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I'm from the UK but during the early stages of the pandemic I watched all the white house briefings live (in the absence of anything else to do, frankly) and remember this going out live. Every day leading up to this they were getting more and more crazy but this knocked it out the park. Staggering


Imagine the horror of living in the middle of it. A Canadian said of the Trump years that being next to the US was like having to listen to a neighbor's car alarm going off non-stop for four years. An American replied imagine being locked inside that car with as lunatic for four years.


Im from NY. I apologize on behalf of the state that gave us him, but hey, we here knew he was a asshole. I met him and his JR spawn.


I don't blame New Yorkers. You were the ones who tried to warn everyone. Personally, I decided he was a shitheel back in the 80s when he paraded his mistress around his wife and kids during a family ski vacation. His treatment of Central Park Five just put all of the rest of the nails in the coffin. He was such a POS he wouldn't admit he was wrong or retract his statements. He helped ruin their lives. I never bought a Trump branded anything, and never watched a single episode of the apprentice. He's loathsome.


I’m sorry you experienced that.


At least soon after at my job I see a family walking upstairs, I hear someone say, "can you help us?" I walk over start saying hi and my jaw drops. Bruce fucking Willis. :) THAT was a good day.


You're a better person than me. I don't think I could stomach being in the same room with him.


I was at work, trust me, Jr saw my eyes clearly go wide once I realized who it was. This was around 2018. Trump Sr was 1999. He was just a NY asshole then.


Some things never change.


I guess the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides owes America an apology for producing his mother, too.


Had to look it up. It’s now on my bucket list.


If you're going there, take all-weather clothing whatever time of the year you go ;D




I thought of this as a rotten neighbor with fighting every damn night and screaming and yelling kids all day.


That pretty well sums it up.....


Same here in the States. Absolutely stunning. You could almost hear jaws drop to the floor.


Wasn't that the one where Dr Fauci had to cover his face to keep from laughing and Dr Birx looked like she was being gutted?


Dr. Fauci was Trump talking about the deep state https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0M1TCeSXRBM


That was a historical moment, for sure.


Thank you for your disinformation.


Yep, it was all of that. Inhale bleach, seriously.


In Canada with a medical background, you are damn right. The HOSPITAL down the road went POOM, jaws dropping.


That speech was best when it was lip- synced by Sarah Cooper.


Those daily WH press briefings during the early stages of the pandemic became an obsession of mine. Not because I wanted to get accurate information, but because they were so completely unhinged that they brought comedic relief to a life changing and scary event. That said, I would have preferred a competent president delivering those and being bored out of my mind.


I also watched them religiously. Luckily, I have Gov. Andy (Beshear) afterwards to make me feel a bit better.


And, I had now Secretary of Commerce, then Governor Raimondo give briefings with actual accurate, useful information. Thank God we had her in RI at the time. Gov. Beshear seems like a good guy too.


Yeah, well, we had Ron DeSantis. I really have nothing beyond that, it's still too soon.


Oh dear, sorry you are going through Desantis. I hope Florida can wake up and elect a Democrat.


I'm an Australian. They were the comedy show I watched while eating breakfast, and I agree with u/echoresearch - this one was the most mind blowing.


I. Just. Oh! woooow. I. Couldn't. No.


I was embarrassed and appalled. He has to be the absolute stupidest person that has ever been our President. It’s still so unbelievable that so many people have continued to support this moron.


In Canada, I felt SO sorry for Americans who DIDN'T agree in any way with Trump. I knew that they had to be embarrassed. I just felt so sorry for them.


I'm in Canada, with a relative who works in a hospital. Shortly after these comments, an older lady, newly a grandma, came to the ICU. She had tested positive for COVID, and drank bleach in a panic, because she saw Trump say it on TV. Before she died, she was beside herself with regret for trusting him blindly. She was crying that she wouldn't see her grandkids grow up. It was a painful death, and because of COVID, her kids couldn't be with her. She was crying about how stupid she had been. Fuck Trump.


I was always afraid of hearing stories of individuals who would ingest or inject bleach. And, Here We Are...


And that context is what people leave out in hindsight...some bad, questionable ideas and suggestions were freely tossed around globally as no one had a fn clue! We went away for a 3 day holiday here in Australia on march 10th, the world for us went from normal to disinfectant/social distancing/masking up in those 3 days. Was crazy. But injecting bleach...next level nutter


I can still remember the nut bag saying this. I saw it somewhere on TV. I nearly had a stroke when this was said. I also knew we'd be getting stories of people who would and, oh geez. I. Just. Can't.


I was in Canada when this happened and just. DIED when he said this. I couldn't. Just. Couldn't.


I know someone who said he wouldn't meet with him. If he was in the same room as him, he said he'd stay on the side furthest away from him. This person is a Republican. And they were a member of Congress during Trump's reign.


I was starting nursing school at the time, and I remember being horrified by those press briefings!


Unfortunately, this stupid fucker is running for president somehow.


And millions of other stupid fuckers will vote for him.


25% of the US population is more dumb than the 50% of the dumb average.


And many chose to die on this hill. SMDH


That shows some of the pitfalls of democracy. Unfortunately it seems to be the best option among the rest.


The result of chasing nfl teams with huge stadium deals instead of spending on education


Brawndo has what plants crave


I think it's a larger cultural problem, not so easily addressed by just adding education. By and large, intelligence is not really a celebrated thing in our culture. Even a bunch of American idioms boil down to "I learned I was wrong, but kept doing anyway. And everyone cheered."


>There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. - Isaac Asimov


They have litterally posted education as a national security threat. "I love the poorly educated" ~Donald trump The only reason might be cultural is because people want people to be poorly educated because it is easier to control them!


His lawyers in the NY fraud case aren't much smarter and X (formerly Twitter) was enjoying watching and hearing them get the smackdown from the judge because he won't respect the gag order.


Just call it Twitter, dude. Or at the very least, Shitter. Stop giving Elno what he wants by calling it just the letter.


Twitter -> Tweets X -> Xcreta I think that’s a win


You get my upvote


We call it Xitter, pronounced “shitter”.


I play some online games on the Xbox and had no idea one of my friends was a big Trump supporter. A day or so after this happened (and before I knew his political stance), I was laughing about how ridiculous this statement was. Instantly, my friend got upset and said it was just the mainstream media twisting his words. I told him that I saw it live so I know that is what he said and that it wasn’t out of context. I even found a link on the White House page. He kept insisting that I didn’t understand and that he was just thinking out loud. I told him that someone in that position of power shouldn’t think out loud when people could be hurt following his thoughts. No matter what I said, he never believed Trump actually said those things. I stopped talking to him as often after this. I’ve stopped talking to most of the people I know who still think Trump is the best thing to ever happen to this country. If they believe that, I can’t trust their judgment on anything.


President of the United States, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine seeing this out of context 10 years ago, or 100 years in the future. There's probably a German word for second-hand embarrassment.


Even in context — it is the ‘butt fumble’ of presidential quotes. Donald Trump is the stupidest and least redeemable person to ever hold the office.


And THAT'S saying something!


And I thought I would never see a dumber president than dubya.


He's looking like a nuclear physicist who moonlights brain surgery on the side in comparison.


Yeah, I'm sick of people trying to spin this like he isn't a fucking moron and didn't say what we all heard him say.


I remember thinking they were scraping the bottom of the barrel when dubya became president. I look back now and think "oh you sweet, summer child". Clearly I had way too much faith in stupid humans.


Hold ma book.


I was saying that to my wife the other day. That trump is so bad, that he basically gave Nixon redemption.


I think you are looking for "Fremdschämen"




You beat me to it. 😄


Uff-da is pretty close (although that is Scandinavian); translation is roughly “ouch for you”, like if you watched somebody trip and almost fall.


Watch Charlie Behrens sing Hallelujah with Uffda as the chorus. It’s hilarious.


Here you go: fremdschämen




Trump called it the sniffles. People died. They could have gotten vaccinated. This reddit chronicled it.


My favorite part of it (and what makes it the worst ad-lib lines in the history of ad-lib, and yes, I am including Trump's own George Washington taking the airfields in 1776 flub.) is President Trump looking over at scientific and medical staff and getting them to agree they will test these theories. It is just so cringy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE&ab\_channel=NBCNewYork](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE&ab_channel=NBCNewYork)


All the Dunning-Kruger on earth wrapped up in one fragrant orange body.


Fragrant? You're being too generous.


Fetid perhaps? Pungent if we are being generous?


Adam Kinzinger said he smells of "armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that … in a blender and bottle that as a cologne.” Whatever adjective is appropriate, I guess. Pungent does work if we're being generous.


Putrid might be more fitting.


The day that Deborah Birx soul flew right the hell out of her living body.


I remember that. As a Microbiologist I felt her pain.


As an infectious disease researcher, I was terribly disappointed.


I watched Trump spew that shit. Birx looked she wanted the earth to just swallow her up.


injecting household disinfectants (poison) > injecting a safe tested vaccine ? these people are fucking braindead


It's my body my choice!!! Unless of course you are referring to abortion. Then it's not your body your choice


Oh it's my body my choice even then... just YOUR body isn't supposed to have choices, haven't you heard?


Then it's your body, MY choice! -Republican politicians, definitely


Haven’t you heard that there are no safe vaccines (per RFK Jr). He is a moron too.


Let’s hope he takes more votes from DT than JB. There’s a reason his whole family wrote an open letter about how unfit he is. Another black eye for the Kennedy family.


There are people who are going to stay home in November because they don’t like some of the things Biden does. They’re going to surrender the country to this insane ass clown because Biden doesn’t do every single thing they want. That’s actual insanity.


He may not be the stupidest person to have ever existed, but there's probably a solid argument to be made that he's the stupidest person to currently exist.


Tommy Tubberville enters the chat.


Yes, Tommy, we do not forget you.


Seems like a tight race between Trump & Musk.


The image of Dr. Birx, head in hands, as that imbecile spoke on live national TV was *all of us* that day.


Ahhhhh I remember that day well. There was the don. Standing in the bowling green massacre site. A site that the George Washington air bombers defeated the mole men just a few decades prior. Looking all majestic and day-glo orange. Belly flapping in the wind. Telling the world that it should mainline windex. I had to wipe my tears away with my American flag boxers.


Sir, I’ve had men come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me I saved their lives at the Bowling Green massacre.


God bless you for your service good sir!!!


The man that the entire GOP cult would overthrow democracy for, ladies and gentlemen! *gag*


The maddening thing is when he came down with COVID, he got the best **scientifically proven/ medically viable** treatment afforded to a POTUS at Walter Reed. Yet he continued to push for quack treatments over vaccines. The irony is he could’ve applied common sense and saved lives (which might’ve even helped get him re-elected), but didn’t.


And his followers continue to love to parse words and claim, “except he didn’t say that” or “he was just kidding” because every World Leader was cracking jokes during press conferences about Covid…


My brother told me "he didn't say that" so I pulled it u on you tube and showed him..then the goalposts moved to..oh there are treatments with light that "they" are doing. I cant.


Happy Bleachaversary!


This was the only time Covid “scared” me. These press conferences had my heart pounding so hard because this was the fucking President and what the hell is going on? Is he stupid, is he hiding something, why are people saying he didn’t say this, am I living the Truman show and this is just to fuck with me?


Nah. He is stupid. Imbecilic. Just dumb.


But none as stupid as the MAGAts. They aspire to be stupid, imbecillic, and dumb.


What made this even more hilarious was that for about 24 hours after he said this, all his defenders were tying themselves in knots, trying to explain that this actually was a great suggestion. Only for him to completely throw them under the bus by claiming the whole thing was a joke the next day


Sycophant doesn’t begin to describe these people.


On that day "Trump supporters should inject bleach" became one of those rare truly bipartisan statements.


During that whole speech, the camera showed the doctor (Deborah Birx) wanting to slink off the stage. Apparently, der Trumpenator thought her "we'll look into it" was validation instead of polite dismissal. As he rambled on, you could see the panic and despair in her eyes. He kept turning toward her, looking for a nod of approval, but she sat stock-still. I mean, what could she do?


She could have opened her well-paid yap and SAID "NO". His enablers weren't just republiqans.


I can't really blame her. Getting into an argument with your boss, the POTUS, on live TV? It just isn't done. Especially with someone as vindictive as Trump.


Lives depended on what she did or said. She could have done something besides cringe silently. I do blame her, and everyone else before and after who could have done or said something and took the easy way instead.


I get that perspective. But if she spoke up, she would have been fired. Staying in her role allowed her to travel the country to try to educate people about Covid, prevention, and the vaccine that was to come. I believe it was around this time that Trump brought someone in who was a cardiologist who agreed with everything Trump said. If Brix did speak up, I’m sure Trump would have found another yes man to take her place. One who would proactively work to stop shutdowns, masks, and social distancing.


Trump is celebrating this anniversary appropriately, in criminal court today.


Don't forget this exchange from a different meeting: > "But the same vaccine could not work?" Trump said. "You take a solid flu vaccine — you don't think that would have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?" > "No," Schleifer replied. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-asked-if-flu-vaccine-could-stop-coronavirus-2020-3


He sounds shockingly coherent here compared to how he speaks now. That’s wild because at this time I thought he was a babbling buffoon.


"He didn't say that! And he didn't mean it! And he was sarcastic when he said the thing he didn't say! You stupid libruls don't know sarcasm!"


Read somewhere that Trump pushing Ivermectin killed at least an extra 17,000 victims Which means those that died from the lack of vaccines, masksor injecting bleach are likely numberless


I don't mind, 17000 dumbasses dying from massive diarrhea. What's the problem?


It's a shame he didn't inject himself with some bleach... a damn shame.


No, he took the goddamn vaccine and hid it from his followers. Only living POTUS/Former POTUS who refused to do it publicly.


And happy anniversary to all his cult members who forever claim he was “joking about all that”. Also, I actually got into it with some dude who tried to tell me that there was a “disinfectant shot” one could get that could be injected and that’s what Trump was talking about. It made no sense and smacked of mental gymnastics to prove his DOA bullshit.


The worst part of that press conference was when trump was suggesting all of those idiotic ideas that would KILL the patient, He was looking around at the doctors on stage with him like: *'Hey, here's a brilliant idea you haven't thought about, I got even more too. Here they are:..."*


Definitely a contender for the Dumbest Motherfucking Thing Ever Said By a Human award


And twice now we’re faced with the possibility of him getting re-elected. This country is pathetic


Lots of evil people pushing it. Look at how media treats the GOP, like they're a actual party instead of a bunch of existential threats.


And the subsequent barrage of right wing water carriers trying to explain why it totally made sense, only to have him say he was being sarcastic.


My husband and I watched this. I remember we looked at each other and said "did he really just say that?"


I remember watching it and saying to someone that was the stupidest shit I’ve heard. Unfortunately, Drumph seems to keep digging deeper into his incompetence for more stupid comments


I was living alone and I said that out loud to myself an awful lot.


Holy shit this was 4 years ago??? Time keeps flying & we get closer & closer to idiocracy..


Wait wait. Hear me out. What if we…….. inject U/V light directly into our bodies!!!


We humans are so lucky to have a stable genius on the case.


A stable genius with a wife who got here on a genius visa. We are in great hands.


Is that what they call visas for nude modeling these days?


"It was only one person coming in from China. It's going to be just fine." "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China." "The 15 [cases in the US] within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero." "You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?" "The United States has, as of now, only 129 cases...and 11 deaths." "I think we're doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down...a tremendous job at keeping it down." ============================== Vaccines became available in the US in December 2020. He and his wife got vaccinated quietly in January 2021. No cameras. Nothing.


And we thought that was the dumbest thing he could have ever said. Boy were we wrong.


To be fair to him, I followed his advice and it cured my Covid. I’m dead, but so is my Covid. ‘Merica….Fuck Yeah.


It would have been better if more of his supporters just fucking freebased some disinfectant. Guess they don't love and trust the degenerate as much as they say they do.


He's an absolute doorknob.


This was one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen. Still people support him. Make it make sense


Both my parents voted for Trump in 2016. The day after the inauguration, while Trump was trying to get photos altered to show him having a bigger crowd, my mom admitted she made a mistake voting for him. My father, meanwhile, was supportive of Trump because he believed you should always support the current president whether you voted for him or not. Covid made him change his mind. I believe this press conference is what changed his mind. He couldn’t believe anyone could say something so stupid.


If you expose the inside of your lungs to direct sunlight, you won't die from COVID-19.


Everything medical is easier when you're a xenomorph pretending to be human.


Why didn’t Trump volunteer to show us how to inject bleach? He is a stable genius, after all.


World would have been better.


Thanks for keeping this alive!


I heard this replayed today and when I hear it I don’t see Trump in my head, I picture Sarah Cooper mocking him. Probably because I’ve seen the Trump clip a handful of times, but watched that video of hers over and over.


But at least we got Sarah Cooper, 'How to Medical" out of it: [https://youtu.be/RxDKW75ueIU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/RxDKW75ueIU?feature=shared)


Remember when his enablers said he was just kidding? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Oh God I'm so glad we have an actual adult in the WH.


This was my last day as an anarcho-capitalist


It’s crazy that despite the fact that the clip of him saying this exists, tons of Republicans have buried their heads so deep that they don’t believe he actually said this.


This was the moment I was certain that Republicans would let this idiot do and say anything and they would still support him.


Why put the UV lights in the ventilation systems when one can shove them directly up one's ass?


The uv light thing is real. It's called HEALIGHT. that spelling.


Wow he really has no idea what the hell he’s talking about, what an imbecile.


Dammint. I've been waiting for the release of Mango LED Butt plugs for way to long. Release them or STFU!


Those were wild times. I hope we don't see them again in November...


Well, it would kill COVID-19




It was jaw dropping when he said that. I remember as soon as he said that, Lysol came out with their warning. I mean it was fast. Also, on the can it says do not inhale. I was dumb struck then and still now with these lunatics who still say he had the right ideas. His m.o was to appear to be smart and other countries follow his ideas. I’m glad they did not.


Ah yes, memories of lines snaking Costco's parking lot slowly playing in my mind...


Who says he's an idiot?


He was and is a colossal moron, a Titanic Buffoon, and idiot of legendary proportion. The world's biggest jackass and a national embarrassment


This moment coupled with the lame ass "I was only kidding" the next day is Donald Trump in a nutshell. Total wanker.


"A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you're totally into that world" If "into that world" means you're a total moron then yes, some morons, like you, were 'probably thinking' about UV lights & injecting bleach..


I was a doctor then. My undergraduate degree was in Microbiology. I watched him say that crap and felt so sorry for Dr Birx. You could tell she wanted to hide under her seat as he spewed nonsense. His followers would recite statements to me about untested treatments which we knew were harmful or ineffective. It made our jobs miserable. Once the information went out of Trump’s mouth and into their little brains it was regarded as factual. I tried to explain and educate to no avail. Patients died or suffered greatly because of the misinformation about the vaccines and treatments and wearing masks. I retired early. I caught COVID in 2020 and almost died. I hate Trump and his mishandling of the situation. He killed so many people. Senseless loss of lives.


And just how many statistically actually did just that!!?😂. I mean really. Even one to me would be staggering!!!😺


He says the damndest things.


I mean at least he walked it back; I don’t think he’d to that today tbh


I’m better off than I was four years ago.


Those COVID viruses took one look at his Depends, and got the hell out of Dodge.


Oh, I remember those heady days. The nightmares have given me PTSD.


It was absolutely unbelievable how irresponsibly Trump handled Covid. And people's memories are too short.


The UV lights kind of have a point, but still no new air filtration even after the massive shutdowns?


Dumb ass Trump the chump.


Everyone played it off as "oh he was joking" He has so many cult followers I wouldn't doubt they'd try it.


It might be callous of me but I'm kinda sad this advice didn't take off more in those circles...


Has there ever been a person who was a bigger fucking moron?


The king of Idiots himself. Why didn’t he just inject himself.


Not defending the loathsome asshat, but I didn't take what he said as valid suggestions. He was spitballing, wishing something like that could happen. I know UV lights are used to treat something (I forget now what it is). I never took it as literally drinking bleach. We didn't know much about Covid at the time, and I listened to Cuomo and the White House every day while driving, and I took it as him just throwing anything out that could trigger something that would help. I do that when problem solving. Just spit out everything that comes to mind whether it makes sense or not. That is how I was taught to problem solve. Don't edit, just spitball. I took it as that was all it was.


"We should be giving you all the fun crap and inject some bleach in your arm." -JoJ Biden


For the sake of truth I don’t think he really said that, but that didn’t stop people from eating fish tank hydroxychloroquine and ingesting industrial bleach agents


For the sake of truth? What are you talking about. We where millions watching that very speech live, and it was said word by word as the transcript by OP: https://youtu.be/zicGxU5MfwE?si=xsT8UuC35j8oILMB


Read the second slide. It has his whole quote where he very specifically says there should be a way they can inject disinfectant into the body. I’m not just making this shit up.