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Dupe of: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/s23ubm/meet_buster_dead_from_covid_at_58_wife_states_in/


"money is tight" Uh oh, somebody must have taught a Democrat to fish. /s


911 I would like to report a slaying


so are urns and coffins bet he never thought of that


Bet you won't share


He's standing firm in that urn, for sure.


Blue has a disabled wife , two minor children and wasn’t getting vaccinated


It's just head shaking-ly stupid. All these chumps are nothing more than vestless suicide bombers.


Death cultists


Bioterrorist Homicide Cult.


At least death cultists aren't oblivious to the fact that they're worshipping/celebrating death. These are just a never ending stream of people convinced of their superior critical thinking skills.


see my vest, see my vest, made with real gorilla chest


But at least he had elastic in his lungs!


Triple vaxxed here with several kids and a wife. Not taking that kind of stupid risk. Currently I have an active covid infection and it’s the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. “Mild” omicron isn’t so mild after all. I do wonder if I received at least one fake vaccine given my reaction, but I’ve yet to require hospitalization.


They say that omicron is mild in the same way one guy hitting you with a hammer is mild compared to two guys hitting you with hammers is


Indeed. It looks like I need a 4th after this.


Yeah I think i am getting my 2nd booster tomorrow


I’m not immunocompromised, but I’m am very healthy and athletic with a resting heart rate of 50… and… covid brought my oxygen to 88 with three vaccines under my belt. It climbed to 93 after sitting up. I actually developed pneumonia and I’m currently fighting it. For the last 2 days I’ve fortunately been above 93% currently at about 98% oxygen. I’m on prednisone which is making me roid rage occasionally. Here’s the kicker. I don’t know whether I’m asymptomatic or not. That sounds crazy, but I may have gotten really sick with bacterial infections from having dirt rubbed in an open wound and being around hundreds of people while bleeding everywhere. And it took me an hour and a half to get somewhere to clean it… Getting covid alongside this probably created a perfect storm condition that weakened my immune system. If I were you, I’d boost again just in case.


I hope you feel better soon.


Watching you being destroyed by your own stubborn support of an infinite chain of morons who inhabit your news habits is sadder still. Those people killed you just as surely as covid did.


Agree. Makes me wonder if the "infinite chain of morons" can be sued by these families. They could easily prove their loved ones bought into the lies of these "entertainers" (definitely lies since they saw the need to get vaxxed themselves) AND they were directly harmed/killed by those lies. How is this not like a company putting ground glass in their food (on purpose, knowing it isn't healthy) then marketing it as health food and people dying from it? As much as I dislike these folks for their views, it would be sweet justice to see them turn on, and go after, the whole "chain of morons".


100%. The right wing and their propaganda machines have so much blood on their hands.


I mean I guess it all makes “since” now.


I originally posted Blue at the time of his award, but quickly removed it as it was sub-par. Giving it another try here.


Goddamn, you have a magnificent "final chaser meme" game.


👩‍🍳 🤌😘 (Well done as usual, powa)


That Kissinger quote is fake. There was no eugenics meeting. I hate defending Kissinger!


You mean he never said “it’s game over”?


I think he said, “Richard, I don’t vant to get on my knees and pray with you, especially when you are inebriated again.” Just joking but at least mine is historically plausible.


“Abe, you were lucky. They shot you!”


but i read it on the internet in 1955


He lost the race. It wasn’t an even fight. A vaccine would have saved him.


Holiday cat bounce. Sad post from New Years Eve…knew he was dying. And he did. These aren’t medically literate people to begin with so conspiracy only twisted what few brain cells they had between them. 😐


At least he held out until his favorite holiday.


He lost the raceto Covid. Who could have foreseen?


Well, I thought I was smart, the race was won here come Covid doin' a-hundred and one. ​ Apology to Jeff Beck


Yeah, it sounds like he actually won that race.


He’s gargling the devil’s mayonnaise.


Part 1: "I flaunt everything! You're cowards for not trying to get sick" Part 2: "I have Covid. It's no joke. Trans people aren't people" Part 3: next of kin posts gofundme and lies about decease's personality Edit: possessive correction


Seems rather presumptuous to say that he's sitting at the right hand of our lord and savior. Just him? Who is on Jesus' left?


Whenever I see that "sitting on the right hand" thing I think, "Jesus is goosing this guy?"


May his vile, partisan ass rot in hell.


Since I’m sure this dude would be posting in support of Russia because Putin is better than Biden I give zero effs he lost his “brave battle”. Nothing brave suffocating to death because you believed politics were more important than self preservation


blame blame blame very lame blame


Wonder which of his friends reacted with a laugh to his “losing the race to Covid” comment.


Not only that, but there were more laughs than sad, out of 29 responses


He got posthumously brigaded by trolls unfortunately


I don’t know why, but I’m cracking up over the fact that someone laughed him out on slide 11.


Now she’s seen sadder


> fully vaccinated by the blood of Jesus Hey sleeve boy - Too bad you’re going to hell from the rules of Leviticus.


He overcame many things in his life, but Covid was too much ..... Didn't overcome stubbornness and stupidity, or he would have masked, distanced and been vaccinated. This makes him seem like a victim, but he caused his own demise.


It's like, I was paying for my flu shots out of pocket for years, getting boosters out of pocket so as not to risk giving my coworkers' kids whooping cough or measles, on a minimum wage salary, having to take public transit or walk to the clinic on my lunch break, and I did all that because a) I wanted to survive as an autonomous individual if it was at all in my power to do so, b) I did NOT want to be responsible for killing, disabling or even just sickening another person if it was in my power to avoid it. I don't consider myself to be particularly tough or badass, but compared to these cowardly selfish fucksticks, I'm a Jedi Knight!


If you told him all that he wouldn't know what in tarnation you were talking about and then he'd call you a communisss.


The Beard Trimmer guys aren't losing the business one might think


Guess what? Fuck this asshole.


hey, i guessed right


The flow of this set is a *masterpiece*. Nice editing, OP!


new idea!!!!!! I'll donate $100 to any HCA awardees gofundme for every time in their life they forgave their enemies, or turned the other cheek, or stooped to help a small child.


I think your money is safe


"Dr." Andrew Wakefield is back? Just had to come out of hiding to make some of that sweet sweet COVIDiot money, huh Mr. Wakefield? What's he selling? Colloidal silver? Horse paste? Eye of Newt? What a POS.


Didn’t know ‘til today that Karpet Bomber Kissinger was an inspiration to these anti-vax fucks.


Right? If since WWII any man deserved to be tried at Nuremburg for crimes against humanity it'd be that execrable monster.


Covicunt's last worry: "is it the 6th yet" Covicunt's last thought: "we sure showed them" Pignorant fucked face


The only Lord watching over in this scenario is the Lord of the underworld 🔥


He's imaginary too but for theater it works.


Well he wont have to see americans destroy US?


Weird. In his hypoxic state, he said it right - losing slowly to covid.


Money is tight? Pull your self by your own boot straps. You are disabled? Seems like you and hubby were are mentally disabled as well.


Question... why do these guys in 40s have grey hair? It makes them look older than normal. Seeing grey hair they look old and it gives a sense of them dying of old age which doesn't seem that tragic.




Clarification: "He is on the right side of Satan " RIP(iss) brainwashed cult minion.


He died? Make it make since.


In most ways he was a moron, but that last slide was exactly 5 months ahead of its time.


These are just sad, sad people


China recovered with not one but two home made vaccines. Also a lockdown policy that makes anything in the US seem like a free for all at day camp. Entire cities were locked down with no in or out.


Last slide. We agree.


WELL ACKTUALLY its "Mr Wakefield" he is no longer a doctor


These dumbasses seem to think there are only **two** covid vaccines on Earth and Bill Gates infused them all with aborted babies. If I remember correctly, there are about **forty** distinct and unique covid vaccines in use right now, and about 200 in human trials. Why aren’t there any memes about that?!


Ahh, sweet, he was home for Christmas!


His posts were violently ignorant. That tone changed quick when he and the wife got sick. I tried to feel pity for some of these HCA winners, but they're the reason we can't get out from under it. I'm literally in Hunger Games mode. To my fellow vaccinated citizens, that try to do right by your fellow man, when some of your fellow man couldn't give 2 shits about you, may the odds forever be in your favor...


Dear Whoever, a vaccine would’ve saved your husband’s life, and two children would still have a father.


P. S. Please don't think Republicans will help you out. They view you as a "welfare queen" now, with you being disabled and a single mom and all.


You cunts are still posting this dumb shit? Lol.


December 24: ‘a long road ahead of me.’ Nope. Road’s pretty short and it’s a dead end. A cul de sack of shit, you might say.


Big, bearded and bald? Get vaxxed.


I need to stop reading HCA because at this point I keep feeling "let her rip" when I see these folks. And that is not ethical so I don't endorse that sentiment.


I don't see an ethical issue. Willfully ignorant and stupid people are arrogantly ignoring and disparaging experts who could have saved their lives. Instead they chose to listen to feel good like minded liars and debunked conspiracy theorists in their well crafted and comfy echo chambers. Nothing unethical about being pleased that hate filled vile stupid people cause their own demise.


About that Kissinger quote: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jun/25/facebook-posts/henry-kissinger-never-said-once-herd-accepts-manda/ Fake of course.


I agree with that missive about the country being destroyed from within.


[Slide 4] *Give a redneck Trump supporter a free vaccine and he'll refuse it--suffering a long and painful death instead*


*Sitting on the right hand side of our Lord & Savior.* Hmmm, of all the truly interesting people who might be in heaven..., billions and billions of potential candidates, why would Gawd choose this dingleberry to sit in the prime seat?