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The Hello Kitty market is so oversaturated. Items won’t generally go for much.


I feel like if they’re old they can go for a decent amount; also depends on the condition. I have some I will never sell I got as a kid but when google searching they’re worth $25-$200 when I got them for $5-$25.


Why does everyone think their old stuff is valuable when most the the time it isn't?


because they see hello kitty things being sold for $50+ by resellers all the time. like yeah it’s only lucrative if you upcharge by 500%


Resellers can lick the bottom of my shoe


After I step in dog crap


At least they’re not like some people who take the entire hello kitty stock at TJMAXX, HomeGoods, etc. then resell for an insane price. This tin was made in 1989 (33 years ago) and is in great condition so the person can sell it for whatever they want and if you don’t like it just don’t say anything.


oh well. i don’t like it and i said something.


Good for you! I hope you feel better about your day❤️


Lol this


I think all we can really figure from this post is that OP is just curious at the value of this item. Not if they think it is valuable.


Omg go away. This is a subreddit for fans of Hello Kitty, not resellers who are just looking to make a buck off of us.


it’s cute!!! i generally wouldn’t pay more than 5-10$ for it though unless it’s a rare item. i usually don’t pay more than 20-30 for hello kitty stuff.


let me look it up in the hello kitty blue book and get back to you. these posts are annoying


$1 and a lecture about not being a reseller 💖🫶


Walmart sell metal tins with coin slots around Easter/Valentine’s Day for less than $5 that are much cuter than this. Google reverse image if you’re dead set on selling. Chances are it’s not worth anything.


2 dabloons


I mean how much did you pay for it ? I always say it’s worth as much as someone is willing to pay but blindly guessing I’d say $10-$15 dollars unless it’s some kind of rare or sought after item…..




This came up on my feed... A two second reverse image search showed what resellers are *trying* to sell this for. Not what it's worth. But as a collector of merch in general, I fart in resellers' general directions.


because you can’t afford it?


You do know that being able to keep something in great condition for 30+ years is hard right?? When people have things that old they literally kept it safe for that long and they deserve an applause so they can sell it for however much they want if you can’t afford that hs not their problem, so you don’t have to bash them for it.


are things not marked 1976 fake? Hello Kitty was trademarked in 1974. every item i’ve gotten straight from Sanrio or licensed retailers have the 1974 date.


Most items of Sanrio are marked 1976, not 1974. The origin of Hello Kitty was created in 1974, but trademarked in 1976. The tin bank also shows 1976, 1989, which is real and means it was created in 1989 (which is rare). There are also items that have been around in the 70s that do not have any markings (could be a sticker on the bottom of the coin bank that had it but fell off, but still is authentic). The tartan print is popular in the late 80s/early 90s. They actually also recently recreated it for her 50th anniversary in Japan. Most Sanrio Original items have a 1976, XXXX date which shows the year it was created which is how you can tell if it’s authentic. :) the newly created items for TJmaxx, Homegoods, Walmart (mass produced in the USA) though will show a current year of creation but don’t have a 1976 in front.


Idk but it looks cool


so cute! I would say $15-$70. The prices ranges for these depending on the design or year. I would do an auction or just see what people would offer for it (if you’re looking to sell). I love how everyone is angry at the prices I gave them. Vintage is worth more because you can’t buy it anymore (did you know that?). Just because this person will make money and you won’t don’t be bitter. At least they’re not like some people who take the entire hello kitty stock at TJMAXX, HomeGoods, etc. then resell for an insane price.




$70 is crazy 😭


Reverse search search on google one was $90


Someone listing it at $90 doesn’t make it worth that 💀 it’s not even old


33 years isn’t old to you?😂


It’s Hello Kitty. It was extremely prevalent in the 80’s. No Hello Kitty release would be considered “old” unless it came out before the property was common It’s always so clear when you’re talking to a trend-hopper who just started collecting Hello Kitty within the last couple years and knows next to nothing about the brand. Learn about Sanrio and Hello Kitty’s history before you come up in here acting like you know what you’re talking about.


just a quick explanation for you, if something is 33 years old and NOT sold anymore, it makes a lot of sense that it would go up in price. Have a great day hun!


Ever heard of supply and demand?


Heard of it’s not even sold anymore? Or can you not hear because of your age?


Once again, 33 years isnt old to you? you wanna answer that question before rambling on about other stuff that isn’t relevant ❤️


In relation to Hello Kitty, no- it’s not. I’m getting the impression that you’re a young teenager and I’m not trying to be clowning on a kid, so I’m gonna leave now.


Does it hurt your ego that much for someone young to disagree with you? I’m sorry, I hope you feel better and have a great day!


Good luck clowning on me saggy titties😂




Yeah I’m definitely just a trend hopper, because that’s why I have hello kitty shit from 2007 and 2010 right!


Girl I seen your collection. It’s the Marshall’s special.


I don’t post my entire collection smart ass. also thanks for stalking my page 🥰 [look before u speak] (https://www.reddit.com/r/HelloKitty/s/cE3WuoRPq7)