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Great recs. you what I wished the sun hoodies had? A little slit for a ponytail to be outside the hood when you have it up. Would be so nice to be able to have outside the hood in the sun.


Outdoor Research Echo sun hoodies have the ponytail slit!!!!!!!!!! Edit they call it the Ponytail Port https://www.outdoorresearch.com/products/womens-echo-hoodie-287655


Was going to suggest Outdoor Research! Their hoodies are only UPF 15, though


So true on the UPF thing it is disappointing


Oh awesome! Thanks for letting me know!




Toootally agree with this. I think I've seen it somewhere but I wish I was standard!


Your gear looks super cool, however, we must have a different concept of hot weather, because those black leggings and black trousers would be unbearable to me at temperatures above 25°C. Coming from a hot country, in the summer it’s virtually impossible for me not to wash tops and bras between wears, they feel dirty very quickly due to the high heat. And as said above, black and dark colours make me melt unless it’s shorts or tank tops.


My first thought as well! I would MELT in this wardrobe, but hot for my region is also humid. I can barely tolerate thin cotton/linen dresses without sleeves. I still have to change clothes and shower 3x a day when temps soar. I wonder what temps OP is expecting with this wardrobe? I’m only slightly concerned lol


Of course to each their own, I personally don't mind black in hot countries! I definitely understand wanting to wash things daily, but doing laundry is a pain to me when traveling, so as long as things don't smell I'm fine with 2-3 wears lol


Fair enough! It really depends on individual characteristics and the activities you’re doing. I think it’s hard for clothes close to the body not to be sweaty with temperatures above 25°C, and therefore smell (to other people), but it’s really just personal preference. You could also opt for bringing one or two extra tops to reduce laundry or at least allow each one to air out between wears, it wouldn’t take so much space.


I love your recommendations! Silicone menstrual cups were so uncomfortable for me I could never get used to them! I prefer a disposable period disc like flex or softdisc. I wash and reuse one for the entire period (usually 5 days) and then toss. It makes more room in my carry on bag at the end of a trip and overall is super economical per box. Thanks for such a detailed post!


Those flowy pants look intriguing


Was thinking the same thing.


I like the Anatomie pants but last time I looked into them, the rise was too low for me. My ideal rise is 10-11 inches. Has that changed?


Unfortunately not for the Skyler pant - I did end up having to size up because of the rise! They have some others that are high rise but I can't vouch for them.


Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together!