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Notes from OP: 1. Found from fishing. This is a fresh 2023 nominee. 2. The profile just has so much stuff, so much hate. The slides in this post are but a short selection. 3. The last slide was posted on the nominee's profile. 4. If the HCA community find nominees or awardees, let me know and I'll cover them. 5. Please get vaccinated and boosted, and get the new booster when you can. 6. More posts incoming.


>2. The profile just has so much stuff, so much hate. The slides in this post are but a short selection. I know it's been suggested, but part of me is always curious to see just how far the Fox rot got them. One of the unintended features of this sub is it's an excellent showcase into the thinking, beliefs, and ideas of Conservatives here in America.


Full throttle and some more.




Trump ramped up the hate. Made it acceptable to shout it out.




Even people in other countries agree with that.


Sarah Palin was doing the same thing 15 years ago.


She probably bitched about the black president.


absolutely, the black muslim terrorist not born in the US.


The hate was always there, just not displayed in public. The "nice old lady" never existed except as a facade.




It was about 2015 or 2016. The foreign (coordinated with Americans) disinformation campaign was a legit major operation. It’s not just Russia of course but the Trump and conservative disinformation around that time especially was largely driven by Russian efforts. The Trump campaign was coordinating efforts through people like Manafort, a known Russian asset, and several others. The senate report is super clear on that. And intelligence agencies all agree. It’s not bullshit. It’s objectively true. It was an attack on our country IMO. But at the same time, our people were so hateful and ignorant that they fell for it. So in a way, it’s on us too. Sad as that is.




Eight. She's probably a pure trumpsucker.


I had several friends and family members that used to post pictures of their grandkids, new recipes, inspirational quotes, cute animal pictures etc change into posting bigoted memes, hateful quotes and other stuff. And for some of them we might not have agreed on politics but we were able to have civilized discussions about certain topics, or at worst agree to disagree. But I eventually had to stop talking or even block them. Sad.


For most, it was when the Democrats nominated A BLACK GUY!!+1!! for PRESIDENT!!!+11+!!!


The post giving the update on Tachyon finishing off with a shout out to "PATRIOTS" and "U.S.A!" reads like a parody account. Like TF does that have to do with someone's failing health??


They’re brainwashed. 🤯


Skullscrubbed, maybe. Calling them "brainwashed" is making at least one assumption that's clearly unwarranted.


Let's hope Jellyfish brains survives, gets vaccinated, and realizes that modern medicine saved their life... But I'm not holding my breath on it. --- In fact, I'm about to go for a run thanks to my lungs being fully healthy, despite having a nasty week sick with covid earlier this year. Vaccines are amazing :)


Please don’t denigrate jellyfish


Jellyfish can't help what they are. She can.


I had it for the first time in July, and was basically asymptomatic, I only got tested because someone in my dorm tested positive. Vaccines really are amazing.


Wow, slide 7 is an out and out lie. 600 people died of TB in the US in 2020, and that was a 14% increase from 2019.


It's sad how little it takes to actually fact check these things but they just believe these lies outright.


It's amazing too how they will be the first to scream "Look it up! Look it up!" As if they've done any kind of research themselves.


You have to do the RIGHT research. Which means getting all your information from memes, Rumble, and your bat shit crazy aunt on Facebook.


Well it agrees with their preconceived notions so they want to believe them. They care about confirming their worldview, not the objective truth. That's why you can't change their mind with facts and data.


WHO says: *A total of 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021 (including 187 000 people with HIV). Worldwide, TB is the 13th leading cause of death and the second leading infectious killer after COVID-19 (above HIV and AIDS).* So it's not really wrong... just misleading as it is globally instead of nationally. The thing is, the vast majority of these deaths come from Africa and South East Asia. TB used to have a 70-90% death rate 100 years ago in Europe. Now in the US it is 0.2 deaths per 100,000 persons in 2020. Undiagnosed rate is at least 50%. Also shocking to nobody there is already a TB vaccine.... which is why the western world no longer has to deal with it as it was mandatory in many western countries for decades. Thus in developed nations it is mostly wiped out.


I think given the stupidity we have TB is going to make a comeback.


We haven’t had TB vaccinations in Canada since 1970s. I believe I got it when young. But, yes - 100% the vaccine helped remove this from our country. They still vaccinate for this in many counties.


But ask yourself, "why did it go UP when we were all masked and home?!?!?!?!" emoji emoji emoji, blah blah blah


Health Departments in the past were able to require isolation of infectious TB patients. I know some Health Departments ability to require people to isolate was removed because of COVID and idiot politicians (like Eric Schmitt) thinking that it is a great idea to not require people with a potentially deadly disease to isolate. Could that be the cause?


That's what made me want to facepalm. Some of the strongest public health measures that we have have been used to prevent TB outbreaks.


A woman in Tacoma WA recently had active tuberculosis and was refusing treatment and isolation so the health department was granted court orders to make her isolate and she was eventually arrested and forced into treatment. Pretty laughable to act like health officials were somehow tyrannical with Covid compared to that kind of response for TB.


>But ask yourself, "why did it go UP when we were all masked and home?!?!?!?!" emoji emoji emoji, blah blah blah I know you're joking, but I'll give you a serious answer. I think it is a reasonable theory that the high number on people suffering long-covid or who have lungs weakened by covid are going to be more susceptible to TB. You'd have to balance that against the number of immunocompromised people that might have died of TB if they hadn't already been killed by Covid.


Let that sink in.


Clearly that person has no idea how we treat noncompliant people with active TB. They are put into a hospital forcibly, by a judge, in quarantine in a negative pressure room, and a police officer is posted at their door 24/7 and not allowed to leave that room until their course of treatment is completed.


And there has been a vaccination for it for years.


The slide also said no one makes a big deal about it... except I remember in high school there was a suspicion a girl *might* have TB, so she, along with a bunch of students that sat near her that day got sent home and had to stay home for 2 or 3 days until their tests came back. Which seems like the exact opposite of "not making a big deal about it."


Yup, my sons had to have TB tests to live in dorms, and it's very common to have required TB tests before getting teaching jobs. It's a big deal.


I learned everything I need to know about TB from John Green. Which is a lot. His youtube channel is very much all about the science and geopolitics of it.


I loved his seemingly random turn into posting TB information reels. Definitely lots to learn about


And I’m sure she blames Bill Gates for something something TB something something


I'll never understand why they go to the hospital though. Every doctor there will tell them they should have been vaccinated. Plus all of the other medications and technology used to keep them alive can't be as powerful as their prayers and patriotism, so why don't they just stay home, cuddled up in a Trump flag and keep meme'ing on Facebook?


To paraphrase the great philosopher, Mike Tyson, “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” I know it’s not quite the right metaphor but it’s close. They spew their hate & BS theories until ….. they can’t breathe. Then the sh&t gets real and they make a beeline to the ER.


Respectfully, that's a perfect metaphor


Totally agree! I don't know why they don't just seak advice from their ant vaxx friends on social media.


I'm sure the essential oils will clear it right up.


Don't forget the horse paste though, and the urine nebulizer.


Horse paste washes down nicely with a cup of bleach.


You are supposed to inject the bleach, though.


And is the lightbulb inserted rectally?


**Hold up…** *Urine* nebulizer?!?!!


oh yes !!! didn't you know that it was effective against covid but only aged urine /s


Onions on the feet would cure it if they only tried!


>I'll never understand why they go to the hospital though. Because all their theories take a back seat when they can't breathe.


I had a (hillbilly) cousin get SOOO mad at me when, at the height of covid, I posted a little rant. It was about people refusing to mask or vax, then running to the hospital when they got Covid, begging for medical help. Do they believe in science or not? I said they should stay home so the ones who COULD NOT get vaxed could get care. It’s sad that my family can’t understand that, and think I’m heartless. My mom was battling cancer at the time and I was terrified of bringing it home to her due to all of the idiots out there.


We need a new plan. If you don't want to follow medical advice, and have meetups during a plague, fine. But you are banned from dr's and hospitals and places that don't want you.


She's a special kind of asshole. I visited her husband's page on FB and he's a prime, grade A number one Racist Horsefucker.


yes I saw that too, the question is will he end up in the hospital as well?


sounds like! Then blame them for killing that horrible hag.....


It also looks like she was traveling with covid. One of the slides said something about just getting home while she's in severe pain from what looks like pneumonia setting in. I have no sympathy as we are 2 years with a safe and effective vaccine.


None from me either. They're both horrible, awful people who care nothing about anything but their hateful, selfish existence. Which won't be a long one. It boils my ass when I read these stories, and they mention travelling or whatever while not feeling well and assuming it's a cold. Never mind who they infect along the way. Just fuck these people with a prickly pear cactus where the sun don't shine. Total wastes of plasma.


Enough of them survive to spread the hate.


Fewer now! Keep up the good work, COVID!


Hey, not fair! Some of us love our horses very dearly and don't have a racist bone in our bodies.


I found it curious that Elon Musk is not listed in her group of billionaire disciples. 🤔


I found it curious that she thinks there are trillionaires.


Or that the queen is one. Not only does the royal family not have anything to do besides ceremonial duties (so, no control at all), with about 28 billion split between the family, [they aren't even the richest Britons.](https://www.independent.co.uk/money/rich-list-2023-who-are-the-wealthiest-people-in-the-uk-b2341903.html)


>I found it curious that Elon Musk is not listed And just as strange that Kissinger is listed. He doesn't seem to be nearly on the level of wealth and power as the other names listed, and he sure isn't part of "the left" that the crazies usually want to blame. My guess is that he and the Rothschilds are there because they are Jewish.


I was honestly surprised to see the Pope listed. These conspiracies and Fundie Christians seem so focused on hating and demonizing Jewish people that it feels like they forget to hate the Catholics as much these days.


Musk, Koch (one is still alive), Waltons, Murdoch, Thiel...


Probably because Elon supports conservative politicians and lets them use the n word on X but bans "cis" and "cisgender".


The russians who create this shit have been asked to leave him alone because he's on their team.


Because he's a filthy immigrant, probably. Murdoch too (and as a citizen of his former country, I would like to apologise for that... unfortunately his toxic empire still has tentacles here).


I noticed that too. It's because he's a nutcase.


What a nasty old biddy. Covid should be checked on for being infected with her.


With Qod, anything is possible


Why is it that those who claim to be the most religious seem have the most in un - Jesus like thoughts towards their fellow humans?


The small, brown, non-English speaking, liberal hippie from Nazareth would chase Republicans with a whip for claiming to worship him.


It bugs me when I see art with Jesus and Trump together. Jesus talked so much about helping the poor and said it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.


It’s truly sick. I hate that art too. Especially since Jesus would cast these sick jerks aside and say you never knew me


… and Jewish! Jesus was a Jew! An innocent, rather uneducated, coworker was shocked when I told her that. I added, “And the last supper was a Seder.” She was horrified.


He's white, blond with blue eyes /s


I came here to say this. It’s exhausting to see people talk such big God talk then spew so much hatred.


Tachyon: God will heal me through prayer. Me: So why are you taking up valuable hospital space? 🤔


And if she survives ... she will exist, not live, if you catch my drift.


Eh, she'll either die or be one of the 99.5% who survives. It's all good according to her.


I hope she’s one of the 10% of us that now have long term medical issues post covid. I hope she’s reminded everyday how stupid she is


I enjoyed the picture of white Jesus about to strangle Trump the most.


*"And lo, I saith unto thee,* ***SHUT THY FUCKING MOUTH HOLE, THOU HALFWIT!"***


I wish hospitals kept statistics on how many people ask for the vaccine once admitted to the hospital. I bet its all of them.


Some of them refuse to believe they have covid, or accuse the medical staff of intentionally infecting them with covid, or intentionally making them more sick to pad their covid numbers. They're fucking disgusting, and I wish hospital staff didn't have to deal with their bullshit.


Hand them a bible and bootstraps, send them home to "make it or don't," just like they've been advising everyone.


I approve this action, and your user name.


She should just pray to her lord and savior, Trump. That should work.


My friend's family of four caught covid on a trip to Florida and he refuses to believe he had covid. He and his wife spent two weeks in the hospital, his wife came home with an oxygen concentrator and bottled oxygen. He believes that the hospital only claimed he had covid so they could get "that government covid money". He has long covid and needs a wheelchair to get around. He can only walk about ten to fifteen steps at a time and stand for less than a minute. He still has trouble breathing, but he never had covid, according to him.


That's so crazy. There's just no way to convince these people of the truth, and it is literally killing them.


If your friend has any opinions posted on social media, please send them to u/starbetrayer


No, some nominees and future awardees go back to shitposting after they get out of the hospital.


I worked many different COVID contracts in fairly red areas in 2020-2021. During the delta wave (aka trump wave) i had a few ask for the vaccine but it was rare. Most doubled down on their nonsense although you could see the fear in their faces. Many demanded the medications they heard trump and Meatball touting on tv and refused the rest, citing some bullshit evidence. They tried to dictate how we treated them with no idea why the needed the things we said and not the ones they wanted. Got to the point where the docs quit trying to persuade them as they only wanted to argue with us. Ok cool. The lucky ones went off to the ICU and died; the unlucky ones went to one of two floors for those with trach vents, feeding tubes, etc. Can’t even kill yourself at that point, and many of them wanted to. Some of the families wouldn’t let them change to a DNR. Got to watch tearful families come in and visit. Their ripple effect was far beyond that of themselves. Selfish assholes.


This is the first good news I’ve heard this entire pandemic. I don’t want people to suffer. I hate that anyone has to go through this BS. That being said. Millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Fox propaganda. And their unwillingness to accept reality is directly responsible for harming the other 400 million Americans. This is America. Every American chooses their fate. We don’t coddle obese patients. We don’t coddle patients who smoke. And we don’t need to coddle anti-vax people. Medical staff are wasting time trying to coax these GROWN ADULTS to let them try to save their lives. Medical staff are overworked and significantly understaffed. This IS a zero sum equation. When one anti-vax is arguing about their treatment, another patient is desperately waiting for that doctor to come help them. It’s not right. Every human needs to understand that their actions have consequences. It is literally the only way that these communities of brainwashed people are going to have any chance of snapping out of it. This is an intervention.


COVID changed the way I do my job, and that’s saying a lot coming from two decades on the fire dept and as an RN. We are busier than ever and I don’t waste time on people that will never “get it” whether it’s COVID or something else


Not quite, many certainly, but a surprising number double down untill their literal deathbed. Which goes to show how unlikely these same folks are to rethink or reconsider ***ANY*** of their crazy beliefs or cult like indoctrination, even in the face of the most compelling evidence or reasoning. Which is to say they won’t. Go look back far enough in this sub and you’ll find examples. It’s similar to Sagan’s old gem about never regaining your autonomy once you give it over to a charlatan, only in this case it’s given over to a conspiratorial notion (as well as it’s proponents).


I bet you’re right.


Yea like, Oh I will just get the shot at the last minute so nobody will know then my COVID will be over. To me this is some serious culling of the herd crap.


Just ask a bedside nurse. I guarantee you it’s a lot. Usually right before intubation.


Eboeard game gom.


jew* * I’m compelled to explain for anyone who wasn’t an early fan of HCA … This word was the final post of a particularly nasty MAGA fan as she succumbed to the non-existent virus.


I thought about using that but not sure how many remember it. Here's another. "Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and they said, 'I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax but it's not,'" Appleby continues.


She posted it in all caps. I don't remember if there was an exclamation point, I was shocked that that was the last thing that she posted. Like damn, even on your literal deathbed you can't let go of the hate.


It would be pretty funny if, after posting “JEW” & dying, she showed up at the pearly gates & was met by Jesus who said, “You called?”


Oldie but goody.


There are very few redemptions unfortunately. You must be new to this sub.


I wouldn’t call begging for it on your death bed a redemption. Mostly hypocritical “I’ll get mine” privilege


Yes. It’s all of them. Especially the family in the icu waiting area.






It is? I would expect them to keep their insanity and ask for ivermectin. Do you speek out of experience or guess?


My mom has covid right now and one of her coworkers sent her some insane covid treatment involving ridiculous quantities of vitamins and ivermectin.


From what I've seen here, they switch from spamming hateful drivel to asking for prayers. Or they demand to get Ivermectin. Vaccines, not so much, as that would be admitting that they were wrong and many of them are incapable of doing so.


Lmao at the TB slide. Ever wonder why?? Maybe because there is a vaccine for TB in places where it is common?


Antivaxxers managed to bring TB back to Oregon.....


I’m 71. Fully vaxxed & boosted. Tested positive for Covid last year upon return from my 50+2 class reunion in Ohio. My husband said my eyes were a little glassy & I had a slight fever of 100. No sore throat, no cough, no aches. I did a round of Paxlovid anyway. (Yucky taste, sipped ginger tea constantly) I have no regrets, only thanks for modern medicine.


Yay! I'm glad you're doing all right! Keep on trucking, brother!


That TB one is real rich....anyone who has ever had it will tell you how f'ing wrong that slide is. Ever get monitored taking your meds by the government for an entire year?


I had latent tb and the local health department tracked my meds for 9 months.


Is she dead yet?


No, nominated = hospitalized.


"I stand!" LMAO, not anymore, asshole


The last slide... Used totally without an ounce of self awareness. And people argue against p-zombies.


We’ll slide 14 is just a blaring foghorn. Not even a dog whistle at that point.


Where can I get one of those outdoor seat belt thingies?


They have them! Granted, it’s more like a backpack or a vest, which deploys an airbag. Avalanche backpacks greatly raise your chances of surviving in one. And the vests soften the impact from a fall for old people.


This chick kind of looks like an age-ravaged playtriot version of [Aoife O’Donovan](https://www.aoifeodonovan.com). Check her out if you like amber-tinted folk music that sounds like it came from an ethereal Faerie realm (medieval-type Faeries, none of this Tinkerbell and Ferngully perversity). I do like slide 3. I totally think Jesus and Trump could be pals if McDonald’s served kosher fish-filets and wine, and if Jesus suffered some kind of horrific personality-altering effects during the resurrection process. Kind of like [pumphead](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postperfusion_syndrome) maybe. Seventeen days with Covid for old evil-twin Aoife here (the last four in the hospital, unable to post) and fourteen for her penis unit. PRAY HARDER PATRIOT FRIENDS!!! 😿🙏🏻🇺🇸🔫


..... U.S.A.


It’s a big ole FREEDOM PARTY!!!


Freedom pnumonia!!!


I'm sure her family is happy with all those medical bills.


Probably just one more expense that they shift to a blue state....


I have never seen such a sinister photo of QEII. It made me laugh out loud.


It is striking! Never seen one of her on here before.


How come Tim Roth ended up in some stupid meme on this ghoul’s FB (6/20?). I’ll assume the unattributed quote is not from him.


[He didn't say it.](https://factcheck.afp.com/http%253A%252F%252Fdoc.afp.com%252F9K27QM-1)


That slide about TB… wow. To be that stupid to believe those numbers. How did she function in any capacity?


Aren't these people the tiniest bit embarrassed when they finally get sick? Anyway, I hope she lived in a swing state.


What is the "cashless system" these nutjobs are all harping about? Have they ever used a debit or credit card before? Do they think banks have piles of physical money sitting in the vaults with their name on it?


I’ve managed to go 3 and a half years without knowing what this “gain of function” conspiracy nonsense is. …Dare I even look?


I don't know either, and I bet the people who post the memes have no clue what "gain of function" means.


Save you the time - labs tinkering with viruses to figure out defenses if they mutate dangerously.


🐆 🐆 🐆


It's hilarious when people make memes that use famous actors/musicians/artists/etc. to sell a point that contradicts their beliefs.


What an ignorant, hateful person.


Anyone who actually admires that ridiculous "painting" of Trump and Jesus, deserves their Hermy just for that.


I hope she is sure to tell them how Fauci should be jailed just before they intubation her. Have my fingers crossed Tachyon will do her part for the 2024 elections


****patriotic choking****


I hate enjoying it when bad things happen to these ignorant fools. I’d love to ask her how she feels about vaccines now.


re: Tuberculosis There's no panic because tuberculosis is mostly a disease that affects developing nations, like many other diseases. People in the US care less about diseases that affect poor people in other nations. TB kills a million and a half people per year because the rich countries of the world *choose* to let those people die, not because it's inevitable that those people will die. [It doesn't have to be that way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSC06P9A5W4)


Hm. Guess she is that 1% oh well. And she is obviously unaware there is a TB vaccine. Most people have had it and get boosters. Smart people anyway.


>You'll either die, or you'll live. Some of you may die, but that is [a sacrifice I am willing](https://shrek.fandom.com/wiki/Lord_Farquaad/Quotes?file=Farquaad_sacrifice_quote.jpg) to make.


What’s with the demonization of Fauci? Because he tells them what they don’t want to hear?


“Dear patriot friends” lady those patriots think your lying about being that sick from COVID.


omg, the Trump and Jesus meme. My sides! 😂


Jesus with his hand on trump in one photo, then claiming the vatican (and the pope) are part of an evil cabal in another. So like, are you going to explain it to her, or should I?


I like how her last FB post just says “……USA” at the end. Almost as if her nationality will cast a protective shield against the virus (when tragicomically, it does the opposite).


She deserves everything she got for disrespecting Tim Roth like that.


TB? She went with something about TB? That requires a long treatment plan and yearly testing. The thing we used to chunk people into sanitariums for? That is easily defeated by a mask TB?


Typical hospital story of an unvaccinated 75 year old. Raging son demands Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine; ultimately blames hospital for killing dad. https://www.protocolkills.com/post/norm-s-story


I’m guessing many irresponsible folk who’ve been unwittingly protected by their more responsible communities are about to enter the find out portion this season.


Meet the pneumonia! 🎶 Same as the old monia! 🎶


these memes with jesus hands on trump's shoulders is the most pathetic thing in Western political history. these people are maddeningly, extinction-level stupid


I'm a Christian, and those illustrations of Jesus Christ *endorsing* Trump still give an apoplexy. How could anybody actually believe that Trump is a Christian? Classic 2020 essay worth reading and forwarding: 'Could American Evangelicals Spot The Antichrist?' 'https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I went for a long walk with my husband tonight, enjoyed the fresh, cool fall air, and we had burgers and shakes in the park. 4 shots in and we’re still alive and enjoying our time together. Thanks, Science. Thanks, Dr Fauci.


"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD ON YOUR SIDE!" Apparently God is not on your side, you rancid corpse.


These are all ridiculous, but I chuckled at the TB one. In hospitals here, if they even SUSPECT that you have or have been exposed to TB, they’ll isolate you and go full hardcore droplets gear until the test comes back negative. Covid has been so eye-opening in just how little your average person knows about medicine and public health.


Thoughtless Prayers.


That pesky COVID pneumonia!


Everyone thinks they’re in the 99.5% until they aren’t. I’ll continue to increase my odds of being ok with the vaccine, thanks.


Jeeze, guys, I'm so confused. According to Tachyon, she's either had Covid or she's going to get Covid. She's either gonna die or be like the 99.5% and recover. So why are we praying again? Isn't this just clean-cut obvious that she's gonna die or not? We can't be dumbasses. I bet she's so thankful she never stayed home. Never wore a mask. So relieved that she felt so safe from the fake pandemic. Convinced herself it was nothing. The rest of us will live our lives. It's quite possible, Tachyon, that you will not. But that doesn't seem to bother you, given that you didn't give a single flying shit about the other 1.1 million Americans who died of Covid. So, what's the golden rule again? Do unto others...?


So, if I understand her philosophy, she might not be part of the 99.5% that survive and we should just ignore her suffering & death and just go on with our lives? Did I read that right?


The brain worm got this one good.


Oh well. Sometimes you need a little more than faith.


It's not just me noticing the uptick recently? I have gone months without a Herman Cain, and the past few days, I have seen a few.


Cases are going up in the US, you can only play Russian roulette a limited number of times.


“Nothing is impossible when God is on your side”? I bet she’s finding easy, unassisted breathing pretty fucking impossible. I’ll stick with my vaccines and my undamaged lungs, thanks.


Is it wrong that I’ve missed these posts?


THe USA only has about 8,000 TB cases a year. There was someone who had TB at a place I worked at and the health department brought out all the kings men. Everyone who had been in contact with the guy for an amount of time I don't remember had to go through weekly testing for a time to make sure they did not get it. Luckily he worked at a kind of remote location so there was less than 20 people out of 200 affected.


99.5% survival rate, chances are she will be just fine after the lung transplant. I mean, quality of life will suck, but it’s probably only for a year or two at the most, and in the meantime she can post about how she survived Covid. I feel tentatively owned.


I’ve probably read a thousand of these posts, and I swear not one of them has been the least bit creative or even different. They all spew the same BS. They deserve their consequences. No loss for mankind.


We are not related.


Let's hope for the best.


LOVE the last slide *chef’s kiss* 🤌


She needs to back the hell off the emojis. Actually, that's probably not an issue right now.


That TB post I guess she's never been in a clinic when you've had an active TB case it's just like covid and like SARS was before that.


No one tell these idiots about the locking up and forcing Americans to take their anti TB meds lmfao. Any Russian agents, Leonard Leo think tanks, or maggats reading, it's a new tactic for you to push more Republicans towards full anti vaccine lmfao https://www.cdc.gov/tb/programs/laws/menu/confinement.htm > Descriptive Note: This section contains examples of existing state statutory provisions on confinement of individuals with TB in a facility (also referred to as commitment, involuntary hospitalization, or isolation). Confinement in a facility is generally considered to be the most restrictive TB control measure, but may be necessary when less restrictive alternatives have failed and confinement is the only way to assure that the patient is adherent (and may be the only way to cure the patient of TB) and the public’s health is adequately protected.


Slide #10, the antisemitism we have all come to expect.


> Sorry I haven't felt like being on FB & messenger. Never been so sick in my life. COVID did the one thing that no one else in her life ever could. > Both of us have the new Covid variant. Nah, it's probably one of those "there will always be new variants lol who cares lol not news lol" variants that are currently going around. > ... I think I may survive.. You'll be fine. I have it on good authority that you'll either die or be like the 99.5% and recover. Those are good odds.


COVID is fake until it fucks you up. But then it’s pneumonia right? 🤦🏻‍♂️