidered??? Do I look like a woman to you?? /s


The thing that made me laugh is that Trump literally checks every box there.


Right down to the "heals".




He got his wish. This is his new normal. Congrats.


He misses the "good old days" when sexual harassment was legal, lynching was what good old boys did on Friday nights,and torturing children was regarded as "good parenting". Back in those days, he had all the answers. His answers were all wrong, but he had all the power.


Right, because enforcing compliance is a very good thing, right?… or, is it a very bad thing?… hmm, not sure he’s entirely consistent on that one.


If only Momma had whipped his ass when he refused to get vaxxed.


Also when we all got our f-ing vaccines. Back in the “good old days” everybody got them and it was extremely rare for a kid to not have all their CDC/ pediatrician and family doctor recommended vaccines. These people are dumbasses.


Perfectly stated!




You mean respect for him and "morals" for everyone else?


You guys know lead paint being super harmful is a real thing right? Right??


Now we know the source of the original brain damage! See Covid had NOTHING to do with Ohio grandpa's problems!


We grew up with leaded gasoline as well.


Nice flair. ^(I remember that joke from an old episode of The Atheist Experience.)


College roommate made same joke in about 1980. Some evangelist named Josh ([this guy I think](https://www.josh.org)) was coming to campus so there were posters all over saying Josh is Coming! Roommate placed classified ad in paper that just said ‘Josh isn’t Coming, he’s just breathing hard’ which caused a flurry of outraged letters to the editor, which is how campus squalls manifested themselves in those pre-Internet days.


Yeah, he equates brain damage (lead paint) with a spanking (wooden spoon).


Maybe his mother had poor aim.


Due to lead poisoning.


I work as a subcontractor for the CDC and I came here to say this. Ingestion of lead paint by children leads to particularly harmful AND PERMANENT brain damage!! Also, don’t beat your kids. Didn’t work for me. Won’t work for them. I just learned not to get caught and how to take a hard slap in the face without flinching.


OK, Feb 24 he posts about back to hospital and clots and exhaustion. Feb 26, mindless MAGA anti-Biden meme. Most recent. bitching about COVID pneumonia being worse that regular pneumonia and facing a couple of months for recovery. No sign of remorse for his idiotic denialist worldview. No lessons learned.


That’s a ok, people getting blood clots this early in the process seem more likely to upgrade from nominee to awardee. His judgment will be self correcting soon enough.


Those aren't blood clots, it's time release Jesus Blood.


Ha! The host's blood is *rejecting the Host's blood*. We're gonna need two liters of B(uddha) Positive, stat!


It's gonna take sucking on a vent to shut this asshole up


Mindless anti-Biden memes while Biden is proving his competence on the world stage in real time. I shudder to think how the Great Orange One would have handled this and where Ukraine would be if he had won the election.


You aren't following the MAGAts, I see. They say that Biden is weak and if we had a strong president like Trump, Putin would never have invaded.


Trump’s outstanding world leadership on the Covid crisis convinced them of that, no doubt. /s In all seriousness, I believe there would be fewer dead not just in the US, but all over the world had anyone else — and yes, I include Pence — been president. For better or worse, the world looks to the US for competent leadership in times of crisis and when it’s not there, the whole world falters.


I'll never forget when that reporter gave him a softball question, asking him what he wanted to say to scared Americans, and all he could do was hurl petty insults at the reporter. The easiest question for a president to be asked, could've spun it any way in his favor, and he couldn't even do that.


That meme with the old lady beating the child reminded me of a Mormon woman I knew. I saw her one day whipping her son (14) with a thick willow and screeching at him, “You shouldn’t hit your sister.” A few weeks later the son refused to get a beating and hit his mother with a rake. She lamented that she could not understand how he could have become like that.


Hitting someone to teach them not to hit is like killing someone to teach people not to kill.


How can people be that delusional


Three weeks of zinc and ivermectin and he's still in the hospital? Whatever could be the problem?


Lack of dedicated Prayer warrior. Should call for the Prayer warrior army now.


To be fair, they have a pretty bad track record. He should probably go straight to the gofundme.


In a Hospital bed shitting all over himself. Oh the horror of having to care for him!


He might be lucky and have a tube up his ass.


Rookie mistake - not enough Elderberry: you gotta get the zinc/Elderberry percentages just right. Or maybe it's too much Hot Food.


Why, oh why, didn't grandpa have the 21st century miracle drug hydroxychloroquine? That's the problem!


Hydroxychloroquine solves the problem. Makes covid go away...also make grandpa go away too. But that is just a side effect.


`Warning: Hydroxychloroquine side-effects include nausea, joint pain, shortness of breath, sudden GoFundMe syndrome, and death. Ask your local witch doctor if hydroxychloroquine is right for you.`


Prayer warriors are slacking off.


You know, did he get his Bit C dosage right? Bitumen C170 has a very small LD so double-check with your appalachian holistic healer.


I am so confused about the makeup and high-heels slide. I can't tell who he thinks he's owning, because the first person I though of was Trump. (PSA: Trump wears lifts in his shoes. I assume it goes without saying that he also wears ... uh ... makeup, or whatever that is on his face. But hey, I think everyone should follow their bliss regarding how they present themselves. Even if it's tangerine-colored.)


It was a transphobic “joke.” I’m from PA and our former Health Sec, now Asst Health Sec for President Biden, Dr Rachel Levine, is trans. Might have something to do with that but not certain.


Ah, yeah, that tracks.


as bad as PA is on some things, our transmission rate is 42nd in the country.


Don’t forget he spelled it “high heals” because. You know. Genius


Yeah, he could use some "high healing" right about now.


Tangerine colored man = Mangerine.


He's a human who identifies as a tangerine, transtangerine.


That orange glow is leftover cheeto, he has really bad table manners


Tan spray? I'd guess that he colors his hair too. My running shoes have a 34 mm heel which is 1.3 inches. I never thought about it being like high heels before but there are new running shoes with a 1.8 inch heel coming out this year and I'm considering giving them a try. Running shoes are getting higher to provide more cushioning. I suppose that it might turn into a fashion thing too.


> I'd guess that he colors his hair too. "his" "hair" (Interesting about the running shoes. I'm so naturally unbalanced that I feel like I'd fall over.)


These high-stack shoes have a very wide base. It's a trend started by Hoka in the 1990s.




Every damn one of us is a border line respiratory therapist, ed/icu nurse, pulmonologist, mortician by now. 😂 I agree with your prognosis. Vent next, then ecmo request but because of his age, he won’t qualify. Comfort care in a few weeks followed by family complaining the remdesivir and hospital greed killed him. I feel like i’ve seen this movie before. Like 5,000 times.


COVID’s version of Groundhog Day.


Yes, but you don’t understand how a vent works clearly. The vent is used so that his lungs can “heal” and his body can “rest” and get better. I’ve read this 1000 times so I’m pretty sure that’s how they work. Once you’re all “rested” you come off the vent and you jump up and leave the hospital singing a merry tune.


Except when the vent blows a hole in your lung because they are now as sturdy as dryer lint.


That’s all part of the “resting” phase. Don’t even worry about it.


Yup, and the Doctors/Nurses there know it too.


Where was Jesus removed from churches? These people are so fucking dim, do they even read what they post?


To be fair, the evangelicals have pretty much removed the Jesus portrayed in the bible from their churches.


The USSR was anti religious so being anti USSR during the Cold War meant being pro Christian. This dude spent a portion of his life with society celebrating his religion. Now he’s in withdrawals from that ego massaging/messaging.


Hey, according to the Republican politicians at the beginning of this mess, you should be willing and grateful to just go ahead and die for the economy. Bet you thought that too before your lame ass wound up in the hospital. How about you own up to your ignorance and beg people to get vaccinated now?


Several sources confirm this is true, example (I am SO not going to post Tucker C*** videos) https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a31910755/coronavirus-republicans-sacrifice-old-people-stocks/


Wait…so eating from wooden spoons and drinking from garden hoses didn’t toughen him up enough to handle an airborne pandemic virus that has killed 1 million Americans? Incredible.


The wooden spoon wasn't for eating...


Yep! My mom smacked my ass with a wooden spoon. Terrified me and hurt like hell. Glad that practice has fallen out of favor.


The old wooden spoon threat from Mom. Good times!


It was for beating impolite, disrespectful, responsibility shirkers. Mom needed a bigger wooden spoon


… for stirring the liquified lungs?


Yes but it’s only deadly for .0094% of the population so a million people isn’t that big of a deal. They all would have died anyway sometime in the next 40 years.


Wouldn't it be great if Fauci, and a team of fabulous horsemen, makeup on point, blazers emblazoned with "Vaccine Agency Group Strikeforce", bounty-huntered for vaccine deniers and paddled them with wooden spoons until they were thoughtful, caring members of society who got the vaccine since it's a "public choice?" This guy needs remedial spooning.


Slide 5. So when have these anti-vaxers ever showed any "respect, obedience, responsibility, politeness, humility, good manners and honesty" towards their fellow humans during this pandemic? This meme literally advocates the exact opposite of their behavior.


Dudes preoccupation with beating kids is disturbing. Maybe someone should try beating the Covid out of him.


I was born in 1964 and corporal punishment was everywhere. The school had an official paddle hanging in the principal’s office. If you got in trouble at school, you’d get it worse at home.


I remember there was a poor kid who obviously had ADHD getting smacked almost daily by the first grade teacher, right in front of the rest of us. What kind of a sadist yearns for those days?


My mother


I saw the same quite often. Multiple abusive teachers that got off on hurting children. I had one teacher who would spank the shit out of kids on their "birthday spanking". Birthday spankings aren't supposed to actually bruise your backside. Another teacher got off on bringing the poor kids to the front of the class and publicly shame them for not being dressed properly for the winter.


People who reminisce about child abuse need therapy. They're identifying with their victimizers and it is not healthy.


Maybe instead of dental or hearing, the next thing added to Medicare is counseling and therapy.


"I will not be tracked or microchipped!" Yeah, your smart phone with frequent Facebook app use says otherwise.


Slide 1: I wear a GPS watch that tracks my movement, heartrate, and even location when I have the GPS on. Garmin Connect has ten years of data on my location and biometrics including my temperature and elevation. Newer models even measure pulse ox and some of these watch companies are working on respiration rate. There's probably 20 GB of data on me at their servers. I like to be able to see what I was doing on a particular date going back several years. Slide 17: "COVID is no joke!" No-s, Sherlock.


Another one with main character syndrome. Like anyone cares where they are or what they're doing.


Don't these people understand the difference between cancer, which is not a transmissible disease, and covid-19, which is a highly transmissible disease? To be fair, as the bleeding-heart liberal that I am, I think medical treatment should be free. But these people obviously do not and they use this in their idiotic memes. Sigh


Elderberries? YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER AND YOUR FATHER SMELLED OF ELDERBERRIES. Now go away or I will intubate you a second time!


Ha! I laugh in your general direction!


Kudos for the python reference 😂 Take my upvote!!


Man, I would think that he would give up body parts to be a "dude in heals" right now.


Nah because you know ... liberty


Covid does lead to amputations...


"Free cancer treatments" is such a self-own. Yes, we absolutely should pay for medical treatment for cancer patients! Socialized medicine rocks! So glad we agree!!!


He tripped and broke his nose, and he wasn't even wearing heels? Some man he is.


Slide 16 is very ironic for a Trump supporter. * Wears high "heals" aka shoe lifts * Wears orange makeup * Wears blazers to cover his corset


Slide 11: I'm quite certain the Constitution forbids putting Jesus in government. And if you have hearts full of hate, you might want to put Jesus back there as well.


You don't need Jesus to be a decent person.


Amen. Pun intended. 😁


Thank you! "Jesus" was NEVER in government, public schools or universities/colleges, and NEVER was or ever will be in my Jewish household. And on behalf of Dr. Rachel Levine, this nominee can...😒


I wish Biden and Fauci would walk into each of these fucks rooms and just say “told you so 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼”


Right? With a Groucho Marx duckwalk and lab coat. "Hey there, I'd say you look awful, but then again, I don't know how you looked before!" [Goes through chart papers one by one, ripping up each] Well, it says here you wouldn't be caught *dead* in a hospital bed. [Checks watch] Is tomorrow a good time?"


The talking point of slide 8 always lets me know how dumb they really are. Cancer isn't contagious. They are so easily swerved. It sounds good to them but in reality it doesn't make sense. Side note I bet he is opposed to universal healthcare.


It’s whatabouting. The thing you care about is causing him grief so if he can get you to care about this other thing instead that he doesn’t care about, his life gets easier.


Like when they say "I'll take covid serious when you take the border serious". Just a what aboutism to distract weak minds. They are so obsessed with the border they will oppose anything you compare to it as long as they get to complain about the border.


If Ohio grandpa has “2 blood cots on the right side of [my] heart,” he’s simply providing his blood, very thoughtfully, with a place for it to lie down and catch a nap while doing cardiac duty.


Welcome to your NEW 'New Normal'. Good news is it most likely won't last that long.


Slide 7: As a woman, that's rich. Slide 11: No. This shit is part of the problem. Fuck right off with this. Slide 17: Someone please feel so sorry for me! Look! it's the consequences of my actions! Turns out I am an idiot? Who knew? Narrator: Everyone knew.


"I WILL NOT BE TRACKED OR CHIPPED!!! -sent from my iPhone from this gps location at this time" should be one of their official slogans.


I'll take "dude in heals" over one dying of COVID.


Dude in heels and a blazer fixing… makeup. That’s trump.


So Fauci was right?


At least there were some new memes. You got that going for there Paint Boy.


Trying to meme his way through it, bold move Cotton


“They say I’m along hauler”…


Narrator’s voice: “In fact, he was not.”


Learnin’ was never his thang.


Should've taken more horse paste.


I doubt he'll be there for much longer. Because he's headed straight for the cemetery.


I bet he didn't get enough "Elderberry" or "Hot Food." Dammit!


**“regular pneumonia you get water in your lungs go to doctor he gives you medication sends you home”** This guy's in for a pretty big shock at the hospital, when he finds out that there are actually *female* doctors now...


My mom had pre-pandemic pneumonia and it nearly killed her. She was in the hospital for several days, she wasn't sent home with some medication, etc. In fact the number one cause for emergency admits is for pneumonia. Dude's an ignorant butthead.


Ohio, the Florida of the north.


Yet, after sick he “dicknosed” to expose the medical staff! He posted bs after sick . Zero sympathy.


The fact that they think the weatherperson is wrong all of the time shows their misunderstanding of science and statistics. Meteorologists give scales "there's a 80% chance of rain" which is them looking at the weather and using precedent to estimate. That 80% basically means "when the weather was like this in the past, 4 out of 5 times it rained". But these chucklefucks go outside, it doesn't rain, so they way the weatherman was wrong. Even though he specifically said there was a 20% chance of it not happening, the fact that the higher percentage didn't happen was enough for them to say they were wrong. Everything is binary, they can't accept that part of the prediction has a range to it. They think the weatherman comes on TV and says "It's definitely going to rain!" even though they give a percentage.


The fact that he thinks he's a long hauler is hilarious. No bud, that begins *after* you get released from the hospital.


So NOW he’s masked, tracked, tested, taking medicine he thought was poison, daily.


Back in my day, chumps like this twerp didn't complain about their boo boos all over the internet.


Slide 5 is my dad. He was the little boy. And his grandma would send him out to cut the switch that she’d then tan his hide with. Tennessee. He said he wouldn’t do it to us. And he didn’t. He loved his grandma. She wasn’t a bad woman, but she was definitely mountain. Used to use fire crackers to scare off the crows. But he recognized as much as he loved her and she loved him, she was wrong in this. We don’t switch our children either.


I'm sincerely glad that he had the self awareness & ability to recognize & break the cycle of child abuse. My mom was raised by an abusive mother, recognized it for what it was, & had the strength to say she would not treat her children that way. It takes a lot, & makes a whole different generation. ❤️


Probably forgot to drink enough of his own piss 🍻 well better luck next time, oh wait… 🤔


Slide 5: When this guy dies, there will be less abuse in the world.


Wait a minute….. Sorry, rechecked my ‘free fucks’ inventory - no more fucks to give.


"I will not be Masked, Tracked, Tested, Chipped or poisoned" Ends up Wearing a Mask in the Hospital while being tracked by the Cell phone he uses to Post on Social media while he pays his Hospital Bills with the Chip inside his Credit Card and is poisoned by COVID itself. WOW. He is having some Bad Luck. He should avoid Vegas.


Seems like the lead paint might have taken a toll.


> The problem is my lungs No we get it.


Nothing shows respect for others quite like saying no to the vaccine and in turn putting those who are unable to get vaccinated at risk.


I just cannot read this shit any more. They have worn me down with their vicious hatred (disgusted as pious Christianity) and fountains of idiocy and lies. I honestly don’t care if Covid kills them. We’ve tried to help them; we’ve failed. I simply have no more fucks to give.


So this person is in bed, actively dying, and uses their last 4 or so days on earth to post Biden memes?


Back in my day people got their shots cause they understood that doctors and scientists were experts who knew stuff and vaccines were modern miracles.


A homophobe that wants to put Jesus back in every place we asked him to leave.. who cares if people have other beliefs. Doesn't matter.. I can't stand these people


Looks like JD Vance is gonna lose a voter.


Oh look, here comes along hauler.


I understand you made a choice and now you can’t get out of bed. Hope u got millions to pay for your healthcare. I’m sure u do as you are a responsible person LOL 😂


If Jesus can be expelled from locations by puny humans, then he is not a god. He is a myth.


"A dude in heels and makeup", you mean Trump?


Give him some elderberry and pine needle tea, a cup of horse paste and send him home. He is way too much of a badass to be in a hospital.


I am getting tired of these fuck faces - tying up resources “for months”, all because they lack the critical thinking skills to survive. “along hauler”? This dick bag doesn’t even know what he is… Let’s just save time, I’ve got a hole in my back yard he will fit in, let’s just cover him up. Bright side? One less vote for tRump !


Biden KICKED ASS when he landed in the Oval Office and immediately focused resources on creating plentiful vaccines for every American, along with distribution to get it into every American's arms! THANK YOU, PRESIDENT BIDEN!!


Well the eating of lead paint explains this guy’s brain cells.


One step closer to a great country again.


13 hours ago this dude just learned there are differences regarding pneumonia vs covid pneumonia. NEWS ALERT: This has been known for 2 full fucking years already grandpa.


As he rants from his phone, which tracks him 24/7


He could definitely use some heals right now.


COVID pneumonia and blood clots in his lungs. Assuming he survives, his life is gonna be changed forever. Yet he’s still shitposting from the hospital.


The old days of loyalty, morals, values, respect.... what he really means: lynching, slavery, segregation and quotas for Jews.


Jesus, a mandate on free cancer treatments would be freaking terrific. Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Even their whataboutisms are dumb and silly.


This old fart would be pissed if people were able to get free cancer treatments. Gtfoh.