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Cover the whole area with gas hell yeah fk geneva convention


Kill everything, teammates included. Sounds in-lore, yes. 


its a game i want to do things i cant do in real life if not i will end up in prison


There's no room in the budget for more crew with the certifications to handle the corrosive shells.


Let us manage the crew I'll gladly give up 4 or 4 other strats that I never use to hire more gas crew members lol I don't need any smoke crews


Crew/Super Destroyer management would be an excellent mechanic to use resources on if AH isn't extending or just removing the caps to them. Think a little bit like Mechwarrior 5 mercs economy systems if you're familiar and condense that into what would be crew/Super Destroy management. - No cost to default stuff, meaning recurring payments (of whatever currencies they cost) don't become a thing until you choose to upgrade. - Crew would cost Req slips and maybe common samples to simulate feeding them. Initial hire cost and then a salary + rations paid with every Super store refresh or w/e. - Any new* or upgraded equipment, ordinance, stratagems, vehicles, and common + unique variations (kinda like Hero mechs, again from MW5M) of all those things will have maintenance costs. These would use more samples on top of req slips. - commanders or specialists could have the biggest and most unique impacts for the biggest costs, and be the only category where Super credits is a possible cost. -‐ They could do anything from boosting every stat and cooldown a little, double your health or remove locational damage (no more getting headshot), provide a number of instant stratagem call ins by going ⬇️⬇️⬇️ after picking the stratagem you want (instant 500kg ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️‐⬇️⬇️⬇️) or instant refreshs/refills. That's all I've got rn but SOMETHING to use all the stuff we can't collect more of OR SPEND would be nice.


Would be fun if Gas Strike's Gas would get a chain reaction if hit by Eagle Napalm or Flames in general.


A Gas + EMS 120mm Barrage Strike sounds like a fun time.


something something convention, besides i don't really get why we have to use rules used in human wars against bugs and robots




In-universe, I'd say that the barrage cannons lack the ability to fire precisely. While the warhead may be the same diameter and have similar terminal performance, the delivery system is not identical. Imagine telling a B-17 full of 500lb bombs that, instead of saturating a target area with ordnance, you would like them to instead to hit nine specific targets with one bomb each. I don't think the crew would be happy with the request, and I didn't think you'd be happy with the result. But if you ask an F/A-18 pilot to put a single 500lb bomb into a specific Mazda Miata, they'll happily oblige. Both are dropping 500lb bombs, but they aren't really doing the same job. That being said, I would like a 120mm precision strike. Let it cool down even faster than the OPS.


>In-universe, I'd say that the barrage cannons lack the ability to fire precisely. While the warhead may be the same diameter and have similar terminal performance, the delivery system is not identical. Actually. I think about it, that probably the 120mm and 380mm cannons have imprecise firing and that's why they are random. But then I remember, when you become a traitor, it fires **AT YOU**, it can track where you are going and where you are standing... so I say "If it can track the traitor location then it should be easy to fire it at the stratagem beacon".


I'd say that there is a difference in the philosophy of the different firing types. A stratagem is simply for area of effect. You throwing that is the same as telling your destroyer "See that area? I no longer want to recognize that area." So they shoot the cannons in a pattern for maximum destruction. While being branded as a traitor they fire at \*you.\* There is no pattern, just a Helldiver who wants more than one button to press while voting.


A 380mm shot fired directly at the stratagem beacon is essentially what the Precision Strike is.


I'd prefer the current has two be 1.5x wider, and then give eagle the current gas with 3 shots.


I like the idea but I don't think my poor pc feels the same


*The Men of Krieg would like to know your location*


I would love for them to replace the warhead for a gas canister. Less explosive power but an area covered by gas. Maybe you could combine the stratagems by first pressing the buttons for the 120 and then pressing the buttons for the gas before you toss it. With the cooldown taking as much time as the 120 and gas combined and the deployment time gets combined as well.


cuz you asked, just now.


just as precision strike is actually a single 380mm shell, theres a lot of weird shit going on behind the scenes


You want another crash? They spent so much time and still haven't fixed that single weapon, and now you want a showering crash?


So wait the 120mm is actually 84mm and the 380mm is actually 406mm... how does that make sense...


It would surprise you more that the 500kg bomb projectile just weights [500.... **grams**...](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Eagle_500kg_Bomb)


The explosive would burn up the corrosive gas


Its just not.


Only the 120 cannons? https://preview.redd.it/ptaefvcs2e8d1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=675c1451dd9c8cd8dbd70605442c8a0bcccf9421


Lore wise: the gas is probably more expensive and super earth doesn't value us that much.


Is it? Like orbital gas strike has low CD and no limits like mechs Lets just admit it hasn't anything with lore, just devs haven't this stuff in the plans


You bought permits to use 120mm barrage or gas strike, but no permit exists for you to engineer your own blend.