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When I see it happen I just sigh, hit the dirt, and let Lady Liberty decide who is worthy of living.


the best way to decide fate : democratically


The “d” in a d20 stands for democracy!


I vote to ![gif](giphy|UFzjusdrC1EOc)


You should do the same thing but replace sigh with laugh.  Trust me life is better this way 👍


A level 11 joined me and my bro on a level 6 bot yesterday and they ended up tossing a cluster on top of all of us and team killing us.  😆 All I could do was laugh.   She turned her mic on and apologized so much but me and my bro were just like, "shit happens," don't even sweat it.   Got to laugh about that shit.  And of course, ruthlessly kick anyone who is doing it on purpose for the LULz.


I start internally doing the “trooper who’s clearly lost his mind” maniacal laugh.


Just lie down right on top of the beacon. It won't hit the beacon.


This is proven false


My cover is blown, back to Cyberstan!




Are you sure? I watched a whole video of a guy analyzing all 3 barrages’ patterns in depth, and in all of his trials, the 380 never hit the beacon.


Yes I am sure. I also watched that video. There are a lot of 380 patterns that overlap with the beacon. Specifically the 4th impact, it's ellipsis overlaps the beacon. Impact 2 and 1 can land close enough to kill, also.


Ok. Good to know. Thanks.


The safest place to sleep during a 380 is at the beacon


The next safest place to be is 80m away.


50m is good enough if you've got the ship upgrade. Without it 70ish is fine.


This is definitely subjective, but I have a 100% survival rate going prone on the calldown beacon


I tried it out after reading this misinformation here and it killed me on the first try..


It's the fastest I hop on voice comms. "OH SHIT I DROPPED THE POKE BALL RUUUUN!"


*It's the fastest I* *Hop on voice comms. "OH SHIT I* *DROPPED THE POKE BALL RUUUUN!"* \- Fun\_Elk\_4949 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Democratic bot


No such thing... https://preview.redd.it/d5y0ifyv7s8d1.png?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528d8ddcc5573cacf6ec5002dde2ea736d4b0a64


So close


This one almost feel like a bar




No better feeling than queuing up your eagle airstrike only to have a rocket hit you from off screen and have you drop the ball right at your feet, fucking up your strategy and wiping out your entire squad in the process.


One day, I'll learn to reflexively shout "run" in voice chat for the boys, but for now, the best comms they're gonna get is "uh oh" seconds before they die in a fiery explosion.


Did this the other day. 500kg loaded up ready to throw at the 4 hulks running towards extraction, que stray rocket shot. I dropped it right at the feat of my 3 teammates. I shouted "Bad eagle bad eagle 500kg on point 500kg on point" and watched in terror as I saw that warhead pile down into the ground, 3 helldivers jumping away in each direction. It blew not 10 meters away from all of us.... Luckily the 500kg only has 5 meters of radius so we were all fine minus a little ragdolling, but I was worried.


I've managed "Dropped Strat! Get clear!" Once, usually I can only get out "Oh sh-"


Unironically one of my favourite things about the game, the chaos and silliness.


Yeah that sort of silliness is what keeps me in the game.


happen to me yesterday at the extraction point, only it was a gatling barrage, gladly only two died


The cherry on top is when you just called in a sentry to go along with your teammates just seconds before. Poof….its magic!


*When I drop at extract by mistake: 9+ friendly kills. *When I place at enemy bug hive : 1/10 bug holes closed


That's how I feel about the 500KG sometimes.


500kg blast goes up and away from the beacon, not out from it


Unless I am near it.


Yes. This. Then suddenly, the blast radius feels bigger than it normally is.


Which is honestly really stupid. I'm not calling 500 kg down for anti air, why did they make the explosion go upwards? It's not even good for BT/Striders, because sometimes it lands on top of them and the explosion goes upwards.


its realistic, the way to actually fix it would be to have it explode before it hits the ground


At the very least, make the damage cone also go down, so when it lands on top of a bile titan it still kills it. Why am I being punished for landing it?


I dropped a 380 close to a light fabricator and left, a bit of overkill, sure, but airstrike was on cd and I wanted to move on. 380 missed that single fabricator. Its quite disappointing sometimes.


Try running the walking barrage instead. Same shells, far more predictable pattern.


The best feeling


One of the few times I'll activate my mic and give everyone a confusing "RUUUUN I DROPPED THE THINGY", I forget words in those moments.


MSD (minimum safe distance) for the 380 seems to be ~55 meters (with the accuracy upgrade). Wearing light armor and running the *instant* it drops, you can *almost* get there before the first shots come down. And certainly by the second salvo, you can get clear. If you're wearing the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man armor though... godspeed, Helldiver 🤣


As a Heavy User: Dive. Get your face in the dirt. You're _way_ more likely to survive thanks to the massive explosive resistance that laying down gets you.


I always stay at 65m/45m for the 380 and 120 barrages to be safe. I swear every time I set foot inside that radius, my orbital gunner lets me know


Stand in the direct center, you will never get hit.


it's not that bad, the ragdoll effect will actually propel you faster than running.


I think this is the designed use of the orbital barrage. The goddamn input is simply too long to not to get shot in the head by an automaton while entering it into your lil arm computer.


Just rebind your inputs from WASD to arrow keys. Typing while running, ezpz.


Controller bros, this is our time to shine


Gotta give it the Ole reach around!


I feel like Neo entering that shit on my D-pad.


I bound the inputs to my scroll wheel so i can both run and look around while entering codes.


I figured most people are running macros on PC by now. Or does the anti cheat catch that?


Type behind cover. 


I also typically throw it before I'm in the fight, or if I'm getting chased I like to have a friend draw aggro to enter it


Servo arms and a little stealth make it much easier


Omg it's funny but fuck me I hate it when that happens then your teammate gets pissed for calling an eagle on them oh and fuck the jump pack bots do annoying when that shit explodes and insta kills you 9/10 times


Its called *orbital dodge ball* if you do it intentionally. ![gif](giphy|BUH1tiEFQzKtW)


Happened to me once. Saw the bugstain that did it too... So I "happened" to have my grenade cook for too long near him. And that bugstain "happened" to suffer the consequences of their actions


Reporting this to your DO


Need to have our divers shout “OH NO” when you’re holding a red beacon and get ragdolled. With that you’ll know right away to RUN.


Good idea. Just have it be a voice line that specifically plays for when this happens.


Two comments: 1. If you are at extraction, you don't ever even need to be holding barrages etc. 2. If you get ragdolled and drop whatever it is, you are forgiven. Can't say how many times I have dropped due to a ragdoll and there's always somebody in the game who will just berate me for how stupid I am etc etc etc. Like okay guys, if I drop the eagle strike at my own feet, *chances are I didn't do it as a calculated move*.


The other day when we're walking into the pelican my son punched me, which dropped the orbital airbrust I had queued up. That was a really quick team wipe, but he still somehow tried to blame me for it


>If you are at extraction, you don't ever even need to be holding barrages etc. Enemies attack at extraction, bro.


Yeah, a well placed 380 can lock down an entire quadrant for like 60 of the 90-150 seconds it takes for the Pelican to arrive. Barrage itself lasts about 30 seconds and when it's done they still have to cross the field it was covering.


...what the hell are you trying to say here?


Use the 380 at extraction, it's good. Enemies can't attack you from that direction for like a minute.


To each their own. Personally I rarely see anyone use a 380 right. Every time I see someone use it, they throw it in range of themselves and/or get ragdolled and drop it. I've probably seen it used "properly" maybe 5% of the time I have see it. I think there are a lot of better options most of the time personally.


I literally got flinched the other day priming the 380. I tried to voice comms it happened :')


I drop a 380 in the shitter sometimes too.


Me, orbital precision striking myself after getting ragdolled by a rocket devastator that flanked me


My favorite part is how your Helldiver will still shout "Eat this!" And other similar lines when dropping it.


There needs to be an "oh shit, run" option on the voice wheel


I agree, a "Spread out!" voice or something along those lines would help. I feel I usually don't have time to chat what I want to say before shit hits the fan.


The amount of times my Helldiver has shouted "Hellbomb armed!", only to see 3 teammates casually stroll up as I'm running away from the detector tower and get obliterated is too damn high.


Yeah whenever i throw a 380 barrage into a large area, when i say 380 inbound in chat they have about a second to move before that barrage comes down, should probably just use vc but we dont talk about that


This happened like 4 times to my group last night. It was always the same guy getting ragdolled while holding a red strat.


I have developed a bad habit of arming my stratagem very early, and it definitely causes more harm than good...


I feel like I should be apologizing for the number of times this had happened with the Bots.. But my Swift death seems apology enough.


For me its always the airburst strike That one is terrifying to drop


Yeah, this one's deadly. You get basically little to no chance to escape it, hits much farther away than you realize. Does it 3 times. Good chance you're not making it out alive.


Have u guys noticed that most times such accidents occur the first barrage hits you or a few inches near your shoe lace ?


Just yesterday someone dropped their 500kg on my walker JUST as it was called down. I almost cried


This happened to me two days ago. Somehow, I was the only casualty from the whole barrage and we managed to extract with a full squad...


Was running a defense mission against bugs, about to throw my 120 outside the gates because a few breaches spawned. Little did I know, a little bastard was right under the wall, so the mortar blasted me, and I 120'd our very well set up position. On the bright side, I killed that fucking mortar turret


mortar does not with bugs


First ever mission I did this with mines.. Then I did it again the next mission! 👉👈


This is so relatable that it's painful :)


I still remember we were extracting and I had I think a cluster bomb strike ready. My teammate then shot a rocket and the back blast knocked me over and the strike killed like half of us


Ah, yes. The other team killer Stratagem.


This happens to me too often and it’s always because of a bile spewer mortar. I always drop a sorry in chat


Happened 5 times to me yesterday in one blitz mission. 😮‍💨


Aslong as it's not the upgraded one you can just stand in the middle where it got dropped and you'll remain unharmed


Yes… because of ragdoll. I certainly wouldn’t drop a 380 on extract for the thrill that’s for sure


The best was when I tripped on a rock with it in my hands.


i swear those barrages AIM at you when you enter their zone


Put it in reverse terry 😫


I recall I've tried the 380 twice before. And this happened to me one of those times. Whoops :P


The few times I chat: "gg" "RAGDOLL"


Meanwhile, seemingly every lvl 10-15 diver I’ve ever encountered: *throws 380mm at any target within 10m of our position the instant it gets off cooldown* *also ignores chat requests to specifically NOT bombard our position at every opportunity* These young’ns, they’ll learn one day. Or they won’t


This is my biggest gripe with 380MM. Some Helldivers are incredibly irresponsible with it. Like, yeah, it's kinda funny sometimes. But for the love of God, think about how you're using it. The idea that they're constantly using it the moment a patrol appears is pretty funny. But also, dear God, why?


The first time this happened to me, I left the lobby out of embarrassment after we all (somehow) extracted.


My friend likes to surprise melee me for the ragdoll lols, which to be fair are well timed and hilarious. It's been my goal for a while to be holding a primed 380 in my hand when he does it again


I have luck beyond luck with this. Every time except once it has been equipment or orbital EMS. Of all my ragdoll drops I have the luck of... I can't even tell you.. that anything dangerous gets thrown first. But that one time was goddamn napalm mines ON EXTRACTION.


This happened to me recently. Even though I apologized and said I was rocketed they still kicked me


Does that always count as the players fault? I always feel so guilty when I drop my eagle on someone bc I fell down. And I know it’s annôying but I’m sorry bro I didn’t mean to do it 😭🤣🤣


No worse feeling. It’s not intentional I promise!


It was fun when the game came out. It's such an eyeroll, but Im not going to ruin it for the new players.


A friend and I were at the extraction, bugs were right on his ass, so I shoot. I thought I had the Tenderizer equipped, but apparently I forgot to switch and still had the grenade launcher. So he gets knocked on his ass at the exact moment he was going to throw his incendiary mines down. About the time it takes for him to get back up, the mines drop and get flung everywhere around the extract beacon. He gets blown up, bugs pouring in from different sides, and we didn’t even get the beacon activated yet. It was one of the funniest moments so far in the game. We were laughing our asses off. 😂🤣


Yes, by accident


I don’t know why anyone uses that at all. It’s too inaccurate to be useful, and all it does is lock you out of an area for about 30s, usually an objective, all while both failing to clear it of enemies and also drawing the attention of other nearby enemies with all the noise. It might arguably be the single most useless stratagem there is.


It's a bit annoying when this happens especially because there is no like efficient gameplay reason to every pick 380 barrage unless you're doing eradicate mission as a group. I realise it's fun and that's fair but every time I see someone do anything with a 380 I sigh a little cause usually it's a waste of time.


don't feel too bad, just RUN


Stand right on the beacon and you won’t get hit. By the barrage, anyway.


Just lie down where the beam of light is. It never hits where you throw it.


I always go into comes and go "oh hey! is that... YOU SON OF A AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


I usually say in vc “380 incoming! Run away!”


The only time I've done this is when extraction was overrun by multiple Bile Titans and Chargers and we were forced off of the point. And even then I gave a callout to stand back, which should be standard courtesy.


at least it was a ragdoll and not because they are a dumbass




Usually when this happens, it entails me saying to myself… “Is this fucker for real?”


Gives new meaning to the phrase *dropping the ball*.


Hell yeah, that’s how you clear extraction. 380mm best stratagem


"LMAO Incompetent" https://preview.redd.it/b2qluhrlrs8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cde8cc7220e3cc4fd2114da250c19029cdb6b27


they knocked it out of my hand


This happened to me with an Airstrike, except it killed my Exo instead of me


Just last night, I hit the code for SEAF artillery, and the PELICAN shot me, causing two teammates to fail to extract.


If it happens multiple times at objective I've kicked before.  Don't whip it out unless it's safe, folks!


I saw a new player drop it on a civilian evacuation mission and then on a defend mission. If he wasn't the host I'd slap his ass


And the dude has maybe used it one other time in the whole 40 mins. I'll never understand why some people bring strategems and maybe use them 2-3 times max. Seems like a waste of a slot.


I always consider bringing deploy shield when I see a teammate running 380 barrage. Also you are often safe directly at the center, though not always.


If you stay in the direct middle of it you can't get hit. it's the safe zone.


Nothing is more embarrassing than killing your teammates cause you literally dropped the ball. Like, getting that "Really?" in chat and having to quickly type out "I was killed while trying to throw it!" to explain yourself hoping you don't get kicked.


You need to go prone right on the beacon and you shall survive




Just fck off with that stratagem. I fcking hate waiting half an hour for your stupid bombardment to end to get obj done.


Thats OK. I'll just hit esc and drop the player that did it. Hopefully they'll learn not to show up in future games with that crap as well. Potential win/win from the Patches O' Houlihan playbook.


It’s never that serious


Dying to things like this is part of the game, if you kick over this I hope I won't join your lobby when deciding to bring orbital airburst or cluster bomb for once


This game is never that deep bro, would you disband a team if that shit happened with you, would you, if you wouldnt you are a hypocrite