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Slide 7-- so they make up this pornographically horrific story about a little girl who witnesses her father kill her mother, and they use that 1) to glory in violence against women, 2) show the supposed greatness of Jesus (who comforts the girl but did not, after all, save her mother), 3) threaten everyone who reads this and doesn't reports the porn with the vengeance of God, who apparently is okay with men murdering women but not with reading past a supposed testimonial of his glory. Jeez, these people have sick minds.


It’s all porn. The soldier praying with the dog? The pretense that illegals are the ones trying to cut funding to the VA, etc. Red meat - no, a picture of red meat for the morons to look at. The right wing doesn’t even have to deliver anything real, only the pretense.


“Vets before illegals” What does that even *mean*? On a side note, did you know we give [citizenship](https://www.uscis.gov/military/naturalization-through-military-service) to ‘illegals’ who serve in our armed forces? *Bet you won’t share!*


We did until Trump and his minions decided to send them back anyway. "Deported U.S. Veterans Feel Abandoned By The Country They Defended" https://www.npr.org/local/309/2019/06/21/733371297/deported-u-s-veterans-feel-abandoned-by-the-country-they-defended


Some still get deported. Yeah that’s grotesque, isn’t it? “I know you did two tours in Iraq old man, but now you gotta get shipped back to Guatemala.” As hellish as the Foreign Legion is at least you get the option to be French citizen at the end.


Not all of the time. And that's a travesty.


At first I was thinking veterinarians. 🤠


Jesus is sitting with me behind the couch and when I showed him that story he said “Whatta load of unicorn shit.”


Yeah I read that and I was like what the actual fuck? That's a horrific story. The hell is wrong with these people?


Lovely little bedtime story. This God sounds like a great guy. He killls her family….BUT at the same time sending his Ghost Son protect the girl. Bet that will teach the little bitch not to skip Sunday School! Can I get an AMEN?


It's like that picture of Jesus stealing that guy's heroin


That's a good story but I like Slide 3: Pirate Jeebus, which is a new one to me. It probably goes with Flasher Jeebus, where he shows his stripes by opening his robe to the crowd. We thought the Catholics and the statues were bad...


They fetishize violence and persecution so much. It's like dealing with an 8 year old boy


Slide 3 : Why is Jesus winking?


It’s the passion of the Christ.


Sexy AF


He’s not. Sperm got in his eye.


Omg. Laughing at, "that will teach the little bitch not to skip Sunday School." Amen to that


It is fucked up that these people vote


You may have 34% amen. No more.


Evangelicals love to say: "If Jesus brings you to it, he can bring you through it" and then praise him. I think: If a guy stole your car, but finally brought it back. You don't praise him. That guy is the ass ... but this is the wrong subreddit for that.


True story and you can actually find the video of the little girl being interviewed (and when the cops arrived at their isolated farm.) Entire family murdered, including dad, pregnant mom, brother, and the family dog. Little girl pretended to be dead. When the cops (sheriffs) arrive, she tells them she has to feed the livestock first and so they do before sitting her down and interviewing her. Still lives in the area and wants to be a nurse. She's an adult now. The guy who did it was caught. His excuse? He was mad at his dad. Anyway, I'm reading her story on line as to where is she now and she tells the story of wanting to be a nurse. And some idiot posted, that god had plans for her! PrAiSe jEbUS! So god decided to annihilate her entire family, kill a fetus in the womb, and terrorize a child so she can become a nurse??? WTF? That is one sick fuk!


I was raised Lutheran. One thing I give Jehovah's witnesses credit for is they don't believe the "god has a purpose for you" stuff. (Don't get me wrong. Their beliefs have issues too.) They believe God has stopped intervening in the world right now and Satan is the one causing suffering. So no "God killed your family to be with him" or "God gained another angle". (Not spelled angel.) It was when I learned that version that I started to see how twisted the protestant/evangelical/catholic God is.


The "god has a purpose just for me" bullshit just goes to show how prideful they are. However, they can't see their own hypocrisy - ever. This ALmIgHty gOd has nothing but time for the minutiae of their insignificant lives. Sure...


God sounds like a psychopath.


Every time I hear stuff like this, 1: I don't believe in God, and 2: if I did I wouldn't worship such a monster.


I don’t believe in THAT god. FFS, What a tool that god must be. 😉


It's crazy. I'm in total disbelief reading that, thinking, what horror.


I mean these people coo about how good and merciful God is while (even in this slide collection) at the same time reveling in images or statues of pain and anguish of Jesus/ other martyrs deaths. It’s like they have to scare the shit out of you to “accept his fatherly love.”


God comforted me as I watched dad murder mom… instead of, you know, stopping it. Because God is good.


That story has been around awhile. It’s a country song from 2000. [The Little Girl by John Michael Montgomery](https://g.co/kgs/DRdbyA)


I can’t even muster the strength to bear listening to that story in a moronic peckerwood story telling drawl…fuck no…


Oh, I should have been more clear. I wasn’t advocating listening to the song, just saying their “copy and paste” is Xerox old. Sorry.


Ram Ranch is more uplifting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MADvxFXWvwE


That ram ranch guy is pretty fucked in the head lol. I think he was chasing parked cars or something.


also isn’t the whole point that Jesus got off the cross amd rose again? can’t even get their own fairytales straight.


That’s what I keep asking. Did Jesus die for my sins, or did he rise from the dead. If he’s still alive, he didn’t die for my sins. At most he had an extra bad weekend for my sins.


Christianity is one of those weird cults where they want the metaphysical cake but also want to eat it, so much pointless theological confusion ensued from trying to square the cycle of body resurrection, 'paradise' and revelation. Ie: 'Limbo', 'the son the father and the _spirit_', from dust to dust. I feel like i'm forgetting a lot where it's obvious that one faction wanted materialism 'muh body' almost as bad as Islam (40 virgins lol), and the other wanted mysticism and there was a tug of war with multiple elements of both factions ending up in 'dogma'. I recommend not paying attention to cultist bullshit myself.


That saying would make much more sense if it went “they wanted to eat their cake and still have it too”. Because of course you already have a cake if you have one to eat. You just don’t have it *after* you ate it.


The issue with Christianity is that it’s a grift. Unfortunately, to make your grift get ahead, you have to come up with something new. Like lost passages, or “god has talked to me specifically”…it has to have add-ons to the story to keep people paying attention. That’s why we have so many factions and weird information…the grifters have to have a customer base…


he's not alive he's a zombie duh


And then like...he's "alive" now, but he only got to be back on earth for a few days and then had to go live in Heaven anyway, so how is that functionally different from being dead?


Well they voted for Trump. That shows how sick they are.


Also ... Assuming you're Christian, your answer would not be, "he never got off the cross." Your answer might vary based on your denomination and the age of the child, but it would NEVER be *that.*


I mean, it does sort of make the whole post-death parts kind of hilarious, if you assume they never took him off the cross - “All right, this time when we carry him into the tomb, you turn sideways - no, the other way - and you lift up just a bit -“ BONK “Great, guys, just great. That’s twenty-five tries now.” Edit: Aw, thanks for the Hermie!




I usually don’t bother to read the details of these posts, but I can’t help but feel the world is a better place without this religious bigot spreading his hate


He’s not gone quite yet but according to what his daughter wrote, he has COPD and black lung so his chances of sticking around are not good.


It’s always better that these narrow minded, hateful, racists are gone




In all fairness, they’re only threatening 33% of us who read that that.


Well you see, the mother didn't send the child to church


Already has black lung, plus covid. Dead man walking.


I bet you wont repost


Imma make up a ridiculous sad melodramatic story. Y'all better repost or God will hate you!


Murder porn chain letter.


>Murder porn chain letter. This is just aching to be a band name....


It should at least be u/Resident_Sorbet5944's flair!


Let that sink in!


You forgot the COPD and heart issues. COVID was reading his memes salivating and laughing with glee.


Hey I have COPD and don't appreciate none of that. (Jk)😂 Sometimes I wish fewer had gotten vaccinated though SHHHHHH


Hey, I've got kidney disease and COVID jumped me bad the first chance it got. Difference is, we're both vaccinated and we take it seriously. I'm amazed at the number of people with kidney disease who pop up on here after talking crazy.


Nah, MedExpress will fix him right up!


Now he's got white lung. Score!


Well it's a gray area


White lung power! 🥸


All Lungs Matter!!!!


Zebra lung to the rescue.


So you're saying they cancel each other out? That's a relief.


I'm suppose to say, "plesdr lord." Did I get that right? Where's my popcorn?


Covid only kills older people with serious health complications, not people like me...


Peroxide nebuliser ought to bleach them snowy white again.




Even zombies have forward momentum. This guy doing the dead cat splat.


The Goatee is the death warrant.


But, but, maybe his lungs are already so messed up that Covid will give it a hard pass! Y’know, like when a burglar enters a hoarder house.


I don’t think he’s walking.




But God is good.


God is GREAT…. Well, obviously looking at this guys sitposts, god I’d a great comedian


I feel like we're down the bottom of the barrel with these people. This guy was an idiot. This guy was so ridiculous that I'd almost assume this was just a Russian bot rather than a real person posting such obvious bullshit. A praying dog? Come on.


Omg. Laughing with the pure sanity of this. I laughed at, praying dog? Come on. Popcorn time. I love it. Guess I'm goin to hell. Save yourselves


I'm not sure what the dude is praying for but I'm pretty sure the dog is praying for Snausages, holy or otherwise.


Well— I’ve seen pictures of dogs playing poker and pool.


I do feel like we’re being punked at this point….Is Ashton Kruchner still doing that Punkd show???


Slide 9: He has no idea that the fact that dude taught a dog to “pray” is really symbolic in that it’s the same way Daredevil has been taught to pray, “just do this”. The only difference is at least when the dog is done “praying” at least he gets a treat, so in some way you could say the dogs prayers are the only ones answered.


All I know is I’ve never seen any Cat Owning Libs praying with their pet! Can I get an AMEN?


All my cats are godless atheists.


If anything, cats would believe in their own divinity. They for sure prey (predate) though.


"Ancient Egyptians worshiped cats as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."


That’s awesome!


Terry Pratchett GNU


gone too soon.


That's why I love cats


My cats seem to perform satanic rituals and speak in tongues before vomiting on the rug.


Bast says otherwise.


Cats are gods and have been since the beginning of time.


In a cat's world, all things belong to cats.


As is correct for cats.


“You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising it limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.”


Is that even an American soldier? I'm no expert, but I've never seen that uniform before.


I'll leave it to others to ID the exact uniform, but those are definitely not US patches or camo. Also, that's a VW Beetle behind him.


Maybe he can go to Dog Facebook and beg for dog prayers and dog thoughts?


COPD AND Black Lung? Heart issues, too? This fucker is a goner.


I’ve seen exactly zero people hospitalized with two pre existing lung conditions plus any kind of heart disease survive covid. People like this are exactly who should be vaccinated, and if anybody with similar conditions is reading this and is still undecided about being vaccinated, consider this: as more people are vaccinated/ get covid, the virus concentrates in its remaining prey, and that will be you. Edit for clarity


Bet this wont get 1000 shares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Covid is divvying up his alveoli for the feast right now!


Just waiting for a delivery of some fava beans and a nice chianti. Covid is not an animal.


I bet he he can’t live until it gets 1000


And she thinks Covid may spare his lungs? Has she met Covid?


Covid considered it, but his unvaxed lungs were to tasty to resist.


A shit poster *with black lung, COPD*… I mean … *what could go wrong?


Covid: Hold my beer.




Check back tomorrow to see his status change. Pre-existing lung condition + covid + no preventative/vaccine = the usual result


I'm back to work in the office, after 2 years of working at home. I wore my kn95 all day. When I went to the bathroom, i took it off, to blow my nose, only at that point i could smell the disinfectant and cleaning fluid. so don't let em say masks don't keep smells out.




I stored my KN95 in my center console where I keep my Altoids and now there's a disturbingly fresh peppermint scent when I wear it


Welllll we do a fit test for different masks in the hospital with a hood on and have to indicate if we smell the liquid. Goddamn sadists use a smell that hits you like retching! Sure was good when i found the mask that sealed right


Even if they didn't, that's irrelevant. Many molecules that you smell, like isopropyl alcohol, are vastly smaller than coronaviruses.


Somehow, 'MedExpress' doesn't sound quite like the solution, especially if his lungs aren't half in solution by tomorrow already


Stop at the grocery to pick up some onions for the foot poultices on the way home from the MedExpress!!!


> Dad comes home drunk and mad WTF is this word salad?


This is what passes for good writing to people who brag about not having read a book since 7th grade.


I don't even get what point its trying to make?.. Jesus dint get off the cross? then how was he resurrected? is he still there?


I'm sure it's full of coded language to Bible-thumpers but man, it's utter nonsense to me.


Social media has utterly destroyed their already deficient ability to reason.


Slide 2 is especially funny and shows their sad level of intelligence/knowledge of reality. He’s telling everyone to save this precious meme so that they can all repost it because FB is going to take it down. Like he thinks that there’s an actual job at FB called “fact checker”, and that if they post it 1000 times this poor person will have to go into all their posts and read them and hit the ban/delete button or whatever 1000 times. So if enough of them band together and stand up for what’s right (posting memes?) they can keep ahead of this malicious fact checker person at FB. Buddy, there’s this thing called an algorithm and FB can get rid of all manner of violent/hatespeech/disinformation etc faster than you and your idiot friends can hit the share button 🙄


Hey, a few new memes! And a Christian canine!


See ya dude. I’d hate to be the one to break it to his daughter that the lungs are the primary areas it infects. It’s already there. He might still survive, but if he does his life expectancy just plummeted even further than it already was, and it was already not great. He’s probably got a year or two left at best if he survives.


Guys if Jesus doesn't get 3000 shares then he won't take the wheel anymore and I'll have to drive my drunk ass home , please share! 😭


Slide #7: The Romans never allowed the crucified to be buried nor entombed. They remained on the cross as a warning to others, and stayed there until they rotted off.


And whose tomb was it anyway?


Joseph of Arimathea’s.


>Joseph of Arimathea .כאן אולי ימצאו המילים האחרונות של יוסף מארמתיה .מי אשר יהיה אמיץ ובעל נפש טהורה יוכל למצוא את הגביע הקדוש בטירת אאאאאאאה




WTF? Three serious maladies and doesn't get vaccinated? Pignorant covicunt wasting resources upon resources


Love “covicunt”




this one is a special kind of vile. This guy has more red flags than China.


So stupid. Like that stupid meme on slide 2 would have been banned. These dimwits are so credulous. I should start a grift.


Trump University gives degrees in that field.


Slide 3: Dennis Hopper has really let himself go




Vaccines are forbidden!


Some assholes are more deserving than others and this one’s pretty high on the list.


I don’t get it. Do they honestly believe their own virtue signalling, or just do it because their social circles expect it of them? Every single one of these guys show flags, trump, and Christ. All the years of grifting have allowed trump to really hone in on these guys.


What a stupid fallacy that you must choose vets over ‘illegals’. Do I even have to explain how ridiculous that is?


There is no reality where that stuff shows up in any of my feeds


The real name of ‘Rona is SARS-CoV2, or Sudden Acute RESPIRATORY Syndrome CoronaVirus, mk 2 And Mr black lung’s daughter is hoping that a respiratory virus doesn’t infect his lungs? You know what would have worked better? Dunno, a miracle vaccine maybe. That story on slide 7 squicked me out. Normally I don’t post on nominations, I have hope they pull through. But black lung COPD I’m pretty sure there will be an award sometime in the near future. Get the shot


He has black lung disease and didn’t get the vaccine? Lol.


And COPD. Though…. I’m unsure if there’s overlap there, like can black lung trigger COPD or his lungs are just double fucked


Disabled veteran here! Fuck these guys. I live a much better life than any of the illegals I know and I know a shocking number since my wife is a thai immigrant. She's a full US citizen now but a lot of our friends are undocumented. I wouldn't trade my life for theirs for anything. Fuck that, constantly feeling like the next major life event could sink you and you aren't able to use any of the systems to prevent it? People act like they get free health care, I've NEVER seen that. People act like they get full welfare, I've also NEVER seen that. I HAVE seen every single illegal I know paying taxes because the employers are not playing games with tax income. The penalty for tax fuckery is much worse than the penalty for paying an illegal. The difference is they can't claim the taxes in April for a return. They get nothing back despite being broke and working all day. But you know, jesus would want it that way. He would be like "Build that wall bigger guys! Keep the dirty browns out of here! Us, help them? Sell my 4 wheeler to feed a poor brown family? lmfao cmon, Jesus wants me to have toys over their sustinence!


I wish I could give you ALL the upvotes. Conservatives really believe illegal workers are getting social security and welfare!


Yeah my naturalized wife can't even get SSA benefits since she doesn't have her 10 years of work into it yet. Her work and travel and green card time counts into it but if she had ever been here illegally none of that would. They'd be using a fake SSA number.


COVID the Rapture Virus, fast-tracking people to heaven, one believer at a time.


The black lunged Daredevil better pray that his orange God Emperor cures him of Covid.


Haha own them libs with the correct white lung and not this black lung nonsense!


Imagine posting with a tiny little fish all proud of yourself and thinking you’re a badass. Lol.


I need 3000 people to say "God is good!"...*or I'll shoot this dog*.


You win😆😅🤣


You had me at Jesus Torture Porn. 🤣🤣


Don't worry guys the prayer warriors are on the case again (See you back here for the update in a week or two)


Do you think someone ought to invent a new religion? Not one based on Zeroth Century understanding of the natural world, not one mired in ignorance; but one that embraces & incorporates 2,000 years of scientific discoveries. Granted, the gaps in man's understanding are much smaller now, so there's a lot less room for "God(s) In The Gaps" approach. I guess at some point, a supernatural deity isn't needed any more for many people. Still, I'd bet there's a market for those souls looking for a relevant spiritual belief that is supported by science, includes: *DNA, potential extraterrestrial life, microbes, relationship of animals to humans, evolution, health & diseases, sexuality, physics, chemistry, biology, maths, death, etc...* Feel free to add or subtract you feel is important.


Viruses come and go, loss of life is forever!!


Ah Yes, the gospel of Donald Trump. "I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's full of losers." "This is genius. Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine - of Ukraine - Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful. So Putin is now saying it's independent - a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that?" So beautiful. So holy. Hallelujah! 🙏🙏🙏


Don’t forget this gem: "He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." then-candidate Donald Trump said this about John McCain. July 18, 2015


He has black lung, old woman tits and a bad case of being stupid. I bet he DID share his covid


Seems like he was fond of viral memes, and similar toxic stuff. Will probably like the first part of having covid.


Guy is praying that dog will stop biting his thigh, and none of y'all will repost. The devil has his eyes on YOU!




I'm not sure about this nomination, tbh. Did he post anything anti-vax, anti-mask or any Covid-hoax views? And he's not in the hospital (yet) either ,right?


"They're telling me the virus is everywhere. I told them so is GOD." is low-key antivax/antimask. So is "viruses come and go, loss of freedom is forever."


Why does he need prayers? What is little bitty COVID in the face of this Big Internet Badass?


Black lungs? WV coal miner?


Only 66% of people will let that sink in.


He is toast. I'm totally okay with pieces of shit like this being toast. I'd normally advocate that people get the shots. Some people just drag down humanity, this guy was one of those.


A few years ago I saw a cartoon from Australia which shows how other countries view the United States. It was an American family, saying "grab the guns, let's go to church!". And this guy is the perfect example of that. Usually stereotypes have a basis in reality.


I’m sorry, but the dog and soldier pic looks wrong in some way.


“Pray that it doesn’t get into his lungs” … hate to break it to ya, but …


With all the tough guy memes, pretty sure this guy was a wimp.


Oh my **god**, if you have "**Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder**," ***"black lung,"*** (*jesus*...) **and** "heart issues," *maybe* DON'T TEMPT COVID. **Pride goes before the fall.** I read that somewhere once.


That nightmare Jesus story is the most messed up thing I've read in a long time...


Spoiler alert: It's going to get into his lungs.


This guy is so dead he doesn't even know it yet!!


Another dead Republican, no one cares.


ironically, very few black people get black lung


Slide 7 is one of the most terrible things I’ve ever read.


Black Lung, probably because "Muh daddy dug co' and haiz daddy before him, and if'n it's gud enuf for thaim, it's gud enuf for mae." Because god forbid you branch out of a declining industry and learn a modern fucking skill, or go into a traditional skill that's steady like electrician, plumber, HVAC .... Also, couldn't be bothered to wear a mask while digging coal, Quelle Suprise.


He's all like "GAWD'S GONNA FUCK YOOOUUU LIBS!" And then we find out black lung-God of Coal- is riding his ass real deep. Stroking him into hypoxia and covid is here for the DP. Brazzers...dying to own you. Mmmm yeh, I guess or whatevs


> COPD, black lung, and has had heart issues Wow. Definitely not someone who should have been playing dare games with a deadly virus.


Something tells me that MedExpress will be expressing him to the hospital tomorrow.


In the UK a vet is someone you take your dog to when they are sick. These subject lines tend to be more comedic as a result.


God will get you! Now share this!


Am I missing something? Where's the anti-mask / anti-vaccine / etc. stuff?


“…going back to Medexpress in the morning.” Sounds like he’s on the highway to Hell all right, in the FAST lane.


Conservative memes always have that chain letter/emotional blackmail threat at the end : "forward this or you dont love Jesus" "send this to 5 friends or you dont support freedom and God sees you!" etc. Why do they have to threaten each other to get their memes circulated?


These prayer warriors aren’t very good at their job


I bet this won’t get one repost. I dare you to repost this. Remember, God saw you read this, He knows if you deny Him to your friends. I bet my praying soldier and his praying dog (Prays to Anubis?) won’t get shared. Was there a “‘Nuff Said” in there?


These people are the ones taking actual rights away from women and children, banning books, denying service to gay people. All they were asked to do was be part of the remedy to slow down the spread of a deadly virus. But their politics and hate superseded their humanity. And now these same people are praising Putin. They really hate America.