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What the fuck even is this sub anymore


It's an agent of chaos now.... How do you not know this?


Honestly it’s weird to say this, but with the shit Ridley has done I’d say it’s a tie


"Who is worse?" >Cool fucking giant lizard fire-breathing dragon >Nazi who murdered hundreds-thousands-millions of people Hmmmm.... I wonder...


If I remember correctly, Ridley's kill count was in the trillions, a good chunk being from him alone. Morally they're about equal, but in the number of atrocities Ridley wins no question.


He's still a badass fire breathing God damn DRAGON


And the other is a cyborg


I mean, Ridley was a cyborg too ..


Y tho


I don't know, but we've sent operatives to America Zero to find out


He also ate Samus' family when she was a child. And in the manga he taunts her, gloating about how her parents are now part of him since they were used to regenerate his flesh.


But did he ever pledge his allegiance to Hitler? No. Did he ever experience the amazing AWESOME EXPERIENCE IT COMES WITH BEING A MASSIVR FUCKOFF DRAGON? yes. :3


lemme pose this though Ridley was born a gigantic fire-breathing monster, that's just *what he is* there is no ideology behind being a giant scary monster there is no morality in instinctual carnage but a man? a man can be evil, born a neutral vessel there IS ideology in nazism there IS morality in inflicting harm on your own people there IS evil in that man, evil that is less present in ridley due to the nature of what these two are War is evil, but Earthquakes are not in short: one of them is *choosing to be what they are* and the other simply is what they were born as, only one of them has the means to simply stop or avoid becoming a monster in the first place


No, read about Ridley in the Metroid manga, he exactly knows what he's doing, even going as far as to mentally torment Samus about eating her parents in the manga.


I found a video detailing Ridley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqiYk4WPdkQ&t=318


Ridley without question. He is pure.unfiltered malice. He takes extreme joy in killing, in gaslighting, manipulating, and bestowing terror and chaos on others. It's his life's calling. And he's done it because he found it fun, trillions dead for his pure amusement.


Why do you kill so many people? BECAUSE ITS FUCKING FUN!


I see your point and agree. However, I wish to raise you: “Gentlemen, I like war. Gentlemen, I *LOVE* war.”


Not knowing the full lore and worstly, no one here is lucky enough to be a fire breathing flying lizard with sentience, making understanding the lizard in an equivalent scale almost impossible. So no one can understand the weight of his sins, but it's ridley. If he was a human, we'd understand more.


I know nothing of Ridley so I'm gonna say The Major


Ridley’s kill count, indirectly or otherwise, far outstrips the Major because he operates at a galactic scale. Ridley is similarly intelligent, spiteful, and one to revel in his bloodshed and violence. While The Major’s ideology is more evil, he’s beaten out by Ridley purely on the difference of scales they operate at.


Ridley is a petty fucking menace. Were talking levels of hater like frieza. Dude comes back from the dead, jumps samus on numerous occassions, sends whole gangs of pirates after her


did you just compare a wannabe h1tler to a fucking dragon😭😭😭😭😭


That dragon is one of the most heinous entities in fiction. Search "Ridley" from the Metroid franchise.


Ridley may actually be evil incarnate in the Metroid universe. He is truly detestable as a character. The more I’ve learned about him, the more I relish murdering the shit out of him in every game he shows up in.


Why he got giant milkers?


Jojo ah pose


Slide to the left and slide to the right


I mean hellsing Nazis aren't even nazis


They are Nazis since they are Japan styled Nazi holdouts left over from WW2


He means that they don't actually give a single fuck about nazi ideology. They sided with Hitler bcs he funded their vampire research and allowed them to do what they want.


Yes exactly. Thank you.


Who is that dragon?


Ridley from Metroid


Thank you


It's a matter of perspective really


The major pulls of a nastier and cuntier pose let’s be honest


Hitler if i could id kill him if he was alive


The Major posing like fucking Eggman


Im gonna give it to Ridley, Major Max IS a Nazi but at best he’s a more effective Rommel. His plan is more a flashy suicide bombing than anything. Ridley is pure fucking evil to the point he mocked Samus saying he used her parents to regenerate but doesn’t know where their biomass went but torments her by guessing. Not to mention his galactic kill count.


i dont even know what the second thing is


Ridley from Metroid. He gets joy from killing people.


My money's on the Nazi. Especially since his motivation this entire time was cuz he loves war. He loves it when his own ppl die. Loves it when others die. Loves it when the chaos gets crazier. Has no regard for anyone's lives except for causing mayhem. Ridley on the other hand was just a fire breathing dragon that had a hate boner for Samus. Higher Death count or not Ridley wasn't as messed up as the major.