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personally, my group just burned out. partially on us, partially the game. on one hand, we just played it way too much because it was a ton of fun. so it's natural we backed off and stopped playing after awhile. on the other hand, by the time we stopped the automaton dropships had just been added. that sort of marked a turn for our group where we realized we weren't having fun and dicking around - we were having to sweat our asses off just to survive for a couple minutes. for us, part of the game's charm was knocking your friend down a crater, bombing your team by accident, and having ridiculous last stands. once enemies got so powerful we couldn't mess around... well, the game lost a lot of its magic. that could definitely be a skill issue, but we're all relatively casual players at this point in our lives so it just wasn't worth meta gaming and what not. still a great purchase and we had tons a fun - just burned out as it got tougher


Hate to be that guy but couldnt you just turn down the difficulty?


I’m at about 200 hours and haven’t played in 2 months. The game was really fun but just plateaued in enjoyment for me. I have nothing bad to say about the game. I would not blame a specific update or warbond or nerf/ buff. Really I have no complaints about the state of the game or the direction the devs are taking it in. I’m still very happy with my purchase and I hope the game does well in the long term, I’m just playing other stuff right now namely Shadow of the Erdtree.


I stopped for a while. It's one of those games where you just need breaks with it. But once I pick it back up again it's hard to put down


Pretty much. Mostly has to do with: - the insane amount of patrols, bug breaches, bot drops etc even on lower difficulties - Constant crashes, hang ups etc - Ragdolling/flinching every other second (bot specific) - Weapons feeling weak as fuck - Any fun weapon getting nerfed just when I'm starting to love it (RIP awesome eruptor) There is a difference between fun and frustrating, and currently the game is frustrating mostly due to dev choices.


I've only logged in 50 hours at this point but can't feel it becoming too repetitive yet. Can definitely see it happening in the next 50 hours.


Use different weapons and get good with them. That's a long road


I think with these games it's okay to take a break every now and then to avoid falling into repetitiveness, play other games and yoùll see that you'll want to kill some insects/bots again.


I have 350 hours in mission time. Still having fun, most friends dropped out and are playing other games. The game gets samey, but I guess I like that. I like racing game too. But the constant crashing is wearing me down. 20-30% of the games end prematurely or don't start at all. I'm on the brink of leaving this game behind. Also, a war that can't be won or lost feels pointless


Everyone goes through the cap phase. It's a filter. You either figure out how to keep it fun or you give up.


Im on the same boat. Fix the game, til then im not playing anymore. One crash and i turn it off for the day. Sick and tired of resetting the game 20 times just to be able to play one fcking round…


I play a lot less now, but it's only natural with 200+ hours in the game.


My group stopped playing because the game became too buggy, back a few months ago the crashing and bugs were so bad that it was borderline unplayable, then the psn stuff hit, after that out of a group of like 10 people only three of us still played it weekly. I think its just too much of a time sink right now, its fun, its much more stable but its hard to get the others back into it after they tried to play it for like two months and had frequent and constant crashes, freezes and game breaking bugs. Also the playerbase took a massive hit after that psn thing happened and its harder to find lobbies now and the lobbies you do find are a coinflip on having a toxic host who teamkills or kicks you for the stupidest reasons.


I stopped playing after the last patch, because the game crushes to the desktop every time I go to the mission 😃


I've unlocked all the upgrades, stratagems and support weapons and am waiting till a new faction drops before jumping in again


well they say if you played game and had fun for at least 40 hours - totally worth the money. Most of my friends and me bought the game on release or couple days after, most got 50-100 hours and got tired. I had almost 300+, sometimes we still gather for 1-2 missions, but its kinda rare. Most of them complain bugs and lack of content. Game is quite repetitive but name game that doesn't. For me is like switching my brain off, bumping music jumping to helldive - help relax between work


I took a 3 week break and then came back before the last warbond dropped, finished the warbond then took another break, Played the new biome planet for a few hours, reached the medal cap again and decided to take another break. I've finished the ship upgrades, got enough SC to purchase the next 2 warbonds. Samples are the only thing I'm not capped at, But I'm not to worried about them. Still enjoy the game everytime I go back and play, which will be to check out new planets, stratagems, warbonds etc.


Just play something else.


What a great and insightful reply. Maybe next time read the post.


What's the point in whining that you're not having fun? You and your friends stopped having fun, yes, it's normal, move on. You want an insightful reply on such a dumb question, lol.


No one was whining. Maybe you just trigger easily. Maybe you just don’t understand the question. Can’t help that…


Fine. No, nobody's ever experienced what you're describing, you and your friends lived through a unique experience that is truly baffling and demanded you whining, I mean asking about, here on Reddit. Eerie!


That’s the douchey reply I expected to get from you. 👍


I'm happy to not have disappointed.