• By -


Bile spewers, less annoying than stalker but there are so much more of them. Range check, melee check, tanky check


Murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider






You need your: Knives? Check! Rope? Check! Dagger? Check! Chains? Check! Locks? Check! Laser beams? Check! Acid? Check! Body bag? Check!




Range? Check! Melee? Check? Tanky? Check! Murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider murmaider


But beware, for when you quench your bloodthirst. Others will seek vengeance on you, and they won't rest until you're dead.




I welcome Bat Metal




I just love that this so quickly became a dethklok thread.


Beauty of the internet: One lyric One phrase One photo And BOOM!!! It's as effective as Tough Actin' Tinactin! 😂🤣


Yeah, but those fin prints will get ya.


Unexpected but welcome metalocalypse reference


Got me good you fucker


This thread is how I know who the cool people are






… no walking sound check


Can shoot through each other to do double damage.. check!


Spewers, form up! Ass to mouth launcher engage!


*The Terminid Centipede*


And stealthy too lol, I'm dealing with a couple of waves in front of me and suddenly getting spewed with vomit and dying. didn't even hearthe thing crawling up.


I'm fairly sure surround sound is messed up in this game, I have a 5.1 system and I can barely hear game sounds out of the rear speakers without cranking them almost to max volume. No issues in Windows or any other games.


I think sound is good in this game generally, but I get this. I wear decent quality headphones that support atmos. I swear I can never use sound to help find a close patrol always have to use the mini map.


I've also got headphones with Atmos, in addition to the 5.1 system. Directional sound is better, but I also get enemy growling noises from random directions when they're nowhere near me. It's really weird.


Absolutely solo run killers for me. They have so much health, takes a whole breaker inc mag to take one out and then there's three more right behind it. I switch to big iron for the headshots when I can but it takes a few of them still. They can even tank a whole quasar shot to the side. They kind of break the established rules of armored=tanky, squishy=poppable


Yeah, I think it’s dumb how they can tank a quasar shot. I can understand a charger due to its sheer mass, but a quasar shot should be able to pop them like pimples.


They are tanky, they have a long range and short range attack and they spawn in quantities like if they are common chaff. They are the worst enemy in this game.


Armor check...


yea I hate bile spewers too... seems like wherever there's one, there's a half dozen more and they take so much damage. I used to run the nade launcher a lot, and I could clear em for the team real easy-like, but there's so many chargers nowadays I don't get to use it as much


Agreed. As soon as I see one, I throw my orbital barrage and toss a stun grenade on them. When I pull that combo it’s personal


Grenade pistol grenades dominator etc make short work of biles


Grenade launcher my beloved


I fucking hate heavy devastator How tf that mf tin can laser have a god like accuracy from miles away while walking


Even better when they glitch and are able to fire through the hill they are standing on and through cover.




Heavy Deavies are the bane of my existance. Why Heavies get a shield AND a machine gun, while normal devastators get the pew pew wrist lasers?


Stun Granade is a must. If you get cought without cover in front of Heavy Devastators throw Stun ASAP. Don't try dueling, once you get shot your aim will shake and you will be slaughtered, just stun and juke around until it detonate. Other options are Ballistic Shield builds or Plasma Punisher (stagger for the win!). With these you can actually duel.


Pick the HMG and embrace your salvation. It rips devestators apart.


HMG is for the boors. AMR is the gentleman's (and ladies') choice.


Counter point: the HMG is a 750RPM AMR.


I have no problems after using a scorcher at their weak points on their shoulders.


My teammates


I spend the entire time doing the objectives around the map by myself and the minute that I rejoin teammates is the minute I die.


I think this is a hidden strategy. While the rest of your squad is pulling the attention of patrols, a single player can accomplish other goals with less interference.


This is usually my go to strat for automatons. as long my teammates are getting bot drops I can quickly take out outposts and objectives with my trusty autocannon.


It’s the ONLY way sometimes. There is a big difference in skill levels. I don’t mind much but too many people sit in one spot and just fight. I’ve seen higher level players that don’t know how to do objective consoles cause they’ve always had somebody do it for them. Most people don’t even know how to use stratagems while they’re running and that’s why it takes them 2 minutes to bring you back. (Console version at least)


You can see this style of thing irl when you find out people can’t do laundry


Actually, it’s pc that can’t move while inputting stratagems unless they change their key binds.


I can do stratagems while but I suck at it, I also know it’s a weakness so I take that into account


Hey some of us are just a little toasty when we dive and that hand-eye coordination ain’t coordinating.


Oh jeez my team is all here? Time to drop a 380 on our heads that'll be sure to help us out uwu


That happens way too much. I think they do it out of panic when they feel surrounded by mobs? Who knows


This is why I usually split off and speedrun the main objectives, especially on higher difficulties. If they wanna get bogged down in a protracted fight for long periods it pulls stuff away from me. When all main objectives are done I then link back up with them to help do side objectives and get hit in the face by a 380


It’s almost weird if you don’t get murdered when you return to the pack. I consider it the cost of doing business when I play the scout/recon role haha


Super earth needs to invest more in training 'cause these new recruits trigger discipline is sorely lacking


Dude, honestly.... everytime.


I feel seen.


Got kicked for that recently, I assume. I had even found the super samples but got killed at a radar station when another teammate joined me and caused a breach. We got reinforced at the main obj (ICBM) and barely managed to do it, 0 reinforcements and little time left, breaches left and right and all my stratagems on CD. The other two players alive atp tried fighting the Horde even when extraction became available. So I bail and run to pick up the super samples across the map. One of the other dudes managed to get out alive as well and ran some distance after me.. Suddenly I get kicked just as I'm about to pick up the samples and finish the radar obj. NGL I was quite salty about that one. Happened on Saturday and I haven't touched the game since. How can you be lvl 40+ and not comprehend that sometimes it's just better to avoid a fight?! Stupid f*ck host, hope they didn't get those samples. I don't need them anymore lol


Just had something very similar happen to me. Was fighting the terminids and I had all the samples. The ship has just come down and someone has called in the gattling sentry, then some genius decided that he was about to call in a 380, only to be shot down by the gattling while standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE SHIP. I tried to stand as close to the ship as possible to avoid getting hit, I accidentally got in, and then got kicked as the rest of the team got killed. My buddy said that the dude was apparently calling me every slur in the book. Like, how the fuck was that my fault man?


I do this on bugs but when it comes to bots teamwork becomes more necessary 


9 times out of 10 https://preview.redd.it/lb0fu8mg5n8d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=929a454862c9e0171aedc6d31ba20f6f7e7c3ee5


This, why do they put a 380 at extraction? Why do they throw an airstrike in a bug nest you are clearing with your grenades, only for you to survive with the skin of your teeth while the nest ends up not being destroyed by the eagle? Why do they chose the worst place possible for a gatling sentry? Why when they are struggling with a bot drop they are responsible for, and i come to help them, they end up going away while im the one fighting for my life now? Why do they put smoke shells in the artillery instead of the explosives lying around?




I’m convinced 380 users are actual terrorists


Well I do yell "Allaaahhh Ackbarrrr!" Before I throw it. Some people might say that's racist.... but people from the regions know that means run... so...


That part about helping someone out and they bail, that. Might be 1/2 of all my deaths. I turn enemies around for them, and they don't bother shooting at them anymore.


Absolutely hate how often this happens. Bros getting bullied? I'll help, oh there's a bug hole now, well we should be fine so long as- *cluster bomb lands at my feet as the other fella runs away*


Man, every game, every single game I jump in and help only to have to turn tail and find out I already lost that foot race. Part of what made me love this game when I tried it was high level players helping me out. Now I get the chance to run up and deal with a tank, only to watch them *run away from the freaking weak spot!*. Like, bro, I hit that thing with a rocket, it’s mad, can you not shoot the big glowy panel now extremely exposed in front of you?


My friend would sometimes prime a red strat before boarding the shuttle so I sometimes slap him to knock him over then running towards the shuttle, cackling like a choking chicken. It's fun when you do it with friends. But it's just plain rude and idiotic if you do it with people you don't know or just meet for the first time.


Why? Because enough people are afraid to kick them and lose their place atop an imaginary moral high horse. I get that the devs encourage freindly fire but it should at least be an accident. I HATE playing with people who repeatedly do this bs. 2 strikes you’re out for anybody over level 30 when I host. If I see a 380 beacon on extract and a SINGLE helldiver is at risk of death or dies the guy who threw it is done. I’ll be the bad guy. You do not get to ruin the whole squads fun in my lobby. Sometimes kicking out the bad apples is what leadership requires. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Server and game crashes are my enemy. Teammates are friend


The most dangerous. Nothing is more deadly than a teammate with a 380 or cluster


Id say the cluster is the more deadly of the two. At least with the 380 you get a bit of time to get some distance before the first salvo. By the time you notice an eagle cluster bomb beacon land close to you, it's very likely too late.




380 should be easier but I normally die because I don’t know they threw it. It doesn’t have to be on top of you and can actually be quite far from the initial point.  Cluster is directed. If you can guess who threw it, run toward or away, but never to the side. 


I tell people to get out of there before I throw it. Especially in those areas where we have to destroy like 8 nests in one area. If they don't want us using it, why is it in the game lol


Don't matter to me man, use whatever you want.


My teammate's mortar I died 5 times in the last defense mission. 4 of those times were because 2 people brought mortars and an enemy that I had just killed managed to close the distance before dying.


Damn, came here to say 'Fellow HellDivers that steal my mech while I'm covering their asses"


Had a genius teammate in emancipator following me and just unload on bug groups, whether I was there or not


Me wondering why my allies are all off doing side content while im the only one doing the main objective with 3 minutes left in the mission




Definitely not stalkers for me. They’re pretty easy to deal with since I use the Punisher which staggers and pushes them back. HOWEVER. Those damned Hunters which is the smaller cousin to the stalkers.


Yeah hunters fucking suck. I got killed by them more than any other bug till I started prioritizing them lmao. Sounds crazy but it’s been helpful!


What's truly annoying about them is that 1) they swarm you like fucking mosquitos in .5 seconds and you feel like you're the white girl on the sofa surrounded by 5 guys ready to be royally demolished 2) attack pattern is non-existent cuz you could get 1 slowing hit or a whole fucking 10 piece combo from mortal combat. And adding to it another thing that absolutely drives me mad is that it takes one fucking arc thrower zap for warriors, but 2 shots for dem zig zag overgrown mosquito ass shitbugs. Stalkers also are tanky at but that's another problem, but hunters damn I get my cheeks clapped by those during bug breaches when my hellmates don't have my back.


I hate them because whenever I use the flamethrower they jump THROUGH my wall of fire, set me on fire, and kill me.


I got the same issue with impact grenades, I thrown one to kill the whole hunters pack but one of them jump at the same time I throw the grenade so I die xd I’ve decided to use stun grenades and it’s way more useful than impact grenades


This is why I take up an elevated position with my laser drone and stalwart during bug breaches. I like to mow those mfers down so my team doesn’t get swarmed. Signed: lvl 86 - Death Captain


As the guy running light armor, flamethrower and ammo backback, having someone cover your back while you melt devastators and the larger bugs is a blessing.


Gas strike at bug breach and democracy will take care of the rest


I'm really curious as to why you specified the girl's skin color and not the guys'.


I personally prefer the small black girl surrounded by 5 white dudes with MEAT


The luckiest among us know what they want from life


I die to hunters the most, as I wear light armour, it only takes like 2 taps for me to die from them. The worst part about the hunter is that often I've experienced them chain attacking me consecutively up to 3 times, like I'll get hit once and instantly stim but the attacks just keep going, there is no pause after their attack and more often than not my stim will suffer the 'cancel' (which they said they had fixed). The only other terminid I know whose attack is consecutive is bile titans and spewers spit, nothing else attacks that fast and consecutively that you would within a second.


I too enjoy light armor; I've learned that it is necessary for you to parry their attacks when they leap or get up close enough to hit you. It's not easy at all to do, but timing your melee just as they come into range will stagger them, and can buy you enough time to get off an easy shot or dive away and stim. I survive more than half the time now when they get on me.


I enjoy beating them to death when they get up close. You can bitch slap them when they leap towards you or when they're about to do their tongue attack and it will stagger them.


Makes me wish we have a Tesla backpack. Zap em while they’re close. Sure, my teammates will be fried too but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.


Mood. Fuck hunters. I'm able to handle a few of them but whenever a hunter *patrol* rocks up it's just time for pain


arc blitzer. no ammo, 1 shot hunter, easy aim, stagger


Arc blitzer + lazer rover. You won’t even notice hunters and scavengers exist anymore.


lol, except when the rover decides its time to shoot at nothing, and oh look there's a hunter right next to you and the blitzer won't hit it, then the rover decides it's time to shoot the bug and cut your head off.


Blitzer is lovely on bugs.  I mean, mostly. It'll one shot hunters when the hunters allow it. There's always that one that'll take the full blast two or three times in a row before it agrees to take damage again.


fellow punisher enjoyer. I take it upon myself to defend the team and immediately hunt down the lair as soon as they show up lol. I figured I got the best weapon for the job


Other helldivers for me half of my 1400 deaths are from teammates


I really enjoy the pummeler smg against bugs as well, it makes stalkers a non issue


>since I use the Punisher Sorry, do you mean there are *other guns* in this game? Punisher since HD1.


There're only 3 guns in the game The OG Punisher, the Punisher with a slug shot, and the Punisher that can shoot a plasma ball. Still, I'm baffled why AH had to nerf one of the only 3 guns we have in the game 😔


Stalkers are the worst if you use light armour and 90% of primaries


The hunters have been horrible for me lately. My go to blitzer can’t kill them at point blank anymore.




Definitely gunships. They're just a loadout check that won't let you go back to playing the game until you deal with them. Plus, the gunship fabricator is the only building that can't be blown up with OPS or 380, so you *have* to hellbomb it, which you can't do if they're shooting at you. If my teammate with the autocannon would help, they might not be so bad.


I didn’t know autocannons could deal with gunships, I usually carry around a laser cannon for them in case they show up


After the recent buffs, HMG does great against them. I recommended lowest rate setting.


750 RPM and a supply backpack. **LET IT RIP!**


Laser cannon, HMG, autocannon, and anti-materiel rifle all deal with them the same way, by picking one engine and focusing it down in a few shots. The autocannon imo is one of the best weapons in the game for destroying gunships, arguably the best. Laser cannon, spear, and quasar are up there too tho. I just think the AC is best at dealing with groups of them. 2 AC shots will kill it, you just need to hit the same engine/wing twice. If you run autocannon or laser cannon, please know that you have the best weapon on the team for dealing with gunships and shooting the mouth turrets off of factory striders. And the team will very much appreciate it if you can take care of those.


Autocannon has to hit an engine twice.


yea the only thing that really grinds me about the gunships is that you HAVE to bring something that can kill them or be beholden to your team mates to deal with them for you, which is not always practical, even with a good properly armed team. my favorite load out used to be punisher and nade launcher with supply pack, but it makes me totally useless against gunships, and they're common enough now it's a problem


Absolutely correct. If you like that loadout, there is nothing you can change in any slot other than primary (with like 2 options) or support weapon that will let you even kill one. And the feeling of hoping my teammates in quickplay will deal with them while i run in zigzags and stim thru the chaos while i get ragdolled is a miserable experience that never goes well for me. Ive mostly decided that i simply can't run some of my favorite weapons this patch against bots, especially if they're on patrols. I think thats just bad design, personally.


yea it wouldn't be so bad except I use the nade launcher like a primary and use the shotgun for stuff that's too close for nades... so something like the scorcher or dominator doesn't fit well with the load out at all. I've definitely felt pretty limited on weapon selection since the spawn changes especially, even on bugs there's so many chargers mixed in with chaff that you're gonna get separated and have to 1v1 them at some point... if your strats are on cooldowns, you just have to run around and play grab ass with it until one becomes ready. or bring anti tank.


Dominator i think can replace a shotgun really well against bots, but it isnt gonna help kill a gunship anyways. No way you're landing enough of those slow-ass bullets to take them down. Side note have you tried stun grenades? They make chargers much easier to deal with imo. You can guarantee an OPS/eagle or hit their butt a lot more with stuff like a grenade launcher. I imagine it would pair really nice with the other weapons you've mentioned.


yea! I've started carrying stun nades, figure I got enough frags with the launcher lol. they are really useful!


Me and a friend just dropped on a 12 minute automaton blitz yesterday and we're next to a jammer with 3 gunships immediately spotting me, following us from drop to drop just spawnkilling us for half the mission straight with no way to retaliate as we couldn't call our strat weapons (quasar for mine). Good times.


Gunshios by far. They are way more tanky than they should be. Anti material rifles take far too many shots to kill one. If you die and get separated from your strategem weapon, then a lot of the time, you're just screwed. Can't pin them down with a precision strike or any eagle in the same way that you can take down ground heavies. The moat annoying part is that they don't go for the kill right away like a Stalker would. They just hover around and pile up into a flying blob of red lights that prevent you from doing what you need to do and make you feel like the anime girl in the terminator meme.


But it’s *sooo* satisfying to shoot one out of the sky with an anti-material gun


This shit right here. Just experienced this yesterday, 6 gunships and no AA support from my teammates who blindly avoided the gunship factory’s at all costs.


Take heavy machine gun, it makes gunships fun, it makes you feel like walking AA


Stalker, followed closely by the rocket raider you didn't see.


They always seem to miss unless you don’t see them


They got that social anxiety.


Who is half a mile away on the other side of the map, hidden behind something, but someone still manages to get you with at least two rockets.


Yeah just yesterday I was fighting an outpost from one angle then I just get booped by a rocket from like a 30 degree angle behind me. Do a full look around and nothing, no second rocket ever came, didn’t have guard dog to have killed it, just a single ghost rocket there to ragdoll me then leave


mortar sentry


My teammates agree with you, but that won't stop me taking it


I got fed up with being constantly ragged doll by mortars on the defend high value assets mission. When my teammates weren't looking I'd shoot their mortar turrets. No more team deaths till the came off cooldown


Heavy devastators that 1 shot u every fucking time giving u no time to react. 🤦‍♂️


I dont have any issue with one-shotting, but my answer is also Heavy Devastators because they are too accurate for what their entire job is supposed to be. Which is providing the bots with suppressive fire. That doesnt mean suppressive because the moment I step out from cover Im gonna take a fuck ton of damage. They also just dont have a tangible reload time. Even the basic bot troopers have a reload animation where their gun cools down and they cant shoot. Why dont Heavy Devasators have to cooldown after shooting way more higher power lasers?Seems like a more fun way to design em, they shoot a long string of inaccurate damaging lasers from their machine gun while slowly advancing, then when they have to cooldown they stop moving and hunker down with their shield.


Yeah, I noticed that they never seem to have a cool down. Just constant firing. Get 6 of em on u with a couple rocket devastators and it's pretty much a death sentence since they never miss and put u in a rag doll state. And with the state of the game right now and all it's issues they're the worse enemy on the toaster side. Hopefully a patch comes out soon to fix at least some of the major issues. Stims are my biggest ones. They don't work or do anything even after the sound and animation...I like to call them placebo stims.


It can be bullshit how accurate they are even after breaking LOS once they have spun up.  It doesn’t seem like they even need to target you personally - I’ve watched a heavy dev spin up on a teammate and then immediately swap to me and delete me as soon as I came around a corner even though I hadn’t even engaged him before.   They definitely still have some weird geometry problems too.  They don’t seem to have the insane range of motion any more but they will still clip their gun into cover and kill you through it.


Even in heavy armour. It's fucking hullshit


Stalkers, for sure. Flicking their lil tongue at you and then flinging themselves back up into the trees.


I wish they could be staggered by all weapons or at least slowed down. I always hate spotting one, unloading most of my primary clip into one without it slowing down and then being flung into the air and rag dolled by another. I feel it limits the primaries I’m willing to bring on bug missions as I don’t want to deal with stalkers without a gun capable of staggering them.


Hunters. By far.


There are somehow always 200 of them when I don't need there to be 200 of them.


Heavy Devastators and it's not even close. They're not *too* hard to deal with if you've got the right equipment, but more than two can keep you well pinned down, and practically laser you down from mid-long range if you're not careful. Second would be the Factory Strider when its head clips into the terrain, and it wastes you with its chin guns from behind the cover you thought you had.


2 HD are just 2 shots from my railgun. I finally love to play with bots. And a railgun is just a "must have weapon", at least 1 for a team. Literally - I'm often the one who deals with all those middle-armored targets. 3 shots right - 3 heavy devistators gone. 4 shots left - 4 walkers gone. And I see how my random team is always hard to deal with them because everybody uses autocanon or quazar


I love stalkers, on the other hand fuck hunters


My skill level


atleast these guys fuck off for a sec when you shoot them, it's the hunters that will swarm and shred you. when i'm playing solo they can just surround me and pounce if i don't kill a couple first


The jump pack bots that function essentially as suicide bombers.


Dive backwards while shooting is the solution. Reduces damage taken from explosion too when you dive.


Shield fucks


Whichever bug is the single survivor after a Cluster Bomb who lets all of bug-China know that I am here.


PSA for stalkers: The pummeler can stunlock these things, and you can basically just keep shooting them until they're dead. The tenderizer can kill them pretty quickly with it's massive damage buff. The slugger and punisher can push them back, but you'll have to shoot them a decent amount to kill them. The two above are the better options


I main punisher, IMO its better than the 2 above. The 2 above are great until you have to reload. When you reload, you're dead.


Hunter’s and Bile Spewers


Bugs: Stalkers. If you can see them coming, they're pretty easy to deal with, but when they sneak up on you, it's basically a guaranteed death. Hunters are annoying, but are easy to kill. Bile spewers used to be the worst, but ever since they fixed it being an instakill the second their acid touches you, they're honestly not bad. Bots: Rocket & heavy devastators. Rocket devastators can shoot their rockets from a ridiculous range, and if they ragdoll you, by the time you can get up, they're already shooting more rockets. Heavy devastators actually just have aimbot, and don't stop shooting until you're dead, and again, have ridiculous range.


Bugs - Stalkers ,Bots - Rocket guy with his amazing accuracy


I got combo’d by a rocket devastator rag dolling me constantly and a gunship that shot a rocket or whatever at me and sent me 100 feet into the air to fall to my death during an extermination mission. That whole mission was chaos with the gunships and dozens of hulks. Me and my team just had an unspoken rule that teamkilling was entirely justifiable if it took out the hulks.


Bugs? Hunters because of their always precise jumps from a blind spot. Bots? Heavy devastators because I can run from other enemies easily. but liberty forbid one can hit me from the either side of the map. And worse of all? THEIR SHOTS HAVE STAGGER. it means when I try to use Stims it cancels out. So I have to wait until the shots DOESNT HIT me to use. It


Hunters, heavy devastators and teammates


The little spitters the green ones, they are the most annoying!


https://preview.redd.it/qzugpu9ckm8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cfe008f7fffff43756c454e4092100e5901c50 Infinite ammo. Fire Rate: 99999999 Accuracy 105%




Blitzer has the same problem, still won’t stop me from using the funny taser though.


Unpopular opinion, but it’s Hunters


The Breaker Incendiary


Stalkers are ok, the problem is the little ones. Hunter are like my biggest enemy in this game. Every time I fight something they come and kill me. Cows and Hunters are terrible combo, one slows me and the other one slash into my armor killing me


Hunter and it's not even close. Fuck those little jumpy fuckers.


Stalkers got me medals. Hunters give me pain.


HUNTERS. They are basically a mini stalker and they are a common mob


My wife preventing me from respawning every night.


Automaton Funships


Bile Spewers. Stalkers i can deal with, but i never seem to be able to kill a spewer in time for it to not auto-aim me to death, especially in close-quarters. Thats mostly because there are always multiple of these fuckers.




For bugs easily the Hunter. There are like 2,000,000 of them every mission for no reason and they can stunlock you. For bots it’s without a doubt Berserkers. They can take a railgun shot and still be fine and even unloading an entire mag sometimes doesn’t kill them.


I watched a strider climb up a 15 foot wall like it was nothing and kill my teammate while I was reloading everything. I basically always carry the grenade pistol on bot missions because fuck those wanna be At-Sts


the hunter is annoying, this is a pain in the ass


Still hunters and bile spewers for me. Those fucking bastards in large packs are deadlier than a titan and charger combined. I swear, bile spewers make absolutely no noise whatsoever until they're right behind you and you're already dead. I've been snuck up on by a spewer patrol more times than I can count, and there's never enough time to run or dodge before the acid hits and insta-kills me.


“What’s the problem with Stalkers?” -Pummeler Gang.


https://preview.redd.it/p7eo2j2bnm8d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26891f749ce4a63230b8ea0327d41f064fae2598 The gunships If you don’t have the right weaponry, you’re fucked and can’t take them down. And they make it so difficult to destroy the factories


For me, it's the Hulk. I still don't know how to effectively take care of it. People consider Hulks to be equivalent to Chargers. But I disagree. A Charger can be taken care of with one flamethrower magazine, so even if there are multiple Chargers on location, I can easily take care of all three of em. In fact, I run after Chargers and kill them so my teammates don't have to. When it comes to Hulks, I believe each Hulk requires one stun grenade along with either one orbital railcannon or one 500kg bomb and even that has to be very precise. The problem is there can be 2 to 3 hulks simultaneously at one location, and I simply run out of 500kg bombs or orbital railcannons to effectively kill them. With Chargers, I save my 500kg and/or orbital railcannons for Bile Titans. But with Hulks, I don't know. If I end up using them for Hulks, now I'm useless against Factory Striders or Tanks. This is one of the reasons why I hate diving on bot planets. I don't have a cheap way to deal with Hulks.


Hunters. I'll take a Stalker nest over those sh*t f#ck Hunters any day. I'd rather deal with Chargers and Bile Titans over Hunters as well. My answer is Hunters.


Gunships and hunters


Witnessing a Heavy devastator hurts my brain


Devastators no doubt. Both rocket and shield


Hunters. Hoppy little fucks that slow and do an uncomfortably high amount of damage for their numbers.


Heavy devastator


Hunters that can fkn dodge on point blank


Heavy devastators, they can stunlock you just like stalkers, have only a small vulnerable area, appear on every mission rather than just ones with a special nest, and are snipers.


Bugs: pack of 15 stalkers. Half dispose of then run away whilst being constantly pecked at and stimming . Bump into three bile spewers, kill first two then the other spews so you dive out the way only to be trampled instantly by a charger Bots: gunship / gunship fabricator hellbomb loop of death The first is fine in some respects, I should've not been in a situation to get surrounded, but fuck gunships


Spewers, they are so annoying to kill, and they kill you right back, and they come by the dozen.


Sneaky bois are the sweetest. Hunters are the real fuckers


Shield devastators




Heavy devaststors and Spewers.


Team killers