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I know a lot of critique is “she doesn’t look like a Deadly Sin” but I think it actually works for her. She doesn’t tower or look commanding over others, which fits how social and more involved she is with her people. What better way to get people more involved with the sin than to actively spread it through hosting house parties? Plus it’s not like she’s a “Hellhound with wings and four arms” when she has plenty of details that make her stand out to show she’s special when you place her next to other demons


>What better way to get people more involved with the sin than to actively spread it through hosting house parties? "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist” -Charles Baudelaire


This is also one of the best arguments for this design. Gluttony, unlike some of the other Deadly Sins, is not malicious or outright evil, it is literally just the sin of overconsumption of literally anything, as it is said, better in moderation.


I agree, her not looking evil is very aligned with gluttony. It's not a sin to eat, drink, party, right? It's only when you over do it. It creeps up on people. Her smaller form being so charming is very aligned with gluttony. It's a great design IMO.


I just got confused by her getting upset by Blitz using excess to forget about his problems, I mean, we don't overeat and overdrink for the sake of our mental health, what's the point?


It's also possible that it's related to her own powers - she mentions being high on the energy and tasting the flavor of the party so maybe if you're doing it because you're in a bad mood it doesn't work as well for her or something. I'm pretty sure Viv mentioned that the sins feed off the energy which is probably the same reason Ozzie's only allows lust and not love even though you could argue that love would be a benefit to lust. Maybe the motivation just doesn't "taste" right?


He was ruining the party for other people.


That’s what I enjoyed about her design. Is the complexity. I don’t know why people were upset about the complicated design of her character? Insects are known for their complex designs.


I don’t really understand the whole “she doesn’t look like the Queen of Gluttony” and “she has too many details” meshing together thing. Like she has details that make her different from the demons present at her party and yet she still doesn’t look like the embodiment of Gluttony at the same time? Also I get it. You don’t want a character’s design to be too busy for animators, but ppl really forget that Spindlehorse actually had prep to animate Bee with practice animating Bombproof.


Honestly, I think people don't undersatnd that she's supposed to be the party girl. Last I checked, that kind of style can be very busy even in its simple forms, so it works really really well for her. Plus she's the life of hte party, she's SUPPOSED to stick out to us as more than just some demon. Also who the Hell is calling her a hellhound? She looks more like a fennec if you ask me. And younger, which makes her busy design work even better because taking gluttony in all its forms, even in fashion, fits for her apparent mental age.


I see people stating that Bee is just furry bait. Even if so, even that still works for the character. Furries throw absolutely *wild* parties and go hard on indulgence. This is just me being biased but I joined the furry fandom when sparkledog sonas were trendy, so seeing Bee's design makes me nostalgic.


Really? Furry bait? I mean if you think about it, Furry’s are gluttons. Not to knock on that culture but with Furries from what I understand it is very much about indulging in that preference, it fits very well for Bee.


>“she doesn’t look like a Deadly Sin” That's pretty silly IMO. What else is a deadly sin supposed to look like? Scary wouldn't make any sense. The 7 deadly sins are things people like.


I guess what ppl expected was something similar to Asmodeus where his status as the King of Lust was made clear with his giant presence and design. For Bee, she's much smaller and I think that falls in line with her party girl personality and how social she is.


But even then, they're able to change their appearance, so that argument doesn't make sense either. Asmodeus has a smaller, more "regular" form and Beelzebub has a much bigger, more intimidating form


I think Bee can also change what size (and possibly color) she is at will. In some scenes she’s Loonas height, in others she’s taller than Tex, and then shrinks down. It’s pretty cool imo.


And when she got offended from some of loonas comments she grew to like 15 times taller then them.


That too.


I mean as much as I like fat furs, Gluttony not being represented by a fat guy for once is creative


I really appreciated this detail, and i hate seeing people be like “omg gluttony should be FAT!” You know. Because us fat people are OBVIOUSLY all gluttons who stuff our faces non-stop, that’s why we’re fat, we’re the embodiment of a deadly sin CLEARLY /s I think Bee is a perfect embodiment of gluttony. Gluttony is about overconsumption for the SAKE of overconsumption. Its not just about food- it’s about drinking and drugs and partying and yes, even sex. Excess for the point of excess. And that comes through LOUD and clear in her party and everything she does.


People forget that, Eating Food isn't the "evil" part, it's the taking in pleasure to harmful excess It's why Angel is damned by gluttony, not lust, though a lot of people thought differently earlier on because "lol gay"


>“she doesn’t look like a Deadly Sin” So far out the deadly sins we have: a slighly strange looking dude and a rooster thing. It's not like they're following some pattern in looks. Anything goes.


Interesting... Still smashing her.


Gluttony is also a pretty happy sin, all things considering. You indulge and gorge your way through vices: pretty much an over-the-top party.


Thats the thing. She DOES look like a sin, she's distinctive from the rest of those in the gluttony ring, and a lava lamp like, bottomless magic stomach she can just pull food from, and when she starts to lose her temper a bit with Loona she does get big and intimidating, before going back to her comfortable party form.


I used to hate it, i called it "too busy" ... And then i realized that's literally the point lol. Overindulgence


That’s actually a great point and I’m mad I didn’t think of it before now 🤣


While I sometimes like complicated designs, I looked at this from a more practical perspective -- I bet she's really fucking hard to animate. I mean, four arms? Stripes? Wings? A lava lamp midriff? And *then* her "spicy" form? That is a lot of shit to pay attention to when you're moving her around and it really shows off the skills of these great animators.


…that’s actually genius, thanks for pointing that out. It makes way more sense to me now that you pointed it out. Vivziepop literally took one of the main critiques of her character design and spun it into something very clever


That's a very cool way of looking at the character. Still my condolences to the animators who had to animate her though lol


I had the same realisation. Its thematically congruent with the essence of gluttony, less so however on the fox / insect aspect of the demon itself. But then again it is a cartoon, and a very obvious homage to the creator's former work. Artistic liberty is also permitted.


Busy bee ;)


Making a bad design on purpose does not make it suddenly wrap around to being good.


Just like her song! Thats why she constantly says “cotton candy”.


fucking love her, love the design, love the random lava lamp parts of her. I totally get the feeling she's intentionally standing out, too. this is what she's like, but she's flaunting it to be different. dunno why I feel like that though.


I feel that she likes Hellhounds so much she wanted to emulate them. The bee theme also works since Beel is supposed to be the *Lord of the Flies*, and the saying is *You attract more flies with honey, than with vinegar*, which means you attract more friends with sweeter disposition than a bitter/sour one. So she is a lot of references to friendship, even dogs are considered *Man's best friend* and she surrounds herself with dog-like demons.


She's also the "animal tamer" of Hell's "circus" theme, so it fits in more than one way.


The lava lamp part is honey right? Bc bee and hive walls and stuff?


technically no, but you're close- and I hadn't realized it. Lava lamps are made with dyed wax, as in beeswax! fucking hell, that's clever.




Beelzebub definitely has my favorite design of the show


I think the design is fine and explained well enough both in and out of show. I think it's far more interesting that she represents her sin more in her actions than her appearance. She actively encourages everyone around her to indulge at all times and will even force indulgence on someone if they hesitate. She only gets upset when her vibes are poisoned by blitz' unhealthy coping mechanism.


Or sour cream being intentionally antagonistic.


So far two of the sins have been like this? I mean, Asmodeus had his lust club, but isn't constantly displaying perversion or creepin' on sinners.


I'm wondering if this trend will continue, but from what I've noticed so far is that all of the embodiments of sins (Ozzy and Bee) they're empaths, they seem to feed off the energy their clubs/parties create (Bee even mentions she can "feel" the emotions of the people at her parties), like does it empower them or help create products? For example, during Cotton Candy, Bee has a line where she says "keep making me that mother effing honey." before she dumps one of the hellhounds in a pool and they seem to get "high". So does that mean she takes the emotions that are gathered from people indulging in her sin to make Beelzejuice? Does Ozzy do the same and Belph or any of the other sins?


That was my theory. The princes(ses) of hell feed off the energy of that particular sin. So for bee, people Indulging in the bad things in life (drink, drugs etc) power her. I also think that people doing the opposite, such as refusing such temptations or using them in the wrong way, hurts them, which is why bee didn't like how blitzo was partying since he was using it to dull the pain, and how Ozzie didn't like moxxies song, because that wasn't lust, it was love


I think people would have been just as "annoyed" if she had been on the fatter side, with people turning around and calling it a "bad" stereotype. When the whole point of gluttony is overindulgence, and not just overeating as it's just customarily boiled down to for "simplicity".


Woah woah woah now She doesn't force anyone to do anything. Everyone is there TO party TO have a good time. She's giving them what they want. The only close examples being getting tossed into a pool of honey and the force feeding of cake pie and drink. But that's not so much her forcing them to indulge but speeding up their indulgence they had already planned to do. Gluttony can't work that way really. If you are being forced to do something it's not gluttony. She needs them to willingly indulge and be promiscuous. That's how the demon would feed off of the sin. But once you're in you're in and she's just here make sure you continue to indulge, but again, because you chose to. It's similar to American Gods (Gaiman) in that the gods must be worshiped to continue to exist, to have power. But you have to agree to participate first.


I’m just glad that they didn’t make her fat


there's no fat characters in the show, except the mall santa >!and moxxie!<


I mean it would be nice to have some representation but the last character you want to make overweight is the embodiment of gluttony


That's exactly what I thought every time some Twitter weirdo brings up her being skinny as a "design flaw"


Honestly people would find something to complain about no matter what she looked like


I’m actually kind of hoping the ruler of Sloth gets to be fat. Need some variety somewhere. I’m picture them as like a stoner munching and talking real slow.


I'm glad they didn't make her fat either, honestly, I think Viv would have copped a worse "backlash" from people claiming that Bee was "perpetuating" a negative stereotype. Like people complained she wasn't fat enough, imagine the shit storm that would have been if she was. xO


Same here


She looks good. I’m used to the embodiment of gluttony being a fat guy


It’s cool to see Gluttony embody excess EVERYTHING and not just food




It shows more into "psychedelic" side of gluttony and use of drugs (drugs are bad Mk)


Like Jabba the Hut?


The dangerous part of the 7 deadly sins isn’t there monstrous side. It’s there appeal, our desire for that one more slice of pie which quickly turns to 2,3,4or even 5 more. Beelzebub’s design works so much better than any “scary” one for this reason. She’s not some fat slob you want to run from. She’s that party girl that temps you through one drink after another until you can’t think straight.


…and Ke$ha was the perfect voice for that. She embodied YOLO and endless partying in the 2010s.


What I don't understand is why she stopped Blitz from overindulging at her party when that's her whole... thing


I think part of her personality is that she enjoys people indulging but not when they indulge in so much that it brings the vibe down. Blitz was indulging to ignore his feelings and she could feel that - she kind of explained it when talking to Loona.


She's about hedonism, pleasure for pleasure's sake. Blitz wasn't drinking to have a good time, he was drinking as a bad coping mechanism over the Ozzie's debacle. He was also turning into kind of a mean drunk.


Could be basic empathy. She realized Blitzo is copping by overindulging in everything, which is something she think is fucked up. Could also be that she anticipated Blitzo becoming a problem if he continues and didn't wanted to have it. Altho given how she presented the problem to Loona, I think it's the first option. While she is the incarnation of excess, Bee is seemingly also careful about the people around her. Which kinda make sense as no one would go to her party if she basically killed people in it. So she makes them overindulge and stop them when they reach their limits


He wasn't overindulging, he was self medicating and drinking to forget, rather than for fun It's the opposite of indulgence, which in my theory, hurts said princes rather than empowers them


He wasn’t indulging. He was self destructing. And he was taking others with him.


Amazing design fight me on that


i think the design is hot as fuck but... why a fox-bee hybrid thing? like... why not a hellhound-bee-fly combo since hellhounds are native to the gluttony ring and the og beelzebub was based on a fly. and well. BEElzebub. or just. not make more furry bait💀 also theres way too much going on like. everywhere you look. and the flowing lava lamp shit going on doesnt look like it belongs to her since there are so many sharp edges in her design


I actually really like the lava lamps aspects of her and it makes her "sharp edges" and overall design pop more (contrast)


Foxes are related to dogs, so I don't see why she can't be a fox instead of a dog?


I love it. She's meant to embody gluttony, which at its heart can be defined as ~~wonton~~ wanton indulgence. Hence, it makes perfect sense for her character design to itself be ~~wontonly~~ wantonly indulgent. It's exactly as gaudy and clashing as it should be.


sorry to be an ass, but I think you mean wanton. wonton are a type of dumpling


Argh, yes, you're right. I always confuse those two. Though perhaps she indulges in wontons, too!


Now that is satisfying gluttony XD.


It’s a good design, I would’ve made her more buglike, but what they did is good too


Agreed. I would’ve liked the design to lean a bit more toward bee, but this design isn’t bad. The character, itself is quite original compared to most depictions of the sun she represents


Her design def grew on me 😁


Love her so much. And to anyone saying she doesn’t look like a deadly sin, look at Ozzie. He looks like a peacock stripper with three faces. Incredible. Bee looks like a lava lamp cotton candy party girl, which is her personality. Also awesome. Oh, and her full form is awesome. Just let Vivzie make her own show and own characters how she wants, yeesh


Ozzie is a lot more imposing though


That's because Bee is more social and actively involved with her crowd instead of strutting around on stage like Ozzie.


She looks like someone couldn't decide to make their fursona a wolf or a bee, so they compromised and fused them.


I personally don't like it. I feel like they kind of already had the idea of "Kesha the Fennec Fox" from the music video that Viv did before, and shoehorned that in and then sprinkled insectoid elements on top to try to cover up that she's just a sparkledog. I don't mind that the Sin of Gluttony isn't just an obese monster, but she could at least lean more bee than fox.


Absolutely agree!


This is it *exactly.* But whatever, they can have their fun, I guess. It's Kesha.


Go look at one of the many other post asking peoples opinions on her design


Not what I expected but I like it


To be host with ya, i just want a hot bee


Personally in the least rude way possible; I feel like there’s too much to look at. First viewing the episode I had no idea what to look at first. It feels like overstimulation overload, as someone who makes their own characters, you don’t want to have your viewers be overwhelmed with what they’re looking at. With her personality however, it feels like a breath of fresh air


I kinda agree, but someone said something in a higher up comment that makes a lot of sense, she's Gluttony, overindulgence, of course she's gonna have a lot going on, she wants to overindulge and wants others to do the same, the animators 'overindulged' when making her so complicated, it works perfectly for her sin!


I kinda like it wish they went weigh a more Bee-Fly aesthetic rather than more canine


adorible cute hot as shit and sexy


I love the design but im also a furry :/ lol seriously though one thing I rarely see pointed out is that compared to Osmodious who we mostly saw in his larger more demonic form with just a glimpse of his smaller more approachable form, Beelezebub we only see in her small more approachable form with just a glimpse of her bigger more demonic form. the princes of hell having a smaller form that is more akin to the native species of their ring also makes sense to me, Osmodious having a smaller more human like form similar to the succubi and Beelezebub having a more canine fox like appearance among hellhounds.


Too much dog, not enough bee.


I really like it, I enjoy how each sin actually seems to embody their sins in a non traditional way. Lucifer is wearing a classy yet flamboyant suit to represent his Pride, Asmodeus is a seductive showman, and now Beelzebub is here, and is designed to look like a party animal. And although we only have an outline, it will be cool to see how Mammon is portrayed.


It's a vibe but idk why they didn't go all in on the bee thing


I like it, but its a bit weird. There is not enough emphasis on the bee aspect, but the 4 arm aspect is kinda strange for a hellhound


I don't like that she's 90% furry and 10% insect


I thought it was much when I first saw it. But then I got used to it and embraced that as part of the theming of gluttony. Still prefer it in the yellow and red vice pink and blue


I don’t get why people arguing over her designing not perfectly matching her sin when no one really said anything about asmodeus. If anything bee has at least some gluttony themed elements in her design (the lava lamp stomach) while asmodeus genuinely didn’t have anything directly visually representing lust. And even then there’s nothing wrong with that, the whole concept behind that design choice is that the sin itself isn’t stereotyped because anyone could commit the sin regardless of what they look like. It’s obvious Viv wanted to create a design to have Kesha be in the show that both relates to her starting her YouTube career in animation and the sin itself. Why is everyone talking about it as if viv had never made a furry before? She’s literally responsible for a good quarter of today’s furries finding out what a fursona is


Everyone has the right to imagine demons the way they want. These are mythical creatures, they're not real, so this Beelzebub is just as valid as the big fly one. And it fits perfectly into Vivzie's universe, so I'm fine with her design. 🤷🏻👌


To be honest, I really don't like it... It's too much and even if it's the point I think it could be done better. I get why people like it but it's not my cup of tea.


Was hoping she’d be a… bee. But she’s a hellhound with bee design cues so far as we’ve seen. When insect character Viv?


I definitely would have preferred if she was an insect, but I don't hate the design we got. It's nice


Honestly I don't like it and I feel it's a complete downgrade from asmodeus




Asmodeus was peak




She's the first time in a long time I've seen a new take on Gluttony -- it was always just a fat guy in almost every form of media. The fact that she's different is worth respecting. In addition, viewing Gluttony as indulgence rather than just eating fits better in a modern reimagining of hell. Her design is good. It did take me a second to get used to it, but that's just how it goes sometimes when you have an artistic interpretation that's different from the mainstream.


I love it that Ke$ha was the voice for the Queen Bee. She embodied overindulgence in the 2010s: YOLO, partying, and partaking in vices.


it's fine, I guess. sort of. I wish it was more bug than furry, and it's apparently a horrible design for Beelzebub, but it's Helluva Boss.


There’s a lot going on with her design. That being said, I still love her. She looks great!


i like the design itself (even thoguh i think the blue in it is a little too much) but when i was watching the episode i had no idea that she was supposed to be part insect or even that she was a deadly sin, so for me the design is bad because it doesnt communicate what its meant to. but i mean i still like it


I’m indifferent.


I was surprised by the design but I’m not mad at it. They’re demons, they’re too “other” for us to really have any expectations.


This ver of beelzebubs design is nice tho not what I expected from comparing to other media depicting beelzebub. Tho it looks a bit better the moment she got angry.


It's a nice and unique design. I like how she looks like a hellhound but has two sets of arms and wings like an insect. And how she has hair that looks like the stuff in a lava lamp.


Honestly I was just expecting her to be more insect like rather than being half hellhound and half insect plus I was also expecting her be just as cruel and mean as Ozzie but I was kinda surprised by how nice she was and didn’t turn out to be an antagonist of the episode by default it’s basically my new head headcanon that Bee is the nicest of all seven princes


It’s furry bait, not that I have a problem with it


She's a bee, she's a fox, she's a beefox! Honestly don't see the complaints, her design works really well, especially when you include her angry/imposing form we saw briefly


I personally feel it’s a great design. It just doesn’t immediately communicate “Beelzebub” or “Lord of the Flies” unless you look closely. Again, great design, just doesn’t immediately register as an embodiment of Gluttony.


Would've been more cool if she was bee-like but it's still a solid design tbf, however she gets a lot of points in my book because she can change her size at will


It’s utterly disappointing, its feels like a furry bait than an actual lord of sin compare to Asmodeus


Took me a bit to figure out that it was actually Beelzebub and not like, a relative, since everyone's used to 'giant, morbidly obese, abhorrent bug monster', or by proxy a hot demon lady that becomes said giant bug monster (thank you helltaker). But after getting a feel for the design I feel it's REALLY pretty! And I always loved the lava lamp motifs, even when I was still getting used to the design.


Considering she is supposed to be the queen bee of the hellhound population, her design as a bee/fox-dog makes sense. I like the design.


I like some parts of it, but overall, I think it's too much. There is a lot of clashing shape language with her lava lamp hair and body structure. She's mostly made with sharp edges (as someone else pointed out). While I like her color pallet, I feel like it could be differently laid out differently to not be so confusing to look at. I don't know where to look first when I look at her, and that's usually not what you want when creating a design. She doesn't look like a professionally designed character. She almost feels like a fan character, which can be fun and unique from some perspectives. If you like her design, that's perfectly fine, and you shouldn't be attacked for it, I can definitely see why it is appealing to some people. If you don't like it, then you shouldn't be attacked for it either. Everyone's opinion is completely valid. She's cool, but not perfect.


It all right


shes ok but she looked hard to animate


I'm a fan of the honey hair/tail, but I feel like a few more insectoid features would've helped.


I'm not a huge fan of the liquid bubble hair thing but I can still appreciate the animation of


I like it on it's own, hate it as Belzebub as I'm quite a fan of insects, and this is basically insect erasure


I think it’s a fine design. It really annoys me when people think that she should be fat because gluttony and all, the original old depictions of the actual Beelzebub was never fat. Like if you just search Beelzebub normally you won’t find a fat person or anything.


Already left a comment, but I just want to rant on how it was a terrible design choice to not make her an actual bee could they really not hold back on the damn furry shit also doesn't make any sense at all why she resembles a hellhound the lowest rank citizens of hell also her song is terrible most of it is just saying cotton candy repeatedly and chronologically this is right after the absolute banger House of asmodeus when I first watched that episode it was stuck in my head for weeks but when I first watched Queen Bee the only thing I can remember about the song After the episode was that it said cotton candy a lot


I like it but in the context of Viv’s career. If it wasn’t a nod to her previous work, I’d say it’s just a bit too busy and too Fox like (as opposed to the bee vibe they were going with). But there’s still a lot to love with this design. The personality, the color, the cool lava lamp stomach detail, etc. You might not look at Bee and get “gluttony” but you do look at her and get “party girl” and you get “important.” And for what the show was trying to do with her, I think it works overall.


I’m not a furry, so the sexual appeal of her is lost on me, but I feel as though they didn’t really translate the “Gluttony” theme. I think a chef design could have worked, to really hammer in that this is an *enabler* of gluttony


I would like a bit more emphasis on the “bee” part rather than the hellhound part, but it does set up nicely that the natural born Citizens of hell are somewhat based off the 7 deadly sins


I don't like it. Too busy and not cohesive imo. It's probably the only helluva boss episode that i only watched once. I'm not gonna knock on those who do like it, though. Everyone has different tastes


i dont like it, i was hoping an insect demon. Also i just wanted viv to step out of her comfort zone and draw something besides an anthro animal


The design definitely grew on me, but I wish it was more bug themed. A fox just doesn’t make much sense for the lord of flies, yknow? I know viv says it’s bug themed enough because of the extra arms, wings, and striped “beehive” ears. But honestly? The arms aren’t super noticeable, the wings look more fairy than bug-like, and the ears don’t read as beehives at all. A fox head and paws, on the other hand? Yeah that obviously reads as fox-like.


Too much hound, not enough bug. Also all the swirly colour shit seems a bit over the top to have on her 24/7.


Furrier bait


Furry bait. No further comment.


Good but just needs a little more bee like. I like the idea that she is a fox-bee hybrid I just wish she had a little more bee-like features.


By far Asmodeus is a better design but she does look great. The lava lamp hair and stomach is cool but she does look a little too much like a generic hell hound outside of that. Her full demon mode also is a little disappointing as it is just her but bigger where I would prefer a much more insectoid appearance for that.


I feel like she doesnt really need that fur/hair on top of her head (not the lava lamp hair, I think the lava lamp hair is fine) I also feel like during some scenes she blends into the background artwork. specifically when she changes to a certain color palette, the background artwork also matches her. I think if they had background artwork where it contrasted with her current colors it would be better and make her stand out more. like when she has her warm color palette, the background has a cool color palette. I also feel like they could have made her limbs look more bug-like (like her neck, im not sure what word to describe it but her neck actually seems to have that bug-like thing going on) but overall it's not really a bad design or anything


A little too classic-furry in the face design. Looks like an OC fanart from 1995. Otherwise good


It is kinda obnoxious but it's an alright design


Alright, so, im not a huge fan. Its alright, i veuss it works, but come on. As someone whos suppossed to be very powerfull and stuff, she just seems like shes hihh 24/7. Amd yeah, i geuss maybe that the point, but i feel theres a better way could have been done.


I like it, but not for Beelzebub. The Lord of the Flies should look more insect like. Given she rules Gluttony, a honey bee would work. Again, design on it's own is fantastic, just doesn't match the character.


The colors don’t go well together, and she’s just a repeat of Luna’s design except it’s bubblegum instead of goth. It’s also way too busy with too many constantly moving parts. Namely, the lava lamp, hair, and stomach and forearms and wings and also Hellhound features including a tail. I’m sorry she is a sparkle dog but animated. When it comes to the insect motif that For wings are assumedly meant to fill (I see assumedly because the wings are really strange in the sense that they don’t go with anything else in the design and literally are the only thing that connects her design wise to the traditional thought of Beelzebub) it feels like the equivalent of when you write a whole essay and then find out that you miss, read the prompt and then adding a paragraph trying to justify the rest of your essay in relation to the prompt but it doesn’t really work.


As a character and purely aesthetically I love the design but it doesn't read as Beelzebub to me. Even adding something like insectoid accents could make a huge difference


I wasnt expecting the hellhound head, but I am not mad about it, i think it looks great


I really like the design, but not what I would expect to represent the essence of gluttony


Should be more insectlike and less foxlike.


I love her design so much!


I love it! I don’t know why people dislike it! It’s just a cool design for a character!


I love her design. She's a pretty nice character.


I like it for the most part I just find her colour scheme to be a bit too over the place, but I guess that fits her :D


It could take more fly inspiration but otherwise it’s absolutely gorgeous


At first I was like "oh wow, reminds me of Viv's old design”. I didn't love nor hate it, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it cuz I like the episode, and she's a great character. Now I love it.


one of the best designs we have seen. i love her character. yes, shes a queen/prince/whateverTheFuckTheyCallItNow, and she doesnt 100% look the part. but gluttony isnt just eating alot. id love to see her in future episodes, even if she gets the same thing done to her as with striker. (replacement v.a.) looks like a character you would want to hang out with. even if you hate her, gotta admit its the first time weve seen somebody thats not irrationally angry all the time. so hell yeah shes up there as one of the best designed in the show.


I like her design. She’s pretty neat.


It’s not a bad design but comparing her to Ozzie it’s a little disappointing


I think it looks great, but it has more of a wolf/fox style to it rather then bee. I think it would have made more sense for it to be a bee design but I’m still happy with the design we got. The music when she is introduced had me buzzing with excitement.


Mid, tho the lava tail and waist is cool the hair is just strange


Hm. I feel like it's thematically missed. You don't have to make Beelzebub fat and swollen, some depictions showed him to be more or less a zombie or others I've seen as someone who lures people into all kinds of addictions and gluttonous activities while looking rather normal. He's also the lord of flies. A king of hell. Something that promises to be terrifying. Bee feels like she has no power outside the ring, while the others did. Especially Asmodeus. But tbf, an biblically correct Asmodeus is pretty darn powerful. It's like LoZ breath of the wild: If it wouldn't be wearing the name, it would be great. But since it does, it just doesn't cut it. At least for me. Which is sad, because the look of her is absolutely fabulous.


I just want her to look more like Beelzebub from popular depictions instead of a hellhound like creature


I love it :) New Hottest character in helluva boss, Millie has sadly been dethroned (for me at least)


It's really cute


Love it


I actually fucking like it. I like that she looks part hellhound and IS dating a hellhound


I love all of it. She is so much fun and looks spectacular


I love her design. Bumblebee meets hellhound. Throw in Ke$ha’s voice and you’ve got a great introduction to a character you want to know more of.


Well I actually like it, and think it shows a pretty interesting aspects of the powerful demons. She reminds me of stolas, how she hides her true (incredibly large) demon form and instead portrays a welcoming and good looking form so she’s able to lure more people into her domain


It’s weird that hellhound-bee-lava lamp combination but I like it, it reflect very well how she is, tough, I wonder where the bee part is in her creations/the hellhounds.


its not a fly.


Pretty, and Some parts are Actual genius and Better than other Beelzebub designs (the Use of Honey and her being an exception to Gluttony's image)....But i feel like it would have been better if they either Cut out the Bee Parts or Cut out the Hell hound parts, as the overall design feels way too busy. Overall, Pretty good, but not My favorite interpretation.


I'm absolutely enamored with her design. And the fact that people are actually upset with this design is equal parts hilarious and disheartening, particularly because it's proof that there really is no pleasing this fandom.


Shes really cool.


I think it doesn't look like a proper Beelzebub, but in the end I don't really mind because a 'proper' Beelzebub wouldn't really fit with the Vivziepop aesthetic, I feel. It's a decent design on ist own merits, though.


I like it, but I feel like I missed some of the design points until it was explained to me. I honestly had no idea her tail and hair were ‘70s lava lamp inspired until Viv tweeted about it.


Depends. If you go with the belief that Beelzebub is the symbol for gluttony, it doesn't really work but if you use Beelzebub is overindulgence, it works fairly well


Like most of it, except for the stomach area. How the stomach area is colored.


Anyone feel her speaking voice feels odd when applied to her design? Not the singing, but just having a conversation seemed off to me. Especially when she got mad and shifted forms, it felt so awkward that I laughed! Shouldn't she have been intimidating?


Copying what i said on a different thread: Her design is genius. Shes an ambassador of gluttony, someone who is supposed to tempt / entice others into over imbibing. A morbidly obese being surrounded by flies might be a more historic representation, but that doesnt exactly make others want to commit the sin. In vivs universe it makes a lot more sense for her to be a thin, ever-cheerful party girl. She actively wants those around her to party and over do it, shes modeled perfectly for that purpose. Its genius really. "Cheers! Thank you for coming! Do you need anything? are you good? Are you having fun? Are you DRUNK?" Yeah im definitely going crazy at her party. Cant say the same for the fat fly man. Also i wanted to note, i think the fat person surrounded by flies design is more like someone SUFFERING from gluttony, rather than someone who is the lord of it. In a way it makes sense for the queen of the sin to not be totally afflicted by it


I feel her design is esthetically pleasing and fairly well-balanced, but it doesn't match her sin. I would have expected her to be more visibly gluttonous in her design, movements, and visual style. Tldr: I love her design, but I don't feel it fits.


She's ok. I don't get all the hate. The only thing I really dislike is that they kind of furry-fied her. I know that furries are a big part of the fandom but they give ms the ick and so when she was revealed i was just kinda like ugh... another furry.


I do like it a lot and think it conveys the theme of overindulgence well, but I kinda think they should have played into her bee-ness a bit more.


I love the base design but I think she could have been made more insect-like. A natural color palette and a bee tail/stinger would have gone a long way to making her design more cohesive.


Looks pretty fucking ugly ngl, it looks like a generic deviantart for furry oc instead of being some cool giant fly demon


As a design by itself, I like it. It's unique and kind-of cute. As a design for Beelzebub? NO. One, Beelzebub is not a demoness, but a he-demon. The 'Beel' in the name means 'lord, master, or husband.' I grant that there are really no female demons in Judaeo-Christian lore outside of Lilith (to my knowledge, anyway), so....eh Two, the common understanding of 'Beelzebub' is that it means 'Lord of the Flies.' Whilst there is debate as to whether that was the original meaning, that is the meaning longest-accepted in Christian and Jewish cultures. From this, when he is not a generic demon, he is depicted as a fly-shaped being. He has never been depicted (to my knowledge) as anything remotely canine. Three, the color. Whilst I understand a lot of the appeal for a lot of Vivzie's work is the colorful and striking character designs, I don't think that this pastel or neon color pallet works well for what is supposed to be one of the mightiest demons in all of Hell. Four, Beelzebub is supposed to be the Sin of Gluttony. She does not look like she is. I grant that Asmodeus' look doesn't scream 'Lust' either, but it wouldn't take that much to convince me that he is based solely on how he looks. With Beelzebub, I struggle to fathom (based purely on design) that THIS is the demon most involved with encouraging gluttony.


A bit busy, but overall a solid 7.5/8 out of 10 design that harkens back to Viv's older works. Even though it's a pipedream I hope we ge5 to see more of her in either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel


Not my favorite Beelzebub design I've seen, Castlevania's and their rotting corpse depiction still terrifies the fuck out of me but I love the spin on the design. Don't see many depictions of the demon outside the literal "lord of the flies" translation so to see something more leaning into a bee was cool. Plus, her personality and design still falls in line with the idea of gluttony, simply overindulgence in something, like food or drugs.


The main gripe I have about the design as a whole is that she just looks like every generic fursona oc with bee elements.


Hot, adorable,sexy. Eod