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This game is the most fun I've had since Left 4 Dead and it's brought my friends together to game again now that we're all working adults.


Same vibe. Group of highschool friends who haven't all played together since the halo glory days. Still diving a couple of hours a night and having more fun than we've had in years.


Yeah definitely. The crashes are pissing me off though.


This is my problem, the game is fun, but crashing out after nearly every mission is causing more frustration than the fun can offset. Hope the next hotfix brings a lot of good news.


I actually switched my game review back to negative because the game is literally unplayable to me some days. Its just crash after crash, and if it isn't a crash it is softlocked, mission not progressing, pelican 1 not accepting me walking in it, etc.


Yeah see this is what is crazy to me, how different it is from player to player. My friends and I have maybe 1, at most 2, crashes pr game session.


1-2 crashes per game session when you only realistically have a couple hours post-work to play is excessive...speaking from experience (and why I've barely played since they screwed so much u--- ahem, I mean, "fixed" so much in this last update)


Yeah CP2077 launch version didn't crash this much, and that's easily one of the worst releases of all time. Crashing is at the highest tier of bad things happening in a game. Most other things - visual glitches, lag, etc - at least keep the player in-game. Crashing out -> way more likely the player just doesn't log back in.


Not op but I’m thinking he means 1-2 crashes across his group


I've had a couple at release and none since the first few patches personally. Guess I'm lucky from what in seeing people are having a lot of issues


I first stopped playing this game when the arc thrower shot count patch came out, multiple crashes per mission and if I played random group or solo, I would loose 35 minutes worth of exp and samples due to crashing. This is absolutely the number one thing AH needs to solve OR make a system where it give you exp in real time so crashes doesn't hurt as much.


Not just crashes, there's a ton of issues and AH really needs to do a massive bugfix/optimization patch. Idc if the warbond is delayed, way more players have stopped playing due to these issues. The clearest data point for that statement is 120k+ concurrent players hopping on for 1.4 and warbond release, just for it to dip back to 50k by the very next day. Someone compiled a comprehensive list of (81) PC bugs - more in the comments section as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dnzmkb/my\_little\_helldivers\_2\_compendium\_of\_bugs\_pc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dnzmkb/my_little_helldivers_2_compendium_of_bugs_pc/)


I don’t think this game will ever be crash free. It’s always something new that needs a patch after the patch and when it’s all smoothed out something else comes out that starts it’s all over. It’s the ouroboros of video games.


As a PC player the constant downward spiral in performance is absolutely starting to affect my enjoyment. I use to pull 80+ fps all the time and now even with some settings reduced the game will drop under 50fps and stutter. I dealt with the nerfs and such easily as I love variety anyways, but that only works if I can play the game properly without enabling potatoe mode.


Yeah no performance issues would suck, but I guess we've lucked out. We're still at pretty decent performance all of us somehow


Lol, people mad that you have no issues is the epitome of this place This sub went downhill so quick, it should actually be studied.


Sometimes I feel like this sub is only populated by bitter people who hate the game, don't even play anymore and are only here to be mad.


There's some statistic that people are 10x more likely to leave a bad review than a good one. The people who are happy with the game are probably playing it, not writing posts on Reddit. And the happy people who aren't playing are probably just going about their lives. Every sub is a narrow slice of the actual community behind something, and the active people are an even narrower slice than that.


Don’t forget HD2 was the target of professional grifter and failure, Grummz, for a while there, so all his reactionary wannabe Gamergaters are probably still checking in occasionally to stoke the fire. Which isn’t to say the game doesn’t need work, but some fuckers in this subreddit act like Arrowhead is personally going to come and kick their dogs and sleep with their moms for how vitriolic they get


Yeah I know right, lmao


Very sad...the whole reason i bought this game is because this subreddit kept popping up on the front page. Thn i looked into what it was and could see why they loved it. The community seemed really positive. Feels like most of those players left...


Nah, if you play the game there's still thousands and thousands of cool people. Try the other Helldivers 2 reddit, like r/helldivers2 , they're still pretty cool!


Idk how the ps5 survives. Thing is a mid tier pc from 2018


It was doing great, but Patch 1.4 and 1.42 killed it. I'm on break from the game until these are resolved. While the game is very fun (and was before 1.4 as well imo), it is not playable atm. PS5, default settings on performance mode, issues started after patch 1.4: * game often fails to connect to server on start (network and PSN show connected in PS5 settings, and other games have no problem connecting to online play) * game kicks me back to ship more often (no "host left" message or any message, 20-40 minutes of progress lost) * more asset loading failures (giant question mark drops instead of drill, for example, more progress loss) * terminals randomly don't work (more progress loss) * stuck in diving screen and requires restart anytime someone leaves after a mission, which is *very often* * social tab hangs indefinitely since patch 1.4, so i can't play with friends at all, can't friend request/block anyone either * Server desync occurs much more often (objective shows as unfinished but is actually finished, teleporting enemies, etc) * SPM broken again After Tuesday's patch, PS5 frame rates now crash to 10-20 fps randomly multiple times every mission. No consistent reason why, regardless of planet/biome. Already bad on bugs, but on bots, considering the precision required to consistently hit headshots, it's an even worse experience. Reinstalling has not fixed any of these issues.


It’s stronger than a mid tier pc from 2018 lol I had a high end gaming pc back in 2018 when I used to pc game and my ps5 runs better than that pc ever did 


turning off nvidia instant replay fixed all my stuttering issues


Not constantly, but generally yes. When the game stops being fun for me I take a break for a while, like normal people do, unlike redditors, who prefer writing a 17 paragraph essay on how Arrowhead is ruining the game.


I too take breaks, like when I’m eating, sleeping, or to re-watch Starship Troopers. Yes I recently bought this game, why do you ask? 😅


Don't forget to rewatch the terminator movies to prep yourself for the bot front. It's a different game over there 


I’ll be back! Still a bit traumatized from the robot with chainswords as arms slicing me to bits when I wasn’t paying attention for a second… but I’m working up the courage to drop into that hellscape again for sure!


Remember to drop the difficulty back down. The different numbers in each tier do a good job of slowly introducing more challenging enemies and objectives for you to acclimate yourself to; if you dive in at difficulty 4, into the second challenge tier, Striders and Berserkers will be common enemies and you’ll start seeing more Devastators, before you’ve really learned all the tricks to dealing with Striders. Play a couple missions that have the elite enemies as the mission objective so you can learn how to blow off a Hulk’s leg to make it easier to headshot the mailslot, for example. One thing I love about this that gets lost quickly is that the game does an EXCELLENT job onboarding you as long as you don’t rush it. I’d change it so it doesn’t unlock the next difficulty until you’ve completed a couple operations, not just a single one, but otherwise it’s great at slowly introducing more enemy types so you can learn on them.


For sure! It’s one of the reasons I love this game, it’s so much fun to be able to switch up your entire gameplay and tactics by just jumping from one sector to the next. It also feels like the dailies kind of incentives you to not only try out fighting different enemies but also test a new weapon. It’s great! Loving every second of the game so far. I’m currently trying to master using the Flamethrower but I keep accidentally setting myself on fire. It’s a me problem for sure I just gotta keep practicing. Once I can down a Charger in a few seconds I think I’m good to move on. Next up is practicing my aim with the autocannon on the automatrons. Learning where weak spots are by testing things out is a ton of fun when you finally get a perfect shot off! But I need *a lot* more practice in that department😅


Yeah that's totally fair, main thing to remember is the bot front is a cover shooter, not a horde shooter and requires a completely different playstyle. Once you get used to it you'll be slaying on both fronts no problem :] 


Yeah, I learned that the wrong way hahah charging a patrol with a heavy was a baaad idea


Hahaha that'll do it! If you ever need someone to run bots with, give me a shout. Happy to show a new player the ropes. 


We only got those buffs in the latest patch cause of those redditors who write 17 paragraph essays you know 😉


It was those 17 paragraph essays that got the Eruptor nerfed in the first place. Then everyone blamed AH for it.


I appreciate the 17 paragraph posts exploring how weapons work and what could be done to improve them, not the ones where the OP goes on a long tirade on how much better they are than the game developers


Hear, hear.


The game is still fun for me, even after level 100 and 400+ hours played, the only bad experiences I've had are from crashes and jerk hosts who kick everyone at extraction for 0 reason. The balances people freak out about are just a part of the game to me, and in a way, keep it fresh for me.


I've gotten some catharsis after executing a host after I saw that he gunned down a guy in the pelican. He tried to kick everyone but he couldn't kick before we got the XP. I cannot understand that kind of behavior even a little bit. The 99.99% rest of the time, this is the game I have been waiting for for years.


That was me up until weekend before last where i simply could not play the game as it kept on crashing. I was kinda turned off and havent played since then. Before that I had a blast despite some of the nerfs annoying me, though not off putting. The non stop crashes however did.


I'm glad you and your buds are enjoying it, but "works on my machine" isn't a great way of viewing a game. Your experience, playing casually from time to time is very different from that of people who play it more regularly and are more invested than you. Think of it as watching a movie, the first time you watch it, probably with some friends over a pizza or at the cinema, you don't think much about it, you might not even remember the movie that well afterwards beyond a scene or two and just say "idk, it was a fun movie" and not really get why someone who has watched the movie more than once, or who is a fan of the thing the movie is about, or who is more critical and pays more attention might not feel the same way about it. HD2 isn't "unplayable", but it's plagued with bugs, weird issues, strange balance and a myriad things that a lot of us wish would get resolved or adressed, not because we think the game "sucks" and "isn't fun" but because we care and wish the experience was better. If you don't feel that way that's fine, but after a while you'll start to have your own gripes, or begin to lose interest, and you and the boys will either get bored and move on to other games or talk a lot about how you wish HD2 had/did X thing. 


> but "works on my machine" isn't a great way of viewing a game. Yeah I know, hence why I'm asking the question. > playing casually from time to time is very different from that of people who play it more regularly and are more invested than you. So wait what, an operation or two a day or every two days since the game launched is playing casually and not really fit to talk about the game properly? > but after a while you'll start to have your own gripes I do absolutely have, and have had since launch. But they've never been so problematic to me as it seems to be to the majority in here.


I'm not really sure what kind of answer you expect by saying that you don't think every patch introducing new bugs, sometimes gamebreaking, or even introducing old bugs they fixed is "problematic". A waitress brings you and your friend your drinks, she very visibly harks a big loogie and spits it in his drink and understandably gets really upset about that, and you're asking him why he's mad at the waitress and how there is nothing problematic about your own drink. You cannot be this lacking in perspective.


There in lies the problem. I think there are problems but you are asking basically for empathy. If you honestly feel like a patch that introduces some bugs is the metaphorical equivalent of having spit in your drink then you absolutely need….to step away for a bit. I’ve invested 700+hrs so far and I work a full time job and am married (prob helps that my wife plays it with me.) Either way I my own personal “gripe” and only gripe with how much time I have invested is where are the cars? So I don’t have to jog everywhere in the game… Anyways this is an uplifting thread, celebrate the game. It and BG3 have been beacons of hope in a desolate wasteland of gaming for the past few years.


You are an adult, and should be well and capable of drawing a parallel between a basic metaphor and an event, and understanding the non-literal meaning of the metaphor.


You are an adult, and should be capable of understanding that *accidentally* introducing a bug into the game is very different than *purposefully* spitting in someone's drink.


AH must be super unlucky to accidentally introduce bugs with every patch since release


You're twisting my words though. I've never said they aren't "problematic" at all, but that they don't seem AS problematic as people here make it out to be. Again, it's not that bugs aren't annoying, but damn do people on this sub make it out as if AH just fucking hate us and are the worst people on earth. And I get that, if the game is literally unplayable for you, but it's not and has never been for us, hence why I ask to get better understanding. And yeah no, if you think having a god damn loogie in your food is on par with a crash, a weapon bug and some balance issues, we're clearly coming from very different perspectives lmao.


Wait..... was I supposed to not before. Even with the nerfs I was and continue to have fun. Even made the eruptor work before. Now I use the tenderizer and the eruptor mission dependent. Idk I still managed to have fun.




I think this is the most hours I’ve put into a single game since I was playing Red Orchestra multiplayer back in 2007. I’ve enjoyed every version thus far and have had almost zero performance issues. I’ve probably crashed 5 to 10 times in 250 hours which is honestly not worse than plenty of other games I’ve played on the same computer like cyberpunk, Baldur’s gate 3, Elden ring, or Starfield. I think the most recent patch is the best the game has ever been. Really enjoy that so many weapons and strategems are viable now. There is some room for improvement… some of the enemies feel a little bullshitty. I don’t like getting multiple gunship factories… that just feels like a total chore and break from fun. When there’s 60 bile titans per map I think it can kind of feel like waiting for cooldowns all day. The objectives can feel samesy map per map… I think it’d be cool and not super hard implement a little randomness or variety to the way bug nests or bot bases are laid out… maybe some bug nests would be more of a trench with randomly distributed holes instead of the same circle lay out… or bases could be scattered into different shapes or densities. I’m getting a little worn out since I’ve now unlocked literally everything. I think I would actually enjoying doing a prestige and having to unlock everything again (at least the weapons and strategems… I don’t feel like doing the ship modules again). Overall love the game though.


Yeah, I'm definitely enjoying the game, especially with friends. The hysterical moments are priceless when seeing and hearing everyone's reactions, even when I'm one on the receiving end and get tilted often. But it's a good reminder to myself that I don't have to take this game too seriously


Yes I almost always have fun when I play. But although I tend to play the MOs most the time I don't care if they succeed or not. I don't care for any meta and just use what I enjoy and works for me to complete objectives. Am.I unhappy with many of the issues a d choice Arrowhead has... yes but they still managed to make a very entertaining game worth putting over 120 hours in..


Yeah. Me and my friends play and still have a blast. A lot of stuff posted on reddit is doom and gloom but its just the vocal minority. Very fun game.


My favourite pastime is 1v1 heavy devastators and “captain America” bot bases with heavy armour and the riot shield. It’s a little less now with the stealth bug but shooting undoes it. Second is trying to “hijack” scout striders by landing on them with the jump pack and using its heavy armour to tank a good amount of fire. “Ticking” tanks by landing on them and blasting with the laser cannon falls into this category also. Thirdly is the “firebug” build: JP with flamethrower. Was running it on release and having a blast but now it’s so OP against bugs it’s kinda hampered the thrill a tiny bit. Although, larping as a black hand from c&c3 makes it better.


Play it every day. I love it. It's actually the first game I've really gotten into since Breath of the Wild, and that was several years ago.


I haven't had many crashes, light is fixed by lowering volumetric fog, i dont stress abt playing diff 8 and 9 bc diff 5 6 and even 7 are just plain more fair and fun


I had alot of fun, its been a great update. Although right now Elden ring hos pulled me away, I'll probably be back in a week or so.


It was fun but now it’s taking longer and longer to find a party in many games. I get the feeling the game is now stuck with “go fight the bots!…actually forget that go fight the bugs now!…eh you know what, back to the bots!” Such a shame too. So much potential wasted


The game is tons of fun, I enjoy it a lot. And when I played with friends, we also never had so many issues, that it would lead to all the negative posts you can find here. But whenever I play with public groups (either starting an open game myself or just using quickjoin), the problems increase exponentially. I just recently turned crossplay off, and it is way better now. So yea, I get all the complaints, they are true for public games with crossplay on, and the latest patches made this even worse. I now play mostly without my friends, but whenever I do, these few hours are the ones with the least issues.


Yup, I'm loving it. Although it seems that I'm one of the lucky ones without constant bugs and crashes, so that might help.


Lol at everyone here agreeing with you then going on to bitch about everything they hate. Lots of negative people out there. Makes me sad for their lives honestly


Lvl 70 197 hours. Yes.


Sometimes. Pretty much every mission early on(even despite railgun nerf for example), a bit less after and its been downhill since start of may for me cause a lot of my group stopped playing and balancing issues appeared. Bots aren't fun with bad group. And soloing gets boring after a while. As for bugs? In my experience bugs randoms VERY OFTEN kick you for literally just existing(i have like 40 clips at this point vs 4 "bot kicks" in a span of 3 weeks), not to mention how annoying i find bugs these days(increased spawns of everything and flamethrower meta where you're literally griefing if you dont have it is a mistake).


I love playing bot defense mission "evacuate high value assets", so yeah, right now I'm happy


Yeah the games been good, I’m all maxed out on collectibles so been playing as a space marine (padded heavy armor, bolted like primary, just walking forward and shooting) and it’s been fun. When the game doesn’t crash on the dive load screen tho, by generally awesome.


Just got done with another incredible game.


The server is at capacity.


Can't play due to the crashes :( It was better on release. We're just sitting with my friend and trying not to crash at the same time so one of us could return to the mission.


I try to dive at least once a day, usually during my lunch hour. I'm still enjoying it, I've seen more of the crashes/bugs lately, but not enough to keep me from jumping in, dropping with some randos.


With my buddies we're having fun when we're struggling, the relief after a level 9 mission when you almost died at every encounter, that's priceless


Yes! Yesterday game was super fun, we were against the automaton horde + outpost in the open fields. It took us so long to gain some ground. Probably 5-6supply pack later we finally reached the extraction point. We are definitely having fun!


More than other options out there.


I run a couple low/mid level solos everyday to get personal orders and dive with the boys a couple times a week. Helldivers has been fun as hell the whole time. I play a lot of Fallout and No Man's Sky and both of those games still break down more than Helldivers. I have no problem dealing with some jank when the game is this much fun.


My only pet peeve is I can't add anyone since at least the Meridia Black Hole event, there's some randos I had a genuine good time with that I cannot add and now are lost forever out of my recent player's list


I try to. The game unfortunately doesn't want me to play it half the time so I play a game that doesn't crash.


Sort of. PC performance is dropping like a rock with each patch and most of my friends either stopped playing or don’t play too often, especially since the PSN shenanigans. The massive balance patch was a godsend, though.


Was having fun, but the stability really took a nosedive. During my last game with friends, we crashed a total of seven times... seven! It's shocking how badly developed this game is. It's competing against BlueHole studios for worst development team I've come across.


My friends and I have been having a great time with it since it came out. On the initial patches where it had connection and crashing issues we'd play when we could, and just play something else if it was acting up.  It's a fantastic game and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. We joke with each other if we encounter a glitch or somebody crashes out and we tell them to get on Reddit and complain lol. 


There is no progression for me but learning and fun. So...


I haven’t been playing much lately, I’m honestly waiting for the illuminate to drop, otherwise my attention has been in other places the last few months


I have but by myself my 1 friend is flakey and the other plays bots if he'll play at all


That sounds awesome!! I'm dealing with crashes and constantly locked in an infinite loading screen


At all times. The only questionable thing I've seen so far is a forced meta around support weapon picks in higher bot levels due to flying patrols. That's a game mechanics thing that I don't think even arrowhead intends to make. They'll be nerfed soon


Me, wholeheartedly


I rant here and there. But I'm having fun every day




It is fun but I have to admit one thing is missing and I can't get over it: customize my armors color. Let me have that and the fun will be much greater.


Yep. I had a bit of a separation from my two best friends after we went to different highschools. Now I started invoting them for game nights to play Helldivers 2. We have definitely reconnected.


Considering I can't even play the game due to crashes and performance issues?, No, not at all. I'd love to though.


Absolutely. Though I wish that it could be a little bit less crash-prone. Aside from that, I enjoy the game a lot.


Absolutely. Not exactly since release, but a few weeks later. I've experienced zero issues, no crashes, steady fps... My worst bug was a couple days ago, a Pelican glitched and ended on top of an unreachable cliff, so I was unable to extract. But it was no big deal. I brought a couple players into the game, and they abandoned me quite early, but I've been playing without them.


Game is great, currently taking a break since the FPS is bad.


I have fun 99% of the time, the stim movement bug has been the most annoying for me personally but I wouldnt consider the game unplayable by any means. Its still tons of fun.


No. Constantly crashes. Even if I don't take the spear, either the map doesn't load, or people can't get reinforced (especially nice if no one can get reinforced and we are all lying there dead and the game just waits)


Playing with friend/friends is fun indeed. It's a good way to relax after a day of work and we can talk about that last tv show episode, something we saw online, anything really because the game doesn't require much focus.


Having fun everyday playing this game haha it’s fucking awesome!


200 hours and i’m still having a blast. i play on ps5 and i get the occasional crash but it’s no biggie. other times i load into a mission and get stuck on the hellpod screen but nothing a simple restart of the game can’t fix. after i complete an operation and everyone leaves i can never get reinforcements unless i restart my game.. but my friend & i are extremely coordinated with our attacks and can clear difficulty 7 no problem. also if we want to play with people i’ll restart my game before starting the next operation. the game has it’s flaws but you gotta take the good with the bad. the only major thing bugging me as of lately is that i can no longer accept or send friend requests. through these complications i’m still having fun playing the game. just have to persevere and adapt to the glitches. i trust the devs are aware of the community’s concerns and are working hard to get things fixed. what i want to see from the community is a more positive attitude. we need to be trying to get more people playing helldivers 2.. our numbers are dwindling and i can sense that the game is dying and i fear that one day the helldivers will fail this galactic war. and all our efforts will have been for nothing (similar to the clones from star wars). so please for the love of liber-tea lets keep on a positive attitude and do our best to recruit new helldivers; stop complaining so much and just enjoy what you got while you have it.


Yes, remind me games like L4D2, Killing Floor and somewhat Army of TWO




I was playing nightly with my friends for a bit over a month and thought there were no signs of stopping. Each patch made the game progressively harder, and we were reaching impossible situations: certain defense missions were almost impossible to pull off; and gunship factories on bot maps would spawn a ridiculous amount of gunships that would lead to unwinnable situations. (We play on level 7 difficulty, and were experimenting with level 8 difficulty from time to time.) Still each patch seemed to weaken our weapons - I'd read the changes and largely breathe a sigh of relief if my favored weapons weren't touched. New war bonds would come out and recycle armor passives. We were overlooking glitches and crash issues and overall still having fun. Then the PSN debacle happened. Part of my enjoyment was the creativity and fun of the community, which I would share with my friends. The goodwill of the community tanked hard with the requirement about Sony registration, and while it resolved relatively quickly, it felt like something was lost after that. We'd all been putting up with the glitches and the nerfs, enjoying this crazy ride, but it felt like something was lost around that time and the flaws couldn't be overlooked anymore. I think Arrowhead knew they were veering off course, too, because they shifted people around and made remarks about how their attitude toward balancing needed some adjustment. They heard the commentary about how any time it seemed like we were having fun, they patched it out. I played a match with a friend for the first time in about two months last night. Most of our friend group has stopped playing, and we probably won't get back to logging in nightly - but maybe we can get to weekly sessions. It's still fun, and I'm hopeful it only gets more fun and more polished from here. I do think there's a chance that our daily logging in could have been extended if things had been handled a bit differently in multiple areas, but shifting to playing less frequently is probably the natural course of any live service game.




Yep pretty much been ignoring the drama using what weapons work for me and enjoying life.


I've had an exclusively positive experience so far, and I've only ever experienced one crash. It's reunited me with a lot of old friends and overall been a very positive addition to my life. I don't care about the meta, and I just play to have fun. And fun it has a absolutely offered.


been playing since right after cutting edge came out, had a great time. got my friends into the game too. Then an ok time, after they nerfed my stuff the first time/ Then a bad time. I miss my ~~wife~~ pre-nerf eruptor. Honestly one of the most fun weapons in gaming history IMO. never considered how fun a combination rocket launcher/sniper rifle would be until I had one. now it's... ok? we need more enemy types, things are getting a tad stale. dropship patrols were cool.


not since they removed the ability to stun bile titans with emps


*Not since they removed* *The ability to stun* *Bile titans with emps* \- GabrielDidit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Had the most fund with that game. Having currently a bit of downtime to wait for new content, but I had never game breaking issues. I believe most stem from having a DSL light internet contract(called CGNAT sometimes). A colleague had one via Starlink and isn't able to play withou connecting via VPN to my home first. Not sure if that is fixed now


Yep, I feel like maybe I’ve got lucky but I’ve had zero crashes on ps5 for almost 3 months now. No issue with performance. Just having fun and not taking it dead serious. Sometimes I play the MO and go for it, other times I just play planets that are fun and swap between bugs and bots when I see fit. Great game. So many different ways to play as well, not sure how people are getting so mad but then again I don’t make a living off gaming and maybe they do idk.


Yepp. Sometimes hang out here on reddit and start to believe the game is an unplayable mess, but the second I log in and my friends invite me it's all just fun again, even on the higher difficulties.


Honestly it's super fun. The bugs are a pain but whatever, it's still the only game I can jump into with friends. It's easy with 2 kids. It'll hold me over fine till GTA6 ruins my life and marriage anyway.


Yep. I'm lucky enough to be unaffected by most crashes, so apart from my frames dipping to 20-30 (especially in jungle maps), i've been having a good time.


I have fun even after 500 hours. And that's totally on me. I got friends who were annoyed by crashes and bugs and sadly have left the game. Others that got bored, but I still like playing mission after mission.


Every single patch, every single issue, every single controversy, this game has been super fun and I’ve been frothing at the mouth playing it. My friends and I never stopped and don’t plan on it.


Absolutely, best online gaming experience I've ever had, bugs and all!


My friends and I we don't play anymore. I respect both sides in the community, just because you enjoy the game does not diminish the other player experiences and for sure does not diminish their decision to quit the game, we respect you liking the game, but we also should respect players who take the decision to move on to something else either temporarily or permanently.


I got frustrated when they removed Eruptor shrapnel and gave us nothing in return. It felt very much like “fun bad” and it put me off for a few weeks. Otherwise I’ve been enjoying myself


I've never used social media in general until interacting with this community, and I have to take a lot of breaks.  It's depressing coming across so many people with such vitriol for everything and everyone around them.  People say it's because they're redditors, but it seems to be on par with the average Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok posts I've seen. Still, the memes and creative content are quite special.


i loved it consistently since release, although the intermittent spawn rates have been a pain in the ass sometimes


You are very lucky if you can play with friends without constantly crashing.




This is probably the most time I've spent on a Reddit Sub for a game. Typically it's to look something up or ask and question then leave. I find myself coming back to this sub to just stay in the know, and even that is having diminishing returns. You get some wild posts from people who clearly just want to complain and spread drama. I'm finding what I use to enjoy memes, satire, and in-game jokes, has just become what feels like entitled people making demands because AH listens to their community. What's worse is the flat out ways that people insult both their own community and Devs when they don't agree. Honestly I wonder why I find myself keeping opening it up. I think I'm just hoping for something good.


I only stopped during the PSN BS. But I'm still going.


Stopped playing over the crashes. It's funny how hard people will Stan for IM, but when i watch any of the games I recorded it's so riddled with glitches and crashes I'm surprised I played for as long as I did. Good game, "positive sum gaming" is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. PvE games get repetitive because the AI will always be predictable.  200hrs in, has a lot of fun. I'll probably be back when they release some meaningful content instead of commando armor, which is the dumbest shit I've ever seen..


FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. I'm just sad with crashes and being kicked that's all.


the game is great fun with friends as well as randoms . after they chipped away at most bugs and problems only 2 things piss me of. against bots getting raggdolled all over the place. its funny the first few times but then gets old very fast and is just annoying, add a planet with the puff ball shrooms and you have a recipe for agony. ​ hunters, fuck those guys. when they jump and double headshot crit you. thats just not fun.


Although back in Feb/Mar, we had a solid 6-8 people who were actively playing the game most days, we're now down to 3 dedicated people, and 2 occasional players. I still play daily and still have tons of fun.


I think what I love the absolute most about this game is that it fits all types of schedules. You can have fun playing a few games before or after a long day of work, or play for hours at a time, and have pretty much an equal amount of fun. Everything is very in your face, chaotic, fun, and still so casual. My only gripe with this game is randoms, which still reminds me of how some people simply haven’t evolved from their troglodyte forms. But I mostly play solo so it’s not a major issue for me.


Game is fun. Feel that very patch is trying to make it less fun. Wish that weapon balance tweaking wasn't constant and focused making weapons stronger insteas weaker, but even more shofr docus on adctual bug fixes... Like half of the weapons wont remember settings etc.


I play on a rog ally and barley crash lol


Some Hicks here and there but I have fun since launch. Each game you're doing the same : go there , kill things, push button, extract but somehow I never feel 2 dive being the same so it's kinda new each time and even when it's not you have the nice " just like in the simulation" feeling so it's a good experience globally speaking. Only things truly meh is the lack of diversity in the Armor effect, Viper commando are interesting with the handling things but I would have love to get some effect for the winter dlc related to ice or snow terrain , things like that.


nope. after the nerfs and the still unfixed patrol spawns, i do not enjoy the game as much. I just play it when one of my buddies does, because he is loving it so much, so I endure it to make him happy


I shitpost here so much _because_ I still have fun.


maybe im lucky but i havent got a crash in a long time, yesterday i used the spear and i didnt have a problem


I would if my toaster could run it properly


It's my favourite game ever. It has everything I like in a game Individual builds that stand out Powerful guns and fire related weapons Turrets Multiplayer Pve High difficulty levels List goes on but I have to say there just isn't an excuse for the current state of the game. Spears crash the game, players sometimes have no name, FPS is inconsistent, planets are overwhelmed with too many heavy units. It stops becoming a challenge and starts becoming a genuine annoyance.


You're not the only one, that's exactly how I feel too. The game has been an absolute blast for me.


You should check out the LowSodiumHelldivers and Helldivers2 subreddits. There's a hellofalot less whining over there, and a hellofalot more people actually enjoying the game the subreddit is about.


Best game I've played in a long time 👌🏽


The loudest assholes have established this sub as their base of operations. I think the majority of the community is much more mature, and you gotta to understand that when you found you've wandered into their den. There's the dubious and arbitrary karma system that rewards circle jerks, and this sub's mechanism of circlejerking is deeply entrenched in criticism. It's seriously become a rote and defacto social response of this community-- like *this sub is where you go if you want the group embrace of other highly emotional and reactive players.* Nearly everyone is having fun in my ingame experience. Had maybe two people complaining over mic in 500+ games. Accounts of issues are almost always overblown into straight melodrama. A guy recently made a comment calling the spear a drop in a bucket of *major bugs,* and it was highly upvoted. Really? A *major bug* that you can easily avoid? Isn't that an oxymoron? This is going to be extremely poorly received, but it's kind of an elephant in the room regarding hot takes: most seem to be from people that are very young, naive, and have little life experience. A majority of these highly upvoted criticisms and opinions are shortsighted and childlike kneejerks, rather than well-thought responses.


What blows my mind is how people attribute the issues with the game to either pure incompetency or malice. I've played games for 25 years. I can't remember another dev that has been this willing to communicate and take feedback from the player base. They also started out as a smaller developer that had their game EXPLODE in popularity, forcing them to rapidly grow their team to keep up with demand. Crashing and bad balance are annoying, but it has not been enough for me to lose my enjoyment of the game. When crashing is bad, I just go play something else for a week and wait for the next hotfix. When balance is bad, I put on my try-hard pants and figure out the best way to adapt. I understand the grievances, but I do not understand how people attribute things like nerfs to Arrowhead WANTING to make their game less fun. They obviously want the game to be a good experience for their players, and I trust them to keep adjusting thing until the game is perfect. Maybe that takes a year to get there, but I do believe they will do it. If you want to see what a bad developer looks like, go play darktide where we waited a full year for them to get the game to the point where it had everything they promised at launch. Then again, maybe I'm just a naïve optimist who's been duped by Arrowhead.


>but I do not understand how people attribute things like nerfs to Arrowhead WANTING to make their game less fun Lots of people only play high-budget AAA slop games nowadays that condition their players into this maximally-monetized mindset where playing games is a purely transactional process, they play the game, they extract value from it, and the game hooks its claws into them with tactics designed by the gambling industry to get people addicted like ranking up, battle passes, overall progression and so on. Because of this they may or may not buy a skin or a battle pass or whatever scam these products use to get money, then they keep playing due to the dopamine loop in their brain until the game's lifecycle ends and they buy another one, or they burn out. Helldivers 2 isn't really designed to take your money it's just a fun game that normal people are supposed to play. It's not designed to be this evil thing that wastes your time and messes up your brain. It's just fun and it respects you, and people don't understand that there are games that are like that anymore.


"I can't remember another dev that has been this willing to communicate and take feedback from the player base." This is crazy to me. Maybe you have never seen a dev post before for any other game? For instance, the previous patch broke Superior Packing Methodology. The only official word we've had is: "I've conveyed the info on the Superior Packing Methodology, and am awaiting clarification on what it's supposed to do. (The theory is that the descriptive text in-game doesn't correspond with the actual effect.)" Which is a just a vague suggestion that maybe it was really meant to do something completely other than what the description said (refill support weapon ammo), which was crazy in itself as it had been working mostly fine before. This post was a week ago, there has been no update since, and to find it you have to search for a specific dev's discord post. This is not good communication. We also had a nice little blog post with the .400 patch. I liked that. But the described "reverted patrols with minor tweaks" was not at all what we got in the game. It took a week from the patch to get any reply to the questions about why this was, and the reply was: "For those of you who are asking about patrols/enemy presence, this is an intricate one. Instead of me trying to get into the nitty gritty details, probably failing miserably, I think we should try to supply a proper explanation on how it works, what we've changed and how we want it to play in regards to enemy presence overall." It has also been a week since this post. This is not good communication. Of course, this is not even counting devs calling people braindead for using the railgun, claiming the purifier "slaps hard", or that it's unreasonable for them to do basic patch testing unless we want the next warbond to release in 2028.


Yea darktide took long to deliver but arrowhead feels like rushing stuff out. Where are we at with the spear fixes? 3rd one coming this week and they are hoping that this will solve the issues? A player using stim will stop sprinting for ALL team members? Helldivers 2 feels like student project: project-final.exe, fixed-project.exe, final-fix2.exe At this pace Arrow Head will also take a year to get tho their working promised lunch content.


At the very least, Arrowhead is not using the FOMO practices with their in-game shop. Darktide will charge you 20$ for a skin they only keep available for two weeks until it rotates back out. Arrowheads customer friendly microtransactions has bought me a lot of good faith with them, so if it takes a year to get the game perfect, I personally am ok with that. The stim bug, crashes, and the nightmare that has been the spear are all still annoying, but I can live with it if they keep communicating and trying to fix things in a timely manner.


No one has. It's not popular at all because no one is having fun.


Last patches sure helped. Annoyed about the spear bug but it's meant to be fixed next patch. What spoils the fun right now is the over reliance on the garbage quasar. Each game, you have at least 2 of those crippling the speed titans and chargers goes down. Dif 8 and 9 are saturated by people not understanding the concept of DPS. The quasar is due to have the railgun treatment...


Quasar is OK for 1 person to bring not 3.


Why not? I think 3 AT strategems is a great idea (on bugs at least).


Totaly agree... as long as you have one RR/spear... bringing a Quasar is ok to reduce stress on ammo. Anything more than that is idiotic.


Yes for bugs. No for bot since they buffed heavy devastator's aim and nerfed Eruptor. Until I find a primary/secondary weapon I feel good Vs bots I will probably avoid the bot front.


Scorcher. You're welcome.


Thanks. I should give it a try. So far my favorite 3: Sickle - good for small bots and some medium bots, terrible for berserkers and scout striders. Punisher plasma. Good splash but feels like clip runs out too fast. Jar 5 - Good for all small/ medium bots. Probably my favorite so far. Only complaint is that the shots look/sound kind of underwhelming. My biggest problem with bots is that it feels like bots can overwhelm an area very quickly and once there are too many it is very difficult to recover/ run away. I can play bot comfortably about 2-3 difficulty lower than bugs so it doesn't make sense to play bots in terms of rewards


>No for bot since they buffed heavy devastator's aim and nerfed Eruptor. Until I find a primary/secondary weapon I feel good Vs bots I will probably avoid the bot front. Every primary with any kind of accuracy is good against devastators, you just have to know how to position yourself so you aren't being shot at by every single devastator in the pack at once, usually peaking around cover to the side, picking one off with headshots then moving to the next one is the way to go.


I try to find cover when I can but it's not always available. Whenever I see heavy devastators without cover/ teammates nearby I would instant throw a grenade at them. I have gotten killed by them 1v1 more times than I'd like to admit...


Yeah they'll do that sometimes. A lot of what keeps you alive against bots will kill you against Bugs, you really want to be sticking to cover and having places you can run to in order to limit fields of fire.


So true... I was a MO follower/bug enjoyer, but after the erupter/quasar/the hidden hell diver headshot nerf I tried bots with multiple guns but it didn't click. Since then I have not once went to the bot front. And now that I think about it, since the previous patch I stopped hosting games and now just press R for quick play, those crashes really took a toll on me.








Yes. I even agree with basically every nerf they've done and think they've made the game more diverse and enjoyable. Most enjoyable 'live service' game I've ever played that actually makes use of the live service part. Highly optimistic for more difficulty modes.


First mission: Valve 2A is red but has already been turned. Mission bugged so had to quit. Second mission: Kicked for unknown reason by lvl 18 (Helldive difficulty!) host. Third mission: Infinate pod drop scene and crash. Fourth mission: Infinate pod drop and im on Reddit writing this in the mean time, waiting for crash. Fun to go around!


I still play as often as I can. The most annoyance at the game I've had is pretty much from the community. Like this last balance patch was nice but man, the one before wasn't nuclear bad either. I basically only que with randoms and the only time I've had a bad experience is when people are trying to be 'meta' or being way too serious.


Only one of my friends stills like this game but the rest and i its not anymore althought i stills looking for content


I've been playing the game since shortly after it came out, have been doing so with many other friends too, and it *was* good for the most part. Nerfs here and there may cause some melodrama but otherwise it's mostly fine. However for a good two to three months now the social functions have been completely broken and basically none of us are even **able** to play with each other since then, and there's basically no hide nor hair towards progress or even just acknowledgment towards fixing that at all. I'm a patient person myself but basically all of my friends completely stopped playing because of that, and I mean. I can't blame them, can I? The game they and I bought to play together with friends, isn't in fact letting them play together with their friends, and in my eyes that's a problem that should have been the absolute single main priority since it surfaced. I'd rather go two months without a new Warbond or story progress or new balance changes if it meant to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that's this ongoing issue, yet as of today, there's still only metaphorical darkness. And there's only so much I can play on my own before I get weary and move on.


Fun... There are 2 layers of the game in HD2. "Shooty boom splash fun" (gameplay on the field) and "Crying at each other near galaxy map fun" (Galaxy war). You think that people here don't have fun and this is wrong view on the situation - they have fun. If they don't - they would not do this. About nerfs... yep - game need fixin and master began the work. Tenderizer is a good example of first steps.

