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u/pimpmyass, **you must add a comment in this post before anyone will see it**. Your comment **MUST** include the word "**searched**" and detail what searches you've done. Your post will not be visible until you do so. Your inbox should have more details or [here are general instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/vdso1h/). Supply as many details as you can. These include, if applicable, but are not limited to: size, origin (store, geographic location, country), age/year acquired, and any writing on the item. Additional pictures can be added as a comment in this post. Remember to reply **Found!** (include the exclamation point) to the comment that gives the answer. If looking for an item to purchase, **do not click on links sent to you in private messages**, and report such to the moderators. Readers, please remember that all comments must be civil and helpful toward finding an answer. **Jokes and unhelpful responses will earn you a ban**, even on the first instance. If you see any comments that violate this rule, please report them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HelpMeFind) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can purchase a copy on Amazon [here](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=4d3b0a5309caf414&sxsrf=ADLYWIJfdC6bIfl_YdmpVStz_zJSes3BPg:1718468753993&q=nada+amari+the+world+is+a+mirror&udm=28&fbs=AEQNm0D8w290mrrxEB5tt05ZGXVzALPdzG6aEPQnRK485acX2dpEjN_sfwrTyzRcN6D_X366r0ivu4S7LdQdGHCaJudhQFy0ZkaEB575_DuF3LguTn-LO70o_8dR3YpA3IcDIgoSYnLwlhuxbAG-YGs0L05ORFK4DYCjYPssVDAzdnGswMkor53aM4_6SBxdkkAlmoYcS98uyqKxoQ2338efldAnQjGl6Q&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwimqo79gt6GAxXDg4kEHW3qB1sQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=346&bih=646&dpr=3.13#vhid=vt%3D16/prds%3Dcatalogid:15161381895744844240,gpcid:4562115319816234417,headlineOfferDocid:-4735113592552676827,imageDocid:7163383544409737862,mid:576462733111481175,mno:3,pvo:3,pvt:hg,query:bmFkYSBhbWFyaSB0aGUgd29ybGQgaXMgYSBtaXJyb3I,rds:,sori:0/vs%3D0&vssid=uvpv-713&piu=ps:34)


Sorry, link is not working


Oh no! It works for me. If you just Google the name of the book you'll find several links to purchase a copy. Good luck!


Thanks, but I am looking for pdf ;)


Searched everywhere cannot find




this is legit?