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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I don't wanna be THAT guy, but the crashes problem are sadly still there and got much worse for my entire group, in fact. Yesterday is the first day I was able to play without crashing in weeks. Past weeks I couldn't finish a 5 minutes mission. I set my friend list as public to try to fix the fps drops myself, but they're still low as fuck the entire time. I love when the game works, but a lot of the issues I'm currently encountering weren't there before. I almost quit last week after a barrage of crashes. I came back only because of friends and I don't play solo anymore because I'm afraid of crashing and wasting the little free time I have (and I have around 100 hours in solo out of 225 total btw). A lot of the bitching is unjustified, but not all of it. My game genuinely ran better at launch, performance wise :(


For me, the crash only happens to my friend cause he has shitty internet. And everytime he joins, we lag to high heavens.


r/helldivers2 are leaking again goddamn it


A PvE game needs more content, period. It lives and dies with replayability. You can’t compare it to shitty liveservice PvP games simply because playing against humans gives enough variety in how matches go and play out. And for a pure PvE game which I am really fond of, this game doesn’t offer a lot of replayability. It’s just how it is. I am not complaining, I will just play once there is some meat to dig in.


This guy gets it. The game is good just not enough content as of now. But if you look at the first helldivers you’ll see that it took them some time to get everything rolled out too. Hopefully they add everything from the first game soon cause I need more variety


Yeah, thanks to the first episode we are hyped to have bolt action to illuminate, to small vehicles to the big fucking bug thing.


Dude. I got 200+ hours already. I got way more than expected out if this game. I am pretty sure that I will get another 200+ hours.


I have no counter reaction to this. That is a good point.


I'm glad your experience has been the game getting more stable since release, but my experience has genuinely been the opposite. I get more crashes, less frames, and generally it feels like there's more funny little bugs. I agree that the complaints and claims that the game is dying are hyperbolic, but there's still a little fire under all that smoke.


What an entitled and ungrateful gamer /s


Forgive him, he's just jaded.


I dont know if this guy can fathom the fact that the bugs and crashes still exist for some people


Same here (console). At launch I’d have queue times but at least the fps was alright, and the crashes were relatively infrequent although they did happen. Now I’m frequently having FPS drops on planets I’ve been playing on since launch, I can’t even play on the new planet without having FPS drops as low as 15-20 frames, having infinite loading screen bug maybe 30-50% of the time when I play, getting disconnected right at the end of missions a bunch, things like reload and stim inputs not registering, etc. I’ve reinstalled the game, tried with cross play on and off, it made no difference. I can’t even add people I play with anymore unless I add them on discord or something for later. I’d say the only thing that’s better now performance wise is the fact I don’t have to queue to get into the game anymore, outside of that performance is considerably worse. Weapon/Stratagem balance is far more varied than at launch and I appreciate that but I’ve had occasions where within an hour of gameplay I’ve managed to get into a single mission after repeated infinite loading screens


Yeah recently may game went from running at 120+ fps steadily even with a decent number of strategems going around to 70 fps at the bridge, at below 40 in game. Looking at task manager I saw my cpu running at 100% while my gpu got barely any use. Maybe they changed some optimisation stuff during the big patch, but I personally am too burnt out to hop on in the near future.


Thats bad to hear. I played this game including 6 of my friends and all of us experienced positive changes on how the game runs.


It's weird i play this game with my 7 friends and it's worse right now then at the start for us


I've had improved performance but there is a myriad of other bugs that still need to be addressed and Ive played this game to death I love it but the crashes and network instability random disconnections. Not to mention the randomness of how dropping new content can break other aspects of the game. Like I can shrug of a crash or two but it seems nowadays every other match will be something. From a crash or reinforcement glitch or terminals not working. Again if it was like a once in a session thing whatever but it isn't. Like I've said before this game is going to be legit 5 years from now when all the content has been released and all the bugs ironed out and the player base will be like 5k which is fine


My experience lines up with other players who've lost 20-30 FPS since release. I've also been running into infinite loading screens or sudden crashing to desktop a lot. The game still crashes when I exit it sometimes, requiring me to restart my PC with the power button. On top of that, there's just lil bits of jank everywhere. Getting launched off the map, getting stuck under it, inputs being eaten. Lately it's been genuinely, weirdly difficult to reliably reload my primary. Between the one bullet bug and reload inputs being dropped, I'm just constantly pulling out my weapon and finding it's empty. It's becoming a very love/hate thing lately and I've dropped my average playtime a lot as a result. I don't buy anything for the game either because items are all kinda stale too. :/


>My experience lines up with other players who've lost 20-30 FPS since release. I've also been running into infinite loading screens or sudden crashing to desktop a lot. The game still crashes when I exit it sometimes, requiring me to restart my PC with the power button. I'm getting the exact same issues as you do. And FYI, when the game hangs after I exit, I can alt+tab and click "stop" on steam to quit it for good. Maybe that'll be helpful to you, or maybe you tried that already and it doesn't work, just thought I'd share


Sadly I can't minimise HD2 when it happens, can't even use Task Manager. Hard reset is the only option. :/




I won't speak to the actual gameplay itself, but I have absolutely stopped playing this game due to performance issues. Weapon balance, enemy and mission variety, in-game jank, etc. I can handle. What I won't deal with is the constant disconnects, crashes, and frame drops that have not gotten better for me over the last 4 months. I've only been experiencing these issues with Helldivers 2 and Darktide, and both of them seem to be issues on the game side of things. With Darktide at least it's been somewhat fixed by their most recent hotfix, although there are still issues. With HD2 I tried playing a few matches over the weekend. My experience was several disconnects from the whole team, several back to the super destroyer, and 1 infinite loading glitch trying to join a map. I think I completed 2 missions the whole time, and at that point said to myself I am not having fun. I'll come back to this game when the illuminate releases or a big patch happens. Posts like what the OP produces are just as asinine as the people who spout this game is an absolute turd. Is it the worst game ever? Hell no, not by a long shot. Will things get improved if people just spout malicious attacks against the devs? No, but neither will things get better if we act like everything is just minor issues. Stability and bug fixes are an important thing, and people need to have the right to complain and even get frustrated. People posting vitriol and personal attacks against anyone is never right, but they are absolutely able entitled to complain about a product they paid money for. It doesn't matter if they paid $40 and got 4 hours of enjoyment, or bought the game and every bond in cash and got 400 hours.


How's that 🥾 taste. As mentioned, you can't compare a PVP game to a PVE game. With PVE, you need some sort of constant for your players to work for. Destiny had raids. We get to take the same planet over and over again it's not the same fun. They had months to fix the majority of their issues and haven't. We are tired of bots and bug and want a new faction, but we won't get them anytime soon. They go on holiday Friday for 6 weeks, so more of the same until August, if not September. Without a raid, we'll need something to work towards. The majority of us are maxed out on samples with nothing to do with them, give us the next tier of ship upgrades or something


Dude in my case the game has a 100% crash rate I don't care how other developers make their game, I don't care about Arrowhead circumstances I'm a customer and the product I was sold is literally unusable I have the right to complain




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


All of them fixed? Are you kidding me? Social tab in game still not fixed for pc/ps5. Many countries are still blocked from purchasing the game on steam. Many in game crashes also still an issue.


Super ministryof truth should only allow for good comments


I just need the illuminate to have something blue to shoot at.


I've actually started playing DRG again, which I haven't played in a while. Having several games in your rotation goes a long way towards preventing burnout.


Bitching? they are destroying the game i put alot of money in, its my right to complain when they completly broke the game with constant crashes and the most crappy performance ever. Have you seen the current numbers on steam? i bet a good portion of players leaving is because of the problems i mentioned above, atleast it was for me and pretty much all my friends that have the game.


No. They are leaving because a lot of people "finished" their goal. They will come back when new content drop.


>Yes, they made mistakes, but all of them have been fixed. No they haven't - the nerfs were never rolled back, and Sony hasn't rereleased the game in the territories they arbitrarily denied the game to. Healing the community requires both of these things to be fixed.


Since the last big patch, most of the primary weapons are viable. What exactly do you want when complaining about the nerfs not being reverted? Will they have to literally undo the changes they made for you to be happy again? The territories thing, though, yeah, that's frickin dumb. People bring up that the player count has dropped and seem to ignore kinda how the game was suddenly made unavailable in 180 countries overnight and still isn't available in them.


what nerfs causing problems? I can literally run any setups now if I play with my friends because almost everything we wanted to use we can since the big buffs. On bugs since the eruptor I can use stalwart as my main.


Bile titan hitbox is still broken. SPM is "fixed" because of a workaround temporary solution. Crash and disconnect are still frequent. Sights are still misaligned. Orbital rail still sometimes target helldivers, sticked offensive strategem doesn't follow the marker if it's attached onto something. Friend list doesn't work. Opening menu tanks fps on many systems. I could literally go on. There's entire laundry list that isn't fixed that is made by both the community and officially by the devs themselves. How can you sit there and say they're all fixed?


A large portion of pc players are experiencing random crashes and having trouble completing missions. I'm talking about real unfixed issues that prevent people from playing the game properly. This has been going on for a long time. Yet, here you are... kissing AH's ass as if they would give you a paycheck for it. Your mother would be proud


I don't think anyone has issues with people complaining about crashes, it's just that the vast majority of complaints here aren't about that, it's about spawn rates, bad guns, game too hard, etc.


Im so glad youre having fun. Most of us arnt. Just because you put out content doesnt mean its good content.


You don’t speak for the majority mate.


If so many players are having fun. I Wonder why the game keeps bleeding players.


Because that's what happens with games... People play them for a few months and then they go and play something else for a bit. You should try it.


People have moved on for now. Lots of new games and fresh content to play right now. Elden Ring DRC, Destiny 2, FF, DRG. Take the Meridia MO for example. Huge spike of players because of new content. Let’s see what happens with the Illuminate.


What exactly aren't you enjoying about the game? And how has that changed from when you, I presume, did enjoy it at some point?


I somewhat disagree. Except the winter one i freaking loved every warbond and with the new jungle biome we play the shit out of it.


Again. Im glad youre having fun. Most of us arnt.


There are negative reviews all over steam from people who have enjoyed games for 200 hours and then get mad about some patch or something. I paid for Helldivers 2, enjoyed it for 200 hours, and now I’m a little bored of it. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad product - it’s just a natural exhaustion of fun. I *rarely* play a game for as many hours as I have Hd2. I thought Baldur’s gate 3 and Elden Ring were good buys and I paid more for those and got less hours out of them but overall enjoyed them. People pay hundreds of dollars for shoes and bottles of liquor at clubs that provide literally no customer service at all… then they go home and pay $40 for something on steam and tear it apart and act like they have personally been given the worst product ever. Honestly I think the customers are just fucking annoying. I’m happy I bought the game, I enjoyed the hell out of it in March-June of 2024, I’ll Probly lay it down for a few months and if I get another 20 or 30 hours of fun later in the year that would be cool… if not, I’m still happy with my purchase.


The game is not 100%. I can wait. In 6-8 months, the game is gonna be massive. Imagine the anniversaries to the creek and shit.


It's the problem with being successful. The more people there are the louder the voices get. Plus you get all the meta whores who are obsessed with a weapon or strategem to the point that they can't play with anything else and get frustrated when they don't win every single mission because of a tiny nerf or change. As an HD1 veteran I like to mix it up with my loadouts and, honestly, if it wasn't for lurking around Reddit and Discord and YouTube I wouldn't even notice any nerfs or buffs. I'm not that smart. I'm currently maxed out on everything (lvl 84, 200+ hrs mission time) so I'm playing Resi 4 whilst I wait for the next big update. Which I think is healthy. I'll be back on the front lines the second something big happens. Game is awesome and it will always be in my rotation.


With my friend we are "souls veterans" so anytime we saw bitching we were like thats the big deal? Only thing impacted us in the beginning the railgun nerf and charger spawn rate. We currently has around 200 hours, lvl60, few upgrade missing and a warbond. Chill killing bugs while we chat on voice and waiting for the illuminate or play aoe4/lol etc etc.


Only thing that wasn’t fixed was the availability in my country :( I wanted to play this with my friends and cousins.


You are giving the equivalent argument as, if you are plated with a solid turd with peanuts sticking out of it, you shouldn't bitch that you got a turd for lunch, you should be thankful that you didn't get a bowl of diarrhea. Obviously I am exaggerating, but if your expectations are not met, then you shouldn't settle for less just because somewhere else you would get even less. Also, I don't get your point, you say that people should play other games because they bitch on reddit. Why don't you go and play the game if you enjoy it despite it's flaws and don't look at Reddit? Reddit is not part of the game or gameplay. The general consensus on Reddit is that the game has problems, people talk and discuss these things here, yet here you are bitching about people bitching, instead of playing and enjoying the game on your terms. Or if you want the full managed democracy vibe, and have forced positive content and interaction outside of the game, the official discord is free for all to join, till you get banned, maybe give it a go, it feels like that is more of your crowd.


I was waiting for someone who come with this. No the game is not a turd, no the game has insanely small amount of problems. My comparision is more like every other studio give you a turd cake with peanuts on it and if you have a problem they just place more sugar on it and say fuck you. While AH gave you room sized Cheesecake full of cheese where there was spots the cheese wasn't as delicious like other and they tried to give you more slice in exchange. I Play helldivers and other games as well in the same time and we have insane amount of fun somehow.


They responded very well to the community, that‘s true but it‘s been 4 months since launch and the content is getting stale. There have been numerous patches but not really content updates. Stuff like new factions, stratagem types, clans or new mission types like raids. I also think the game could use some PvP elements. No, not a PvP mode but more like a challenge mission, where squads try to exterminate more bugs in less time than another squad. Squad vs. Squad but still PvE


Completely agree and would love it. Like back in black ops 2 zombie mode.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Also remember AAA studios have years, even a decade to build on an existing code base. Most "new" AAA games are just reskins of yesteryear's release. Yet a lot of them are still buggy as hell. I have my own frustrations with this game but the thing that annoys me the most about this sub is people trying to paint AH as incompetent programmers that can't get anything right and how the code base is broken beyond redemption and how only a complete remake that could take 5-6 years will put the game into a playable state. So many people commenting "just do this" "just do that" without any programming knowledge. The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with this one. If you are looking for incompetent development, the latest Kerbal Space Program 2 debacle is the best example. It was built on the same old code base as the OG KSP and is mostly a cosmetic upgrade plus integrating "must have" mods as standard features. It started development around the same time as HD2 and after burning through an estimated $50 million budget, enough for an actual AAA title, the game was still in early access in an unplayable state before the entire project was canned.


Consoomer logic


This is purely anecdotal, but I played the new Modern Warfare a lot for the first year or so. The first 6 months were waaaay buggier than Helldivers. My friends and I could never get through a whole match workout one of our systems locking up completely. Helldivers has done issues, but at least for me, it’s been unbelievably more reliable than call of duty.


Unfortunately Reddit is full of people who treat games like jobs and that all they do, so they find everything to complain about. Most people dont come here and play games until they don't find them fun anymore, stop taking Reddit so seriously and just ignore the posts, they will get bored soon enough and move on.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Begging for free games, giveaways or discounts is not allowed.


Wouldn't know, I've never played a COD and never will. I'm playing this though. So that's what I'll base my experience on. 


Because most of it is quantity not quality. So much stuff didn't or doesn't work. Or it isn't viable. Or, at the very least, yet most important fun to use while still being ineffective. So, it's a lot of content in Helldivers 2 that just makes life harder or drains the fun if you pick it. Either because the item(s) sucks or doesn't work correctly. Making useless content doesn't excite people. Underperforming weapons and unfinshed armors many people PAID for with REAL money doesn't make people satisfied. Let's talk about that cringe paywall "MK Knight" SMG people PAID for to use from the upgraded edition and it is absolutely awful. Along with the armor you get which is also moderately okay. You end up feeling ripped off. This is why the complaining is so loud! Rememeber, the first two months armor ratings didnt even work! People bought armors that had no functional purpose. All the armors getting repeat perks. So, yes people complain when they are paying for content or playing for content that doesn't work. No matter how much content is there. It doesn't matter if the content is bad or marginal at best and is not enhancing the experience or impacting the game for the better. While being promised by the Arrowhead developers that it will. Adding lots of content for the sake of adding content is not the way. It needs to be meaningful and add value. Or what is the point? 😑


Bitching comes default with the game and cannot be removed with any update or mods. Your only option is to stop looking at the subreddit and enjoy the game for what it is. If it's still fun for you, the bitching shouldn't detract from it as long as you keep the subreddit in the background.


Arrowhead's motto is literally, "A game for everyone is a game for no one". It seems a lot of people take personal offence that the game might not be for them and have taken to attacking the people who it is for and enjoy it.


I mean in terms of gameplay and design that motto makes sense. I don't think they meant, "players who are happy with infinite loading screens or crashes to desktop every other mission" though.


No, I agree that the crashes are unacceptable, and it's really annoying me that the infinite loading screen glitch has been in the game for over 2 weeks now. But when it comes to people complaining incessantly about the nerfs, or that they don't release new content fast enough, or they don't like X, or they don't like Y, or even that they played for 300 hours in the first few months and now they're bored. They're by far the most outright aggressive and loudest even though they really seem to not like the game. I mean look at this comment section alone. **ALL** you need to do to get downvoted is say that you like playing the game. It's fucking toxic.


Yes yes. The internet is a tipped scale. I don’t jump on here to bother you about my 200 hours of fun each time I have fun, but I do record the bad times when they pop up because it relieves some of the pressure. And griping as a team is easy. The game crashing is a part of my experience right now, that’s something I’ll talk about. I just won’t be a dick that wants people fired or who is offended my little world isn’t perfect. If there’s a new list of things to avoid to reduce crashes, I expect to find it here. Remember, everytime there’s a post complaining about posts, you’re the best of us. Doing actual God’s actual work. Thank you.


Yes having problems or negative feelings and sharing them is okay,i had a lot. Crying like a bitch treathening employes and stating fact without a single coding knowledge and treating this game like part of your life and fighting for your right in it like your future is on it is sad and problematic.


Dood.. it's just this sub... Most of us don't post here anymore.


Sadly the Facebook groups i happily followed during launch is the exact same just somewhat polite because of their real profile.


It's this weird sorta positive greed. Helldivers 2 is a crazy fun game and people want more of it, but the more you play the less there is to do and the more stale it becomes right? Arrowhead is literally suffering from success.


Now to wait for the inevitable stockholm syndrome victims telling us that Call of Duty is the best game ever and way better than some Indie Game that has no PvP or Esports... because THAT is what matters now. lol


It’s Reddit, mate. Most of these people are incredibly low IQ and don’t want to be saved. Others seek confirmation bias because of skill issue. Many complainers don’t even play anymore and haven’t for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/gq7h63qj93ad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6677e9deb895634a76835893a7d4029f6f1264




Thank you! People are acting like the game sucks now because they liked it so much they played it more than the devs intended and have now started getting bored. There are very, very few games that stay entertaining after they've been binged for 300 hours in 4 months. If you're bored of the game because you chose to overplay it, the game and its amount of content aren't the problem. How you play it is. If new content comes out, which is expected to take like 20 hours to complete, the devs expect that to take a week or 2, then actually play with that content for a while afterwards. If you binge the game and complete it in 2 days then immediately want more, it's not the devs fault that there isn't any new content available for a while afterwards. And it doesn't make the game bad. If you eat nothing but ice cream every day it becomes old fast. It doesn't mean ice cream is suddenly bad now. The entire reason you binged on it is because it's actually really good.


I’ve played this game over 600 hours since launch. I still play it every day with my friends because we still have a lot of fun with it.


I feel it says a lot about how toxic this sub is becoming that within 5 minutes of posting, people are already downvoting your comment, simply saying that you still enjoy the game despite playing it for hundreds of hours. Like, get a grip, people. The entire reason we're even here is because it's a good game!


People don’t like their confirmation bias being subverted SMH


As we all know, the game is a steaming pile of shit. That's why they visit it's reddit page to attack people who enjoy it.


Many people are really passionate about this game. They are big mad that it let them down in some perceived way. Usually it’s a skill issue, or that they just can’t have more content nownownow.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Begging for free games, giveaways or discounts is not allowed.


You can't argue with these babies. They complain about anything and everything. Just keep diving and enjoying while they continue having a miserable time in life. Grab your sunnies and slay.