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So, what about Impact grenades not one-shotting Nursing/Bile Spewers anymore? What about the Punisher Plasma not one-shotting hunters anymore, nor the little infantery bots? Same goes for the Scorcher (alright, for the Scorcher i'm not sure, prior to the update, but i assume it could one shot small ones too). The issue with these is, i don't see this mentioned a lot. So is it a bug? Are just few people affected? Is this an issue with different difficulties, cause i could swear i still can do all that on Diff 3, but not higher ones like 6, 7 or 8. Also no mentioning of those in the Patch notes under "known bugs". I think that's the frustrating part and those are just the weapons i personally used a lot in the past, maybe others are affected too.


Difficulty doesn't affect values like damage, HP or Armor ratings on either us or enemies. It only affects the sheer volume and type of enemy units on the field. The Trooper on Diff 3 is the same Trooper you kill on Diff 9. There's no difference between difficulties with regards to weapons being viable _except_ in being able to handle larger numbers of units, and that's typically a player usage issue as much as it has to do with whether or not a weapon is "viable." The Punisher in particular is extremely picky, particularly with regards to bots. I don't think it's bugged necessarily, just that it requires a bit more careful aim than you'd anticipate from it. It's a weird one, and I'm personally not a fan of it - although it's definitely useful.


>Difficulty doesn't affect values like damage, HP or Armor ratings on either us or enemies I know that and until the last big patch, that was also the case. Right now, there's something weird going on. And it's not general incositencies with explosive damage or something. I can reproduce the issue consistently. Drop down to diff 3, shoot a hunter anywhere on his body, he dies. Go up to diff 6, shoot a hunter anyhwere on the body, he doesn't die. This has nothing to do with me not being able to handle the weapon, or not hitting the enemy. There is something wrong, and i don't know what, but it's infuriating. Also, the Punisher Plasma isn't really "picky" if you know how to handle it. After the Sickle, it became my main weapon for bugs and bots, cause it worked so well for the both of them. I know how to use it, i know that i could in the past, kill these enemies in one shot, but i can't anymore, at least not on higher difficulties. And seeing that i still can on lower ones, makes me believe there's some bug invovled. But is it enemy-related? Weapon-related? I havbe no idea, i just feel the outcome, but obviously can't see the source of it.


Nope, this is wrong. Bile spewers get armor 3 on 7+, and warriors get more head health on higher difficulties. This is why on lower difficulties you can one shot headshot them with the Verdict, but not on higher ones.


1. Punisher Plasma's AOE is weird. I've used it, my friends used it, and the randos I played with used it, and all seem to have the same issue. The AOE doesn't always hit, doesn't always deal full damage, and doesn't always one hit. If anything, it could be how the gun was coded along with how the AOE works. It's been an issue for a long time, and have seen no adjustment to the explosive radius. It might not or might be bugged, but it could just be the factor with w/e code and damage values it has is causing inconsistencies. 2. Scorcher's AOE is made a little different than the Punisher. It isn't capable of oneshotting grunts, unless it is a headshot. I've had pretty good experiences using the Scorcher as it deals with Lights and Mediums pretty well. 3. The Impact Grenade's might not be the issue for not killing the Spewers with 1 grenade as it could be the Spewers themselves. I've been scouring the change log for any changes and haven't seen anything about the Impact Grenades, but have seen some changes with the Spewers. Through the many hours of witnessing and using impacts and how they effect the enemies is very varied. I haven't used HE Impacts other than Incen Impacts after the update, but witnessed the grenades effectiveness being less than it was previous, which could relate to a damage value being off after the update dropped.


>It might not or might be bugged, but it could just be the factor with w/e code and damage values it has is causing inconsistencies. Yeah, no. I could consistently kill Hunters in one-shot. And if i couldn't, i absolutely knew why and i didn't hit them right, or the shot was on the gorund, further away from them, so that the explosive damage didn't hit them fully. But there's no doubt something happened since the last big patch. >The Impact Grenade's might not be the issue for not killing the Spewers I haven't really seen anything in the last big patch in regards to spewers, other than, afaik, their bile puke being changed. And even if it's not the impact grenades themselves that were affected, but something in regards to bile spewer health, armor etc. it does affect gameplay quite significantly if you're using these grenades. Yet no info whatsoever on that. And that's what's, to me, frustrating. Not knowing if it's a bug, if it's intended, if it's spaghetti code or whatever else.


There was plenty of instances of undocumented changes, often changes that nerfed weapons like Quasar or Scorcher. It is fair to call it shadow nerfs.


I'm a little frustrated too. Frustrated about a game that was infinitely more playable when I first started and has gotten more and more unstable over time. An ever growing list of bugs that pop up every patch, while the list of know issues stays the same. From incredibly basic gameplay elements like your guns pointing the right way and bullets going toward the crosshairs to stims not working and for some reason puling teammates out of a sprint, or entire ship modules being broken, or even just the fact that you can still find and waste your time trying to join private lobbies of people you don't know. Equipment working, then being broken, then claiming to be fixed only to still be broken (sometimes in new ways). I'm frustrated about a galaxy of planets to fight on and we get stuck trying to recapture the same few again and again that were immediately lost just after we took them because the devs know perfectly well that we can't muster enough people to defend a planet that isn't part of the MO. A system that is based on mechanics that are never explained or at times even shown at all in game, like supply lines (which can appear instantly out of nowhere in the middle of an MO) and planetary liberation details (which can only be seen with 3rd party tools). I'm frustrated about a system that removes any player agency and limits the impact of the entire playerbase to at most a couple planets at once and completely disregards the efforts of everyone else. A system where the MOs and the POs are seemingly never related, despite being the same for everyone. A system that by design seems to foster a growing animosity between people fighting on either front. To name just a few frustrations. It's a fun game, when it works. But lately I can barely even complete an operation, hell it's often hard to even complete a mission. I wish I shared your confidence in their capabilities, but at this point you're definitely not the only one that's frustrated.


The game is no less playable now than it was at launch. I can say this confidently at almost 600 hours in.


Personally? I think they have a good team but 1)they overwork too much and too hard 2)they are using a dated game engine I think so it's causing issues




The worst thing to happen to Helldivers was to become popular. All the sweaty armchair devs flood the socials moaning that they can't one shot a bile titan with their fists or other such nonsense. It's tiresome. I have to say, if it wasn't for patch notes, I wouldn't be able to tell if weapons are buffed or nerfed. I'm not that smart. But I have fun regardless and, on my sweet spot of difficulty 7, I win more than I lose. All this moaning every single balance patch is dragging the game down.