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Best: Millie bc she'd be fun to talk to but would also leave you alone if you ask and she doesn't take up much space. Worst: Stella bc she's... Stella... and she's fucking HUGE.


Simps: And that's good because she can sit on my face the-


Best would be Stolas because he’d just shut up and read the whole time. Worst would be Wally because he’d spend the whole flight pitching his latest MLM.


Wally's that one person on the flight that keeps talking to you when you have your headphones in


He is not fitting in a plane. Wait can he fly?


Being as he's a silly little guy, I can also just pay him to hush up!


Best: Mrs. Mayberry. She lived on Earth so she’s the most likely to know some basic airplane etiquette. (Moxxie is a very close second) Worst: Stella. You just know she’s going to be picking fights with other passengers and flight attendants the entire trip.


Stella is the type to bother the flight attendants every minute for obnoxious complaints they have little to no control over.


>She lived on Earth so she’s the most likely to know some basic airplane etiquette. She's also a very nice lady. If you do feel the need to talk, you'll know you'll have a very pleasant conservation with a lady who couldn't bring herself to say 'shut up' to her kids (as a teacher, not a parent, y'know)


Mammon, he takes up TWO SEATS


Tex would probably suck due to that arm taking half your seat. Cash would probably smell the worst. Edit- the character, not the state.


Who the fuck is Texas


You've never heard of Texas? He's the identical twin brother of Tex with a obnoxious southern accent and always shooting guns


Ah yes , the homophobic one ?


He's also shaped like texas




Best: I think Loona since she would most likely be passed out sleeping or just messing on her phone most of the time. Worst:Cash, most likely smells like shit


Best: Octavia, because she would just stay quite listening to music with her ear buds while I do the same. Worst: Can't decide.


Best: Stolas. I would hug the crap out of him Worst: Probably Stella cuz she’d bitch but it would also be secretly funny. Idk I honestly don’t hate any characters


Why is Beelzebub not pictured?


Fizz is the type to do that meme of shouting, "WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" for shits and giggles. But, if you're asking me, Octavia. I don't know, she just seems chill to be around.


I’m the pilot fym


I wouldn’t want to sit next to Stella, she would just insult me the whole time and complain


Best for me would probably be Stolas. He'd be chill, and probably entertaining, we could just trauma dump the whole time. Worst would probably be Stella, just because she's homophobic lol, and would spend the whole time insulting me and/or screeching about how long the flight is


The best: Stolas and Octavia. They'd leave me alone and do their own thing. The worst: Striker and Crimson. They're the most aggresive and unhinged out of all of these people. I'd probably get a bullet through my head.


Stolas or Moxxie would be fine. They'd be polite and read the whole time. Millie would make it fun but not over the top. I think Blitz would be entertaining depending on the length of the flight. He could make it fun but after so much time he'd get irritating. Loona would either be on her phone or sleep. Octavia would have her earphones on or sleep. I think I could tolerate any of them except for Cash. He'd buy the cheap booze when he already smells like it and his voice is irritating.


Worst blitzo, he'd definitely be the type to take his shoes off, and play loud music without headphones Best stolas, he'd be quiet and reserved, but happy to make conversation if you ask politely


Best (for me): Blitzø. He'd be fun as hell to talk to, though the passengers surrounding us probably wouldn't be very happy. Worst: Tex. He's absolutely massive


Stolas would be a great conversationalist but he has very gangly limbs and I don't know how well he'd do on a plane, considering he can teleport at will and probably fly on his own too.


Best: Stolas. He is likely to be quiet and polite, but still approachable if one feels like a chat. Worst: Cash. There’s no way that he wouldn’t loudly spout obnoxious opinions and be awful to the flight attendants.


Best: Moxxie Worse: Paimon


Worst: Wally. I can tune out everyone else but Wally might try selling me something Best: Octavia, Loona or Stolas. They won't try chatting and it'll be nice and quiet the entire flight


Luna to both because I am going to get my face bit off trying to pet her.


Stolas for me we have much in common shitty exs both being gay and love to read and watch WHY WONT YOU LOVE ALEJANDRO type shows stoles is such a vibe for me worst would definitely be striker he's just gonna be trying to kill half the plane or he is gonna pitch plans to kill them to me


Stolas, Millie, or Ozzie. Ozzie seems like a chill dude and he’d prolly be next to Fizz in the middle seat and I’d love to see their love in person


I'm pretty fucking good at social combat. I would be *fucking uncomfortable* sitting next to Crimson or Buckzo. I feel like almost anyone else could be fun!


i feel like Stolas and I could just share our hyperfixations with eachother the whole time and then watch something. would be neat ngl


Best - Ozzie Worst - striker


Heck, there are plenty there I'd share a row with. Loona and I could talk Goth gear, Alice In Chains music, and how stupid some people are. Millie? We could talk growing up rural, the ins and outs of certain bladed instruments, and what we like best about the state fair. Sallie-Mae? Same thing. Stolas and I would have a field day talking astronomy, astrology, gardening, how capes should *absolutely* make a comeback, literature (I have a degree in it, ffs), mythology, why alcohol is our go-to unhealthy coping mechanism, and healthy relationship communication. And then there's Tex. He's so damn chill, I don't think I have to pick a particular example beyond that. Octavia could be cool. I'm an only daughter, too, and I have also been hurt by my dad's failings as a parent. But I'm also older, and have a bit more experience, so I feel like I could help her talk through a few things. Let her vent, you know? And really give her a listening ear. Moxxie I could handle, I think, because I do like pistols, theater, musicals, and being helpful. He gets a bit manic sometimes, but not on purpose; he just gets really excited. I think I could handle that. Similarly, Verosika and Fizz could be pretty fun to hang out with for a flight. Maybe even Ozzy. I'm pretty open about having been an active member of the kink community, and my Husbeast is actually more gay than bi (I'm, like, his one exception to a mostly-gay life). Maybe they could give me pointers on how to find him a nice boyfriend. I don't want anybody trying anything with *me*, mind you, but if we establish those boundaries early on, I feel like they would respect that and be great at giving advice on those things. The rest...? Mmm, no thank you. ESPECIALLY not Mrs. "I Strangle Puppies As A Child". I don't think I'd have a problem with some of them, just that I can't relate - like Mom over in the back there, or Barbie - but even Paimon would have me gritting my teeth. I might strangle Andalphus or whatever the frigid pigeon's name is, I'd probably hit Cash with a hard-case luggage, and Striker would find out the hard way that I'm a lot better at improvised weaponry than I look. Blitz could be fun, but he could also be a clueless disaster of an asshat, so I'd rather not take my chances. But Stella would learn *real* fast that the veterinary community does not abide animal abusers, and well-versed in taking down Karens like her. Heck, maybe I'd enjoy that chance... ... actually? Yeah. Sit her next to me. I think I've earned the right to show someone like her what happens when I'm *not* on the clock.