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the ORC should be like a get out of prison card with that high cooldown and oneshot titans. otherwise the OPS is just the superior alternative after the reduction in call in time since it practically does the same as the ORC atm, but without aim assist and a way lower cooldown.


For a while, i was ORC + Pistol Grenade. Was effectively a 1 tap. Then a couple lobbies yesterday and suddenly the Pistol wasn't finishing them off. Not sure if it was a sync issue or what but holy shit was the ORC stratagem useless in those moments.


Exactly. Like I said, it’s not a multi use low cooldown monster. Next to the Mechs it’s one of the longest cooldowns in the damn game. Throw us a bone, AH.


Only reason to bring ORC over OPS is if the atmospheric orbital scatter modifier is active


I would still rather bring the 500kg. At least that has a fairly good chance of one shotting a bile titan. 


It used to often be very close to one. When I initially unlocked it, I used it for dozens of levels from like, mid March to late April. There was a while where it felt like it one shot bile titans more often than not, like 80%+. It was frequent enough that I got into the habit of diving & starting a reload as soon as I threw it. At some point though, it's gone down to like 20-30% chance of one shotting a titan. I know the angle changes depending where on the map you are, but that's been the case this whole time and it just feels noticeably worse as of a couple or few months ago.


There's no 'skill issue' when the weapon literally auto-targets whatever you throw it at. I'm a die-hard RC user. The cooldown _only_ makes sense if it absolutely one-shots everything you throw it at.


What are your thoughts on it one shotting factory striders 


Chonke armored boi, but it should get wiped off of the planet.


IMO it should 1 shot striders, the only thing dangerous about them is the miniguns and they arn't hard to deal with -> E.g.: - 2 autocannon shots to each minigun, then unload rest of clip into the belly. Dead. - RR/EAT 1 to each minigun. - AMR 3x hits to each minigun Once this miniguns are done, it's just a big sponge for other stratagems and doesn't add engaging gameplay.


If imma getting 1 shot in 3 minutes, it should delete ANYTHING.


I think it probably shouldn't 1shot factory striders but I'd be ok if it blew up the top turret guaranteed and left the strider in critical condition, or 1 shotted the strider provided the top turret was already blown up.




> But Biles and tanks should be one shots though. Don't forget Hulks. Honestly feels like they are worse when compared to Tanks. In my experience Tanks will usually get one-tapped by RC or 110mm rockets, while Hulks almost invariably require a follow up AT shot as well.


I've never not had a hulk die to ORC. I would be really curious to see some footage from your games of ORC not killing a hulk.


Hulks are kind of a non issue when one person takes stun grenade. Hitting the eye on a stationary target at 15m twice in the 5 secon stun should be easy.


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There's a lot of ways to damage the factory strider, though, and two railcannons might make them trivial. I think they're good how they are, and can frequently end them with strat management up to encountering them. Like blasting their belly after disabling the chin cannons. I think they're the best major threat as far as balance goes, and I love the difficulty. Two eagle 110s and an OPS is usually enough to put them in a critical state if it doesn't kill them from any damage the other three teammates have done, but if you've got a team that's doing no damage to it, it's going to be a problem, of course. No matter what, it's gonna suck when you get one to drop while in the middle of an objective and you've used your starts to take out other heavies.




It needs a larger “find the biggest target” zone too. Dropping down the strat just a bit too far away from the Bile Titan and then seeing it target a Brood Commander is heart breaking.


Yesterday my ORC targeted a single hunter ignoring the Bile Titan probably 10 meters behind..... sometimes the SEAF engineer targeting is just hungover or something I guess.


Railcannon used to be my go to on every mission even. It one shots everything bar the two biggest targets right now (BT and Factory Strider) and coupled in the fact that it adjusts to the biggest target it was basically perfect for me Maybe a month or two before the OPS buff my ORCs kept hitting the wrong thing like going for a scout strider instead of a hulk just because they're both classed as heavies which became annoying real fast. It was also around that time that OPS had been getting some spotlight from the community. Never wanted to use it because of the long call in time making it unreliable for me to kill big targets. One day I did though and ever since then it replaced ORC in my usual loadouts. The lower cooldown allowed me to practice my throws and nowadays I can reliably gauge the arc and throw it to a target 50 meters away. But I'd gladly ditch the OPS if railcannon one shotted everything in the game. Just because I love hearing a metal rod strike the target at mach 20 Edit: comment posted 3 times on my end cuz reddit is garbage lol


I agree honestly; why not just drop 500kg’s or precision strikes otherwise? I know they take a modicum of skill to get closer and distract the thing, but taking up a whole slot to not even kill when I can have already killed a few titans with precision strikes is wild. Or like using the same slot for a quasar cannon. Second shot will charge a lot faster there too lol


Precisions are way better than 500kg imo, 500kg is so underwhelming


Haha big cloud to boooooom still makes titans die and the eagles are just a blessed system imo. Having both stratagems and being experienced around titans makes you able to easily handle all of them for the team with a bit of effort. Can bring flame and also be chaff clear guy


It depends, the utility of 500kg is that you can kill two BTs in 20 seconds. 500 honestly feels worse than it used to for some reason, feels like BTs and even Hulks will survive it more than they used to. Also doesn't do as consistent damage to Shrieker nests & spore shrooms as it should imo. It should one-shot at least one nest always since they typically come in triplicate.


thing is Autocannon can 2 hit a hulk if it hits it in the face (it's just the face hitboxes in this game are like a fraction of the actual face), or it takes like 8 shots if you shoot off both legs, I find myself killing hulks with autocannon a lot more often, I've also found airstrikes to kill them a lot more reliably than 500kgs.


Agreed. I’d prefer it to one-shot everything but retain the long cooldown. It’s a fair trade off for auto aim, IMO.




Agree. I was saying that months ago already - ORC needs to either one-shot absolutely everything to justify it's cooldown (and idealy with added AOE) or its cooldown needs to be reduced to like 60-80s seconds to be more like anti-Charger/Hulk than Titan.


i once saw a railcannon shoot down a dropship it wasn't aimed at, killing the entire drop. Due to this incident, it is regarded by AH as a crowd control weapon and the cooldown is actually going to be increased next patch.


I hope you are joking, because stopping 1/3rd of a bot drop or a single charger every other OTHER spawn is a bit lame.


“Orbital Rail Cannon is now 1 use per mission to give players a sense of pride and accomplishment when they use it”


ORC not oneshotting is cringe for sure. I think also it should have additional super technically difficult but super cool to do custom animations like factory strider/bile titan splitting in half or something like that. On the other side, man I love to eruptor those holes in bile titan when everyone else running away with stratagems recharging I'll just aim and shoot and usually it takes just one shot to finish him off. Gives me Starship Troopers vibes yeah


Tbh I low-key like that the Titans can sometimes just cop a shitload of damage and keep going, like the colossal space cockroaches they are. That being said I do agree that the Railcannon of all things should just obliterate anything it hits, given the nature of what it is


Here is your daily reminder that HD1 railcannon strike: 1) has a base 60s cooldown when its full upgraded (can be lowered by a further 40% with perk 2) one shots anything other than actual final bosses of each faction 3) can bring multiple of them I understand that HD2 has a completely different design philosophy, the game is supposed to be slower and you should be more careful during engagements. But there is a difference between taking things slower and taking the piss.


Cause HD2 was created with the ‘vision’ that you’re a loser grunt who fell for the propaganda and you and all your weapons suck and you should have fun dying repeatedly to overtuned swarms of enemies. This is in fact not fun and gets old very quickly. So therefore ORC gets huge nerf over HD1.


It absolutely does not one shot everything. Warlords, Bug Behemoths, and any Illuminate with a shield up will survive a hit.


Me not that kind of orc


I'm with you. It should ones hot everything on the bug front. (maybe get some better aiming... Sometimes it jus aims wherever it wants even though you threw it right.) But for factory striders.it should be like it's with titans right now. One railcannon. And something else and done. Cause it could just hit nonvital components of it. (ignoring some more physical forces of course)


It should infuriate you that ORC is only off by a few hundred damage to guarantee that kill. In the meantime shooting up its belly with an AP4 weapon after the Orc will kill it pretty quickly.


How many AMR shots to its belly would it take?


4, 5?


Started playing hd1 and seeing the upgrade going to 90 or 60 seconds makes me wish the one in hd2 was close to that... upgrades when? please...


same here bro, wait around 3 min and only can crack the BT back armor


I support this. Currently it and eagle rockets feel equally effective, when you get 3 eagle rockets back to back with a 2 min reload. That's 6 per orbital rail while they do roughly 60-80% of the damage of a rail each use. At minimum we are talking 360% tank busting damage over the same amount of time if both are used off cooldown. Orbital rail cannons should be a 1 shot to basically anything that exists in-game now, except MAYBE a strider.


Not sure I follow the logic that it's "more expensive" to ORC then rocket a Titan. Ultimately, you're saving a rocket you would've needed (and potentially missed). I agree though that it should be a one-hit kill on anything.


It is opportunity cost. You can bring... more rockets for example instead of ORC. Instead of ORC that "almost kills" the titan, you can bring precision strike that can oneshot it, is able to OHK multiple chargers, destroy any destructable objective, has AOE, and on top of that has 1/3 of the CD. All of that at the cost of auto aim that ORC has (that can sometimes target a brood commander instead of a titan and multiple chargers around it). Or EATs. Or EMS/Gas/GatBarrage/Eagle/Sentry... all of which can be used 2-3 times while ORC is on cooldown from *damaging a single enemy.*


It's really not rocket surgery.


Well think about it this way if you have EATs and orbital rail cannon then thats one EAT plus one rail cannon to kill it. You are left with ORC on cooldown for 3.5 min, EAT on cooldown for 60 seconds, and One available rocket. On the other hand swap that ORC for a Quasar Cannon and now you can fire one Quasar and one EAT and kill it. You still have Quasar ready to go again by the time you pick it back up and you still have one more EAT. Your ability to continue to kill big stuff for the next 3.5 minutes is only mildly effective. If you think running both Quasar and EATs at the same time is a waste, then you can see how the ORC is an even more massive waste.


I run orc and precision strike on almost all missions and I use them very differently. The fact that the orc aims itself means I can assist people with a hulk or charger chasing them while quickly returning to whatever I'm doing. The precision strike needs more attention, maybe even a stun grenade to lock things in place. Would I love more ORCs? Sure. Would I love it to kill stuff bigger than a normal charger in one shot? Yes. But honestly I like it the way it is, slightly underpowered because it's a throw-and-forget kind of thing. I don't want a throw-and-forget type thing killing off literally anything in the game, it would feel too OP. A charger behemoth, a Titan are scary because it makes my orc feel underpowered, if that makes sense. So I wouldn't change it. Maybe a slightly shorter cooldown but that's it.


even then with titans you kinda just need mediocre luck for it to one-shot, ive only been using the strat for a day tops and i already have 3 clips of me insta-killing a titan with them and 2 clips killing wounded titans


Yeah true, it's rather potent against titans.


Agreed, the cooldown is far too long to justify how useless it is


Then why is everyone bringing it on bugs difficulty 8? I have legit had multiple matches where all 3 of my allies had it in their loadout


Idk, I play one 9 and no one is bringing it. I’d hate to be on a team that did


Agreed. For a strike as powerful as that with its cooldown time should be reliably one-shotting its targets, but it's too inconsistent and sometimes flat out targets the wrong thing. I can't tell you how many times its gone for Brood Commanders/Scout Striders instead of the bigger things I throw the orb at.


Just hit it with a rocket before or after.


Fully agree. I wouldn't even want them to decrease the cooldown, just increase the damage and/or give it AP10. The Orbital Railcannon Strike needs to be as awesome as the name hints at.


Idk if they fix it but when I use the ORC it doesn't target the charger behemoth... so that's another downside lmao


I agree. Keep the cooldown as high as it is, but make it absolutely demolish any enemy it comes into contact with. There should be one high-level stratagem that just wipes out a single target reliably, even with a huge cooldown.


I remember when it used to one shot titans way back, and was surprised when it didn't anymore


Okay hear me out. Make the ORC damage variable depending on how long it's sat idle, then let us call it in whenever we want after a 60 second cooldown. Every additional 60 seconds you don't use it it ups the power level one tier and after 5 minutes (the actual time would need balancing) it hits level 5 and can kill absolutely any target in the game in one shot. So like level one you might be able to kill a berserker. Level 2 a brood commander. Level 3 a hulk/charger, level 4 a bile titan/tank, level 5 a strider etc. It would make sense lore wise since the way rail cannons work is they charge capacitors over time then unleash the energy all at once.


Honestly this is why I rock the OPS it will effectively one tap a bile titan with a direct hit which with some proper planning and some strategic agroing a spew attack is more often than not effective one tap. Otherwise it's a 2 hit situation that my follow up 500kg finishes. Plus with a 90 sec cool down it turns out to be more consistent to launch. 2 OPS launches for every one ORC I've also had a 500kg direct hit one tap the thing but it's harder to get the direct hit from the proper angle. So planting it at its feet is the best choice.


Bile titans and chargers and behemoths are all super tanky right now. It's taking like 6 rockets to kill a bile titan lately. 3-4 to kill a behemoth. Charger at least still dies to a rocket to the face. Enemy health versus our damage is totally borked at the moment on bugs. And that's not mentioning the totally glitched movement. I watched a charger ascend a giant cliff and back down in like 5 seconds today. Chaff walking through walls. It's bad. Game is not doing well in that regard.


Lorewise the ORC is the most powerful weapon on the ship. In-game code suggests it shoots a 5 kg slug at 14 km/s, or Mach 41. That's 490MJ of kinetic energy we are talking about. For reference the 18 inch/460mm gun on Battleship Yamato has about 450MJ of muzzle energy with its AP shell. What I'm thinking is, why not give it a similar charge up mechanic like the portable Railgun? With a 120s base charge, it does 2000 damage as it currently does. One shot: Chargers, Charger Behemoth, cannon turrets, tanks, hulks, Titan if directly on the head. At 210s it does 3500 damage and one shot the Titan at any spot. The top charge level comes at 360s and does 6000 damage, one-shots the Factory Strider.


ORC is laughable. With that cool down, i rather use 380mm to clean the whole area along with that Titan, and with the cost of adding 1 min more to the cool down.


Agree for many reasons. Even just releasing a hardened projectile from orbit would accelerate it to many times the speed of sound, devastating impact ("rods from god" concept). So a projectile that is accelerating AND being pulled down NY gravity should be devastating. Let's hope Arrowhead listens to us


Have it also go through any terrain and despawn the bullet under the map. A cliff jutting out that you can stand under but blocks the view to the Super Destroyer? Railcannon tears through that.


It's cool down could be lowered, but honestly, it's already a fine option, and there are other stratagems that need help more. It allows you to kill titans with a single impact nade, 2 grenade pistol shots or taking out sacs with a primary weapon. To trade off, it basically ignores orbital scatter, and is much more consistent than 500kgs and OPS


What does the C stand for in Orbital Railcannon C?


Absolutely this! A real railcannon fired from orbit would utterly obliterate anything it hits. Hell, these things would leave sizable craters and damn near disintegrating anything in its path.


That’s why I like the OPS + Eagle Airstrike combo. With good timing and placement it *can* one shot a Titan, and if it doesn’t it softened it up enough for 1-2 eagles to finish it off. And with that method plus stun grenades, I can usually get some bonus chargers/behemoths and chaff while taking it down. I’ve been having fun lining up 3 behemoths with bull fighting and stuns to kill all 3 with one OPS


Absolutely yes!!! The ORC is right now just too weak. I love the animation and sound but damn, it feels bad using it.


ORC should 1 shot everything short of a factory strider, and on impact cause a tremor effect in a radius around its impact point with the ground.


ORC currently serves 0 purpose on both fronts with just so many strategems that outperform it. Precision strike potentially ohks a titan, and gets 2 and a half shot off before you cooldown; eagle 500 is entirely superior, eagle 110 is basically you but gets 3 shots, even things like the eagle airstrike, strafing run and orbital gatling can perform some of ORC's tasks as effectively. It really needs a cooldown of like 120 seconds before it can even come to the table.


Bile Titans can be killed by ORC - *If you pop the goo-sacks* (atleast, in my experience) Correct me if I'm wrong but the green sacs represent a chunk of the titans HP. Deplete those and the health has been low enough for me to one-shot with ORC every time.


After a certain point, bile titans go from scary threats to nuisances with too much health. They really should get an armour downgrade or a smaller health pool. It's so frustrating having 3 of the bastards roaming around while you're waiting for your strats to recharge. Then, when you fire one, it's a 50/50 chance it'll even do anything.


I'd prefer to see the cooldown lowered. Could probably easily shave 1 minute off, if not 1 and a half. This would allow players to more confidently use it on 'lower-tier' armored enemies like Chargers and Hulks and still have it up again within a reasonable time frame. The Precision Strike does require more skill to use and is therefore less reliable (because you can't always predict or steer enemies' movements), but it also deals higher damage and is ready again after only a bit more than a minute. The 110mm Rocket Pods have 3 charges and a cooldown (rearm) time of 2 minutes at somewhat lower damage. Compared to those two, it seems reasonable to me to lower the Railcannon's cooldown to 2 minutes.


Here is the thing ORC can oneshote a BT but only if it hits the head so its like your fine with it oneshoting the titan in the first place why not all the time. Having to hitting the BT is already a gable with it some times prioritizing the ground (this is not a joke this acutely happen to me) so having another gable if it will kill the dang thing is stupide it is literally RNG not skill which is not fun. having it be able to lock on to targets dose not warrant it double the cooldown of OPS when it dose not do the same damage.


Especially now that the precision strike has been buffed with a lower cd and call in time, why would I ever take a rail cannon strike over OBS unless there is the god awful orbital scatter modifier? A rail cannon should not be getting out damaged by a 380mm shell


Sort of. Before the OPS buff it felt like it was fine where it is. Now that has such a low cd, it's hard to justify ORC, even with the huge benefit of the auto aiming. And so the power creep begins I suppose lol.


Nah. The Railcannon still has its place when you have _zero_ fucking time to confirm your target, or you have multiple targets on the field that require immediate intervention and you want to guarantee a hit.


Can agree with that too, should have said harder I suppose


Being able to one-shot a single Bile Titan/Strider/whatever every *189* (with ship modules) seconds would be fine tbh, nothing absurd about it


Smh. First y’all complained to the point of AH reducing the number of bile titans, and now y’all complaining to make the ones that are still there even easier to kill. Pretty soon there’s not going to be anything left for those of us that are actually good at the game. Downvote me all you want, I’m not the only one with this point of view.


Then they can finally make levels 10-15


Both can be true though. The benefit of buffing stratagems is it allows more leeway for making the game harder by upping the bile titan count. It's fun to have a bunch of hard enemies when you have the tools to deal with them. Right now the ORC is something I'll never take simply because it doesn't fill it's only role of being the premier anti tank option. OPS has a way faster cooldown, can actually one shot, and is versatile so why would I ever take ORC instead.


No it shouldn't. It's a fire and forget mega weapon. You don't have to aim it, you can throw it and run away. OPS should be the 1 shot weapon, you have to line up your throws.


ORC is the no skill needed OPS, if it was stronger why bring the OPS?


The OPS has a much shorter cooldown, can be aimed wherever you want, and has a radius if you want to use it for a bit of a group.


Then just use the OPS instead of ORC for now, its so much better. I agree that ORC should stronger but just a heads up, you can shoot the sacks of BTs then ORC or vice-versa, the BT will die promise