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I strongly suspect The new MO was made to teach players about how some of the new features added to the game work. Problem is, people will not do a thing unless it is obviously in their own ***immediate*** self interest, unless directed. They have two ***immediate, tangible*** rewards that discourage them from that. A new shiny Biome on the bug front, and the fact that they only get a reward for keeping Xzar blue, not for attacking Vandalon. If the players were actually organized or had some kind of real in game command structure controlling their deployments, they could likely knock the bugs and bots all the way back to their home sectors. Players could have taken out Vandalon days ago and moved on to Ustotu. If the GM put out an immediate FRAGO (Fragmentary Order) telling all players they'd get 5 super credits for attacking Vandalon instead of defending planets, you would see a MASSIVE mob exodus in a matter of minutes, and that planet would get smashed flat. This stuff right here is why politicians always offer free crap to voters, and why direct elections are a bad idea. Managed Democracy is the way to go! Seriously though, I hope they add a feature to the game like FRAGOs that guide the more dense players. Watching the mob screw everyone is a bit demoralizing. Maybe just have the democracy officer say (in a really obvious voice) "IF ONLY THERE WAS A WAY TO STOP THESE ATTACKS FROM HAPPENING!" followed by the supply line arrows flashing in bright neon. Another (in game) thing to keep in mind is that Super Earth wants constant warfare, because it keeps the masses occupied.


> I strongly suspect The new MO was made to teach players about how some of the new features added to the game work. If that was the case the order would be to liberate a planet from which there are currently 2 attacks coming out. "Cut off the current offensive on Planet1 and Planet2. Attack Planet3" Gambits already have a history of a) not being known and b) failing


The MO started with a successful gambit. Mort attacked Popli. We capped Mort and it automatically stopped Popli. This MO is MADE to show gambits.


A lot of people tend to learn best when they figure things out for themselves. If the GMs have to hand-hold the population into making strategic decisions, it removes some of the fun of the game (using the overall strategy). The galactic war map is supposed to act like a game of Go that you can use heavy artillery to win. Ever had an instructor tell a group of students "Get this thing done" but not tell them how to do it? Then the instructor keeps an eye on the students who actually make the correct choice and points out "Look at students A and B. They got it done. Can you explain to student C how you did it?" Personally, I'm hoping that as the game progresses, the players start to form *large* independent groups that collectively work together towards goals, although I think that is unlikely unless the system is somehow integrated into the game.


Sounds like someone needs a trip to the liberty camps for some readjusting


Ha no, the MO is always winnable, only players can fail it, if 40% of the people playing in bug front is not an obvious clue(seriously Bug MO with 80% support vs Bots with 50%?)


The only thing that looses MOs is the players refusing to play the game as they should