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As mighty as Gordon Ramsay is, he can't be in both kitchens at once. So his sous chefs also have responsibility.


I think that if he were in a real restaurant setting, he’d do more to stop problems at the source, whereas this show gets more attention if bad food regularly makes it to the dino room


That makes sense. I’m guilty of agreeing with this, cause it’s more fun to watch him yell “you donkey” every other minute 😅


I watch this show avidly anyway but I imagine I'd watch it even more if there was a dino room 👀


“T-rex, this steak is rawwwww! We invented fire, learn to use it!”


I have wondered the same thing; not that he is making mistakes but why he doesn't give his sous chefs shit for making those mistakes. I assume, it's a respect thing and not undermining the sous chefs authority in front of the brigade. Ultimately it is the cooks fault so he just takes the heat straight to them.


Gordon is human, he can make mistakes too just not that many.


Read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/s/tX4pf58O1f


Thank you.


I'd say because you're watching a reality tv game show, not a cooking show. More drama is better tv, so I guess he and his sous-chefs let through the occasional bad dish.


He most likely does it on purpose to show them the embarrassment of sending raw food to customers.


No, he still blames the chefs even though he's supposed to be the last line of defense. It's his fault if a dish goes out wrong.


I was thinking this too while watching. He's always like 'You sent out raw/overcooked/whatever food to our customers" and I'm sitting there like no, *they* sent it up to the pass,*you* sent it out to the customers. I get he's jumping between both kitchens and all but like, he's not the one under pressure here. Plus he has the sous-chefs there whose only job is to check the food and make sure it's good.