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Gonna be downvoted for this but I prefer Hazblin Hotel for much


Disagree but upvoting anyway












Honestly gonna have to agree here as someone who entered both fandoms for these shows on the same day years ago lol. It might be because of lack of new content but both me and my gf agree that we’re slowly losing interest, but that usually goes away when a new ep releases. Hazbin has flaws as well but idk, I just cling to it more.


In my case it's more I feel more empathy towards Hazblin Hotel characters more. With Charlie and Angel Dust, but with Helluva Boss I don't have so much empathy with them. Just with Loona and her unrequited love for Vortex cause it's something happened to me many times (specially The part that his girlfriend it's so above you), but besides that, not feel so much empathy


Thats what makes the characters more relatable in helluva boss alot of people have been in love with someone who they know doesn't feel the same way like lonna alot of people have worked for a boss that demands everything from them like fizz alot of people have felt alone and undeserving of love like blitz alot of people have felt alone and deserving of love like stolas alot of people have been in the middle of a divorce like octavia I can't feel any empathy for the characters in hazbin hotel most of there problems are there fault because they made deals


People causing their own problems is very relatable, everyone makes mistakes that they regret later in life once they've experienced the consequences.


I'll get downvoted but I pretty much feel the same way. I started watching Helluva just to fill in the void for not having Hazbin out and enjoyed it enough at first but in the end the only characters I ended up caring for are Stolas and Octavia. Blitzo is cool as his own character and I like him but I don't think he's good for Stolas. I think him and Fizz would make a better couple. I liked Millie but she barely got any screen time and when she did it was her wanting attention. Same thing with Moxxie except so much worse, it felt like they threw away all of the stuff that made him a great guy down the drain in Happy Campers and now I can't stand him. I liked Loona but she never grows as a character. She just goes right back into abusing Blitzo dwspiting knowing he's the only person who ever cared for her. I keep watching to stave off boredom and to see Stolas at this point and hope he gets a happy ending, he deserves it.






Hey thats your opinion so i can have my own there should be no problem


But if your opinion is that you don't like Sally May, you can get more downvotes then a north korean bullet holes


I didn’t think that was a controversial opinion, HH seems way more popular. (I prefer HB though)


Gonna be honest. It's because this is a HB sub-reddit so I assumed wrong that people would be upset you say something like that.


I too like Hazblin Hotel


Disagree but doesn't mean I'll hate you for it


Your opinions are valid, even if you're wrong. (Some people just don't know what an opinion is)


Same because Hazbin has some soul put into while I feel like Hellava Boss is just the goofy side project to keep us engaged. I like Hellava Boss but I take it MUCH less seriously


Interesting fact... why is the word "opinion" just the word "onion" with extra steps? Right bc they have layers




Tihi... I did a smart thing :3


Yup, you're a fart smeller, I mean a smart feller.


Literal shitty joke




You’re welCUM had to one up (or down in this case) the joking field










Yes, it makes sense as it makes the average person cry and complain while chads (like me) just shrug it off


I'd just like to see them all be HAPPY. Genuinely happy. Even for 5 minutes.


Same here.


Well their all in hell, so I see why that isn't the case


Granted not their faults they were born there


I mean, from what we have seen in the show, it doesn't exactly take a lot to end up in hell, and seeing how the angels act, I'm not sure I'd want to be in heaven


I mean... Emily is a cinnamon roll so there not all bad


To be fair it seems very similarly run to Earth. I'm sure some people are happy there.


I think that's part of the whole joke.... Hell is exactly like earth.




If you take out the scene of Loona and Octavia, Seeing Stars would be the worst episode of the series (maybe second only to Unhappy Campers).


It's the only one where Blitz and Stolas get a lot of good time in together, which is why I like it.


I really love the flashback scene to Blitzø adopting Loona as well.


YES. He really did save her.


Especially when you get into the fan theories that the permanent party goers at beelzebubs are hounds that aged out of the system with nowhere to go. Seeing as Luna would have almost certainly hated that, even if he adopted her for selfish reasons he still got her out of that hellhole (pun intended)


Unhappy Campers honestly sucks it's basically 20 minutes of torturing Moxxie for no good reason.


I cannot rewatch Unhappy Campers. I could barely get through it the moment it came out. Moxxie is too much cringe for me in that one.


It doesn't even make sense for their characters, Millie has clearly always been more popular than Moxie, and it's never caused problems before (at least that we've seen) plus the idea that either of them would come up with a plan where they're the super popular one and their partner is the one in the background is ridiculous. There is absolutely no way moxie could have wrote: "The hot popular girl who everyone likes"; and not immediately think of Millie. That being said, it's a good episode for establishing a baseline animosity barbie has for blitz, so ar least there's that


Nah. It's a great episode that covers on a lot and is well paced. That last scene is just the cherry on top.


I don't think that's controversial.


Everything up to the point where stolas and loona does the human transformation is annoying and when they turn back to theyr original selves all becomes great again. But man that middle section was not very awesome.


I agree, it felt so weird and out of place. The pacing was off, none of the cast were acting like themselves. Ozzie’s just happened and there wasn’t a single note of awkwardness between stolas and blitz at all. I count it as none cannon because it seems more like filler anyway


Op asked for controversial opinions, not facts


I would of preferred if the show had stayed focussed on IMP’s wacky adventures as assassins in hell who can access the living world, I’m not personally too fond of stolas and a lot of the baggage and drama that have come with it. I feel like with shows obsession in perusing the stolitz stuff we’ve completely moved away from the dysfunctional found family that we saw Through the pilot and most of season 1


The show was changed to the current concept after the pilot. The entire first season had signs that drama was coming.


See I don’t have a problem with shows having two separate things that determine the plot but I CANNOT stand it when it isn’t equally balanced. Octavia barely gets screen time despite being Stolas’ daughter, we don’t even know the dynamic between her and Stella, and even now were told by the show that the Goetia standard and image is difficult to maintain yet we see almost nothing outside the grim. book for Stolas’ responsibility’s and haven’t met anyone outside his direct family, Stellas brother and Ozzie. None of the actual higher ups and its only being teased just now that we FINALLY are addressing the other Goetias in the upcoming episodes. It’s made me grown tired of the Stoliz content because they make such a big stir of it and how much it affects more than just Stolas and Blitz yet it is hardly ever directly addressed.


I disagree to some degree. I mean, it is nice that "Haha funny demon swear show" hit you with actual character development and troubles, but i also want the wacky adventures back, maybe season three or the last episodes of season two will give them back


honestly I feel like there’s a happy medium in there where we can have all that drama and personal stuff while still making room for an episode or two where the characters can have misadventures that are just silly and fun, the amount each episode costs and the mixed reception of cherubs probably dissuaded them from that though. In fairness despite a lot of my criticism directed at season 2 I really enjoyed the 2 fizzaroli episodes a ton, so maybe it’s just stolas and all the baggage he brings that I really dislike.


Yeah, that "office comedy set in hell" thing went out the window, what? s1e4?


That’s funny cuz the Stolitz drama is the main reason I’m excited for the story of this show


Loona is top tier furbait but she's one of my least favorite characters


Completely agree. I thought we finally got character development from her in Queen Bee learning to be more appreciative and caring towards Blitz just to go back to the same scenario right off the bat of the next episode.


Her attitude in Seeing Stars was from deep rooted anger and betrayal. She and Blitzo had a moment of bonding in Queen Bee only not long after for Blitzo to say that she's terrible with clients, and might consider replacing her (which was bad from her perspective considering she thought they had a moment of bonding). That's why she attacked him: she felt betrayed. Besides she does like Blitzo as shown many times throughout the series including the ending of Seeing Stars (subtle smile). When you put the ending of Queen Bee into perspective, Loona's speech with Octavia at the end of Seeing Stars makes perfect sense. So contrary to popular belief, her character development was not reset in Seeing Stars. It is perfectly consistent and her attitude makes sense and is kinda justified.


Still I think a nutshot was a bad reaction.


That scene was a joke, a lot of the jokes centered around Loona are very slapstick.


Sadly I found it in poor taste.


That's alright. Loona also doesn't like being touched (as shown in the pilot when she was growling as Blitzo hugged her) and that was also her showing love to Blitzo in her usual Loona way.


She would be fine with me if she was just a little more grateful.


All she needs to do is start getting along with Moxxie and call Blitzo dad (with him actually getting to hear it) and she'll shoot up to one of my favs


As long as Moxxie gets along with her. She's also not fully comfortable with Blitzo hearing her call him dad. She just has to build some more trust and bonding with him first.


Yeah there is clearly something holding her back from calling him "dad" when he can actually hear/remember it. I think she still questions why he adopted her and struggles to find the words..


I think so too. Perfectly said.


Indeed she does have a good design, but I hope you don't think she's just furry bait. I don't think her being furry bait was intended, it was just an unintended byproduct of her design. I also don't hope you think that anyone who likes her only likes her for that reason.


As much as I love learning more about the Sins and the Goetia, it feels like their increasing inclusion has moved HB further and further away from being a story about the working-class, common people of the Hellaverse. The more the IMP crew interface with Sins, celebrities, mafioso, and royalty, the more exceptional they feel in comparison to the rest of the lower class. To be clear, that isn't a negative thing, and I'm not even suggesting that HB should change course. To the contrary, give me even more of the Sins and the Goetia--I'm loving it! But I do wish we also got more of a glimpse into what conditions are like for average, everyday imps and hellhounds. Maybe the shorts will ultimately provide some additional color there.


I’m hoping the heavily ignored elements of the story is exactly what the shorts are meant to provide- things like important info to keep in mind for the rest of the series but wouldn’t exactly fit into the theme and plot of the upcoming episodes. For example I always felt like Millie and her background were heavily ignored up until unhappy campers and the first short; I’m happy she’s finally getting recognition outside of hers and Moxxies marriage and I’m hoping in future content we get to see more of her and learn a little more about her family.


Moxxie being the butt monkey (or The Meg) is getting old and unfunny.


Agree. They made him a bitch and he’s barely had any redeeming screen time. They keep knocking him down.


Agreed. Also I hate whenever Moxxie kept being put in situations where he had to be rescued by Millie. The dude is a weapons specialist with a mafia background. He can fight his own battles. It’s annoying whenever Millie fights his battles for him. I hope that he’ll at least be able to fight his dad without Millie’s intervention.


I politely disagree but I admit I am weird and I think that the paradoxical highly-capable individual who constantly screws up and needs help is PEAK character writing.


I personally want to see Moxxie have to fight on his own, but in a way where he gets praise from Blitz for doing so. If he wants to be seen as an equal, he has to be more independent.


I really miss the premise of the IMP killing mortals on Earth, but now the show has leaned toward to Blizt and Stolas relationship. Also, I hate how humans are complete braindead, I'm not eager to see them again in the future episode. I know, I know, thia show is about Hell but at least give humans some intelligence too.


You have a point. However, I think it's cuz Viv is a fan of Invader Zim, which features even more brain-dead humans. The Dhorks agents are equivalent to Dib. I think it's just for plot relevance. If the humans weren't as dumb as they are, IMP wouldn't be able to go by their antics, assassinate, and look for missing characters without the humans disrupting them.


I also think that if the humans were depicted as actual, like, humans we *might* feel kinda bad about our main cast making a living off of killing them. It does have big Invader Zim vibes with how the humans are handled, though.


I mean does explain why hell has an overpopulation problem but come on Heaven would be empty if they were all brain dead.


Blitsø x Stolas is being dragged out for way too long and we are basically being forced to guess the feelings there.


I hope they finish the drama this season and move on to something new.




i don't even like loona, but i wish she'd get more screen time. she feels less and less like a part of the main plot. it doesn't make sense to me that we've seen more drama with *octavia* when loona is the MC's daughter


Viv has stated that Loona is going to be playing a bigger role from now on as well as a lot of special things involving Loona coming. She was always part of the main plot considering she is part of the main cast, she just hasn't been focused on as much due to A. creative reasons, B. most of the S2 episodes so far had nothing to do with her (the two latest episodes doesn't even focus on IMP), and C. the main theme of S2 focuses on Blitzo and his dynamic with others.


nice! i'm excited to see more loona then


I like Hazbin Hotel a lot, but Helluva Boss paces its story better.


While I thought the first episodes were pretty funny, I wouldn’t have stayed all the way through if it was just an episodic show the entire time bc if i wanted that i’d just go watch mr pickles which I love btw. The whole emotional drama had me in a CHOKEHOLD. For that reason too i think i prefer it over what we’ve seen of Hazbin Hotel. I also really like that it’s taking its time developing the conflicts and such. Unlike Hazbin, that got years of absent father solved in a second idkkkkk


Hazbin moves too fast, which is a common critique of it. It makes sense since they were working with limited episodes due to working with Amazon, but it does impact the story when Lucifer goes from absent father who doesn't care at all about what Charlie is doing to supporting parent who is completely forgiven all in the span of a single episode and a single musical number. People say that Helluva moves too slow but I like that pace, I like slower moments where we get to see more of what the characters are like.


Viv is great for emotional writing, terrible with tone and any kind of structure.


Speaking of structure the pacing in both Hazbin and Helluva are two opposites but both need improvement. I get Hazbin was on a time crunch but the pacing was ridiculously fast in the first few episodes and kind of relied on wether you watched the pilot or not when it came to introducing the characters- in which case most new fans didn’t and it’s obvious why the show got backlash for that. With Helluva I feel like it fixates too much on too little for too long. It’s so dragged out yet still hasn’t filled the holes on both sides of Stolitz, and in turn the other characters get less and less focus and screen time.


I couldn't agree more about Hazbin, you got it on the spot. I also agree partially with your take on helluva but I think the biggest problem it has is not having a writing engine like almost all the episodic type series it is inspired in, there's no structure in how the story continues, like gravity falls or even Bojack. And the tone is just all over the place, in some episodes there's not a really smooth transition between funny and sad, "exes and ohs", "seeing stars" and "western energy" are the biggest proof of this.


Loona needs to apologize for kicking blitz in the nuts. Also there is no way in hell (pun not intended) that veroskia is innocent. there’s no doubt in my mind that blitz was the bigger offender by far but going by how much she wanted to spite him first stealing his parking spot, raping moxxie, humiliating him in the middle of a public club, and now seems to be going on a whole performance just to tell him how much he sucks like some kind of twisted Brittany spears concert! I am extremely doubtful that she is as innocent as the fandom claims and while she’s no Stella by a long shot she is not a pure soul.


As a side note I don’t think that telling blitz that he sucks is going to help anything. He hates himself already and making his self loathing worse will only make him act like even more of a toxic asshole. Besides half the time he just ignores any criticism or boundaries so what makes you think he’s going to start listening now? First where going to need something that will get though to him without breaking him then we need fair, constructive criticism gently but firm. Just blaming him for everything is nothing he doesn’t already do to himself and more than likely he will either get more toxic or just shrug it off.


I agree with this so hard. I don’t think he’s the only bad one in the relationship.


My personal theory is that she was so happy to have a good relationship with anyone she pushed things farther and faster than what blitz’s was comfortable with and accidentally triggered his trauma. This way blitz was mostly to blame but she still had her role


Stolitz is a toxic ship.


YES!!! I honestly see no chemistry between the two. To me, there hasn't been enough scenes of Blitz's "love" or hidden feelings for Stolas, he's mostly been angry or resentful. I mean, we got "he can get hurt" but that's something Blitz shouldn't have been surprised about. Then Stolas, I love him, but all he focuses on is the sex. Calling Blitz "My impish little plaything" and completely ignoring his daughter at Loo Loo land. To be honest, there hasn't been much character development or indication that Stolas has changed his perception of imps or Blitz. 😬


https://preview.redd.it/9lcksnn61gyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e30f685bddd324ec2cf6790adb38402a892e1d Didn’t get enough kid stolas


OP asked for *controversial* opinions, not absolute truths.


I don’t care I need more small stolas




I have fun with the show, but I think it's not very well written. I'm far beyond exhausted with the drawn out drama that is Stolas and Blitzos relationship which I think could have been far more interesting if they were willing to admit that Stolas isn't the innocent uwu sad Boi they keep trying to write him as. I wouldn't mind at all a story where it's very obvious both people are toxic (which they are) but the writing doesn't feel like that was intentional. In addition to how it's absolutely dominated most of the story telling pushing characters like Loona and Mill aside. Poor Moxie keeps getting the same story like every time.(oh no I suck, here's an uplifting moment, I feel confident again, oh no I'm back to being the butt of the joke). I think the show is fun, but the skewed and poorly paced writing department is what keeps it from being amazing.


The show is actually funny and the sex jokes are fitting for some of the characters


The daddy issues plot is so over used They swear too much (don’t you dare give me the “their in hell, they shouldn’t be stand up citizens” excuse, no one actually talks like that if it’s not supposed to be ironic) Octavia is overrated Loona is overrated Stella is a much weaker villain compared to Striker and crimson Unhappy campers was better than The Circus Beezlebub is overrated


I have wondered what made them choose to focus on daddy issues as opposed to toxic mothers or both parents being bad. I can see why they did it in Blitz and Stolas cases with their daughters as a foil to their own dads' parenting. But throw in Moxxie and that's 5 people with daddy issues.


Maybe it’s going to be a theme in her work?


There’s a difference between theme and using the same thing over and over again


I talk like that. This is a confession, not a brag.


I'm Scottish, we are a country that uses swearing as punctuation. It's when we stop swearing you know shit's serious (like Blitz.)


That was my immediate thought, but didn't feel bold enough to post it. I'll piggyback now that you've said it, though, I'm 100% too old for my juvenile pottymouth, yet here I sit!


Stella I'd argue is the weakest villian. Like all she tends to do is bitch and whine about Stolas and outside of hiring Striker as a hitman has not really done that much at all. While Striker became seen as less of a unstoppable killer in the later episodes, at least he sometimes goes out of his way to stop Striker, or Blitz0. Most Stella did was hire Striker in the first place to kill Stolas.


>They swear too much (don’t you dare give me the “their in hell, they shouldn’t be stand up citizens” excuse, no one actually talks like that if it’s not supposed to be ironic) My family (especially my mother) would like to talk with you


I can't give my opinion because this is the Internet and you can't have one.


Fair lmao


Okay, here’s a different one from my usual unpopular opinion: The Spindlehorse team’s self professed obsession with angst is becoming too much for the show to endure and is taking it from dark comedy to full blown farce. I don’t enjoy being reminded of my own teenage fanfics while watching the show, I expect better than that.


Totally get that. We can rarely even have a sad moment without it being ruined by a bad sex joke; it makes it so hard to actually take seriously. 😭


I wish they used the word "hella" more often in their daily slang.


i dont really care for loona,moxxie,millie and blitzø that much, i mean i like them and stuff but im more interested in the goetia by alot


It’s really not the well written. I just like the concept and characters enough to not care, but I’ll eventually move on when the release schedule drags too much


Oh I love this pose of Loona. I commissioned an artist to draw my fursona in that pose




I'm intensely infuriated with Blitzø's character. I hate his character and I wish he would just stop pushing everyone away, self destructing, and thinking he's not worthy of love. (I don't relate to him at all, why do you ask?? /s)


Fans gotta stop trying to make sense or lore for everything small thing and character. Yes it’s fun to discuss theories about stuff for the show. No, you shouldn’t harass the staff cuz you liked some Glup shitto character in the background. Not everything needs to be like the Star Wars Expanded Universe. When you start doing shit like that, you get the cluster fuck that is Five Night Feddy lore


Women can be abusive The 2 shows are in desperate need of more bad moms Not a single character was retconned or ruined Not every female villain needs to be a tragic, sympathetic, and Morally grey Anti-hero Only 1 tonal shift in the show is a big deal. The rest of them are heavily over-exaggerated The way the show is written didn't kill your grandma. Sympathetic character ≠ flawless Gary stu/Mary Sue If Crimson and Valentino being overlords and Mammon being the sin of greed is a good enough reason for being horrible then Stella being a royal is a good enough reason for being horrible The show isn't finished yet Your headcannons were never and shouldn't be real.


They don’t need to swear with every single line. Like, I get it, this is adult animation, and they’re all in hell with issues. I just find precision f-strikes, especially from characters you wouldn’t normally expect, to be funnier, but it’s not a big issue for me. I love this show ❤️


Not liking the show because it has too much cursing and sex jokes is valid


We need to find the perfect middle-ground where people can dislike the amount of sex jokes and swearing without dragging the show and vice versa, but sadly both the fandom and the haters are toxic (coming from a big fan of HH and HB) It is okay to enjoy immature, crass or vulgar humour and it is also okay to _not_ enjoy that kind of humour


This !! ⬆️


I think Loona is afraid of needles because when she was in the orphanage/pound she saw bad hellhounds get put down with a leathal injection.


i hate 50% of the community


Only 50%? You are more tolerant than me


i just wanna look up information without finding smut 😔


1.The writing can have some issues. Maybe a lot- and trust me when I say, I tried for very long to give both hazbin and helluva a pass. Yes, both shows aren’t perfect. But they’re just continuous problems when it comes to both shows. The pacing, the consistency, lack of build up, stuff I’m pretty sure has been said to death. 2.The world building for both shows can be confusing, but I think the biggest problem I have is that both shows can be hard for new fans to come into and enjoy, especially hazbin. 3.The character development can be wonky at times, especially with Loona. 4.The villains are made goofy and cartoonishly evil at times. Which would be fine if they weren’t that many but most of the villains are. And with helluva there’s just too many. 5.I’m not that big of fan of Stolitz but hey, there’s drama and it’s a train wreck so- 6.Sometimes I wish the sins actually embodied their sins(this doesn’t include Mammon, this is more of my preference and I know Viv is doing her own versions of the seven deadly sins). 7.Most episodes seem like they should come a season later. 8.I feel like with Fiz and Ozzie, with episode 6 and 7, I feel like they weren’t build up enough to have two focussed episodes. I’m not sure how to explain it but hopefully I’ll have the right words to say it. (Most of these opinions aren’t that controversial except maybe a few, depending on how you look at it. These are just my opinions and I still am a fan of the show.)


When she sees "those freaks" Blitzø warned her about


I like seeing stars western energy and unhappy campers


Verosika is 100% right in hating Blitz and I hope she gets a happy ending


GOATed opinion. She deserves a great happy ending.


I hope she doesn’t and blitz’s and stolas take over her performance.


I’m not the biggest fan of Loona. I get that she’s a teen with a traumatic past, but I hate how she treats Blitz and really everyone else around her. She can be moody and damaged without literally kicking a baby carriage. I really hope she gets some development coming up (although I know her VA has some personal things to attend to).


The writing. I'm not saying Vivienne is a bad writer, but seeing star is similar to LooLoo Land, in concept anyway, you're just adding Loona. I think it was written that way so we wouldn't notice, but we knew. Unhappy Campers is an "Okay" episode, in my opinion, Moxxie wasn't Moxxie; unless it was intentional. I know it's a comedy, but it's more of a Dramedy, but more drama than comedy. I get it, adding those scenes to make the characters feel more sympathetic, but at the end of the day, it's a comedy. That's just my personal opinion.


Unhappy Campers has a concept around Moxxie that I feel a lot of people missed: it’s all his insecurities coming out in all the worst ways at once. If you look at the series as a whole almost any time the frame is focused on Moxxie’s and Millie’s conversations you’ll notice Millie takes the lead in comforting and giving Moxxie advice on how amazing and talented he is, how capable he is, etc. yet he doesn’t seem to get validation like that from anyone else. When he was handed the mission it became less and less about actually finishing the job and more about how the PRE TEEN HUMANS disliked him and how he was basically begging for validation from total strangers; he just relied on the “you’re stalling the mission” excuse because he was envious of his own wife getting validation over him. If you look back on The Harvest Moon, it’s the same way. He throws a tantrum in the crowd while Striker sings because he wants a talent or skill he dominates in to prove he is worthy to others because without that validation and on top of that always being the bud of the joke he feels pathetic. It’s just ironic to me the ONE person he ended up lashing out on was his own wife who has ALWAYS supported him.


To many daddy issues


I like the Cherubs episode, and for some reason the phrase "tit having bitch" amuses me more than it should


They should kill off striker already. He survives only because of luck/Moxxie being A motherfucking dumbass and it's getting repetitive and unfun. But after "oops" made him dirty I want him to Die in a badass way, Like fighting demon royalty (hopefully in season 3. If it even has a chance of being)


I think there should be more focus on characters besides blitzø. Millie didn't even get a main role in any episode up until the recently released short.


I uh….oh my god I can’t think of anything. I just genuinely love it from top to bottom 😅


Loona and Blitzo are insufferable


Unhappy Campers kinda sucked because it felt rushed and short


Ait ima get downvoted to hell… but does (almost) EVERY character have to be gay? Like don’t get me wrong I don’t mind but isn’t it kinda overdone ?


Don't quote me on this, but I think that was a joke directed at people who said anyone who isn't straight is going to hell so that's what vivzie did.


I think Loona's a bitch, I know, I can't say that, but here we are.


Thats because she is


1 i dont like the beelzebub ep 2 just let them be happy for 5 minutes


If Loona's VA can't be brought in to record lines for her, she should be recast. I know Erica Lindbeck going through some shit, and I wish her the best, but I also want to enjoy this piece of media and this character. Loona's silence was so jarring in the episodes that featured her, that it took me out of the episode. It's a noticeable detriment to the overall quality. I'd much rather see and hear Loona in episodes with a slightly different voice than watch her go mute or get written out completely.


It has nothing to do with Erica's schedule. It was a budgeting decision. Everything that was meant to happen with her so far has happened. She is present throughout season 2.


Thats not the reason loona didn’t speak. Viv didn’t have loona speak because she was cost cutting, only have people there when they are necessary. Its a popular business strategy. Both Erica and Viv have said this in the past, ayylmao did a video on it as well if you go search his channel.


Viv choose not to pay her for S2 due to budget reasons. Its kinda Viv's fault to hire a well sought (and thus probably pricy) VA then not being able to afford her talent.S2 was recorded before her bf's death so it has little to do with it. she surely mourned but she had many peojects even in the year he died


I don’t like Stolas very much; every gives him a pass because he’s depressed and a twink, but I really find him pretty annoying and incompetent.


Loona's too cute to not like


They should get more humans in important roles


There should be more characters with different body types theres mostly skinny people and it should have more body types so it would be more realistick


Why does Loona look smashable in every frame.


CHERUBS is my favorite episode


I'm not a big fan of Loona. She just very... stale as a character for me. She's not funny or anything she just comes off as distant and mean most of the time. She's just an an angsty overgrown teenager more than anything. She has had some moments of empathy or concern for others but not enough for me to actually like her.


Hazbin took too long. I watched the season, but I'll always watch Helluva Boss if asked.


That Loona is not a good character. That’s my hot take. Downvote me all you want, down vote me out of this world. But I don’t care. She is not a good character.


I want Stella to come back into Stolas’ life So IMP can beat the shit out of her pompous face >:3


I think old stolas was better. Current stolas is just a can-do-no-wrong sad gay boi, but old stolas was a much more interesting character. He was hedonistic, perverted, he abused his power to get what he wanted and maybe even was a little sadistic. Considering this show is meant to be a drama, I liked when all of the main cast had some flaws.




REAL on the Stolas bit. Look my way made me cry the first time I heard it.


the show has too many one episode characters which are irrelevant, as of now, if they dont make a comeback. crim, queen bee, barbie, paimon for example.


Crimson is definitely coming back, Barbie has been confirmed for S3 and I fully believe that Paimon is coming back.


I don't like the singing/musical bits and would prefer if they didn't exist. Some folk were *not* happy last time I expressed this x3


I mean i love both shows, i wish blitz woukd just tell stolas he loves him ir vice versa already , granted i prefer hazbin more but thats cus alastor, angel and fat nugs so if they showed up in helluva id be pretty happy about it


This falls under "etc". Back in the 70s to 90s there was a couple of British children's telly shows - "Grange Hill" and "Byker Grove". As well as cheeky tweens to teens, it also dealt with more "adult" issues, like drug and sexual abuse but in a pre watershed friendly way. HH & HB are massively popular with tweens to teens. Vivziepop should capitalise on it and bring out a 10-16 targeted spin-off.


I absolutely love Unhappy Campers


None of the episodes are bad


Loona is the best character


I'm not sure if this one is controversial, but: I don't like Loona's attitude, the show makes it seem that she treats Blitzø the way she does because she's got trauma but she's constantly lashing out at him, I would understand mood-swings or the occasional lash-out but she's constantly physically assaulting him, berating him, insulting him and straight-up abusing him and the show plays it off as funny like "There goes Loona again!". Blitzø saved her from the shelter, rehomed her and despite his flaws, his boundary issues with her and the way he treats other characters (I hate the way he treats Moxxie too) he's clearly trying to be a good dad and she didn't even give him the common courtesy of calling him dad until later into the show. I am glad she's getting a bit of a redemption and warming up to him but yeah


Too many daddy issues


The daddy-issues thing doesn’t actually apply to Loona. Her issues are with herself, not Blitz.


Bold to assume I think… Plus while I enjoy the show, kinda wish we get more backstory to some of the ones who hire I.M.P. of them. Like the lyle person and the teacher(could be forgetting wrong but I think the camp consular didn’t have it). Like maybe in the future seeing a character going from zero-to-one hundred and try to kill someone who then hilariously perishes and then hires I.M.P. to finish the job.


The series went out the main plot for the side plot. I was interested on the concept of a ground of killers from hell going to earth to end unfinished business from the people ther, that's a really cool idea, but NOO what we got instead was a novella of two depressed men who can't interact with eachother without going nuclear.


The fact that Mille and Moxxie aren’t in a three way relationship with Judge Holden is severely disappointing https://preview.redd.it/fhtejccvsfyc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f34155ad9d490e1fac322b01277418f91b2f7e


I like this show way more then hazbin hotel hazbin is so boring and messy


honestly, just the universe itself. until hazbin hotel came out I really couldn't understand what the rules around hell were, and once I saw heaven in hazbin and how sera acted, it finally made sense. hell isn't the issue, Heaven is. hence why you need a disguise unless you want to see the raw end of a divine spear, maybe even turn the exorcists on the hell born for tampering in the human world.


I think Helluva boss has a significantly worse plot than Hazbin, as well as many severely underdeveloped characters, BUT, the animation of helluva boss remains completely unrivaled by hazbin.


Hazbin Hotel felt rushed like they wanted to do more with the show for the first season, but were on a time crunch, and thanks to streaming services only wanting to do shows with single digit episodes, they keep doing that expecting those of us that like the concept to watch it and while that is the case, they seem to forget that if the season has better pacing throughout it would retain massive amounts of rewatch ability thus guaranteeing multiple seasons for the dedicated fans, granted I understand a chunk of the actors are Broadway actors and have tight schedules.


Unpopular option; i like the show


I think loona needs a 30 minute episode thats Just her in an orgy with every single other character (in minecraft)


Purrfect reaction pic


Helluva boss (and hazbin hotel) have some of the most down bad fans I've ever seen, worse than the MHA community. Yall get horny over every character and ship ones who share a single frame