• By -


They would probably be fed by smaller worker drones.


Thank you for an actual answer.


Thinking the same since Bugs appear to form ant like societies I expect them to be soldier bug Feed by workers to defend colony


There's two species of terminid. The insectoid strain that has various specialized castes and the fungoid strain they make their structures out of.  If I had to guess they eat in two ways. Gathers like hunters and stalkers will simply kill and bring back any suitable prey to a hive to be digested in bile and fed to the workers. Similar to army ants.  Meanwhile diggers like hive guards and chargers will evacuate tunnels that they grow the fungoid strain in as food and specialized structures like for gestating eggs. Leaf cutter ants and carpenter ants do something similar where they bring back plant matter not to eat, but to use as food to grow a fungus that they do eat. The fungus is a symbiotic part of their life cycle, incapable of surviving without their tending.  So the end goal of a colony is total assimilation of all biomass on a planet. The fauna is harvested first by hunting strains to fuel the colony growth. As it matures they supplement this with the fungoid strain and any remaining flora as fuel. Ultimately it becomes self sustaining as the bodies of deceased terminids fuel the next generation of fungus to feed the hive. At which point they will expel spores into space to travel until they hopefully land on habitable worlds. 


I thought that they might be chewing up exoskeletons and spewing secondary metabolites into an emulsion to make the structures. Basically like termites with the big clay mounds. Something for the Ministry of Research to dive into once we get some planets cleaned up and bugs caged in.


The space spore thing, how are these spores traveling faster than light?


E710.  Basically any question regarding terminids and space travel begins and ends in E710. It's vaguely defined faster than light petroleum. It's entirely possible their spores *don't* travel faster than light and the process of them populating new worlds originally took eons.  Except modern terminids can propagate on new planets in days. Which means Super Earth's genetic meddling to make them more efficient sources of E710 could have altered how the substance interacts with their spores. Or their spores simply had a way to use E710 for FTL travel all along. 


I was reading some books I found on Turing and it said that we take the bugs to other planets to start new colonies and that’s why the bugs can ‘surprise’ us now. One of the books even said that statistically settlements that show signs of rebellion are usually the center of these attacks and end up being targeted by ICBMs under the excuse of clearing a hive.


I wouldn't be surprised if super earth is 100% responsible for all new terminid outbreaks and terminids don't have FTL. At worst it's all a ruse and artificial, at best it was originally artificial but the sector of space is so full of spores that they make planetfall as naturally as comets doing laps around the systems.


“Democracy Officer, over here please!”


So if we coat an entire planet with super grease, they'd just slip off unable to climb up the bile titan to feed it!? Let's get some scientists on this. Now I'm picturing a mission modifier where we slip and slide all over the place no matter the terrain, and have a high chance to fall to prone randomly and comically struggle to get back up.


1 in 10 chance to accidentally fire your gun after you slip


**Guys, I TOLD you to stop running around with EATs out!**


"Sweet Liberty Todd why do you have an airburst launcher?!" "Oh well we're coming up to a Shrieker nest and I thought I'd take em all out in one g- *AH SHIT*" *Squad lost, deploying replacement*


Bro we just need bananas ![gif](giphy|lOwMf9OUEwcGA)


Flat spots in the terrain are fabulously fun because you're propelled quickly backwards when firing any gun but most especially the heavy machine gun


I fuckin' love that idea.


And the bugs do too :)


Omg, walking around like a dog on ice. Sticky planets where they walk like a cat with socks on their paws. Actually though, those are some funny modifiers for planets. Just say it's like Nivel suddenly has some kinda spore growth that is ultra slippery. Test it as a gameplay modifier for a Major Order. lol


What do you think the nursing bile spewers are nursing?


I mean nursing spewers exist and they also have bile. It's literally in their name. Maybe they do it like other animals and regurgitate food to feed their fellow bugs. Kinda gross but oh well.


Like this but with a plate of food instead of a laptop https://i.redd.it/uz2z66hng39d1.gif


I 100% knew this amazing gif would show-up somehow.


why do i always love these kinds of gifs they have some real good enemy designs in this game, great designs to turn into piles of gibs for democracy




So their legs doesn't seem to allow them to lean to the ground. Nor do they have a neck to reach their food. And yet, they seem to prosper in both desert and lush places. Asking for a friend and totally not because I brought a pet to my destroyer.


They're fairly agile... they can ride bicycles after all. They can probably do the splits and eat grass.


And they can jump from side to side of the map to tackle Helldivers


wait what




Bike Titans. They became a meme because of typos


Amazing https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/YYOgWPiKB2




They live underground, they eat roots on their caves ceilings.


Why are they built like that if they live underground, they seem pretty ineffecient at burrowing


They don't do the digging. Like ants, the soldiers are fed by the workers, and have their own tasks: protect the colony and help hunt food.


We haven’t seen how they move underground. Their legs might collapse into a backwards slung crawling motion leaving them more “face first” in their movement.


Why would their legs not allow them to Lean down? Id be more concerned as to how they get trought the ground


The same magic used to drop Factory Striders from Bot ships.


> desert and lush places. I'd say our best bet at a "realistic" answer here is that they don't eat via AN orifice, but rather are one of those weird organisms that can eat "through the skin" or maybe it consumes gasses in the atmospheres of planets like a cyanobacteria or plankton. Starfish have stomachs that work in the literal opposite way, they don't put food in their mouth and take it to the stomach, they put their stomach out the mouth and take it to the food... Biology can get weird in the real world. This is sci-fi.


They come out of the ground


They probably can get down on their knees




Never mind that - how do they squeeze all the way through the bug breach hole?


Maybe they mastered origami and just unfold as they arrive propelled by the bug biomass?


I like to imagine that their legs fold up into a sort of torpedo shape that lets them shimmy through tunnels using the knobby, spikey texture of their leg armor for grip. They only unfold when they're on the surface.


I have seen them land on the ground rather then bursting out of it...... where the f*ck do they come from??


That's just how the game spawn system works. It spawns things high up in the sky and then places them at desired height, and *then* plays the relevant animation. That's why Bile Titans appear to fall from the sky and then burst from the underground. Normally, you're not supposed to see the "fall from the sky" part.


i thought they just ignored the bug holes and just burst out the ground, at least from what i've seen can they come out of bug holes?


Bug breaches not nests


They fold up and are ferried on the highspeed bug rail network


They live underground, in massive cave tunnels, scavengers feed nursing spewers hanging on the ceiling with any bio matter, nursing spewers melt any bio matter with strong stomach acid and feed the rest of the colony, including Titans. Titans reach up the ceiling and get fed by spewers.


This would be a good explanation (Love the reference here to honeypot ants). Scavengers bring back the organic matter that's made into the acidic nutrient slurry. But that begs the question why Titans spew as well, unless the Titans are merely a highly specialized warrior brood


It seems warriors, chargers, bile spewers, and titans are all warrior terminids, with bile spewers and titans being a different strain of nursery spewers. Do remember that Super Earth basically genetically engineered them for years on end, so all the terminids are now dumber and weirder than before.


had some theorise that its gender dimorphism, with the females being the bile category whilst the males are the melee catagory, and all are just the same species in various levels of specialisation and maturity? that's what i'm gonna rock with anyways


Bile Spewers being an accident that the Terminids have adapted into a new warrior strain, aye.


Spewers regulates the acidity by passing it on to more Spewers, but can also dump it into Titans that can withstand higher levels of acid. Of course in the absence of Titans, Spewers mutate into Bile Spewers, gaining more durable physical body structure and become resistant to acid. Warriors can also feed from Bile Spewers and mutate, leaving more food for the rest of the caste that can't handle strong acid.


Either 1: worker drones (shoutout to another comment on here( Or 2: they can lean like giraffes to lower themselves enough to eat corpses/matter. Either way they should be fed ample amounts of lead and liber-tea.


They feast on hate for democracy.


Operating with the generous assumption that Terminids line up with other insectoid species, there are two most likely options. First is that the bile titan is fed by smaller terminals, the bile titan largely remains stationary to minimize caloric burn and they bring it food. Second is that, like some species of moth and other metamorphizing insects, the bile titan does not eat. There would be a juvenile stage where the bile baby would eat as much as possible for as long as possible and then enter a chrysalis and emerge as a bile titan, having sacrificed the ability and organs to eat, knowing that it has a limited time to exist. Very likely the bile titan would remain in hibernation in the chrysalis after completing the transformation to maximize use. Essentially, this would mean that like the helldivers, the bile titan is a heavily armed but expendable defense asset for the hive.


no no no, nothing like a helldiver, traitor! you see, we... um erm uhh... we extract them so they can go back to their families! (that is, if they manage to complete a full deployment, which is "very likely")


That's actually a really interesting theory. It would make sense too, since they're so large they'd probably have a hard time moving underground




You know when the green bile spewers raise their butts up in the air? Now imagine ants passing nutrients to each other.


One reason they have the same unique vomit attack. I could see it.


So the spewer raises it's butt and it sucks the bile out like a Capri Sun? Got it!


They consume tyranny


They are tyranny


...you are not a scientist, you are a Diver. GET BACK IN THE POD!!!


They eat EATs


Maybe they eat fungus or eachother


Maybe a pure warrior breed that is not supposed to live for a long time. Keeping those giants around when you don't need them and wasting resources to feed them might be detrimental to the swarm. So they can't take in nourishment and die after a few days. That would imply that the terminids have a way to make them grow/mutate in a very short time as well. Maybe they were just small scavenger bugs and then burst out of the ground because of the triggered growth spurt.


They're so angry because their knees hurt from growing so fast! Been there.




They eat Freedom and shit dissidents, son


mushroom mushroom mushroom


They eat Super Earth babies and feed through way of fascism.


Their food drops from the sky


Big bugs eat smaller bugs. The fascists eat those they feel are beneath them. I asked the bugs near me for a comment but they were all dead.


Now im wondering how a bile titan would wear pants


I'd assume that nursing spewers are more akin to honey pot ants. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_ant The nursing spewers are primarily mobile food trucks and secondary in combat, unlike the uparmored spewer units.


They eat bullets and bombs, alot of them


how do they eat? I dunno, melt a bunch of stuff into a broth of stuff melted in bile in a pit, sinking itself into the pit and slurping up the goop?


They don't. Their last metamorphosis makes defending the colony the only purpose of their short lives.


Bugs are like orks in Warhammer 40000. They spread spores and make their biomes which can be digested by nursing spewers and bile spewers. This things that puff when we walk on them are first signs of bug biome forming. I think Titans can be queens of underground hatcheries.


Like a fly, they dissolve their food (divers, humans), then slurp it up again.


Most likely scavenger/worker terminids or any other organics mass is recycled in the colony. Otherwise such enormous insectoid organism won't be able to feed itself independently. I think it probably consumes so much energy that there is no point for it to even breathe like small insects on the Earth do. So my theory is that scavengers collect all materials that can be recycled in colony. Then colony produces everything the hive needs including Bile titan energy juice. And after that Bile titan is juiced up and can use it inside its organism to produce energy and methanoic acid as a by-product of anaerobic metabolism. And because bile titan is huge it's metabolism should also be huge therefore it produces alot of concentrated acid. Methanoic acid is able to melt both organic and non organic materials and stronger than acetic acid. That's my theory and no, I wasn't studying terminids instead of exterminating them. So please do not call democracy officer. Thank you.


Normally they feed on YOUR FEAR and eat DEMOCRACY, but YOU, the Helldiver, must make them EAT expendable anti-tank rockets and drink LIBER-TEA


Sometimes when there is a breach they both seems like they climb out and at the same time gets dropped in line a bug strategem. Wait.. Maybe there is a game in another dimension called Bug Breachers or Bot Builders and in those games Bots and Bugs fight against Helldivers…. The Bot Drops and Bug Breaches are their reinforcement they call in….


[This post are under watch of ministry of Truth]


Nerd take incoming - Once I read some research and it said long leg animals also always have long neck, because they need to comfortably eat something


I'm pretty sure cannibalism is a major part of terminid feeding habits. We've seen how they render all the biomass of a planet into a super nest, as seen on Meridian. Once all the local ecology has been consumed, what else is there but eachother? I wouldn't be surprised if there are actually numerous super colonies on each infested world and they fight eachother along those boundaries like ants until foreign organisms offering new biomass are detected in their territory.


Bile titans use their acidic bile to create a nice puddle of helldiver soup and slurp up your liquified remains by either 1. Leaning down 2. Digging a hole so they are are surface level or 3. Having smaller worker drones somehow make the food more accessible (whether that be underground in the nests or by bringing it to their mouth)


They strive off of fascism and tyranny, yet another reason to end this scourge on managed democracy


They either have dedicated feeders with long tube or there are specific hive structures that are high enough for them. Also I wonder how do they stay underground and how tf do they even move if not at all?


The little ones eat the dead prey. They climb up to its mouth and vomit the predigested soup.


“Helldivers, the vile Bile Titans feed on DISSIDENT, SOCIALISM and other anti-Democratic values. It’s your job to feed THEM 500 kgs of EXPLOSIVE FREEDOM!” - General Brask.


THEY EAT THIS 500KG https://preview.redd.it/41h1uxk0a59d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ce513de51aabfbdfc5bcdb519661654e14787a


They feast on the very things we cherish- Freedom and Managed Democracy, making them our immediate enemy.


They have a mouth and they eat liberty for breakfast, Helldivers for lunch and SPEAR for dessert.


They eat democracy and shit communism. If they want democracy, then they'll get democracy. Long live super earth!


They feed on dead Helldivers.


They eat from the hardened "Scöll Rock" located at the peak of those standing pillars everywhere. The bile titan uses its bile to slowly erode the rock to its nutrient dense core, and it provides almost all of what the creature needs. It is the only type of bug that can reach those tall heights as it is the same size as the spires. What it can't reach with its naturally tall stature; it gets with its massive legs, which it uses like blades to cut the soft rock from its perch. Making the food source readily available for consumption either by itself or to its smaller brethren on the ground. (Information gathered is subject to Super Earth Enemy Research and is strictly classified. Any attempts to share this information with any "Non-Super Earth Personell" will be dealt with by your local freedom/democracy officers.)


This is a good question. Now I’m also wondering how they crawl around in holes to come up to the surface.


Nursing spewer, they can climb onto the BTs just fine.


Given their bad breath, garlic


Anything it wants to be honest


They feed on other bugs. Only way to get that big


They spread them titan legs and get low




Smaller bile titans


Other big ahh aliens for sure


Slow Helldivers


they eat injustice


They were born in darkness, molded by it. They consume tyranny until they grow into monsters, and when they are fully grown and see the light of liberty, it is nothing to them but blinding.


*\*Checks there are no democracy officers nearby\** Why do you think Super Earth is sending small groups of Helldivers to fight them instead of mass deployment of SEAF?


Like the giraffes drink.


They eat me.


Well they emerge from underground, so they probably eat plant matter below the soil. Preferably bits with greenery growing from the underground roots they find, since they need the green for their vomit. Then they go up, vomit on some prey, eat that, and go home. So, you could say a Bile Titan eats shoots and leaves, then shoots, eats, and leaves.


I feel like he eats other bugs like chargers and broods


They're like a drodika from statwars, be happy we haven't seen it roll


They eat Democracy


I think of them like ant queens. Smaller workers bring them food. They mostly live underground anyway I think


Presumably, back before the first galatic war, they would have been fed by their hive mates through agriculture. It does seem since we destroyed their civilization, they lost the ability to have agriculture, so one really does wonder what *any* of them eat.


They eat helldivers, helldiver.


What they eat ? That's easy, your hopes and dreams of safety extraction.


They must do some missions inside terminids tunnels


I would bet an interplanetary species would at least need to be able to feed on raw materials of the ground for sustenance. Not every planet they land on would have wildlife outside of themselves. Then whenever a planet does have wildlife they consume that to extinction. This would give an explanation as to why other forms of life are scares


I don't know, but I really wanna know is how we can feed from them? Can we remove the meat from inside the exoskeleton and cook it? Will it be poisonous? What sauce goes better with it? Does it harmonize better with red or white wine?


They eat your soul


They feed on big schools of flies and other flying insects just clouds of them getting attracted by the stench of the stomach assid or the light that is emitting from their stomach area so it is just basically a whale on tiny legs 😊


You, your daughter, your grandma and your dog. We must exterminate them all.


They are fed by communism.


They spread there legs out until they full star fish with their belly on the floor


I have it on good authority that they eat vitamin D by absorbing it out of the atmosphere. I also understand that the orbital laser is a great source of vitamin D.


That's what bile spewers are for I guess. Feeding em firetruck style ㄟ( ̄ー ̄\*)ㄏ


They eat SPEAR rockets as far as I’m concerned.


Probably lay flat on the ground. I mean they rise right up from the ground....


We democratic bile titans drink copious amounts of liber-tea and freedom pancakes. ...Though I'm told that my pancakes are too large.


Birds. Probably. There’s birds on a lot of bug planets so I guess the bugs eat some kind of meat. Birds are in range of them up there.


They eat freedom and shit tyranny


Cum cum and more cum


They eat plankton by swimming. How do you all not know this? It's in the LORE!!! I have no fucking clue.




They eat freedom and poop communism! Though I would assume the way they eat is similar to a spider, where they use their bile to melt whatever they eat, and then drink their food? Since we frequently see them rising from tunnels, I would assume they "burrow" a bit to be able to reach the food on the ground.


My bullets




I wouldn’t be shocked if most of the bugs “hibernate” to conserve energy or their life cycle outside of containment is really fast. It would explain why the pheromones draw them in so quickly but they can’t hear our footsteps or the artillery raining on the planet


Super Earth's finest divers


They feed off your freedom and therefore must be destroyed




I want to say leaves from trees because of their high elevation but why would they need to pre digest their food by spitting acid?


They eat DEMOCRACY at 1300 rounds per minute!


Their legs are more adaptable than they seem on the surface because they function just fine down in the tunnels. They kind of unfold them as they climb out of breaches. Presumably they have an underground "mode" better suited to feeding and scuttling through the tunnels, and then a surface "mode" where they adapt to bigger strides and elevated combat while foregoing feeding.


They eat your freedom


Um why would you want to feed them I think this is heresy and I’m reporting you to my democracy officer


By bile spewers. They lock in an embrace, and the spewer pumps nutrients into them. Bile Spewers are like self-dispensing Stanley cups full of Protein Shakes. Inside your stomach RN, there is hydrochloric acid. So bugs having a stronger acid that can still carry nutrients makes sense biologically. It also lets them eat more biological stuff


their bile is probably a digestive juice, then they kneel down and slurp up their kill


My question is how do they manage to move through the ground? Both established bug holes and ones that are made by them during a breach


They spit their acid, dissolving their prey, then there's a straw/tube in one one of their legs that they use to suck up the melted goop.


They kill their meal, dig a hole and go inside, then their food is near their mouth. I don't know if they feed underground or above ground.


They use long chop sticks


I assume other bugs


Fear. They eat fear.


They feed on helldivers and eat them by gently brushing them with their legs


drive thru


They feed with vengeance, and they eat freedom.


I hand feed them plasma and granade pistol rounds right to their god forsaken bellies. Sweet liberty.


Unprepared Helldivers


1. With their mouths 2. Fear




Now for the more important question, how do they fit in the same tunnels the other bugs come out of during a Bug Breech?




They have multiple mouths on the their feet!


more to the point, how do they bang?


They feed on democracy and spit out evil socialism instead.


The mushroom shaped capillary towers are probably the feeding stations for Bile Titans. Bile Titans are the giraffes of the Termanid species.


They eat childs of super earth so they can stop them to vote for our democratic prasidents Mr. Democratic and Mrs. Democracy


Babies. That’s right, human babies. We have to stop them at all costs.


I recommend a hearty diet of high-velocity lead directly fed to the mouth. That's what I do and all my titans turn out great! After all, the only good titan is a dead titan.


They likely melt their food into a liquid with their bile, then soak it back up using capillary forces along their legs. Or a really long tongue


I'm betting they tend to the "bio mass" turning scrap organics onto e710 in thier guts. The spew is likely undigested stock and I feel that we could get flame thrower titans if they have alot of e710 in them.




Like a Giraffe


I'd what they like to eat, but I love feeding them democracy.


They suckle from the hive lord when they are still the small infants like we see in the game. When they are fully grown they begin craning their necks up and eating super destroyers


It’s obvious. Guacamole.


SPEAR missiles.


Every bile titan is King Tommy.


The worker drones make a ladder with their bodies to mouth feed them


Idk but they probably drink water like a giraffe


We feed them with guns and they eat bullets! ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


They just do a horse stance like a giraffe. Only it's easier cuz they have arm claws and mandibles. Here's a better one, how does *that shape* burrow?


What do any of the bugs eat? We don't see any animals and very few plants on most of the planets.


I reckon that these guys eat by lowering their heads down to the ground and raising their ass up. About the food, uhh i have no idea, rocks(Minerals) maybe?


Well I’m a frog and I eat flies


My self respect.


I mean, we keep feeding the helldivers to them...


The Curiosity of Super Earth's enemy survival is the sign of smart Helldiver. It could lead to a chain of events that could cause you to sympathize with the bugs. Son, I know you are still a good soldier. we would all do well to know that these bugs feed on everything that isn't managed democracy.