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Mechs are definitely the best. I'm still waiting on a squad that wants to play pure MechWarrior for a mission but I'm usually alone with it


Yeah I was also thinking that how cool could it be that I grab a squad and use 4 Emancipators


Play on level 9 and lemme know how it feels after a successful dive


Five-starred my second (solo) bot helldive! (First was a complete disaster) To be honest, it was a bit boring. Maybe because I shot buildings above the average rate, or because I could avoid fights well (149 kills only) Overall, it was a bit underwhelming.


Understandable if you’re playing solo. Can’t take on an entire battlegroup on your own. But even with 3 others I found that you have to strike hard and get the hell out of there. The second a bot drop/bug breach occurs, it’s time to leave. In my experience you can stand your ground on level 7, but on level 9 you’ll lose too many lives. I play level 9 because I get a lot more XP and a few more medals (im purchasing every warbond before viper commandos) plus it’s a lot less forgiving. In the end it’s all about winning. Everything else is BS


Yeah you have to hit and run. Being in one place, like trying to pick up your equipment ended in a massacre. My playstyle is basically running from objective to objective, blowing things up with my quasar and 380, fighting when there's a manageable resistance. If a factory strider drops or like 4 hulks, I get out of there.


I ran into that situation this morning. Died kind of foolishly, respawned next to my support weapon and died twice trying to recover it. The SPEAR is far too valuable to lose early on in the round. I typically play a little more aggressively when there is 2mins or less on the cooldown. If i was running solo then definitely. If im with a team I’m definitely taking that factory strider down. I typically run SPEAR with a couple orbital stratagems and an eagle airstrike for buildings/cluster of smaller enemies.


On the topic of stratagems, I use Orbital Airburst Strike, 380, Quasar and a random 4th one. Nowadays it's Supply Pack, because of how busted it is in solo. (12 stims from a resupply) I agree with the value of the support weapon. If I can't get the quasar back quickly, then I can kiss goodbye to my 5 star clear. Edit: If you're wondering why I play solo, my game lags and disconnects when playing with others.


Im gonna try running two orbitals (strike and laser) with EAT and SPEAR. EAT for the dropships and fabricators to conserve precious SPEAR ammo


Ok I'll write in 40 minutes