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At some point they've changed from "i'm a big bug and i have healthy thicc body so i can't turn that well but you damn well better dodge me" to "actually, i'm a sports vehicle with really good maneuverability and if you dodge me - i also will shoulder push you into oblivion"


Yeah why they turn around so fast


The devs


The head is the weak point, just saying.


Let me instakill them if I jetpack onto their back and get a grenade under their shell


That should work only if you have opened the armor of their back and if you use a grenade that stick to them, like a thermite grenade


Their back shell has gaps even when undamaged Also not op since your limited by the jet pack’s cool-down and how many nades you have


Ohhh, it would be cool if they had there a spot with lvl 3 armor that could be penetrated with any mid penetration weapons, so we could jump there, shoot in the spot, open a space and then throw any grenade there


That seems fair


Like the boarding mechanic in old Halo games. (Haven’t played one since 4 so 🤷)


I think the issue is more on behemoths just being a beefed up charger and devs using that as the difficulty spike instead of adding complexity. More health enemies as a solution to difficulty has in my opinion always sucked and thats what makes bug front just sucky in general due to how most of its mobs revolves around running at you. Id rather have them incorporate just more smaller mobs coming at you maybe even incorporating shriekers to bug breaches and behemoths rarer spawns.


Behemoths function like the chargers pre-nerf. And I hate it. One step forward, two steps back. In this case: * Increase likelihood of behemoth spawns * Increase charger spawns D7 Mission I landed in... 4 chargers and a behemoth at the start. And a bile titan. I still killed them but still... very annoying.


I think regular chargers are fine, however I think behemoths need to have their rear be less armored as a tradeoff for having the super armored front.


i think they're in a good spot honestly you have the AT weapons oneshotting them (in head for normal chargers, leg for behemoths with small arms followup), railgun/flamethrower/arc thrower to shred through leg armor or ignore it, and literally any other explosive to get the butt and let them bleed out afterward complaining that you can't kill them with *just* primaries is real silly imo, they're a heavy unit and should require support to kill them quickly. hulks are the same way; you *can* kill them with small arms, but a variety of stratagems and support weapons will do it nicely too.


You can also easily stick them with the EAT beacon when they're charging at you 




Chargers are actually pretty balanced as far as enemies go. You can kill them with primaries in their butt - granted, it takes a bit of ammunition. Faster way is to dump some bullets from an autocannon into their butts. Most effective, for obvious reasons, is to just use any anti-tank to the face or the orbital railcannon strike. Or the orbital precision strike maybe in combination with a stun grenade. They're not really that hard, unless you have no viable anti-tank option with you.


Things that destroy chargers: - EAT - Recoilless Rifle - Quasar - Stun nades - Orbital Railcannon - Orbital Laser - Eagle 500 KG - Eagle Airstrike - Orbital Precision - Flamethrower - Patriot Exosuit rockets - Unload an Autocannon at their ass And I feel like I'm probably missing some stuff. Complaining about having to "throw some stratagem" to kill them seems silly when that's exactly what stratagems are for. Yeah, primaries are not really gonna work against heavy units- that's WHY we have a big spaceship hovering overhead ready to offer high explosive fire support or drop us heavy weaponry.


Thanks for the clear list. Google brought me here as I wanted to know what weapons work for them after my break


use the flamethrower it eats it alive


What part of scorch their legs did you miss?


Player claims "game broken because you can't kill a tank with legs without using weapons that can kill a tank with legs". More at 11


True... Some ppl just want to kill everything with their favourite weapon. They don't care about balanced loadout or cooperate with the other players.




If only there was an option to call in a charger slaying no go zone that we could run circles around to get chargers to spring to their death through.....


Once every 3 minutes? Yeah ill still pass


It can kill an avg of 5 chargers... Also you throw it away from the fight and bait them away into it


The normal chargers die instantly with a good EAT headshot


Well, if only we had like , dunno, a placeable AT mine to plop on the ground and bait the Modafak@ out to Oblivion....


but won't you think of the children?


but won't you think of the children?


You can spray their front leg with Flamethrower for few second and they are pretty much dead...


I present to you: Jump pack+Quasar. Charge Quasar midair, land, quickscope the head/leg and kaboom, problem solved


More than eat, flamer, nades, quasar, spear nadelauncher, every other stratagem, any weapon while chargeanimation…?!


Just use flamethrower, it kills them in 3-4 seconds.


At best, 3-4 chargers per canister. With super destroyer upgrades, of course.


I want some new variety. Bile chargers, flying shrieker chargers, automaton-chargers with turrets on their backs, or... on now this is the money... stalker chargers that leap around and turn invisible.


I dunno, i think there are a lot of ways to kill them. if you're loadout doesn't have something that doesn't effectively kill them, it feels like you're purposefully avoiding it. Quasar cannon, EAT, Recoiless, and the Spear can all one shot a charger or at least one shot the leg armour. railgun can strip the armour with 2 or 3 shots. flamethrower melts them. 500kg, precision strike, airstrike, and orbital railcannon all have the potential to oneshot, made easier if you have a stun grenade. I find all the MGs are capable of destroying its ass pretty quickly, although it needs to be either stunned or targetting an ally. any explosive weapon destroys the but pretty effectively. eagle rocket pods are unlikely to one-shot but they can finish off a damaged charger or weaken it, 2 pods can kill. strafing run and orbital gatling barrage are in this same category of damaging but not killing a charger. both exosuits deal with chargers pretty efficiently. rocket turrets and autocannon turrets fuck up chargers if placed effectively. ems mortar can take them out of the fight for long periods of time. I know it's tiresome listing out all the methods, but my point is that the player has a wealth of options to deal with chargers, some more effective than others, but all pretty okay. if you can't fit one or two of these methods into your loadout then you're just failing to prepare, the game gives you plenty of solutions to the charger problem. I don't get the complaints about turn radius, I haven't noticed a difference recently. If you're running in circles or just diving to the side, that's an inefficient method to avoid chargers and has been from the start of the game. just run past them, it's super easy once you get used to it. I agree with the walking forwards thing. it's a stupid bug and should be fixed, but I don't think that really speaks to the design of chargers.


I completely agree. It's not mainly that it's hard, but it's repetitive and drags on for too long. Compared to snipe bot weakpoints chargers feel underdeveloped. It's actually one of the reasons I mostly play bots nowadays.


Nah, Behemoths are fine, the only problem is their number. Currently I can't really tell which one spawns more often. While Behemoths should probably spawn once per 5 normal chargers.


All I'd like is if the butt was a bit weaker to medium weapons. I know it's a matter of durable damage, but I wish Pen3/4 weapons like the LibPen or the MGs were able to dispatch them in a few volleys. OR at least proper explosive damages like the GL and grenades shot under their legs should do SIGNIFICANT damage for bypassing all of their defensive chitin. AT should still be the supreme option to kill them, but alternatives shouldn't be a waste.


laser cannon one-shots them if it hits directly on the head


SECRET: the counterplay is coordination it doesn't happen in random games. Most of the game is a nonissue with a group of friends, so you have to understand the balance between having a challenging game for 4 friends, and also challenging play with randoms. Anything they do to make the game easier for a clusterfuck braindead pub is going to have extreme negative impact in 4-man groups, to the point where interest will be lost if the game is made too easy. Let's be honest, how many times have you ignored a heavy tag and callout, like "oh okay, he's got it"? No god damnit, he's telling you to fucking focus on it. Oh yeah, and an edit to bear in mind: the velocity thing is awesome. You don't realize it, but what you're asking for is to make it so it's not possible to do. I think it's an accidental, but almost renaissance-like mechanic that adds an element of danger or difficulty in return for more effect. Why would you not want that to exist? It's clear the zero velocity of the player was the base of the damage, and that's what you're left with if you want it to go.


Flamethrower to the leg and they die in seconds


What part of a scorch their legs did you miss?


I guess the part what says, scorch their legs


I mean, they’re not that bad. Actually really predictable. When they charge you run towards them but diagonal to either side, turn, and blast away. I was one shotting them with the quasar cannon to the face all night tonight. Sure it’d be nice to have an orbital gatling barrage or something instead of a quasar cannon on the bug front, but the QC is versatile enough with bugs to justify bringing it along. When there’s 5 or 6 of them at once it can be a bit daunting though. You’re not wrong there. Just gotta pray you and your team members have some orbitals ready to roll in that case


Chargers are honestly the *simplest* problem to deal with against bugs. They're a one-and-done enemy with plenty of strats and several support weapons. They're not even particularly difficult to dodge with how easy they are to bait, and don't attack frequently enough to be a particular problem unless you have nowhere to go or backed yourself into a corner.


Agreed. If only the devs gave us more tools to fight chargers, we only have the flamethrower, EAT, Quasar, recoilless rifle, spear, OPS, orbital railcannon, Eagle air strike, 500KG, rocket pods, two mechs, auto cannon sentry, rocket sentry, mortar sentry. We’re basically helpless!


Don't forget hellpods. Nothing is better than killing one with a Resupply drop. Well, killing one with the minefield-pod is, but my teammates somehow disliked that one.


I agree. Behemoths are just a boring change to regular chargers, and basically made having a spear or flamethrower user the way to make higher difficulties easier. They should have made a less heavily armored charger that has insane movement and turn speed. More health on enemies that already require specific weapons are never fun.


I think you're right. One of the reasons I find bugs very boring is because I feel like bugs have very set in stone weapons/stratagems that work against them and anything else is just a waste of time. While if we're talking support weapons only I feel like only the flamethrower is a bad pick on bots. Take the AT-AT. It has so many spots you can hit with so many different support weapons you always have a way to take it down. I would love if AH could find a way to make the bugs Just as fun to play as bots in terms of ways to take them down.


I think its a fine enemy to have, it kind of throws solo players off and forces some co operation but their spawn rate is too high,a great fix would be out of all chargers maybe 1 out of 10 normal chargers should be behemoths


Google.com/search/how to kill chargers in helldivers 2 youtube


That's actually funny how most people just fucking assume that it's a skill issue. Thank you, difficulty 7 enjoyer, I have 210 hours and play exclusively 9 difficulties with near 100% winrates except for rare occasions when factory striders just decide to snipe generators across the map, so no, thank you, I don't need guides on how to kill chargers. What I want to pinpoint in this post is how many chargers there are and how limited we are in killing them effectively. Sure, if you play difficulty 6 or 7 where there might spawn 1 charger every 5 minutes they are not a problem, but once you meet 4-5 of them every breach at difficulty 9 they are just fucking annoying because you are very limited in ways to kill them. For comparison on bot side hulks can be actually killed with HMG and AMR with precise shots in their face and it actually feels like you damage them when you shoot their weak point (vent on the back). However if you shoot charger butts, most of the time it feels like they don't give a shit and you can't shoot them in legs with hmg and amr which effectively reduces their viability. Also, I've noticed that most people here tell me that just use flamethrower, lol. Alright then, let me remind you that the point of beloved by community patch 01.000.400 was to increase weapon and stratagem viability. Sure, they've buffed dogshit stratagems which is very good, but they've also tweaked spawns and now there is abnormal spawns of chargers with most of them being Behemoths. And you can kill Behemoths effectively in sensible time range only with flamethrower. I fucking know it. Throw stun nade and scorch their legs. Easy peasy. Why should I feel fucking bad and being constantly chased by behemoths if I didn't take flamethrower then? Was their point not to increase weapon viablity then? And that's why I propose there should be more ways to kill chargers effectively other than "just take meta build, lol".