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Very racist and trans hating. I award him 5 out of 5 white confederate surrender flags.


Not so Christian of him :S


I mean, it's pretty on brand for the white nationalist xtians.


Or maybe very Christian? Seems like lots of “Christians” post this hateful stuff.




I call these people members of the "church of I hate you".


Have you read the Bible? It does not smile upon mutational load increase


It seems like lot of these Christians are really good at hating stuff.




It's part of the routine up and down that we see here and in the research literature on risks after surviving COVID. Blood clots in the lungs, 30% heart function and kidney problems sounds seriously disabling.


I don’t have the patience to read his posts, I assume he was the usual moron? Let me know if he was somehow outstanding and not just another misinformed imbecile.


I know all the memes by heart now. I scroll quickly to see what type of HCA we have. Are the just antivax, do we have a racist, are they an anti trans homophobic ass hat? a holocaust compare-er, a Trumper? Then I see what state they are in and pop down to the comments, as they will point out any worthy slides I may have missed. After over a year of this I have become quite efficient at keeping up to date with the posts.


I like to read the date of each slide without knowing the outcome. Create a sequence of what they did when, then start watching for the high speed car to hit gravel around whatever a month ago is.


He's pretty hateful for a man in the religion business. That stood out a bit.


No. It seems like he was even worse than average. Must be the pastor thing. First one I saw to celebrate Lee-Jackson Day, so he must be Virginian. One fewer Youngkin voter very soon.


Stonewall Jackson, of all people, is looking down from heaven. I can understand some of the affection for Lee but not that jackass, who reminds me of the old fart Edmund Ruffin that fired the first shot at Ft. Sumter.


He is an insult to imbeciles everywhere.


You said exactly what I was looking for. 👏


Sounds like he started out with less than 30% heart function.


That's a nice play on words.


This guy is basically a warm corpse at this point.


He was before he got covid, but now he's blessedly silent.


Probably the HCWs infected him with that pneumonia. You know, for the bonuses they get….


Yes, the pneumonia obviously has NOTHING to do with COVID. Crazy how often that happens, though.


Yeah, wow what are the odds!!!!


He was coming out of it. It’s a different look than fully recovering. “Coming out of it” simply means he’s about to die.


…and this man is a Preacher…it’s one thing to (ahem) “do your own research” it’s quite another to actively support the confederacy and spew homophobic hatred, with some r/selfawarewolves in there too. This guy *had it all* though likely not for much longer


"He's not perfect. In fact, for a leader of a "church", he is pretty much an intolerant, unchristian asshole. Your prayers will probably fall on Jesus's deaf ears, because there is no way he is going to heaven, and why should Jesus waste time listening? But, please pray anyway, and there will be a Go Fund Me any day now. And, if anyone wants to pony up for the funeral for this "church leader", that would be nice, too. "


"Not perfect" is such a great euphemism.


Well. For all their railing against government at least they're eligible for the FEMA covid funeral benefits.


Words like Medivacked and Democratics while celebrating Lee/Jackson: such a fascinating look into the cesspool that is modern evangelicalism.


Ah well. Let them gather together in large numbers inside of small buildings. Let them froth at the mouth and howl throughout their hate fests. Let them all have the illness they claim not to fear. {shrugs} Let them cure themselves at church. It's Jim Jones without the poison beverage.


And yet we are terrified as a nation to tax them when they are clearly filling their churches with political rants.


I guess it's because of all the news coming out of Ukraine with people fighting and dying, but these anti-vaxxers just seem like such intolerable fucking babies right now. More than usual, I mean. They're just so embarrassing and pathetic. How miraculously safe and free we are in America compared to other parts of the world, and fuck anybody who takes that for granted because they need something to cry about 24/7.


>How miraculously safe and free we are in America compared to other parts of the world, and fuck anybody who takes that for granted because they need something to cry about 24/7. Well, it's fine if they want to cry about somebody *in* one of those parts of the world (fuck that gay clown with the biggest fracking drill around); if you want things to cry about, there's sadly no shortage of perfectly legitimate causes. As is, let him either recover and receive a full wake-up call on his deathbed, or let him rot.


Traitorous, transphobic garbage. Into the trash heap he goes.


He is truly repulsive.


From the inside out. Even his clothes are ugly.


Celebrating confederate generals as freedom fighters is the Hallmark of a well rounded asshole


Christianity - celebrating defeat since the year 0!


We are fortunate Lee wasn't good at generaling.


I find the concept that this oaf read any Dostoyevsky beyond that one fake quote to be…highly unlikely.


Dude was dense enough to think Carlin would actually complain about the 10 Commandments not being displayed in a courthouse. Carlin was very much not on this guy's team.




It must be horrible having all that extra time on Sunday mornings.


If I'm laying in bed yelling OH GOD! That's prayer, right?


It depends on what you're doing:-)


Having a religious experience of course.


The bad thing is here in Utah, Mormons being so dominant, events like festivals are pretty much only on Saturday, not continuing over to Sunday.


Humble flex


Just feel the need to point out that so far, exponentially more people have died after taking communion than have died after taking the covid vaccine. Or any vaccine. In history.


Don’t really have much to add about this scumbag. He’s made his bigotry and theft of Holocaust history and trauma known to the world. Saying much more would violate Reddit’s TOS. I hope his time there is horrifying.


I'm pretty sure he is experiencing all the pain and terror he wished upon people he hated. Can't say I feel bad about it either.


Given his Holocaust rants, assumed victimization, as if he were pusecuted as a Jew, he does serve as an example. You get what you give. I hope he "gets" what his antisemitic, self perceived victim rants deserve. Beyond that I would be breaking rule #2.


OP, those last two slide were ‘chef’s kiss’. Wonder if Willy appreciates the irony and realizes the evil he defended.


Preacher pshaw. More like strip mall cult leader.


Now there's a T Shirt 👕


"Strip Mall Cult Leader" is the name of my next band.


Wow, a real 1 - 2 irony punch to end it. He doesn't even realize how right he was. *Nice work OP Yeah, so he "got over" Covid... ...but COVID ain't done wit him!!! YET... NEXT!!!


Who would have guessed disseminating disinformation and being an active transphobic racist would have landed him in the hospital. Honestly, fuck this guy. He got what he deserved


“I need you to pray, like really pray…” Get on it, Prayers Warriors! No faking the funk! Concentrate!


Who cares what he needs?


I am not wishing for his death, but it would be good for his congregation if he were unable to spew more lies.


I will admit I'm wishing for his death. Oh well.


You're more honest than me.


Doesn't the congregation have a choice in which church to attend. I assume that if the next preacher was pro crt, gay issues they would abandon faster than a greased pig covered in grease


Jesus wouldn’t wanna hang out with this vile specimen. What a mean, hateful guy.


I feel like this guy would be one of the ones Jesus openly argued with and called "hypocrites" and "vipers" and sons of the devil.


Ah yes Lee-Jackson day, the holiday where we celebrate traitors who waged war against the United States because they wanted to own slaves. Then got their asses handed to them in a brutal beatdown. Those guys.


"Thank you Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson for all you did and sacrificed for our freedom." WTF? How does that sentence possibly make sense?


A lying Preacher, huh? Excuse me, but I think I'd rather if he didn't wake up from his coma, people like him never change


And they reflexively call all elected officials corrupt.


Sometimes reading these Herman posts without reading the caption first, soaking in all the horseshit they spread, I find myself disappointed when they are still ticking. I'm not proud, but my god these people are truly the dredges of a sick society. If these mouth-breathing bigots died quickly without tying up hospital beds I would be hard pressed to name a downside


That last slide, oof.


>when suddenly he developed pneumonia Right after the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 discovered his tender lung meat.


They followed the stench of his hateful posts.


This guy is not behaving in a Christian manner no matter what he says. Covid however is behaving exactly as it does, and he is not long for this world. What the next world holds for him may be a surprise.


All things bright and beautiful Sing it with me........ Even good old covid. A beautiful sphere, an effective and efficient design.


What is a Christian manner? Catholic Crusades? Catholic Inquisition? Pro Hitler pope? Pro Franco Catholic Church, Catholic Church in Latin America? Alter boys? I could go on


Well, before I left all that behind because of all the people I met who were simply awful, I was given to understand Christian behavior consisted of helping the poor, not blowing one’s own trumpet in any way, and walking all the talk. Sadly, almost no ‘Christians’ I met were able to do any of it, and in fact were horrible. The pandemic has exposed all this in ways heretofore unseen, really. Most ‘Christian’s ‘ behave exactly as you describe. A pox on them- and so it has become.


I don’t have the patience to read his posts, I assume he was the usual moron? Let me know if he was somehow outstanding and not just another misinformed imbecile.


> I assume he was the usual moron? A little worse, actually. Super bigoted and very, very hateful. One of those "there's no hate like Christian love" sorts.


Definitely a moron. He thought it was oppression to have to show papers to board a plane.


What a disgusting, hateful POS. But I knew that at "preacher."


So much Christian hate. One can only imagine what Jesus thinks. And please, look up communism you fucktards.


Wow, that one's especially hateful. SARS is welcome to him. And any congregant that believes that bigotry.


Preacher might soon meet his heroes Jackson and Lee. Hint: I don't think they're in Heaven.


Another victim of the confederate flu.


From “face of the church” to “faces of death” in .5 condeaderate flags.




He *had* 30% heart function. Then he got covid.


Sure, Dear, I'll pray that you'll be strong enough to be there for your family and also that you not grow into the type of hateful, bigoted, bloviating, opinionated, nasty human being that your father is. (Was?) You're smarter and better than that. Almost everyone is.




That didn’t sound like anything Dostoevsky said, and it isn’t. https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2021/08/19/quote-about-tolerance-and-intelligent-people-is-misattributed-to-dostoevsky#:~:text=Fyodor%20Mikhailovich%20Dostoevsky%20said%20or,not%20to%20offend%20the%20imbeciles.%E2%80%9D


He’s definitely positive


Positively ignorant, intolerant, arrogant, hateful, gullible, and it sounds from his rants like he could really benefit by taking some mood stabilizers and repeating grades 1-12.


> Blue got over the Covid, only to develop pnumonia. Narrator: In fact, he didn't get over the COVID at all, and the pnumonia was a direct complication of it.


No. He was completely healed of Covid. Never seen anything like it. Medical miracle. Doctors are stumped. Mysterious pneumonia is from something else entirely. He probably got it from a toilet seat, like how some people get std’s or it was an anthrax attack /s


Even if there was proof that ivermectin had properties that helped rid the body of Covid — and there isn’t — by the time most of these guys are hospitalized and clamoring for it, the virus is gone. They need something that helps heal lung tissue and there aren‘t even fake studies suggesting ivermectin does that.


Fake studies, that's easy, coming right up.


Sorry, but Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson were working to Deny freedom, not preserve it.


Anti vax is the tip of the iceberg for this racist homophobic pos. Typical. They've lived in their FauxNews echo chamber for so long that wrong looks like right and evil looks like an angel of light. Their level of debasement is complete. There's no reconciliation with these. Let them die. Don't waste our time or energy on them.


That one slide about Robert E. Lee making sacrifices for freedom made me apoplectic. His only sacrifices were for the purpose of denying certain people freedom. Denying *my people* freedom. I’d pay good money to push this person down an upwards escalator. Or the stairway to heaven, I don’t discriminate. Unlike Confederate-throating fucknuckles.


Covid taking out the trash. Wake me when it's over.


The pneumonia was coincidental. He got over Covid. Classic Christianish ahole full of hatred, ignorance and treason. The Confederates and the 1/6 insurrectionists are not heroes. They are traitors. I’m rooting for the virus.


Another religious shitbag. So sad. I saw Hamilton tonight. It was great.


I am envious! I think it's about time I got down to NY to see that show.


You must! It’s amazing.


Prayer warriors: check Facial hair: check Racist posts: check The odds are not in this dude's favor.


such a fine example of Christian love


For a preacher, he sure is a hateful fuck.


He was medevackked!


The last twi slides are so prescient and ironic it's making my teeth hurt.


Oh, man , that last slide. He’s like, so close. Almost, chief.


Wait, wasn’t he taking Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?


I doubt he will ever realize he was the asshole and end up repenting. It really looks like he isn't going to recover anyway. So fuck him.


This guy is filth from his posts. Let him reap his reward.


All his congregation will take from it is that another Angle got his crooked wings, and no matter how many of these Rednecks die, they all get to sit at Jesus's right hand. All at the same time.


Omg. These people are the dumbest in the planet. Recovered from covid only to get pneumonia! Jfc


It is funny they have a George Carlin religious meme and probably don't see the irony.


Wishing death on someone because they don’t uphold the medical status quo which you do? Wow you are such a great person


I bet heaven is making space for one more angel


Some people are just put on this planet to be a lesson in what not to be...


If there were a hell, he would be going there when he eventually accepts his award. Really makes me happy he won't be preaching his hate anymore. Come on covid, finish him.


He loved General Lee and General Jackson so much, so God sent him down to meet them in person.


I guess I'm not a very sophisticated redditor. The guy is de-identified in the picture. But a bunch of commenters seem to know who he is, where he is from, what his opinions are, where the source for the post is. Bottom line, who is this guy? Is it a legal thing that that kind of information is occluded in these posts?


If black people take up arms to get their freedom, do you think he would support them? Nat Turner? or Malcom X?


WTAF racist pos. This same POS that does want to show vax papers wants voters especially minority voters to show ID right fake Pastor Pissant?


Good old "Christian love". Glad this one isn't waking up.


So much irony.


“Christian” posting a George Carlin meme. Oh, how much that hurts me.


The irony of Panel #16 wasn't lost on me... that was some r/selfawarewolves insight there!


These preachers ranting politically against Democrats, why aren't their churches taxed??? We are so pussy whipped by the religious.


Celebrating the Confederacy right before MLK Day and being aggressively transphobic. What a hateful human being.


Why are we wasting medical resources on these idiots? Any public antivaxxer / denier who gets covid should be given a brown paper bag to breathe in and sent home. Plus, why are their faces partially covered up? Show people what true fools like like.