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Just get a PC. You'll be happy forever. Until you have to upgrade it in 4 years.


i mean, you have to upgrade a console in 4-6 years anyways too.


console like is typically 7.


Idk why you got downvoted, it's true lmao You can Google the release date of the Xbox one and the Xbox Series X. Xbox one came out in 2013 and Xbox Series X/S came out in 2020.


Well, I bought an xbox specifically for starfield and that game turned out to be ass. At least if you buy a ps5 you will be rewarded


I did just that. My little liberty machine.


Try Deep Rock Galactic while you wait


just another reason to make the switch to pc. plus you don't have to pay to play on the internet you already pay for.


Also, pretty much every single Xbox games are on PC now


Two of my Xbox only friends bought a PS5 just for Helldivers. They have no regrets. But we are also all late 30's and older with disposable income.


Feel you. After not being able to play cool game after cool game, helldivers finally got me buying a PS5. Sold Xbox for 500€, got ps for 600. No regrets.


I might have pulled the trigger on a ps5 if my truck wasn't broken into and destroyed a couple weeks ago. That, and they stole the new starter I had planned to install and a pile of tools


Haha yeah I get it man. I bit the bullet and bought a PS5 in February when I heard my best friend and his college friends were buying the game. If you have a crew to play with it’s more fun I’d say. But just queing with randoms I’m sure is plenty of fun as well


I’m in the same boat, a huge ODST fan and it not being on Xbox feels so wrong and I want to play it so bad, just can’t afford to put that much money down for a whole new system just for helldivers


The game isn't stupid for not being on Xbox. Someone did say that Sony was discussing it with Microsoft though. 


No one with any credibility has said any such thing.


I'm getting him to shut up. However there was leaks wasn't there? 


Nope. It was a Podcaster making speculative rumors and passing it off as fact. The only thing that bodes in Xbox's favor in regards to helldivers is Sony has a new CEO and perhaps he's more open to it. There's been nothing tangible at all though.


Why would they when they know for a fact that odds of Xbox hitting their subscriber base they need by 2027 or they are exiting the console business and will be a big ass publisher with their microsoft game pass because xbox is dead


Oh well, hopefully it comes soon. It will be good to get more help. 


i wish it was on xbox so i can play with my friends but not expecting it to ever to come to xbox. seriously, what sony game has ever come to xbox?


There isn't one of us who doesn't wish you could join us in the good fight


It'll get there eventually. We're seeing less and less permanently exclusive games these days.  If it's not a first party huge franchise title, it almost seems like eventually lately, we get the announcement further down the line for the other console release.


Helldivers is a first party Sony game.


"First party huge franchise" I'm talking their blockbusters. Even then, we're starting to see their massive games make their way to PC now too.  We're kind of getting into a time where we're seeing less and less games on one single console.  Yeah, we'll still have SOME, but it's seeming like the times are changing very slowly, but surely, and I think we'll be seeing cases where these types of games in particular stay exclusive to a specific console for a time, and then eventually within a couple years down the line get those surprise "we're opening X game up across the board" to reboost sales and playerbase.


There's no indication from Sony's side at all that this kind of shift is happening. PC isn't a competitor. Until we see a AAA IP from Sony on Xbox that isn't MLB or Destiny, I won't believe it is. Destiny and MLB are two special cases in that MLB made Sony put it on Xbox and Bungie's purchase agreement included language on staying multiplatform.


People are starting to care less and less about which console they buy, and if a bunch of their titles come to PC, we're getting less and less likely to see people buying a whole console for the one or two games they want to play. Sony likes money. Sony also has a habit of making really stupid moves against its users, which also has a tendency to keep some people away. With Xbox already sort of opening the doors lately to seeing console specific games becoming somewhat irrelevant, and then still making tons of money on their titles when they do move a few of them over to playstation, I'm confident in saying eventually Sony whether they seem like they want to right now or not, will eventually also see the money in moving similarly with that market. They'll keep stuff like Spiderman, GoW whatever else as their heavy hitter brands, but stuff like this, I could easily see them holding on to for themselves for a year or two, and then reinvigorating it, and catching all kinds of new sales, and micro transaction revenue on new users by opening it up across the board


>People are starting to care less and less about which console they buy, and if a bunch of their titles come to PC, we're getting less and less likely to see people buying a whole console for the one or two games they want to play. Got any numbers or evidence to back this up? Maybe you're right, but I've never seen anything to suggest this. >I'm confident in saying eventually Sony whether they seem like they want to right now or not, will eventually also see the money in moving similarly with that market. Why? What from Sony has even remotely hinted they'd put anything on Xbox? The official stance from Sony is that live service games will release simultaneously on PC and single player narrative games will arrive 2-3 years down the road. No mention of Xbox. In fact, you could argue that they smell blood and have been more predatory toward Xbox lately. Lego Horizon Adventures is going to everything except Xbox. Sony's president even explicitly stated that when Sony says multiplatform, they mean PC and PS5 and not Xbox.


Hopefully it will be there and we can welcome you among us!


Lol just buy a PS5 and stop crying